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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of City Schools
Ayala, Zamboanga City
Telefax: (062) 982-0185


NAME: ___________________________ DATE: _________________

YEAR, STRAND & SECTION: ___________________ SCORE: ________________

INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully. Write only the letter (Capital Letter) on your answer sheet.

1. Which is the central argument of the text?

a. assertion b. fact c. claim d. opinion
2. Which stylistic approach or techniques involves a strong declaration regarding a belief or fact?
a. claim b. assertion c. expression d. opinion
3. What do you think is the purpose of assertion?
a. present a fact b. express ideas directly c. gather data d. refute a proposition
4. What does counterclaim serve?
a. offer solution to problem c. discuss an issue
b. concur with the ideas of experts d. provide an opposing viewpoint
5. Why are both the claim and the counterclaim essential in critical reading?
a. reading involves argumentation.
b. both help determine textual evidence.
c. readers use them in decision making.
d. classroom interaction needs both.
6-9. Identify the following statements as to: A. Basic assertion, B. Emphatic assertion, c. Escalating assertion, and D. Language
6. It occurs when someone is not able to give response to basic assertion of a person .
7. It involves “I” language and is useful for expressing for expressing negative feelings.
8. It is simple and straightforward statement for expressing feelings, opinions, and beliefs.
9. It conveys sympathy to someone.
10-12. State whether a claim of: A. Fact, B. Value or C. Policy
10. A claim asserts that an action should be taken.
11. A claim asserts some empirical truth.
12. A claim asserts a judgment of some sort.
13. Which of the following is a not true?
a. Intertextuality is the complex connections between a text and various reading materials.
b. Intertextuality add to the meaning and analysis of the text being read.
c. Intertextuality is the presentation of a reading material wherein resources are connected to a specific aspect of a text
because of a shared semantic link.
d. Hypertextuality allows the reader to explore the manuscript or other reading materials in whatever fashion he or she
believes to be logically acceptable.

Fashion magazines, diet books, and TV exercise shows all tell us that thin is beautiful and fat is ugly. As a result of this constant
pressure from the media, many young women become obsessed with weight loss and actually make themselves ill. Some women
literally starve themselves so they must be hospitalized for malnutrition. In 2013 alone, a 17% increase in eating disorder victims has
been recorded. Fortunately, this problem of obsession with weight is becoming more recognized, and doctors are finding new ways of
dealing with the problem. However, health issues that affect the general public must be addressed by the government as well. Stronger
health campaigns must be put in place so tPhat women of all shapes and sizes will realize that life-threatening effects of health
problems caused by starvation.
Adapted from GED Preparation for the Highschool Equivalency Examination: Test 1 The Writing Skills Test
Varness, Nancy. GED Preparation for the Highschool Equivalency Examination: Test 1 The Writing Skills Test. Chicago: Contemporary
Books, Inc., 1985.
14. Read the above paragraph. Determine if the sentences given are used as either claim of fact, value , policy or reality.
Fashion magazines, diet books, and TV exercise shows all tell us that thin is beautiful and fat is ugly
a. Claim of fact b. Claim of value c. Claim of policy d. claim of opinion
15. Read the above paragraph. Determine if the sentences given are used as either claim of fact, value , policy or reality.
In 2013 alone, a 17% increase in eating disorder victims has been recorded.
a. Claim of fact b. Claim of value c. Claim of policy d. claim of opinion
Bob heard his name whispered urgently and opened his eyes to see Brett sitting up in the bed across the darkened room, one hand
held up in warning, his head cocked tensely to one side as he listened. In the silence, they heard the creak of a stair, followed by a
rhythmic, shuffling sound. The sound stopped suddenly, and the boys waited, hardly breathing. The wind rustled the tree outside their
window. The curtain flapped gently. Heavy footsteps echoed through the carpet less downstairs hall, and the listening boys jumped at
the explosive sound of breaking glass. “What do we do now?” Bob said
From Chapter 2: Drawing Conclusions and Predicting Outcomes (Thammasat University Library)
Thammasat University. "Thammasat University Library." n.d. (accessed February 25, 2016).
16. Read the paragraph. Determine if the sentences given are explicit information or implicit information and decide on how these
pieces of information are used as either claim of fact, value or policy.
