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YE4 – Obligation, Prohibition, Advice Name………………..

Exercise 1. Read the sentences and tick the correct meaning.

E.g. Lessons must start at 9am. obligation  no obligation 
1. We have to stand up when the teacher arrives. obligation  no obligation 
2. Do you have to wear school uniform? obligation  no obligation 
3. Students don’t have to have lunch in school. obligation  no obligation 
4. Sara doesn’t have to walk to school. obligation  no obligation 
5. My brother must wear glasses in class. obligation  no obligation 

Exercise 2. Choose the correct words.

E.g. I’m exhausted. I must go to bed (must / don’t have to).
1. We haven’t got much time. We _____________________ (must / don’t have to).
2. The guide book isn’t free. We _____________________ pay for it (have to / don’t have to).
3. He can bring a present, but he _____________________ have to (doesn’t / don’t)
4. They haven’t got any plans for tomorrow so they _____________________ get up early (must /
don’t have to)
5. ‘_____________________ take of our shoes?’ ‘No, we don’t’ (Must we / Do we have to).

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with mustn’t and the verbs in the box.

forget interrupt play point tell

E.g. ‘Have you seen that tall man over there?’ ‘Anna, you mustn’t point at him. It’s rude!’

1. It’s Mina’s birthday next week. We _____________________to send him a card.

2. Jack is only six so he _____________________that video game. It’s too violent.
3. ‘I didn’t break the window.’ ‘Anne, I know you broke it. You _____________________lies.’
4. ‘Mum! Mum!’ ‘Sssh! I’m on the phone and it’s important. You _____________________me.’

Exercise 4. Write pairs of sentences with must and mustn’t.

E.g. Be here by six. Don’t be late. – You must be here by six. You mustn’t be late.

1. Go to bed early. Don’t stay up late.


AB_YE4_Tutoring_Unit 8_Grammar 1
YE4 – Obligation, Prohibition, Advice Name………………..

2. Be polite. Don’t be rude.


3. Don’t wear jeans. Wear smart clothes.


4. Put your mobile on silent. Don’t disturb people on the train.


5. Take off your shoes. Don’t make the carpet dirty.


6. Don’t jump the queue. Wait for your turn.


Exercise 5. Write the question with have to.

E.g. How old / you / be / to drive a scooter? – How old do you have to be to drive a scooter?

young people / be / polite? – Do young people have to be polite?

1. you / pay / to see a dentist?


2. young people / do / military service?


3. How old / you / be / to get a job?


4. students / wear / a uniform?


5. How much homework / you / do?


6. students / go home / for lunch?


AB_YE4_Tutoring_Unit 8_Grammar 1
YE4 – Obligation, Prohibition, Advice Name………………..

7. you / be home / before midnight?


8. your dad / get up early / on Saturday mornings?


9. visitors / bring presents / in your country?


10. you / take off your shoes / at home?


Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with mustn’t or don’t / doesn’t have to.

E.g. You mustn’t tell anyone. It’s our secret.

1. Great! I _____________________ get up early. I can stay in bed until eleven.

2. It’s a pyjama party, but you _____________________ wear pyjamas if you don’t want to.
3. The bus leaves at seven. He _____________________ be late.
4. My grandfather _____________________ pay on the bus. He has a free pass.
5. We’ve got lots of time. We _____________________ run to the bus stop.
6. Your brother _____________________ park there. The police will take his car away.

Exercise 7. Give advice for each situation. Use should / shouldn’t and the verbs in the box.

do drink eat go have put on sit sleep smoke start

E.g. You should start the day with a healthy breakfast. You shouldn’t go to school with an empty

1. You _____________________ three meals a day.

2. You _____________________ plenty of water.
3. You _____________________ eight hours every night.
4. You _____________________ some exercise every day.
5. You _____________________ ever. It’s the worst possible thing for your health.
6. You _____________________ in the sun in the middle of the day. It’s bad for your skin.
7. You _____________________sun cream and a hat if you are out in the sun.

AB_YE4_Tutoring_Unit 8_Grammar 1
YE4 – Obligation, Prohibition, Advice Name………………..

8. You _____________________ a lot of fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate or junk food.

Exercise 8. Put in ‘mustn’t’ or ‘don’t / doesn’t have to’.

1. We have a lot of work tomorrow. You _______________ be late.

2. You _______________ tell anyone what I just told you. It’s a secret.
3. The museum is free. You _______________ pay to get in.
4. Children _______________ tell lies. It’s very naughty.
5. John’s a millionaire. He _______________ go to work.
6. I _______________ do my washing, because my mother does it for me.
7. We _______________ rush. We’ve got plenty of time.
8. You _______________ smoke inside the school.
9. You can borrow my new dress but you _______________ get it dirty.
10. We _______________ miss the train, it’s the last one tonight.
11. She _______________ do this work today, because she can do it tomorrow.
12. I _______________ clean the floor today because I cleaned it yesterday.
13. We _______________ forget to lock all the doors before we leave.
14. We _______________ stay in a hotel in London, we can stay with my brother.
15. I _______________ spend too much money today. I’ve only got a little left.
16. They _______________ get up early today, because it’s Sunday.
17. I _______________ eat too much cake, or I’ll get fat!
18. We _______________ be late for the exam.
19. You _______________ tidy up now. I’ll do it later.
20. He _______________ cook tonight because he’s going to a restaurant.

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

1. If someone doesn’t speak your language very well, you ____________ speak fast; you ___________
speak slowly and carefully.
2. If you need a pen, you ____________ say ‘Give me that pen’; you ___________ say ‘Could I borrow
your pen, please?’
3. If people want to live until they’re very old, they ___________ eat a lot of fruit and vegetables;
they ___________ eat a lot of cakes and chocolate.

AB_YE4_Tutoring_Unit 8_Grammar 1
YE4 – Obligation, Prohibition, Advice Name………………..

4. In a big city you __________ be careful with your money; you ___________ leave your bag on a
chair in a restaurant.
5. When you’re driving, you ____________ drive for hours and hours without stopping; you
__________ stop and walk round every two hours.
6. When people are travelling by plane, they __________ drink lots of water; they __________ wear
uncomfortable clothes.

Exercise 10. Give advice with the expressions from the box. Use you, he, she, we, they should or

take medicine / take up swimming / worry about it

eat so much sweets / do little jobs or go babysitting /ask your
teacher to explain it again / study harder / watch too much
television / practise a lot / get up earlier

E.g. We are often late for school. – You should get up earlier.
1. My friends laugh at me because I don’t have expensive clothes.
2. My mother has got a terrible headache.
3. I don’t understand how to give advice in English.
4. My brother gets very bad marks at school.
5. We’re going to write a Maths test tomorrow.
6. My sister can’t swim and she wants to go to Greece next summer.
7. I always feel tired.
8. My friends love eating and they’re very fat.
9. I want to buy some new clothes but I haven’t got any money.

AB_YE4_Tutoring_Unit 8_Grammar 1
YE4 – Obligation, Prohibition, Advice Name………………..


AB_YE4_Tutoring_Unit 8_Grammar 1

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