Activity For Evolution Part 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

NAME: _____________________________ SECTION: _________________________


(Show patterns of descent with modification from
common ancestors to produce the organismal
diversity observed today)
Activity 1: Compare and contrast the following evolutionary terms based on your own
understanding. Write your answer on the spaces provided for each item.

Part 1
1. Species vs. Speciation

2. Descent with modification vs. Common Ancestry

3. Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection

4. Reproductive Isolating Mechanism vs. Mode of Speciation

Address: DFS Phase III, Talisay, Balanga
Email Address:
Telephone No: (047) 935-0210
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon


5. Macroevolution vs. Microevolution


Activity 2: Based on the descriptions, identify the specific isolating mechanisms:

_________________________1. Two species of garter snakes live in the same region but one
lives in water and the other on
_________________________2. Two species of meadowlarks with different mating songs
_________________________3. When tigers and leopards are crossed, the zygote begins to
develop but the pregnancy ends in miscarriage or stillborn
_________________________4. Mule is the sterile offspring of a horse and a donkey
_________________________5. Two species of plants flower at different months
_________________________6. Least fly catcher is seen in open woods, farms and orchards
while Acadian fly catcher is found in deciduous forests particularly in beech trees and swampy
_________________________7. Wood frog usually mates in late March when water
temperature is about 7.2 0C while Leopard frog usually mates in mid-April when water
temperature is 12.8 0C.
_________________________8. Black sage and White sage grow in the same areas, but
hybrids rarely form because flowers of two species have become specialized for distinct
pollinator. Black sage flowers are pollinated by small bees while white sage flowers are
pollinated by large bees.
_________________________9. Blue-footed boobies select their mates only after an elaborate
courtship ritual, which is unique to them
_________________________10. Sea urchins of more than one species might reproduce in
the same place at the same time, but the sperm of species A might be incompatible with the ova
of species B and vice versa.

Address: DFS Phase III, Talisay, Balanga

Email Address:
Telephone No: (047) 935-0210
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Activity 3: Based on the descriptions, identify the mode of speciation:

_________________________1. Some grasses that grow around mines are tolerant of heavy
metals in soil. Meanwhile, neighboring grasses don't live in polluted soil, but they occupy a
continuous geographic population. The two grasses have evolved different flowering times
_________________________2. The apple maggot lays its eggs inside an apple, causing it to
rot. As the apple falls from the tree, the maggots dig in the ground and emerge as flies later.
The original hawthorn species still only lays its eggs in hawthorn apples.
_________________________3. When Arizona's Grand Canyon formed, squirrels and other
small mammals that had once been part of a single population could no longer contact and
reproduce with each other across this new geographic barrier.
_________________________4. Within the past 2 million years in Lake Malawi, over 400
species of fish have descended from a single common ancestral species. Some of these
species may have developed when fluctuating water levels isolated small sub-populations of the
original ancestral species and prevented interbreeding
_________________________5. Plants that live on boundaries between very distinct climates
may flower at different times in response to their different environments, making them unable to

Activity 4: Read the article below and answer the questions that follow..
The Beak of the Pinch
The 13 species of finches in the Galápagos Island have different beaks adapted to different
diets. DNA evidence indicates that the Galápagos finch species are all more related to one
another than any one is to a species on the mainland; they all evolved from one ancestral
species Traits like the size and shape of beaks can change when the environment and thus the
food supply changes.
Habitats and ecological niches are constantly changing. In 1977, as a result of drought, large
seeds were abundant and birds with large, strong beaks had a competitive advantage. Over
generations, the average beak depth changed. In 1983, abundant precipitation allowed vines to
flourish. During the 1985 drought, smaller seeds were more abundant, so that birds with smaller
beaks had a competitive advantage, survived well, and their offspring had smaller beaks.
Evolutionary change can occur rapidly, in only a few generations, if there is genetic variation
among individuals in a population and if natural selection acting on this variation is strong.
Species are defined as populations whose members do not interbreed with members of other
populations. Reproductive isolation can result in speciation. Song and appearance both played
a role in keeping members of different species from mating with each other. It is likely that a
finch species arrived on one island from the mainland, then as descendants populated other
Address: DFS Phase III, Talisay, Balanga
Email Address:
Telephone No: (047) 935-0210
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
islands, their traits changed over time. If the changes included traits in mating, they became
distinct species.

Review Questions:
1. What evidence did scientists use to determine that all 13 species of finches on the Galápagos
have one common ancestor?
2. How did the population of ground finches change as a result of environmental changes?
3. Does evolution happen quickly or slowly? Explain further.
4. What is the definition of a species?
5. How did one ancestral populations give rise to many species, each with different
Address: DFS Phase III, Talisay, Balanga
Email Address:
Telephone No: (047) 935-0210
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Activity 5: Choose and encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Mules are sterile because they cannot produce functional gametes. This is evidence that
A. horses and donkeys are members of the same species.
B. horses and donkeys are separated by genetic drift.
C. horses and donkeys are separated by a prezygotic barrier.
D. horses and donkeys are separated by a postzygotic barrier.

2. In which mode of speciation does a new species emerge from within the geographic range of
its ancestor?
A. Allopatric speciation
B. Parapatric speciation
C. Sympatric speciation
D. Mechanical isolation
3. Which of the following statements about biological species is(are) correct?
I. Biological species is a group of individuals whose members interbreed with one another.
II. Biological species are the model used for grouping extinct forms of life.
III. Members of biological species produce viable, fertile offsprings.
A. I only B. II only C. I and III D. II and III

4. The following isolating mechanisms prevent fertilization and formation of zygote except
A. Temporal isolation B. Hybrid breakdown C. Gametic isolation D. Ecological isolation

5. Genetic drift can be defined as:

A. changes in the gene pool due to random.
B. the movement of individuals from land to water
C. gene flow
D. continental shift of the plates on the Earth’s surface

Address: DFS Phase III, Talisay, Balanga

Email Address:
Telephone No: (047) 935-0210

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