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Week 1

DQ 1

School culture incorporates to the approach of educators and other school staff members
collaborate their values, ideas, assumptions, and beliefs. Successful schools develop plans for a
safe learning environment. Developing the school culture starts with resources within the local
community of your school. Tight knit interactions encompassed by members and local residents
of the community.

The majority of school leaders have natural instincts of the school culture elements that are
needed for a successful and productive school. Your schools core values and beliefs start with
the leader of the school and staff members. These members in the school need to set the pace for
our students and the culture of the school. Great cultures come from listening, engagement and

On and off campus leaders and staff need to walk the same walk as though they were inside of
their schools implementing a positive culture. Culture does not start within the school but outside
of the school within the local community. The effect are drastic when you have young children
following negative interactions or encounters. 

DQ 2

Principals are aware of a schools culture prior to taking the leadership role. A negative school
climate is clearly viewed as having the opposite of a school labeled as school classified as having
a positive climate. Schools that are on the lower end of climate control are presumed to have low
academic achievement scores, sketchy behaviors, trust issues, high staff turnover rates, and
student graduation rates. These are just to name some. There are a pleather of negative entities
that are involved with not producing an environment of comfort and safety. 

My values coincide with life, I try to teach these and implement them on a daily basis with my
students. The 5P's, Proper, Preparation, Prevents, Poor, Performances. The P's can be navigated
and used in any approach. Preparing for something that has been never done or accomplished
before with consistency takes ALL of the 5P's. Just this evening I had to use them for myself for
motivation. I had students (5) that have fallen behind due to not having internet services for our
daily virtual class. Therefore, they came to my house door and begged me to help them catch up,
though I was intending to write this post 3 hours ago. However, my mind was focused on our
school climate and how this ONE sacrifice could populate a trend that could be followed and
help construct a new mindset in our students. Another example is the daily sacrifice to educate
students about more than just schoolwork but about life in general. Most people are unaware of
the work done "behind the scenes" to plan out climate, safety, academics, and everything to run
the school in an orderly fashion. 

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