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Ruining head: BOOK REFLECTION 1

Book Reflection

Student Name

Course Name

Professor Name

March 11, 2021

Table of Contents

General Information.........................................................................................................................3



The Goal of Human Resource Planning......................................................................................4

Analysis of Learning........................................................................................................................4

Planning for Crisis Handling.......................................................................................................4

Communication Weakness and Risks..........................................................................................5

Promoting Staff Participation......................................................................................................5

Motivation of Employees............................................................................................................5

Influence the Culture of Industry.................................................................................................5

Application in Context.....................................................................................................................6

Planning for Business Sustainability...........................................................................................6

Recovery for Disaster..................................................................................................................6

Analysis of Market Effects..........................................................................................................7


Reconstruct Self-concept.................................................................................................................7



General Information
1. Your name:

2. The title of the event:

3. The Duration of the event:

4. The organizer or presenters of the event:

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Human resource planning has developed my learning by increasing the knowledge in the

organization for human resource. The entire organization will benefit from the development of

its personnel and the effective use of individual competences.

HRP actively seeks to optimize productivity and plans to remain ahead of other rivals.

HR planners investigate the intellectual resources that are available in the organization and then

decide whether to recruit from within or outside outlets. During recruiting, candidates must be

taken into consideration under two aspects. First, their existing qualifications, and second, their

ability to fulfill or surpass employers' expectations. Globalization modified the assessment of

applicants by HR practitioners. Fresh methods of gaining talents have been created by

recruitment used by the global industry today. This paper would address how they are all

working together as the core role of what an HR boss does on a simple daily basis and his

engagement in the creation of productive tools of organizations and staff [ CITATION Fah18 \l

1033 ]

The Goal of Human Resource Planning

According to my learning, Human Resources Planning, the boss who oversees the

business, is more or less an HRM. They all endure the liability to a certain level, which is called

an HRM. HRP's key aim is "to provide the company with a human resource who can execute the

activities and duties that make it functional and competitive on the market. It includes the

achievement, organization, selection, recruiting and support of talented workers, and the

management of performance assessments. They also endorse other characteristics such as

commitment, teaching, coaching, lifework, and organizational development, inspiring and


motivating everyone as a team. Human resources preparation has many duties, such as

procurement, role review, and stock of skills, success assessment, incentives, and

awards[ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ].

Analysis of Learning

I have learned various aspects and several ideas can support me as a boss who manages

and plans the human capital according to its requirements. Any of them are discussed as follows

in the sense of human resources preparation in different functions:

Planning for Crisis Handling

It is the mechanism by which an organization focuses on how emergencies should be

treated; preparation increases the business's capacity to manage crises and allows an accelerated

turnaround when faced with a crisis. Crisis management strategy is an indispensable crisis

management mechanism since it provides advice on avoiding or preventing disasters, coping

with crises, and rebound.

Communication Weakness and Risks

HR has a big duty to make the flaws and future risks clear to its workers. All future risks

within and outside of the company must be detected and conveyed to workers. Effective

coordination makes it possible for staff to deal with the situation mentally, socially, and

intellectually. For helping them recognize contact chansons facing a crisis, HR is also required to

create a communication strategy between employees[ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ].


Promoting Staff Participation

HR plays an important role in crisis management, thus facilitating the readiness of an

enterprise for sustainability. Disasters within the workplace climate and outside are expected to

affect the company and its workers.

Motivation of Employees

The HR is responsible for ensuring that the workers use their expertise and the

organization's requisite staff. It ensures HR will help resolve crises by inspiring its staff to

implement the crisis management strategy. It is noteworthy because personnel is of major

concern both before and after the crisis, and HR employees are ideally prepared to support their

crisis management role.[ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ]

Influence the Culture of Industry

The other way HR affects disaster management is by influencing the culture of an

organization. The corporate culture is the traditional practices of an organization and how its

members communicate with each other and conduct their functions according to its principles

and expectations. It indicates that the way workers of a company react to crises depends strongly

on its atmosphere.

Crisis Strategy

A small-scale contingency strategy addressing the human nature of a crisis must be

created in addition to the organizational crisis plan by HR. It includes assessing the vulnerability

and designing mitigation strategies for HR work and processes. The aim is for HR to determine

proactively and then build expertise in solving the HR department's challenges. The HR

department is also noted for its role in crisis management, thus encouraging greater strategic

management participation. [ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ]

Application in Context

My new job plan is to work with the management of human resources. If a role is sought

in an organization with field-based training hands in five years, it may be feasible for me as a

human resources assistant manager. My present organization, a local municipality, offers only

the work preparing for the role.

Threat and risk evaluation preparation entails training staff on finding risks in the

company environment by providing environmental scan information and skills. There should still

be a mechanism in which workers regularly recognize and report on possible risks to the

corporation in their jobs. The human resources department should also work to establish a

disaster management department, and the focus is given to the hazard and risk assessment to

defend the company from future losses. HR, therefore, has a vital role to play in the protection of

attacks in the company [ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ]

Planning for Business Sustainability

Continuity in business includes activities to ensure the business continues as before the

crisis. The aim is to ensure that the organization can return to its former role as soon as possible

so that regular business operations proceed.

Recovery for Disaster

The disaster recovery process relies on the organization's ability to adapt to its workers'

expertise and skills. The employee-related catastrophe recovery process can provide instruction

on coping with physical and psychological stress after a crisis and how workers can support the

company to return before the crisis. Crises can cause considerable damages, including data

losses, physical properties, technology, systems, and consumers. Employees should be trained to

retrieve these losses and thus to promote the organization's success. [ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ]

Analysis of Market Effects

After a downturn, the corporate turnaround process involves a wealth of experience and

practical solutions to help the company restore its lost glory. It is achieved by evaluating the

market consequences to assess the magnitude of the tragedy. Precise impact estimation supports

the recovery technique because it helps evaluate the resulting damages to formulate plans to

restore the losses. Employees' feedback is important because they can better recognize the effect

of the company's crisis via preparation. Workers can help prepare and improve the response

process and quantify disasters' effect on an organization. [ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ]


In my opinion, human resources preparation is a decision-making mechanism combining

three essential activities; (1). The correct number of individuals with correct qualifications to

identify and acquire (2). Motivate them to excel and (3) create interactive connections between

corporate priorities and human resources planning. It has been a good opportunity to have the

skills necessary to be a good human resource professional who will help the company succeed.

[ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ]

Reconstruct Self-concept

I would be trained if a job was opened for which I am qualified and acquired. No other

opportunities are offered for professional advancement. The future business will help me grow

my career by working strategies such as rotations of jobs, or preferably by an assistant to learn

the skills needed to achieve the next stage. [ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ]

Employee engagement and professional growth activities should be compatible with

corporate practices and values. In this ability, the role of human resources planning is to facilitate

professional growth that concentrates on employee talents, expertise, and skills. Organizations

that adopt and extend their training principles and policies provide their workers with new

learning opportunities. The introduction and advancement of appropriate training and

development opportunities for workers assure employees the requisite expertise and experience

to fulfill their jobs. The organization becomes a place to relax and, most specifically, remain in

by working on personal growth needs; this is inevitable in allowing the organization to advance

and do well. [ CITATION Fah18 \l 1033 ]


Fahed-Sreih, J. (2018). Human resource planning for the 21st century. London: Intechopen.


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