Production Technology OF ARECANUT

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Machine is manually operated by leg and is capable of producing 100 cups per hour with one skilled operator and one helper. . For this, leaf sheath is subjected to 158°C temperature for 10 seconds in moulding machine. Leaf sheath cups and plates - good domestic and export market as replacement for plastic cups and plates. A process has been developed at CPCRI, Kasargod for making plyboards from leaf sheath for tea chest, sint case and file board manufacture. You Areca stem and Leaf sheath Arecanut stem is a useful building material. Timber - rulers, shelves and waste paper baskets, due to its hardiness. Hollow stem - drainage and irrigation pipes. Flexibility and pliability of sheath - wet - heat moulding. The CFTRI, Mysore developed a machine for making cups and throw away plates (CFTRI, 1980). You Areca Husk Husk of arecanut - 60-80% of total weight of fresh nut. Hard boards, plastic boards and brown wrapping paper. Husk fibre extracted by soaking in water for 3 weeks and beating with a mallet can be used for thick boards, fluffy cushions and non woven fabrics. Good source of furfural and xylose. b Selective degradation - basidiomycetes (Phanerochate sp.) for production of biosoftened fibre (Akhila etbal., 2005). The treated fibres showed increase in strength (25.7%) and elongation. Biosoftened fibre - production of furnishing fabrics and textil f blending cotton, viscose and polyester. you Alkaloids Arecanut has 1.5% of alkaloids bk Arecoline, arecoldine, arecaidine, guvacine, isoguvacine and guvacolidine of which arecoline alone accounts for 0.24%. Antihelmintic property and are effective against tape worms and round worms. arecoline is soluble in water, ether and chloroformium. It has got antibacterial property and inhibits growth of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus typhi and Staphylococcus aureus. Blood sugar lowering effect of arecoline is mentioned in Ayurvedha. You Fat e Nuts contain 8-12% fat, ¢ Extraction - organic solvents (hexane or chloroform). e Fat is rich in myristic acid. ¢ Refining of fat with alkali makes it edible. e It can substitute vanaspathi in preparations of sweets and biscuits. Tannins ¢ Polyphenols or tannins form major constituent of nut. e Tender nut - 38-47%, Ripe nuts - 16-22%. e Areca tannins - byproduct from tender nut processing e Dying clothes, leather, rope, for making black writing ink along with ferrous sulphate as an adhesive in plywood manufacture ¢ Food color (Chempakam, 1998). Scented supari: ¢ Chali (popular) and Kalipak e Dried nuts are broken into bits, blended with spices and flavor mixture and packed in butter paper or aluminium pouches. e Saccharin — sweetening e Rose essence and menthol — flavoring ° A product blends with cashewnut bits called Kaju-supari. Mechanical driers: e Drying — 60 to 70 hrs over a period of 7-8 days at 45-75°C. ¢ Dehusking: manually operated arecanut de husker (CPCRI, Kasargod). ¢ About 40 chali can be made within a period of 8 hr. Kalipak: & ¢ The nuts of 6 to 7 months maturity with dark green colour — dehusked | e Cutinto pieces and boiled with water of dilute extract from previous boiling, ¢ A kali coating is given and dried finally. ¢ Kali is the concentrated extract obtained from boiling 3 to 4 | batches of Kalipak. you Chali or Kottapak: a e The most popularly traded form of arecanut is the dried whole nut. ¢ Fully ripe, nine months old fruits having yellow to orange red colour ¢ Ripe nuts are dried in sun for 35-40 days — dehusked and marketed as whole nuts. ¢ Optimum moisture content: |2% e Kerala, Karnataka,Assam and Maharashtra. Parcha: (Kerala and Karnataka) ° To facilitate drying and dehusking , fruits — longitudinal cut to halves and sun drying for 10 days. you — Woe) 2 et Harvesting ° Arecanut palms flowering from 3-4" year. Main flowering season — Dec to March. Harvesting season — June to July (tender nut) Harvesting season — Nov to March (ripe nuts) Harvesting interval — 45 — 50 days. 3 pickings per year. Harvesting — by climbing or by using long bamboo with a sharp sickle. Processing — tender and ripe nuts. Nut splitting: e More occurence - physiological disorder. young and healthy palms ° Growth of pericarp does not keep pace with development of kernel inside and thus causes splitting up of pericarp. e Application of potash fertilizers and spraying of borax during early stages of disease reduce splitting. Sun scorch or stem breaking: ¢ Prolonged exposure of palms to severe solar radiation. e Symptoms appear as golden yellow splits on exposed side c which turn dark brown and subsequently from longitudinal f & You Physiological Disorders Band or hidimundige: Band is a physiological disorder of palm due to adverse environment ® First visible symptom - reduction in leaf size Crown exhibits a rosette shape due to failure of natural opening of leaves. Good soil management, improvement of drainage and incorporation of copper sulphate and lime to soil could check disease effectively. You Mixed crops ¢ Cocoa ¢ Black pepper ¢ Cinnamon ° Coffee ¢ Clove e Citrus ° Coconut. © Cocoa is an ideal crop ¢ Spacing - 2.7 m - in between alternate rows of arecanut, planted in the centre. You yb bm & fo 2 3 om t+ ¢ 32 s a