Home burglaries are increasing all over the metropolis, this is proven by the experience of Brett and Bo as they listened while someone
is walking across the staircase in the middle of the night.
a. Explicit information, claim of policy c. Explicit information, claim of value
b. Implicit information, claim of fact d. Implicit information, claim of policy
17. Read the paragraph. Determine if the sentences given are explicit information or implicit information and decide on how these
pieces of information are used as either claim of fact, value or policy.
Stricter penalties on home burglaries must be put into place so that a child like Brett would not have to experience fear and
anxiety in his very own house.
a. Explicit information, claim of value c. Explicit information, claim of policy
b. Implicit information, claim of value d. Implicit information, claim of policy
18. A statement used to make a declaration or to express strong belief on a certain topic is called _.
a. assertion b. opinion c. fact d. affirmation
19. When is the best time to formulate literary assertion?
a. before watching a play c. before writing the poem
b. after reading a story d. after playing online games
20. The following are types of assertion except _.
a. Basic Assertion c. Emphatic Assertion
b. I – Language Assertion d. Core Assertion
21. Which of the following is not done before formulating assertion?
a. comprehensively read the printed literary work
b. take down the part he is in favor or opposed with
c. collect evidences from the same or different author
d. review the formulated assertion
22. Why do we need to formulate assertions? (choose two answers)
a. to let the reader understand the background of the paper
b. to let the writer directly convey his idea or feeling
c. to convince the reader to accept the writer’s interpretation
d. to present the conclusion of the academic research
23. What makes a strong literary assertion?
a. Every assertion must include the summary of articles.
b. Every assertion must be followed by facts and evidence.
c. Every assertion must contain hypothesis proposed by the author.
d. Every assertion must include observation made by the novelist.
24. The following are parts of I-Language Assertion except _.
a. it contains specific information from the literary work
b. it contains information on its effect or feeling of the writer
c. it contains information on the recommendation of the writer
d. it contains information from other credible sources
25. What kind of statement contains a judgment or generalization about the text you have read?
a. evaluative statement b. claim c. assertion d. counterclaim
26. What do you call a positive statement that you can formulate about the content and properties of a text that you have read?
a. claim b. assertion c. counterclaim d. evaluative statement
27. What instance would require you to formulate an evaluative statement?
a. When you are asked by the waiter what food you would like to order
b. When you are asked why you like a movie you just watched
c. When you are asked if you would attend the prom
d. When you paint a subject that you like
28. What instance would require you to formulate an evaluative statement?
a. When you are asked why you like a poem that you just read
b. When you are asked to babysit your nephew
c. When you are asked if you would like to attend a friend’s party
d. When you are asked to bake your sister’s favorite cake
29. Which one is not an evaluative statement?
a. I recommend that you watch the other movie because I’m going to watch it too.
b. I recommend that you watch the other movie because the plot is unpredictable.
c. I recommend that you watch the other movie because the script was carefully written.
d. I recommend that you watch the other movie because the actors were able to portray their characters effectively.
In formulating assertions, what aspects of the text should you evaluate? (choose two)
a. word count b. content c. properties of a text d. length
30. Which is the best evaluative statement for the text below?
My parents insisted on guiding me in filling out the college application forms that I was submitting to two universities. I wanted to take
up fine arts but my parents intervened. They told me to take up an engineering course instead. They assured me that painting and
sketching can always be my hobby and a stable job will be my safety net. I chose to heed the advice of my parents and now I am a civil
engineer who also paints portraits for art exhibits.
a. I like the passage because it highlights making decisions independently as it is shown it this sentence: “My parents insisted
on guiding me in filling out the college application forms that I was submitting to two universities.”
b. I agree with the part of the passage wherein the parents respect the passion of their child, and this is shown in the sentence
“They assured me that painting and sketching can always be my hobby.”
c. I agree with the content of the passage especially with the sentence “They assured me that painting and sketching can
always be my hobby, and a stable job will be my safety net” as having a stable job is a practical choice and at the same time one still
gets to do what he or she loves.
d. I like the passage because it reminds me of a similar conversation I just had with my parents when they found out I was
applying for a university just like in the sentence “My parents insisted on guiding me in filling out the college application forms that I was
submitting to two universities.”
