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CAMPOMANES, Amie Rhose Julia Q.

AB Political Science 2A
7:40 – 9:20 TTh

1.) Formulate a Matrix that presents the following in terms of the ancient, medieval and
modern period:

a. period in years
b. ontology of person
c. ontology of nature
d. ways of knowing

Ancient Medieval Modern

Period in Years 3000 BC – AD 500 476 AD – 1453 1800 – present day
Ontology of Person According to Plato, Thomas Aquinas, one In modern age,
the reason for your of the famous formal ontology has
existence (whatever medieval philosopher been developed in
“you” is) is that there claims in his best two principal ways.
is a Form from which work that being is The first approach
your experiences divided into three has been to study
partake; not-you, on modes: outside the formal ontology as a
the other hand, does mind (extra animam), part of ontology, and
not exist because it is in the mind (in to analyze it using the
based upon the Form mente), and as tools and approach of
of non-being. Plato divided into act and formal logic: from
explained the Forms potency (per this point of view
via his well-known potentiam et actum). formal ontology
Allegory of the Cave, examines the logical
which describes a features of
society that has lived predication and of the
from its inception various theories of
inside a dark cave, universals.
seeing only the
shadows cast from a
fire behind it. These
people believe that
the shadows are the
highest forms of
reality, until one
prisoner is freed and
sees the fire; after
suffering from the
Ontology of Nature The earliest pre- Moreover, Aquinas American
Socratic philosophers wrote the master philosopher Baird
viewed all matter as principle of the Callicott claims that
originating from a natural law, that nature is socially
single substance. "good is to be done constructed, and thus
These monistic views and pursued and evil that all nature has
proposed that the avoided." Aquinas been humanized or
origin of existence stated that reason else that all culture is
may have been: reveals particular natural.
natural laws that are
Water (Thales) good for humans
Fire (Heraclitus) such as self-
Air (Anaximenes)
marriage and family,
Atoms (Democritus) and the desire to
Undefinable Infinity know God.

Ways of Knowing This is the beginning Medieval science Modern era pioneered
of Western science in emphasizes non- the emergence of
ancient Greece where deductive aspects of experimental style,
deductive style of medical science such concentrating on how
knowing is portrayed as diagnosis, along experimentation and
most prominently with the concepts of applied mathematics
Aristotle’s Posterior natural law and force. came to be a means
Analytics, Euclid’s of obtaining
Elements, and the knowledge in the
works of Plato and domain of natural
Archimedes. philosophy.
2.) Using the following political subject or issue raise a question (1 sentence only) and
provide the answer (2 sentences only) reflecting the ontology and epistemology of each
of the period. Qualify your answer for each of the period (2 sentences only), ensuring
consistency of qualification with the answers in number 1.

a.) Social Amelioration Program released by the Philippine government during the COVID
19 Health Pandemic
Question: Is the act of common good like this (Social Amelioration Program) be a medium
of corruption?

Ancient Medieval Modern

Answer No, the moral values Yes, in most cases, Yes, some leaders of
in the ancient times corruption was only the modern times
strongly despise the temporarily halted by utilized the Social
idea of corruption. the reformers. The Amelioration
Athenians did not level of church Program to help the
forgive the acts of corruption in the success of their
corruption, killing Middle Ages corruption. The
those who were corresponded to the corruption did not
guilty of this scourge. growth of reform only happen in the
movements as well as national arena but has
leadership by also reached local
spiritual popes. officials.
To Qualify the Archon oath is a A dramatic blow to A total of 183
Answer proof of the attempt the power of the barangay officials are
to eradicate Church came in the being investigated by
corruption and form of the black the Criminal
putting down bribery. death pandemic of Investigation and
Their oath was 1347-1352 CE during Detection Group of
submitted to the which people began the Philippine
Athenian people in to doubt the power of National Police for
the Agora and then the clergy who could alleged graft and
again on the do nothing to stop corruption in the
Acropolis. people from dying or distribution of cash
the plague from aid to their
spreading. Even constituents under the
so, the Church government’s social
repeatedly crushed amelioration
dissent, silenced program.
reformers, and
massacred heretical
b.) Trafficking of Women
Question: Did the women of different times uphold their rights regardless of their
vulnerability to gender inequality?

Ancient Medieval Modern

Answer No, Greek women No, the High Yes, after a hundred
had virtually no Medieval era was a years of women
political rights of any time of tremendous discrimination,
kind and were gender modern day women
controlled by men at discrimination. gained justice for
nearly every stage of During this period, their own rights
their lives. The only women in Europe including the right to
important duties of were treated as an defend themselves
woman in their time entirely separate against trafficking.
were to bear children group, regardless of Feminist movement
(preferably male), their social status. has
and to run the made monumental
household. strides since, and the
campaign for equality
still continues today.

