Kartu Soal PG SAFRIDA 2018 - 2019

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Penyusun : safrida, S.Pd

Bahan Kelas/Semester : XII / 1 Tahun Pelajaran : 2018 / 2019
Program/Kelompok : IPA / IPS

Kompetensi: No. Soal Kunci

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 1 A
dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi Rumusan Butir Soal:
analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai Kids Should Use Headphone Less
dengan konteks penggunaannya
Materi: Based on a study from The Journal of the American Medical
Association, it is reported that one of five teenagers in America experience
Teks Eksposisi slight hearing loss in which they can neither hear rustles nor whispers. This
happens because of the frequent use of headphones and earbuds. To
minimize this issue, they should reduce the use of headphones and earbuds.
Indikator Soal: It’s common phenomenon in which teenagers use headphones or
Disajikan sebuah teks eksposisi peserta didik earbuds while listening to music with their iPods, mobile phones, laptops,
dapat menentukan makna kata yang sama and tablets. The use of headphones and earbuds is believed to be the cause
berdasarkan konteks dengan memilih jawaban of deafness among people nowadays. This happens because the loud sound
yang tepat produced by headphones can directly damage their eardrums.
It is obvious that teenagers should try to use headphones less.
Parents should encourage their kids to play music, audiobooks, videos,
televisions and radio audibly. Don’t restrain them from listening to sounds
audibly due to the sounds they make from their gadgets. Listen to what
they’re listening to, because protecting children’s hearing is as important as
protecting their brains.

1. The word “audibly” (paragraph 3 ) has similar meaning to ….

A. Loudly
B. Silently
C. Quickly
D. Carefully
E. Accurately


Sumber : UN Password SMA / MA 2015

Keputusan*: Penelaah,

Diterima tanpa perbaikan

Diterima dengan perbaikan

Kompetensi: No. Soal Kunci

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 2 D
dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi
analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai Rumusan Butir Soal:
dengan konteks penggunaannya
2. What happens if teenagers keep using headphones continuously?
Materi: A. It will prevent them from suffering hearing loss
B. They will be famous among their friends
Teks Exposisi C. They can develop their hearing ability
D. It will disturb their eardrums’ ability
E. They will gain many benefits
Indikator Soal:

Disajikan sebuah teks eksposisi peserta didik

dapat menentukan informasi tertentu dari teks
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat.

Sumber : UN Password SMA / MA 2015

Kompetensi: No. Soal Kunci
3 A
3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks Rumusan Butir Soal:
eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu 3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
aktual, sesuai dengan konteks A. Research about the use of headphones on teenagers
penggunaannya B. Parents should protect their children
C. Various kinds of gadgets kids have
D. Teenagers should use earbuds less
Materi: E. The cause of hearing loss

Teks Eksposisi

Indikator Soal:

Disajikan sebuah teks eksposisi peserta didik

dapat menentukan gambaran umum isi bacaan
dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat.

Sumber : UN Password SMA / MA 2015

Kompetensi: No. Soal Kunci
4 B
3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks Rumusan butir soal:
eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu Some people might think that social media is useless. Well,
aktual, sesuai dengan konteks actually, it leads to prospective changes to a better world. Social media,
penggunaannya such as Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, has changed the way we
communicate, since they have become media to share ideas for better
Materi: Social media can provide immediate direct feedback. Pat Robben, a
Junior at the US Military Academy, once experienced the benefit when he
tweeted a legislator during government shut down and received feedback
Teks Eksposisi
immediately. The same thing also happens to news outlets sharing their
news by posting it on social media. Without the printed paper edition,
society can still read news.
Indikator Soal: Besides social media gives a voice to individuls facing political
strife. For example, a voice from women in rural China, children in Africa,
Disajikan sebuah teks eksposisi peserta didik dapat or an online petition page signed by more than 90.000 people to express the
menentukan makna kata yang sama berdasarkan
konteks dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat
protest to the government.
The fact that goverments in certain countries have blocked social
media indicates the huge impact of social media on the society. The proper
use of social media influences people in a positive way, as it is powerful.
Therefore, providing guidelines in using social media wisely is a better
option than blocking social media in any country.

4. “…. Providing guidelines in using social media wisely …. “ (paragraph 4)

The word “wisely”means ….
A. Disadvantageously
B. Thoughtfully
C. Unprofitably
D. Unkindly
E. Strictly

Sumber : UN Password SMA / MA 2015

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