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The c urre nt w orkforc e a re

m a inly d riv e n b y
Millen n ia ls. The y a re
c urre ntly r esh a p in g t h e
w or ld

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Th e Millen n ia ls
Dominant Spending Pow er.
2.0 billion people, 25% of the
w orld’s popula tion

Source: Bor n Fr om 1981- 1995

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Nex t Su p er Tr en d
on In v est m en t
Sust ainable Investment grew by
34% globally from 2016- 2018
from $22.9 to $30.8 t rillion

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
In t r od u c in g …

All rights reserved. The information published may not be reproduced or copied into another document or other materials
without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Fu n d Ob jec t iv e of PeISMF
To achieve capital grow th over the long-term
by investing in companies w hich incorporate
sust ainabilit y considera tions in their
business pra ctices.

Fund Category
Global Equit y (Shariah- compliant )

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Asset Alloc a t ion
Ty p ic a l Sha ria h- c om p lia nt
Islamic Liquid As s e t C la s s e s
Remaining Balance  Sustainable stocks
 Related W arrants
Compliant  Islamic ETFs
 Islamic Liquid Assets
Min 75% to 98%

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Fin a n c ia l Yea r En d & Dist r ib u t ion Polic y

DECEMBER In c id en t a l

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Risk Ca t eg or y
Risk Lev el

Ver y Hig h 5

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Ta r g et Cu st om er s
Ret ail Invest ors Corporat e Invest ors

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Fees & Ch a r g es
Sales Charge • Up to 3.75% of NAV per unit

Redemption • Nil
Management • 1.80% p.a of the NAV of the fund
• 0.06% p.a, subject to:
Trustee Fee • Min fee: RM18,000 p.a
• Max fee: RM 600,000 p.a

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
On ly for Su b sc r ib er of Pu b lic
Mu t u a l On lin e (PMO)
Purchases &
Initial Offer Period Min. Initial Min. Additional
Redemption Price of
NAV per Unit Investment Investment
• At NAV per unit • RM0.2500 • RM100 • RM100

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Tr a n sa c t ion s

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Dir ec t Com m ission
Non- EPF Scheme
(Sales Charge of 3.75%)

Personal Group Total

UTC 1.6369% - 1.6369%

UTC- AS 1.6369% 0.3393% 1.9762%

UTC- AM/CM 1.6369% 0.5595% 2.1964%

UTC- GAM/SCM 1.6369% 0.7143% 2.3512%

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Ca r eer Ben efit
Annua l Ma na g e m e nt Fe e 1.8 0 %

PSNAV Personal CB GS NA V Group C B

Firs t 3 Million (0 - 3m) 0.21% UTC - A S 0.04%

UTC - A M/C M 0.06%
Next 3 Million (>3m - 6m) 0.22%
UTC – GA M/S C M 0.08%
Next 4 Million (>6m - 10m) 0.23%

Next 5 Million (>10m - 15m) 0.24%

Next 10 Million (>15m - 25m)* 0.25%

*H igher P ersona l C B for H igher P S NA V
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Ca r eer Ben efit Ad d itiona l C B
Annua l Ma na g e m e nt Fe e 1.8 0 %
e-Series of Funds 0.2%
Rank Personal Overriding
Career Benefit Career Benefit

UTC 0.1600% - 0.1600%

UTC-AS 0.1600% 0.0200% 0.1800%

UTC-AM/CM 0.1600% 0.0300% 0.1900%

UTC-GAM/SCM 0.1600% 0.0400% 0.2000%

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Be nc hm a rk
3- Mon t h Isla m ic
In t erb a n k Mon ey
Ma rk et Ra t e

S&P Glob a l
1200 ESG
Sh a ria h

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Hist or ic a l Ben c h m a r k Ret u r n of PeISMF
Benchmark As at 30 Sep’19
for PeISMF*
(in MYR) YTD 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year Since 30 Apr’10^

Total Return
19.10 4.72 33.54 70.76 149.99
10.12 11.29 10.21
Return (%)
90% S&P Global 1200 ESG Shariah Index; and
10% 3-Month Islamic Interbank Money Market Rate
^ First value date for S&P Global 1200 ESG Shariah Index
Source: Lipper, Bank Negara Malaysia
Note: Historical performance is not an indication of future performance.
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Cou n t r y Alloc a t ion of S&P Glob a l 1200 ESG Sh a r ia h In d ex