31. Which is the best evaluative statement for the text below?
I was a scholar of the country for four and a half years in the university. The taxpayer's’ tax took care of a huge percentage of my
education. It just seems right that I give back to the country by working here immediately after graduation. In this way, not only am I
able to support myself and my family, I am also able to contribute to the society, one day at a time.
a. I agree with the idea presented in the text because it is just fitting that the student should do his or her part in improving the
country that sent him or her to the university and this idea is highlighted with the sentence “It just seems right that I give back to the
country by working here immediately after graduation.”
b. I like the passage because I want to go to the university in two years and my favourite line in the text is “I was a scholar of
the country for four and a half years in the university.”
c. I agree with the content because it focuses on the importance of paying tax. “The taxpayers’ tax took care of a huge
percentage of my education.”
d. I agree with the passage because it prioritizes the family and this idea is highlighted with the words “In this way, not only am
I able to support myself and my family, I am also able to contribute to the society, one day at a time.”
An excerpt of Steve Jobs’ Commencement Address at Stanford University in 2005
I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient
needed it. Sometime life -- Sometimes life's going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing
that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love.
And that is as true for work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied
is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep
looking -- and don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And like any great relationship, it just gets better
and better as the years roll on. So keep looking -- don't settle.
(American Rhetoric Online Speech Bank 2005)
32. Which is the best evaluative statement for the given text?
a. I like the text because none of it would have happened if the speaker hadn't been fired before and it is shown in the
sentence “I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple.”
b. I agree with the text because the analogy to medicine was used as shown in the sentence “It was awful tasting medicine,
but I guess the patient needed it.”
c. I agree with Steve Jobs when he compares work with lovers as expressed by the sentences “And like any great
relationship, it (work) just gets better and better as these years roll on. So keep looking -- don't settle.”
d. I like the text because I also got hit in the head with a brick when I kept on teasing my friend like the sentence “Sometimes
life's going to hit you in the head with a brick.”
33. A/An __________ gives essential information about a book or an article and provides an evaluation or critical analysis of the book
or article.
a. book review, article critique b. research paper c. position paper d. thesis
34. The following materials can be used for a book review or article critique, except __________.
a. scientific journal b. novel c. research paper d. annotated bibliography
35. Which of the following should not be done when writing a book review or an article critique?
a. Compare the material to other related materials. c. Make a judgment about the material and support it.
b. Read the material only once and then evaluate it. d. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the material.
36. What benefits will you most likely get from writing a book review or an article critique?
a. It develops your critical thinking skills.
b. It demonstrates your ability to criticize an author.
c. It allows you to express your thoughts about something you have read.
d. It lets you point out how a material should have been written.
37. What makes a good article critique?
a. It gives a critical assessment of the article. c. It has more than five paragraphs.
b. It gives only a summary of the article. d. It compares the other articles of the author.
38. Peter researched information for his book review. When his teacher returned his work, he read that it was plagiarized. How can
Peter improve his work?
a. He should give credit to the sources of information. c. He must copy his classmate’s work.
b. He should research more information. d. He must read the book again.
39.Arrange the steps in writing a book review or an article critique.
1. Write the introduction, body, and conclusion.
2. Analyze and evaluate the material.
3. Prepare the bibliography.
4. Find out the context in which the material was written.
5. Read the material actively, intelligently, and critically.
a. 34215 b. 52134 c. 54213 d. 12543

40. What style of writing is used in the workplace?

a. introduction b. methodology c. results d. discussion
39. Which of the following should not be introduced in the conclusion part?
a. tables and figures b. summary c. ideas d. new information
40.Order the following parts of the research paper according to the correct process.
1. Introduction 3. Explanation
2. Results 4. Methodology
a. 1234 b. 1432 c. 4231 d. 3142
41. Which of the following is considered plagiarism?
a. summarizing an idea of another person, then citing the source
b. copying and pasting without attribution
c. paraphrasing a document and citing its source
d. synthesizing several articles and stating the source
42. What can be a substitute for a research question?
a. summary b. research problem c. conclusion d. inference
43. Which of the following is not part of the methodology?
a. data gathering procedure b. research questions c. data analysis d. respondents
44. What is the purpose of the methodology?
a. to explain the research question c. to determine the answer to the research questions
b. to explain how the study will be conducted d. to summarize the research
45. Which of the following is the most appropriate for a research question?
a. What are the different colors of the rainbow? c. How does age influence language learning?
b. How big is the moon? d. Is the sky blue?