To Qualify the Greek women limit Women in Medieval Through litigation,

Answer their time outside the Europe were legally advocacy, and public
house, and since men dependent on their education, women
spent most of their husbands. In the push for change and
time away from their scope of civil law, systemic reform that
houses, Greek home women were perpetuate
life was dominated restricted from discrimination
by women. The wife signing contracts, against women.
was in charge of being witnesses in Although women are
raising the children, court, or borrowing still fighting for
spinning, weaving money in their equality in today’s
and sewing the names. time, they are already
family´s clothes reaping the benefits
supervising the daily of the women’s right
running of the movement in the
household. previous era.
c.) Marawi Crisis
Question: Can anyone become a terrorist if subjected to inappropriate circumstance?

Ancient Medieval Modern

Answer Yes, just like in Yes, continuing the Yes, in today’s time,
today’s time, there principle of the people affected in
were people willing people in the ancient inappropriate
to employ the use of times regarding the circumstance will
force and terror to involvement of resort to the use of
accomplish their violence, the act of force if peaceful
ends. Though the terrorism was still course of action does
ancients may have predominant in the not end the
called them rebels, middle ages. People undesirable
brigands or tyrants, pioneering the violent occurrence.
the motives, movement gained
methods, and more knowledge to
outcomes are support the success of
familiar to people their end.
of our era under the
collective name of

To Qualify the The first forms of The terror of the There are times that
Answer terrorism emerged in millenarian the government is
Rome during the Christian groups of unresponsive to the
Kingdom, when, at the late Medieval concerns of its people
the beginning of its period was a sort of that are exposed to
political organization, state terror; the sects inappropriate
Rome faced organized their circumstance. One of
numerous terrorist communities openly, the reasons why they
manifestation. taking full control of use violence is
Terrorism fully a territory, because government
manifested itself in instituting gruesome prioritizes eradicating
ancient Rome, both purges to obliterate violence than
internally and all traces of the old addressing
through external order, and inappropriate
agents or enemies of organizing large circumstances that
the Roman state, armies, which can later on cause
regardless of the waged holy wars terrorism. In this
Roman state’s moral periodically way, their concerns
teaching. sweeping over the will be met by the
countryside and government since
devastating, burning, there is ruthlessness
and massacring involved already.
everything and
everyone in their

a.) Distribution of relief to victims of typhoon without regard to the ideology or
political affiliation of beneficiaries.
Political Theory Political Philosophy
Q1: Q2: Q1: Q2:

What are the Is giving aid to Was the value of Was ethics and
intentions of the fellowmen in times common good morality involved in
distributors upon of crisis a showcased in this the distribution of
the distribution of responsibility of act? relief to typhoon


Organic Nature of the Principle of Subsidiarity Natural Law

The distributor’s intention Their intention was to With regards to the natural
also involves no political respond to the people in law, their intentions
affiliation. Regardless of need in an independent circulate  that there are
the social character of a manner. Subsidiarity is a universal moral standards

Organic Nature of the Principle of Subsidiarity Natural Law


No, it does necessarily Meanwhile, in the principle It is intrinsic for an

denote that it is an of subsidiarity, privileged individual to feel empathy
individual’s responsibility individuals are expected to and provide help for others
but rather individuals that take action in times of crisis in times of need but still, it


Organic Nature of the Principle of Subsidiarity Natural Law
answer:Q1 Yes, the organic nature of The distributor’s quick Natural Law also
the state promotes respond to the typhoon encompasses common
common good and victims without involving good. Helping regardless
believes in the big authorities promotes of differences is a proof

Organic Nature of the Principle of Subsidiarity Natural Law


Being an advocate of The most immediate Yes, ethical and moral

collectivism that responding authority efforts were involved in
abandons the considers ethical and moral this act of unconditional
individualistic thinking values in addressing distribution of goods, and

b.) Raising of the American Flag in Cuba during the Obama Administration. 
Political Theory Political Philosophy
Q1: Q2: Q1: Q2:

What motives does Is it necessary for Does the raising of Is the act of United
the United States states that has the American flag States to reacquaint
have upon the re- history of conflict denote that the past itself to Cuba
establishment of settle their disputes? conflict between ethical?


Organic Nature of the Theory of Knowledge Principle of Subsidiarity

Their motive behind the The re-establishment of a In the context of the

re-establishment of their good relationship between principle of subsidiarity,
relationship with the United States and Cuba the motive of the
Cuban government is circulated on the idea of immediate authority was to

Organic Nature of the Theory of Knowledge Principle of Subsidiarity


For both states to serve a Yes, both states must be Still, in the principle of
common advancement and able to settle their past if subsidiarity, United States
development, they should they aim to establish a and Cuba must settle their
have the capacity to stronger state because dispute in their own level


Organic Nature of the Theory of Knowledge Principle of Subsidiarity
answer:Q1 Yes, if it serves the No, the raising of the No, it still serves its
welfare of the relationship American flag does not purpose on how both states
of United States and denote that their past work despite history. The
Cuba. conflict is no longer principle of subsidiarity

Organic Nature of the Theory of Knowledge Principle of Subsidiarity


It is righteous that United The ability of the United Yes, it is morally right that
States re-established States to reacquaint with they are able to manage the
connection with Cuba for Cuba is ethical because in conflict without the
the collective growth of order for a country to involvement of a larger and

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