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Standard: 6th Unit Test – S.

S Date: 20-7-2021 Marks:25

Q-1 (A) Fill in the blanks: (2.5)

1. The first cities of the Indus valley emerged in _______ years.

2. Auroch was an earlier form of _________
3. On the hills near Brahmaputra Valley the site _________________.
4. __________ coined the phrase “unity in diversity” to describe India.
5. The site of Koldihwa located at ______________

(B) Matching the followings: (2.5)

1. Burzahom a. mars
2. Mehrgarh b. venus
3. Precious stone c. Rectangular house
4. Earth’s twin d. Pit house
5. Red Planet e. Gold

Q-2 Answer in Short: (Any – 5) (5)

1. Name all the planets according to their distance from the sun.
2. Why do people who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time?
3. Name two essential features of a democratic government.
4. Who composed India’s National Anthem?
5. What you mean by habitation-cum-factory sites?
6. What is constellation and its example ?
Q-3 Answers in brief: (Any – 3) (6)

1. Why is the earth called a unique planet?

2. Write a short note on Bhimbetka
3. Make a list of festivals celebrate in your Locality and National festival of India.
4. What is diversity and cultural heritage?

Q-4 Answer in details: (Any – 3) (9)

1. Describe two ways in which you think the lives of kings would have been different
from those of farmers.
2. List the ways in which the lives of farmers and herders would have been different
from that of hunter-gathers.
3. How does a planet differ from a star?

4. What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?

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