Ot h er s
Eu r op e


Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, data as at 30 Sep’19

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Sec t or Alloc a t ion of S&P Glob a l 1200 ESG Sh a ria h In d ex
Materials Others*
Energy 5% 2%
Services Information
8% Technology

Health Care
Consumer Staples 11%

Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, data as at 30 Sep’19

*Includes Real Estate, Financials and Utilities
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Va lu a t ion for Top 5 St oc k s in S&P Glob a l 1200 ESG Sh a r ia h In d ex
Price Weight Market Cap
No Stock P/E Div Yield
(LC) (%) (US$ bil)
(x) (%)

1 Microsoft Corp. 139 6.5 1,062 26.56 1.42

2 Apple Inc. 224 5.9 1,012 18.51 1.35

3 Alphabet Inc. 1,219* 4.5 846 19.59 n.a.

4 Johnson & Johnson 129 2.1 341 14.34 3.06

5 Nestle SA Reg 108 2.0 323 22.24 2.65

Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and Bloomberg, data as at 30 Sep’19
*Pricing of Class C
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
W h a t is Su st a in a b ilit y ?

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Gr ow in g W or ld Pop u la t ion & Im p or t a n c e of Su st a in a b ilit y

2018 7.6 billion 2050 > 9 billion


a c c om m od a t e g r ow in g p op u la t ion .

Source: Population Estimates And Projections, World Bank

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
W h a t is Su st a in a b ilit y ?
Me e ting th e needs of the p re s e nt w ithout
c om p rom is in g th e a b ility of future g e n e ra tions to m e e t
the ir n e e d s .

Source: Brundtland Commission 1987, also known as the World Commission on Environment
and Development (WCED) and chaired by a former Norwegian Prime Minister
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Key Issu es of t h e W or ld

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
En v ir on m en t a l & Soc ia l Issu es

Climate Changes


Resource Scarcity

Gender Inequality
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
In t r od u c t ion t o Su st a in a b le In v est in g
The process of incorporating ESG factors into investment decisions

Environmental Social Governance

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
W h y Su st a in a b le In v est in g ?

For leading multinational corporations around the world,

SUSTAINABILITY is a Bu sin ess Im p er a t iv e

given the environmental and social challenges of the world today.

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
W h a t Com p a n ies Ar e Doin g ?

Human Going Green
Health &

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
All rights reserved. The information published may not be reproduced or copied into another document or other materials
without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Risin g Glob a l Su st a in a b le In v est in g Asset s
US$ tril


25.0 22.9

20.0 18.3



2012 2014 2016 2018
Source: Global Sustainable Investment Review
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Su st a in a b le In v est m en t in t h e U.S.
US$ tril

~26% of the total U.S.
assets under professional
12 management


Source: US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible

2012 2014 2016 2018
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
How Su st a in a b ilit y Affec t s Va lu e Cr ea t ion
Pricing Cost Employee Market New Market
Recruitment &
Lower Savings Engagement Share Entry

Margin Improvement Revenue Growth

Source: MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2009

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
W h y Millen n ia ls?

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
En v ir on m en t a l
Fu n - Or ien t a t ed Lifest y le
Resp on sib le

Tec h sa v v y
Millen n ia ls
Ch a r a c t er ist ic
W illin g n ess t o Pa y Mor e
Hea lt h Con sc iou s
for su st a in a b le p r od u c t s & ser v ic es

All rights reserved. The information published may not be reproduced or copied into another document or other materials
without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Dom in a n t Sp en d in g Pow er
Millennials’ spending power to overtake Gen X by 2020
US$ tril
25.0 23.5

20.0 18.0 19.0

15.0 13.5 14.0

6.5 6.0

2020F 2035F 2020F 2035F 2020F 2035F 2020F 2035F
Baby Boomers Gen X Millennials Gen Z
Source: World Data Lab
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
of Millen n ia ls a r e
in t er est ed in

Source: 2019 “Sustainable Signals” report, Morgan Stanley

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
40% of world GDP wealth valued at US$30 trillion will transfer
from Baby Boomers to Millennials over the next 30 years.

