Socioeconomic Education, Occupation: Income, Contribute Cardiovascular

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Socioeconomic Status and Health:

How Education, Income, and

Occupation Contribute to Risk
Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

Marilyn A. Wnkleby, PhD, Danus E. Jatulis, MS, Erica Frank, MD, MPH,
and Stephen P. Fortmann, MD

Intodwton not suggest which component of SES may

be the most reliable and valid measure be-
One of the strongest and most con- cause this question has been examined,
sistent predictors of a person's morbidity with a variety of conclusions, in previ-
and mortality experience is that person's ously published reports.)'1-13, 17-18
socioeconomic status (SES).1-5 This find- The present study examines the as-
ing persists across all diseases with few sociation between income, education, oc-
exceptions, continues throughout the en- cupation, and a set of risk factors for car-
tire life span,5 and extends across numer- diovascular disease-namely, cigarette
ous risk factors for disease.6-9 smoking, systolic and diastolic blood pres-
The significant impact of SES on dis- sure, and total and high-density lipopro-
ease makes its definition and measure- tein (HDL) cholesterol. Our study objec-
ment of critical importance. SES is a com- tives are to (1) examine the impact of each
plex phenomenon predicted by a broad separate dimension of SES on cardiovas-
spectrum of variables that is often con- cular risk factors, (2) use a forward step-
ceptualized as a combination of financial, wise selection model to evaluate if one
occupational, and educational influ- measure of SES is the strongest predictor
ences.0-13 Although these dimensions of of risk factors, and (3) offer guidance to
SES are interrelated, it has been proposed researchers about selection of SES mea-
that each reflects somewhat different in- sures. This guidance is critical because
dividual and societal forces associated nearly all epidemiological studies use SES
with health and disease. For example, in- as an explanatory or a control variable, or
come reflects spending power, housing, for the selection of subjects or matching
diet, and medical care; occupation mea- criteria.
sures prestige, responsibility, physical ac-
tivity, and work exposures; and education
indicates skills requisite for acquiring pos-
itive social, psychological, and economic Subjects aged 25 to 64 were drawn
resources.9,14 from the two control cities of the Stanford
Much has been written about the un- Five-City Project,'9 a communitywide
derlying mechanisms through which SES cardiovascular disease intervention study
may operate to affect disease. Many au- that contains data from four separate
thors have suggested that certain dimen-
sions of SES are more predictive of health The authors are with the Stanford Center for
than others;1'14-'6 however, such propos- Research in Disease Prevention, Stanford Uni-
als tend to be theoretically based, without versity School of Medicine, in Palo Alto, CA.
substantiating data. Over time, education Requests for reprints should be sent to
has become the most commonly used Marilyn A. Winkleby, Stanford Center for Re-
search in Disease Prevention, Stanford Univer-
measure of SES in epidemiological stud- sity School of Medicine, 1000 Welch Road,
ies,17 yet no investigators in the United Palo Alto, CA 94304-1885.
States have conducted an empirical anal- This paper was submitted to the Journal
ysis quantifying the relative contributions April 19,1991, and acceptedwith revisions Sep-
tember 13, 1991.
of different measures of SES to risk fac- Editor's Note. See related editorial on p
tors or disease outcomes. (This paper does 785 of this issue.

June 1992, Vol. 82, No. 6

Socoeconomic Status and Cardiovascular Disease
cross-sectional surveys, conducted from right arm using a semiautomatic recorder,
1979 to 1986. Participants who were un- and the average of the second and third
employed (n = 98), students (n = 130), or readings were used for analyses.24
retirees (n = 146) were excluded because
they had no occupation that could be Resuls
ranked. Data from the four cross-sectional
surveys were pooled because demo- An overall response rate of 69o was
graphic characteristics, including mea- achieved. Approximately 600 individuals
sures of SES, showed no significant inter- participated in each survey, resulting in a
actions over time.7 As previously total of 2380 participants for all surveys
reported,20 the educational attainment of combined. Because the study population
respondents from the control cities were was predominantly White, non-Hispanic
well matched to those from the treatment (85%), findingsare not generalizable to
cities. A nonrespondent questionnaire in- populations representing a broad spec-
dicated that participants were generally trum of racial groups. held nonprofessional white-collar jobs.
more educated than those in both treat- All pairwise correlations between ed- Men tended to have more years of educa-
ment and control communities who re- ucation, income, and occupation were tion than women and to be from higher-
fused to participate.20 positive and were stronger for men than income households.
Information on education, income, for women (Table 1). The lowest correla- In general, those with the lowest ed-
and occupation was ascertained through tion was between education and income, ucational attainment exhibited the highest
questionnaires. Education was recorded as indicating that education is not a primary prevalence of risk factors (Table 3). Clear
the highest number of years of schooling determinant of wage. Higher correlations gradients were seen between educational
completed. It was used as a continuous were shown for education and occupa- level and smoking for both sexes, and be-
variable in regression analyses and was di- tion, suggesting that skills acquired during tween education and total and HDL cho-
vided into the following four categories in education may help determine occupa- lesterol forwomen. Across all risk factors,
stratified analyses: less than 12 years, 12 tion. Although correlations ranged from men consistently exhibited higher risk
years, 13 to 15 years, and 16years or more. .23 to .67, their relatively low magnitude than did women.
Income information, defined as gross (highest adjusted R2 = 45%) indicates Income and occupation were less
annual household income, was collected that the three dimensions are not redun- consistent risk predictors. Higher riskwas
in intervals of $5000. For multivariate dant measures of SES. associated with lower incomes for smok-
analyses, the midpoint of the income cat- Although the study population had ing and HDL cholesterol in both sexes but
egories was used; for the remaining anal- relatively high educational and financial with higher incomes for total cholesterol
yses, income was divided into five cate- levels, individuals from all education, in- in men. Within occupations, men and
gories ranging from less than $10 000 to come, and occupation categories were women white-collar executives and man-
$40 000 or more per year. well-represented (Table 2). However, agers exhibited the lowest levels of smok-
Current occupation was collected as while men were represented fairly evenly ing. Among men, executives and manag-
an open-ended variable and coded using across occupations, approximately 75% ers showed the lowest mean levels of
the 1980 US Bureau of the Census occu- of women employed outside the home blood pressure.
pational scaling system, which creates a
hierarchy of occupations ordered on the
basis of education and inCome.21 To ex-
amine associations between separate oc-
cupations and risk factors, we coded each
occupation, including homemaker, as an
indicator variable, with executives as the
reference category. In multivariate mod-
els, we excluded homemakers and used
occupation as a ranked variable ranging
from executives to unskilled workers.
Participants were considered cigarette
smokers if they reported ever smoldng on
a daily basis and had smoked one or more
cigarettes in the last week. Participants
whose plasma thiocyanate exceeded 100
pLmol/L and whose expired-air carbon
monoxide level exceeded 8 ppm were clas-
sified as smokers regardless of their self-
reported responses.22 Total and HDL
plasma cholesterol were derived from non-
fasting venous samples, analyzed fresh by
standard methods established by the Lipid
Research Clinics Program32 Three blood
pressure measurements were taken on the