46. In citing using the APA style, what are the two things that should be indicated for every citation?
a. Author’s Last Name b. Page Number c. Publication Date d. Footnotes
47. This is used to summarize a set of data. What is it?
a. table b. commentary c. title d. abstract
48. What is the document used to present the general plan and justification to pursue a project?
a. Proposal of Projection b. Projection Reference c. Proposal of Reference c. Project Proposal
49. Project Proposal is also known as _.
a. Reference Terms b. Terms of Reference c. Termed Reference d. Terminology for Reference
50. Which of the following is not a type of project proposal?
a. Unsolicited Proposal b. Solicited Proposal c. Grants d. Solicited Document
51. What part of the project proposal where the brief history of the proposal and the immediate need or potential problem that you want
to address is written?(choose two answers)
a. Proposal for the Project b. Background c. Situational Analysis d. Potential Problem
52. The following are the purpose of project proposal except _.
a. to serve as guide to the project c. to convince people to participate
b. to get funding for the project d. to justify actions already done
53. hat makes a good project proposal?
a. The project proposal should be twenty pages long.
b. The project proposal should contain the necessary information.
c. The project proposal should be an informal document.
d. The project proposal should have long sentences.
(1) FindMe™ is a small GPS tracking device that can be clipped on any object like a phone, wallet, or even a person. (2) Location data
from the gadget’s chip is uploaded to the Web in real-time, allowing you to find lost items easily. (3) At our company, we believe that
the best way to find what you are looking for in life is to serve other people, which is why we are serving you with our latest innovation.
(4) If you are interested in investing in this product, visit our fundraising page at
54. Which sentence can be improved to reflect an effective business writing?
a. 3rd sentence b. 1st sentence c. 2nd sentence d. 4th sentence
55. Identify the phrase that will best complete the paragraph below.
The scholarship program that we are proposing will open up __________ for underprivileged students. It will allow them to focus on the
future ahead instead of present financial difficulties. We will be looking for support from the alumni, faculty and staff, and current
students to make this endeavor a possibility.
a. a wealth of opportunity b. a can of worms c. the senses fullyd. about the problems
56. Peter researched information for his book review. When his teacher returned his work, he read that it was plagiarized. How can
Peter improve his work?
a. He should give credit to the sources of information. c. He must copy his classmate’s work.
b. He should research more information. d. He must read the book again.
57. Which of the following should you do before writing a book review or an article critique?
a. Take note of important events or ideas.
. List down possible sources to support your ideas.
c. Make sure that the author has an interesting background.
d. Read the material more than once.
58. In a book review, which of the following statements should not be a part of the introduction?
a. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, born in Lyons, France, was an aviator, poet, and writer who is known for his book The Little Prince.
b. Some parts of the The Little Prince were drawn from Saint-Exupéry’s own life and experiences.
c. Overall, the book is effective because of its themes about innocence and real love. It is a must-read for those who are in search for
wisdom and the meaning of life and love.
d. Published in 1943, The Little Prince was written during World II, after Germany invaded France, which forced Saint-Exupéry to flee
to New York.
59-61. Categorize the following sentences into a. introduction, b. body, or c. conclusion.
59. The author uses anthropomorphism, a literary device in which nonhuman entities such as animals are given human traits or
60. With its vivid descriptions and emotional scenes, this book will truly melt your heart. It is an excellent heartwarming story that is a
must-read for all ages.
61. Black Beauty is a fictional autobiography by Anna Sewell which was published in 1877.
62. An essay used to present a one-side position on specific issue is called _.
a. paper of positions b. position paper c. one point view paper d. positioning paper
63. A position paper is also known as _.
a. one point view paper b. view point paper c. point of view paper d. paper on view points
64. What is the sequence in writing a position paper?
a. introduction - end statement – content c. end statement - introduction - content
b. content - introduction - end statement d. introduction - content - end statement
65. Why do we need to write position paper? (choose two answers)
a. To state arguments based on facts. c. To present one-side position on a specific issue.
b. To establish your credibility as a writer. d. To limit the paper in presenting strengths and weaknesses.
66. What appropriate phrase can you use if you are to write the introduction of the position paper?
a. “The argument presented in the paper shows that… this is supported by the research made by…”
b. “To discuss further the issue, a statement by the … proves that…”
c. “The paper recommends that the … and the resolution to the problem is …”
d. “The main issue to be discussed on the paper is … and the paper claims to stand on the argument that…”
67. What makes a good position paper?
a. The position paper must be at least ten to fifteen pages in length that is edited by a field expert.
b. The position paper should include arguments and evidence to support one-position statement.
c. The arguments in the position paper can contain observation based on intuition or gut feeling.
d. The content of a position paper must focus on arguments and evidences of both position statements.