US$30 t r illion

Boomers Millennials

Source: 2017 “Sustainable Signals” report, Morgan Stanley

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Su st a in a b le In v est in g To Ga in Pr om in en c e a m on g Millen n ia ls

of Millennials want to grow their allocations to

responsible investments in the next 5 years.

of Millennials believe investments are a way to

express social, political and environmental value.

Source: FactSet’s HNWIs’ Vision for the Wealth Management Industry in the Information
Age; US Trusts’ Insights on Wealth and Worth 2014
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
All rights reserved. The information published may not be reproduced or copied into another document or other materials
without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Ou t look of Key Sec t or s for S&P Glob a l 1200 ESG Sh a r ia h In d ex

3. Hea lt h c a r e
1. Tec h n olog y 2. Con su m er
& W elln ess

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
1. Tec h n olog y Sec t or

a. E-commerce

b. E-payments

c. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

d. Automation
All rights reserved. The information published may not be reproduced or copied into another document or other materials
without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
1.a . Ret a il: Glob a l E- c om m er c e Sa les

2015 2019F
US$ (tril) US$ (tril)
China 0.6 China 1.3
U.S. 0.5 U.S. 0.7

World 1.5 World

Source: Statista
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
1b . Risin g Mob ile Pa y m en t User s

Users (mil)
700 656
600 525
200 134
100 55 72
2015 2018 2021F 2015 2018 2021F

U.S. China
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
1.c . AI: Glob a l Sm a r t Hom e Ap p lia n c e Sa les
Smart to manage appliances and
uses internet-connected devices
Home security systems


US$10.3 bil

US$48.6 bil
Source: Statista
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
1.d . Au t om a t ion

Increase Productivity
& Efficiency

Lower Labor Cost

Improve Product
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
2. Con su m er Sec t or

Spending habits of Millennial change compared

to other generations:


eg: Organic products eg: social responsible products

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
3. Hea lt h c a r e Sec t or

To b e d riv e n b y :

De m a nd for a he a lthie r life s ty le

Be tte r he a lthc a re s e rv ic e s

Inc re a s e d a d op tion of rob otic s urg e ry

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
3. Risin g Glob a l Hea lt h c a r e Sp en d in g

Healthcare Spending
US$ tril
Ag ein g Pop u la t ion
8.0 6.9 t o d em a n d for
4.0 CAGR:
CAGR: 5.6% Hea lt h c a r e Ser v ic es
2013 2017 2022F
Source: 2019 Global Health Care Outlook, Deloitte

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Rec om m en d ed
In v est m en t Ap p r oa c h

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Rec om m en d ed In v est m en t Ap p r oa c h

Ringgit •Investors are advised to practise

Cost RCA by investing a fixed amount
on a regular basis.
Averaging •It is important particularly in a
volatile market environment.

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
All rights reserved. The information published may not be reproduced or copied into another document or other materials
without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Campaign Period:

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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Lucky Draw Category
Investors stand a chance to win attractive lucky draw prizes by investing in
PeISMF during its offer period of 21 days.
Lucky draw entries as per table below:-
Investment Amount per No. of Lucky Draw
Account Entries
RM100 – RM499.99 1
RM500 – RM999.99 3
10 for every
RM1,000 and above
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
2nd Prize
Grand Prize
Nintendo Switch x
iPhone 11 (128GB) x 5 winners
2 winners 1st Prize
Apple Watch x Consolation Prize
3 winners Boost Juice Voucher worth
RM50 x 35 winners
*Prizes shown are for illustration purposes only and may not depict the actual items.

All rights reserved. The information published may not be reproduced or copied into another document or other materials
without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.
Terms & Conditions*:-
A) General
1. Corporate/institutional investors are not eligible for the lucky draw.
2. A lucky draw entry will be given to the first account holder who invests
a minimum of RM100 per account.
3. Investors must remain an active unitholder when the lucky draw is
conducted in order to participate in this campaign.
B) Prizes
1. Each investor can only win one prize during the campaign period,
whichever is of higher value.
B) Prizes
2. Public Mutual reserves the right to change or replace prizes with
other items of equivalent or approximate value without prior notice.
*For the details information of this campaign, please refer to the e-flyer at UTC-Connect.
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without the prior written consent of Public Mutual Berhad.

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