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Task 5 Sharing past experiences and memories.

Hugo Ferney Mendoza Castro


Jun of 2021

Course director:

Lic. Silvia Juliana León

Course tutor:

Mónica Londoño.

Universidad Nacional abierta y a distancia-UNAD


Group 518007_2 English II

a) Read the next text and answers the questions

An experience abroad

When I was 16 years old, I went to the United States. I was a student then,

and that was the first time I left home.

I went to Boston to live with an American Family for two months only. How

exciting! - I thought. How scared I felt, But I went all the same. One of the

things I remember quite clearly was my arrival: to start with. I missed the train

from New York to Boston! That was trouble, although the family was there to

greet me.

When I arrived at the family house, I lost my voice, so nervous I felt. For three

days, I did not say a word. Now I know that was an unconscious way to get

familiar with the English they spoke. Fortunately, after one week, I felt more

confident, I started to speak a little, and the people in the house began to

understand me.

How nice and enjoyable the second week was!

The big morning breakfast, a snack at lunchtime, and early dinner at 6:00 pm

became a routine. The shops were interesting, the vanilla ice-cream was

wonderful, the sports were attractive, and new friends were like the old ones in

a short time.
This experience was unforgettable!

 Write true or false according to the text “An experience abroad.”

-She spent 16 years in the United States. (false)

-She was born in Boston. (false)

-She lost the train from New York to Boston. (True)

-She lost her voice because she got the flu. (false)

-She was able to speak after one week. (True)

-She always had dinner at 6:00 pm. (True)

b) Choose two of the following topics (one good experience and one bad

experience) and post your choice in the forum. Write a text using verbs in the

past tense form (No less than 15 different verbs). Describe the situation and how you
felt about it.

Remember to use linking words to give coherence to the text (e.g., however,

and, because, also, therefore, despite…)


 Good experiences:

- The happiest day in your life:

- The happiest day of your life was the day my youngest was born, it was at night and
we slept when the pains came and immediately my wife began the process of giving
birth, I could not go for help, nor take her to the hospital, I only had time to
accommodate her and begin the birthing process, right away I could see that my girl
was poking her head out and I had to help her out with my hands, I took her gently and
turned her a little and she started to go out alone, after that everything was easy sea and
felt the most beautiful feeling in the world. without a doubt this was the most beautiful
day of my life.

- Describe a lucky event: The most fortunate event was when I found myself working in
a palm plantation and was observing some activities that some colleagues had done, I
sat on a rock and began to write what they did, observed, corrected, commented on the
work, accompanied and gave the Corrections when I was only I noticed that near me a
female leopard appeared with her young and then another adult appeared who sat down
to watch me while the first continued on his way, then the second got up and went with
the others. That was very fortunate since they did not attack me and I was fortunate to
see them face to face.

 Bad experiences:

- Describe the day when you got sick:

The day I got sick with chickenpox I had a high fever, my mother put wet cloths on me
and yet it would not give up, the doctor ordered several injections and many other
medicines, despite that there was no improvement, therefore my mother took me I went
home to take care of myself and thus be very attentive to my medications, but the hives
would not stop scratching me.

Now I fondly remember what she did for me and how good it feels to be cared for by a

- Write a description of an accident:

When I was a child, my father gave me a birthday bike and I used to ride all the time
therefore my ability to maneuver was getting better and better, however I was very
cautious ... until one day I crashed into a tree and I lost consciousness and was like this
for two days, even though I received immediate medical attention.

Despite my situation, my father had my bike fixed and encouraged me to use it again.
2: Collaborative part

a) Giving opinion: Read your partners’ stories in the forum and write some

comments expressing your opinions about the texts of at least one partner.

b) Flipbook: The students from the collaborative group must compile all the

stories into a word document as well as the opinions.

Turn the document to a PDF Format. Then, upload it on the Flipbook webpage to create
the book and generate the link.

My flipbook pdf

Flipbook webpage

Flipbook tutorial. Watch the video.

The collaborative group must organize the pdf document including the link to the

flipbook and the answers to the individual part of the students who participate in the

forum. The student in charge of the deliveries sends it by the evaluation.


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