June 1992, Vol. 82, No. 6 American Joumal of Pubfic Health 817
Wvieby et aL

To compare the strength of the in- only measure of SES that was signifi- Diswcusion
terrelationships between the three di- cantly associated with the risk factors.
mensions of SES, we conducted regres- This finding is consistent with a previ-
sion analyses (Table 4), adjusted for age ously conducted multivariate analysis,
Strengths and Limitations of Using
and time of survey. Partial correlations which showed that the strength and sig-
Education as the Markerfor SES
are presented with two-tailed P values, nificance of the associations between ed- We caution that, in some studies, us-
with significance defined asP < .05. The ucation and a set of disease risk factors ing only one indicator of SES may yield
univariate relationship between SES and remained virtually unchanged after ad- misleading results or provide less informa-
risk factors was strongest and most con- justment for income and occupation.7 tion than using multiple measures. How-
sistent for education, showing higher risk When stratified by White, non-His- ever, using multiple or composite
associated with lower levels of educa- panic and Hispanic ethnicities (not measures10-14 requires the cost and time of
tion. Using a forward selection model shown), education remained the strongest collecting data on several SES parameters
that allowed for inclusion of all three SES predictor but became nonsignificant and may not significantly explain more
measures of SES after adjustment for age for smokng, possiblybecause ofthe small about a population than would a single,
and time of survey, education was the sample of Hispanics. weil-chosen parameter. As noted by a re-

818 American Journal of Public Health June 1992, Vol. 82, No. 6
Socioeconomic Status and Cardiovascular Diseas

cent working group of the National Heart, the measure of SES.1 Other studies have dictate that a single parameter be chosen
Lung, and Blood Institute, use of compos- documented strong inverse associations and if the research hypothesis does not
ite measures may obscure important dif- between education and all-cause mortali- dictate otherwise, this study suggests that
ferences in associations.25 ty3l,34,36 and life expectancy.37 Framing- higher education, rather than income or oc-
Based on our findings, education may ham study data shows that, of 23 potential cupation, may be the strongest and most
be the mostjudicious SES measure for use contnrbutors to morbidity, only education consistent predictor of good health. C1
in epidemiological studies (unless the and age at study enrollment were related
study hypothesis dictates which dimen- in both sexes to "survival with good func-
sion of SES is to be chosen). In studies tion."38 Cardiovascular disease studies
that have a cost or time restraint but need have shown that lower levels of education Acknowledgments
a measure of SES as a potential confound- are associated with hypertension,6-m829-31 39 This research was supported by Public Health
ing variable, education is an expeditious cgarette smoking,63l132,4041 and hi cho- Service Grant 1RO1-HL-21906 from the Na-
choice. In addition, education is available lesterol,6'32 as well as with cardiovascula tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to Dr.
for all individuals regardless of employ- morbidity33 and mortaity.3l,33,35 John W. Farquhar.
ment status, has high reliability and valid- The authors thank Drs. Lawrence Green
Why Education May Be the and David Ragland for comments on an earlier
ity,17 is generally stable after early adult- draft, Dr. Helena Kraemer and Ms. Beverly
hood, is easily reported, and can be Strongest Predictor of Good Health Rockhill for statistical advice, and Ms. Cindy
collected as a continuous variable. Fur- Several different mechanisms German-Kung for the preparation of tables.
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820 American Journal of Public Health June 1992, Vol. 82, No.6

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