Timing Marriage Using VD and Transits of JU Sa

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ఓం సదుర పరమ త నమః

The timing of marriage

Example chart :

DOB: 5th Jan 1991 Birth star: Poorva Phalguni

Time: 11:30am Lagna Pisces
Place: Vijayawada

Ma4 Me
----- ---- -------
Ke5 Ve Ma
Rasi (Ju)18 Ra Navamsa
Sa2 chart Sa chart Ke
Ra5Ve6 ------
Me1 (Ju) La
Su21 Su Mo

Mama Dasa: Kuja -08/01/2016 to AD: Venus 03/12/2020 to

08/01/2023 01/02/2022

Vimshottari dasa analysis: The dasa lord mars in 4° Ta. Mars

belongs to Guru varga. Mars aspect is on 7 th house(7H), Mercury
(Bhavatraya BT). Mars gives results of Mercury seventh lord(7L). Mars in
taurus Venus sign. He gives Venus results. Venus is eighth lord.
Note: The dasa which performs marriage should have connections to venus.
Mars in rasi chart aspects dhanu rasi(8th H aspect). So connected to lagna
lord Jupiter. “Mars in Navamsa aspects pisces.” (BT), Taurus -Venus.(degree
Sutra1:- dasa lord should be connected to LL and 7L by aspect position or
conjunction to satisfy.

Antar dasa: Venus dasa. Venus on ravi star. Venus is kalatrakaraka for
boy.Venus in Navamsa aspecting Pisces (JU) hence connected to LL. In
Navamsa venus aspects Virgo, hence mercury(BT) seventh house factors.
Venus in rasi chart aspects LL. (BT)
So mahadasa of Mars and antar dasa of venus capable of giving marriage.
Here one more consideration is mars and venus are natural 1 st and seventh
house lords. Kalpurusha chart.

1) Here we introduce a point of marriage (POM) called Vivaha saham(VS)
in the hindu astrology. It is nothing but a magnetic point achieved by
simply adding longitudes of 7L and LL. Jupiter most beneficiary planet
in transit activating this point by aspect or conjunction gives life
partner for you.
Example chart : L L is Jupiter (Ju)-- 108°
7L is Mercury (Me)--- 241°
Total 349°
Vivaha saham (VS) is in Pisces -------- Jupiter can aspect this point when in
trine (scorpio), Cancer. Or when in Virgo 7H . 180degree. When in
conjunction Pisces. Or when in kumbha by Bhavatraya sidhantha(BT).

2) When major planets are combinedly activating Lagna, 7H, LL,7L or VS

This activation can be achieved by aspect conjunction or Position. This
doesn’t mean conjuction of Saturn and Jupiter in rasi always. Saturn has
special aspects like 3, 7 and 10 th . Jupiter has special aspects of 5, 7, and
9th. The two major planets have to show aspect on one of the above factors
In example chart now transit of Saturn is in Makara. Jupiter in

Saturn aspect falls on Lagna 3rd H aspect because he is retro grade his
aspect falls on Kumbha not Aries(BT). Jupiter is in six degrees kumbha today
17thjuly2021. Saturn rays are not touching Jupiter . because they stop at
17d kumbha. Jupiter is six degrees kumbha. (today).
Saturn aspect falls on libra. From there his retro aspect touching kanya. 7H.
Saturn seventh house aspect is on cancer. Where mars and sun are going
now.Venus moved into leo.Natal Jupiter is in cancer only. But 17degree.
Saturn aspect goes to mithuna so he is not touching natal Ju. At time of
birth Ve is in Capricorn 6degree. Saturn is retro so he cannot influences
natal venus.

Jupiter: now Ju in transit moving in kumbha . He is also retro grade.

Planets are more powerful when in retrogression.
Jupiter retro means his aspect falls on Saturn sign caprcprn. Today Jupiter is
in 6degrees and Saturn is on 17 degrees. So the rays of Jupiter are touching
the Saturn. (BT). Natal Saturn is 2d capricorn. So the rays are not touching
still today. The retro Ju aspect will encompass satrun natal position2deg
when he reenters makara or at 2degrees of kumbha.Also venus natal
position touched then.
When Ju 2degree kumbha special aspect falls on libra and looks
backwards into kanya upto 2degree. Virgo is 7H. 7L mercury is in 0deg of
dhanus at birth so the aspect of Ju touch him, but touching seventh house.
The seventh house aspect fall on leo2d. Because he is retro he views
cancer. Hence natal Jupiter is made contact here. Rahu ketu are also
The fifth house aspect of Ju falls on mithuna 2d. From there backwards to
taurus. So natal mars in Ta 4degrees is encompassed.
One more observation is the VS is 19degree Pisces. The point is ruled by
star Uttara Bhadra ruled by Saturn. Jupiter is touching the Saturn planet but
not VS. Because he is retro.
So in transit the Major planets Jupiter and Saturn are touching a single
factor. That is the 7H. The marriage for this boy is fixed now, The muhurtha
is known as 22nd August 2021. I am giving the muhurtha Chart for analysis


(Ju)2 Transit
Mo0 muhurtha
(Sa)14 @22nd Aug Ma20Su5
2021 Me23
Ke12 La12

Om shanti Om shanti Om shanti

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