68. Which of the following statements is not a pre-writing process for a position paper?
a.. Identify a specific issue to be written on the paper.
b. Research the different sides or positions of the issue.
c. Claim a position or stand on the issue presented.
d. Review and rewrite the position paper if needed.
69. Arrange the steps in writing a position paper.
1. Explain the position statement and present the evidence.
2. Write the issue, its importance, and your position statement.
3. Conduct a research on the chosen issue.
4. Summarize arguments made and propose a suggestion.
a. 1423 b. 4132 c. 3214 d. 2341
70. The statement, “With the evidence presented, the authors of this paper strongly recommend the hiring of not only licensed teachers
but also industry experts to facilitate the learning of Senior High School Students. This would enable the students to acquire training
from expert industry trainers." is an example of _.
a. explaining the position statement and presenting the evidence
b. summarizing arguments made and proposing a suggestion
c. writing the issue, its importance and the position statement
d. conducting a research on the chosen issue
71-73. Categorize the statement based on the structure of a position paper into a. introduction, b. content, or c. end statement
71. “Philippines is one of the last countries in the world to have a ten-year education system. The issue being tackled in this paper is
whether or not the K-12 education is needed by the country.” A
72. “The paper stands on its position against the implementation of K-12 education in the country. The needs of the former educational
system must be met first. The solution to this issue is to strengthen the curriculum rather than coping with the standards set by the
international community.” C
73. “DepEd estimated a need of additional PhP 150 billion to support this program (DepEd Briefer, 2010). The outcome of this program
depends on resources offered by the country.” B
74. Categorize the following entries to fill up a Project Work Plan.
1. Phases of the Project 2. Activity 3. Output 4. Indicator
a. 1234 b. 4321 c. 3421 d. 2341
75. Arrange the parts of a project proposal in sequence.
1. Project Description 5. Background/Situational Analysis
2. Project Objectives 6. Expected Output or Outcome of the Project
3. Risk Management Plan 7. Project Organization and Staffing
4. Project Work Plan 8. Detailed Budget Requirement
a. 12345678 b. 13572468 c. 15263748 d. 2586153
76. Résumé is derived from the French word résumer which means _.
a. "come up" b. "turn up" c. "sum up" d. "bump up"
77. What résumé format is best used if the applicant is applying for a job related to his previous experiences and has ten to fifteen
years work experiences?
a. Functional Format b. Chronological Format c. Combination Format d. Hybrid Format
78. Which part of the résumé is used to reflect the applicant’s career goals and intention for applying the job?
a. Heading b. Professional Summary c. Objectives d. Educational Background
79. Why do we need to write a résumé? (choose two answers)
a. to get an interview c. to get a job
b. to write personal information d. to establish your credibility
80. What appropriate statement can you use if you are to write the "Objective"?
a. “Looking for a job with enough knowledge and skills.”
b. “Seeking an entry level with expertise in written and oral communication skills.”
c. “Seeking a supervisory position in writing with focus on content development.”
d. “Searching for a job related to masonry and related field.”
81. What makes a good résumé?
a. The resume includes detailed information of the applicant.
b. The resume must be at least four to five pages in length.
c. The resume summarizes the information of the applicant.
d. The resume must include a "References" section.
82. Arrange the sections of a résumé in the chronological format.
1. Objectives
2. Heading
3. Voluntary Activities/Involvement
4. Work Experience
5. Educational Background
6. Skills/Expertise
a. 123456 b. 214563 c. 351624 d. 642153
83. Arrange the sections of a résumé in the functional format.
1. Heading
2. Objectives
3. Professional Summary
4. Expertise and Achievements
5. Work Experience
6. Educational Background
a. 654321 2. 231654 3. 135462 d. 123456
84. Which of the following statements is the best example of "Professional Summary"?
a. “Good communicator, flexible and reliable with two years experience in providing customer service and preparing reports.”
b. “Analytical Financial Assistant with five years experience in preparing proposal and reports for the use of senior financial
c. “Strategic and resourceful Teacher equipped to teach and educate student according to the standard set by the National
d. “Police Officer assigned to serve and protect the peace and order of this nation ensuring the welfare of every citizen.”
85. Which of the following is the type of letter written by the sender to briefly discuss the intention in attending the college program?