a me ™* Cinnamon f You | Cover crops Mimosa invisa Stylosanthes gracilis Calapogonium muconoides April-May Green matter Cropping systems Arecanut as a sole crop does not utilize fully natural resources practically wasting 70% of land area and 40% of solar radiation. Multiple cropping in arecanut as a productive land use system through use of interspaces To grow different annual or semi perennial crops for economic sustainability. Initial period of 5 to 6 years is ideal for growing short duration crops. You Irrigation and Drainage: ¢ The palms should be irrigated once in four to seven days interval. * Adequate drainage should be provided during monsoon since the palms are unable to withstand water logging. ¢ Drainage channels should be 25 to 30 cm deeper than the bottom of the pits to drain excess water from the plot. Cultural practices: Light digging — during monsoon ends to break up any crust formed at the soil surface e Weeding should be done periodically to keep the garden You clean. Planting The planting is done during May-June with the onset of monsoon. Pits - 90cm? and pits are filled with a mixture of top soil, powered cowdung and sand to height of 50-60 cm from the bottom. Adequate protection from exposure to the south western sun as they are susceptible to sun scorch. In square system of planting at a spacing of,2.7m* 2.7m Dwarf cultivars and hybrids may be at 2.2m*2.2m. The outermost row of plants can be protected by covering the exposed stem with areca leaves or leaf sheaths or by growing tall and quick growing shade trees. Polythene bag sowing * Seed nuts can also be sown in polythene bags (25x15 cm size, 150 gauge) after filling the bags with potting mixture containing 7 parts of loam or top soil, 3 parts of dried and powdered farm yard manure and 2 parts of sand. Transplanting ¢ Transplanting - 12 to 18 months old. e Seedlings having 5 or more number of leaves should be selected. © The height of seedlings at the time of planting has a negative correlation with the subsequent yield of the plant. & ¢ Ifthe seedlings are raised in polythene bags, these can be straightway transported to any distance without much damage. e Selection Index can be worked out by multiplying leaf number by 40 and subtracting seedling height and select seedlings with higher index values. You . Primary nursery e The selected seed nuts are sown immediately after harvest ¢ Sowing is done 5 cm apart in sand beds under partial shade with their stalk ends pointing upwards. ¢ Sand is spread over the nuts just to cover them. e The beds may be watered daily. ¢ Germination - 40 days after sowing ¢ Sprouts can be transplanted to the second nursery - three month old. e At this stage the sprouts might have produced two to three f You Selection of seed nuts e Seed nuts collected from high yielding palms ¢ From these selected mother palms, fully ripe nuts are alone collected. e Heavier seed nuts - 35 g ¢ Higher percentage of gerniination e Seed nuts produce seedlings of better vigour Mother palm selection It should be more than 12 years Regular bearer Early bearing nature (36-40 MAP) High fruit set(>55%) around 350-400 nuts/palm/year High recovery of chali from fresh fruit (>25%). Free from disease and pest Climate and soil e Altitude - 1000m above MSL Rainfall - 750mm to 4500mm It can tolerate extreme temperature Optimum range of temperature will be around 14-36° C Laterite, red loam and alluvial soils pH 5-7 You . VTLAHI (Vittal arecanut hybrid 1): ¢ Hirehalli Dwarf X Sumangala e Dwarf nature e Oval to round and yellow orange colored nuts. e High recovery of chali (26.45 %). e Average chali yield 2.54 kg/palm/year. VTLAH2 (Vittal arecanut hybrid 2): Hirehali dwarf X Mohitnagar e Dwarf variety released by CPCRI Vittal. * Suitable for chali preparation. e Average yield 2.64 kg/palm e Recommended for coastal belt You VTLAH | Local varieties Name of the local variety Place where grown South Kanara Dakshina kannada district and Kasargod district of Kerala Thirthahalli Malnad area of Karnataka Sreevardhan & Coastal Maharashtra Mettupalayam Coimbatore District Mohitnagar West Bengal Kahikuchi Assam You Hirehalli dwarf Karnataka Introduction e e VTL -3 (china) VTL -I1 (Indonesia) VTL— 12 andVTL -13 (Thailand) VTL -— 17 (Singapore) . They have high yield potential and the increase in yield (weight of nuts) was 6 — 50% more than the local cultivar. You Fruit : ¢ Monolocular, one seeded berry and it consists of a fibrous outer husk, enclosing a single seed. ¢ Itis a cross pollinated crop e fruit set normally varies from 12.0 to 40.0 percent ¢ Time taken from full bloom to maturity 35 to 47 weeks. Botany e Monoecious palm e Inflorescence - spadix produced in the leaf axil and is completely enclosed in a sealed boat shaped spathe. Female flowers: e Tertiary and distal end of the secondary rachis Male flowers: ¢ Filiform branches arising below and beyond the female flowers. You Research organizations ¢ CPCRI,Vittal — 1957. e 5 substations: |) Palode and Peechi (Kerala) 2) Hiirehalli (Karnataka) 3) Mohitnagar (Vest Bengal) 4) Kahi Kuchi (Assam) e Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development, Calicut. ¢ Central Arecanut and Cocoa Marketing Co-operative L Mangalore. You ‘

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