(choose two answers)
a. Letter of Attendance c. College Admission Letter
b. Letter to the College d. Letter of Intent
86. Why do we need to write college admission letter?
a. To convince the college to accept our job application.
b. To present our reason why not to study in their college.
c. To briefly discuss the intention to attend the college program.
d. To present our strengths and hopes for the future.
87. Which of the following phrases is appropriate to write the body of the letter? (choose two answers)
a. “Feel free to contact me at this number. . .”
b. “Dear Ma'am/Sir:”
c. “I am writing to inform you of my interest. . .”
d. “Sincerely yours,”
88. Which of the following statements are not done before writing a college admission letter?
a. Identify the prescribed format of the letter.
b. Determine the program to take.
c. Call the college for the format of the letter.
d. Take a research on the program structure.
89. Which of the following letter is attached in the resume as the applicant applies for a job?
a. Employment Application Letter c. Fortfolio of the Applicant
b. Letter of Proposal d. Purpose Letter
90. Employment Application Letter is also known as _. (choose two answers)
a. Application Work Letter c. Job Application Letter
b. Letter to Cover d. Cover Letter
91. Which of the following letter format is mostly used in writing the Employment Application Letter?
a. full block b. monoblock c. modified block d. semi-block
92. Which of the following is NOT the reason in writing the employment application letter?
a. to highlight the experiences and personal qualities of the applicant
b. to let the applicant be considered for an interview schedule
c. to let the applicant be considered in the available job position
d. to hig hlight in detail the personal information of the applicant
93. What appropriate phrase can you use if you are to write the body of the cover letter?
a. “Faithfully yours, ” c. “I look forward to meet you. . .”
b. “Dear Ma’am/Sir:” d. “Yours truly,”
94. What makes a good employment application letter?
a. The employment application letter must have informal language.
b. The employment application letter must be written in a professional manner.
c. The employment application letter must have some grammar errors.
d. The employment application letter must be at least two pages in length.
95. Which of the following statements is true about employment application letter?
a. Employment Application Letter is attached in the college admission form.
b. Employment Application Letter is attached to the curriculum vitae.
c. Employment Application Letter is attached to the resume.
d. Employment Application Letter is attached to the position paper.
96. Arrange the body of the employment application letter.
1. I am expressing my interest in the Teaching Position posted on your website.
2. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Biology with a GWA of 1.20.
3. I also have three years teaching experience and have been doing voluntary community teaching every summer.
4. I look forward to meet you at your earliest convenience.
a. 4123 b. 2431 c. 1234 d. 3142
97. Arrange the parts of an employment application letter in order.
1. Header 4. .Date 6. Inside Address
2 .Greetings or Salutation 5. Body 7. Complementary Closure
3. Signature
a. 1234567 b. 1462573 c. 7654321 d. 1357246
(1) FindMe™ is a small GPS tracking device that can be clipped on any object like a phone, wallet, or even a person. (2) Location
data from the gadget’s chip is uploaded to the Web in real-time, allowing you to find lost items easily. (3) At our company, we believe
that the best way to find what you are looking for in life is to serve other people, which is why we are serving you with our latest
innovation. (4) If you are interested in investing in this product, visit our fundraising page at
98. Which sentence can be improved to reflect an effective business writing?
a. 3rd sentence b. 1st sentence c. 2nd sentence d. 4th sentence
99. Identify the phrase that will best complete the paragraph below.
The scholarship program that we are proposing will open up __________ for underprivileged students. It will allow them to focus on the
future ahead instead of present financial difficulties. We will be looking for support from the alumni, faculty and staff, and current
students to make this endeavor a possibility.
a. a wealth of opportunity b. a can of worms c. the senses fullyd. about the problems
100-102. Categorize the following description based on the different formats of the employment application letter into a. Full Block
Format, b. Block Format, c. Semi-Block Format d. inverted format
100. All parts are indented to the left and it is the most commonly used format in writing a cover letter.
101. The first sentence in each paragraph of the body is not indented.
102. The first sentence in each paragraph of the body is indented.
103. Which of the following statements can be included in the business memo?
a. “Hope to hear a response on the inquiry we sent via e-mail on the price list of goods needed by our department.”
b. “As per Series 2014-12, the implementation of the dress code must be done immediately.”
c. “Thank you for addressing your letter to our company. We surely would like to be of help.”
d. “We look forward to work with your office the soonest possible time.”
104. Your office is assigned to sponsor a first Friday mass. You will invite all employees to attend the said activity. Arrange the
business memo.
1. TO: All Personnel 5. FROM: The Director Office of Good Governance
2. DATE: February 24, 2016 6. SUBJECT: First Friday Mass
3. You are all invited to attend the First Friday Mass to be sponsored by the Office of Good Governance on March 5, 2016,
12:30 p.m. at the lobby of the Administration Building.
4.Thank you for your continuing support. 7. Pilar G. Magsaysay
a. 123456 b. 152634 c. 354621 d. 251326
105. Which of the following is the type of letter written by the sender to briefly discuss the intention in attending the college program?
(choose two answers)
a. Letter of Attendance c. College Admission Letter
b. Letter to the College d. letter of employment
106. What is the document used to present the general plan and justification to pursue a project?
a. Proposal of Projection b. Projection Reference c. Proposal of Reference d. Project Proposal
107. What appropriate phrase can you use if you are to write the body of the cover letter?
a. “Faithfully yours, ” c. “I look forward to meet you. . .”
b. “Dear Ma’am/Sir:” d. “Yours truly,”
108. What makes a good employment application letter?
a. The employment application letter must have informal language.
b. The employment application letter must be written in a professional manner.
c. The employment application letter must have some grammar errors.
d. The employment application letter must be at least two pages in length.
109. Which of the following statements is true about employment application letter?
a. Employment Application Letter is attached in the college admission form.
b. Employment Application Letter is attached to the curriculum vitae.
c. Employment Application Letter is attached to the resume.
d. Employment Application Letter is attached to the position paper.
110. Arrange the body of the employment application letter.
1. I am expressing my interest in the Teaching Position posted on your website.
2. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Biology with a GWA of 1.20.
3. I also have three years teaching experience and have been doing voluntary community teaching every summer.
4. I look forward to meet you at your earliest convenience.
a. 4123 b. 2431 c. 1234 d. 3142
111. Arrange the parts of an employment application letter in order.
1. Header 4. .Date 6. Inside Address
2 .Greetings or Salutation 5. Body 7. Complementary Closure
3. Signature
a. 1234567 b. 1462573 c. 7654321 d. 1357246

112. Why do we need to write college admission letter?

a. To convince the college to accept our job application.
b. To present our reason why not to study in their college.
c. To briefly discuss the intention to attend the college program.
d. To present our strengths and hopes for the future.
113. The following are basic parts of a letter except _______.
a. heading b. complimentary Close c. Subject line d. date line
114. Which of the following statements best describes the heading in a business letter?
a. The address the letter is being sent to and the date.
b. The address of the sender of the letter and the date.
c. The address of the recipient of the letter
d. The address of both sender and the recipient of the letter.
115. The inside address contains:
a. The name and address of the person writing the letter
b. The name and the address of the recipient of the letter.
c. The name and address of the typist whose initial appear in the reference initials part.
d. Both A and B
116. The body of the letter:
a. Contains of the full message of the letter.
b. Begins the three space below the salutation.
c. The least important part of the letter.
d. Contains the name and signature of the sender.
117. The salutation “Gentlemen or Ladies and Gentlemen” is used:
a. When addressing an organization composed of men.
b. When addressing an organization composed of women.
c. When addressing an organization composed of men and women.
d. None of the above answers
118. When you are not sure with the civil status of woman (either single or married) as your recipient of the letter, it is preferred to use
______ in the inside address .
a. her full name b. Ms. c. Mrs. d. Mesdames
119. The dateline may be :
a. Typed at the left margin depending on the letter style used.
b. Typed at the right margin only.
c. Typed 2 spaces below the inside address.
d. Typed below the complimentary close.
120. What letter style when the salutation and the complimentary close are omitted and all parts of the letter are flushed to the left
a. Full Block b. Simplified NOMA c. Modified Block d. Semi-Block
121.What letter style when all parts are flushed to the left margins.
a. Modified Block b. Semi-Block c. Simplified NOMA d. Full Block
122. A salutation can be ended with two punctuation marks. What are they?
a. period and colon b. semicolon and period c. comma and period d. comma and colon
123. The complimentary close is ended with what punctuation mark?
a. period b. colon c. comma d. semicolon
124. Which letter style when the first sentence in every paragraph of the body of the letter is indented?
a. Simplified NOMA b. Full Block c. Modified Block d. Semi-Block
125. In the modified block, the dateline, complimentary close and the _________ , can be flushed to the right.
a body of the letter b. heading c. signature block d. salutation

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