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► Choose your specialty.  ► Take ₡5. You can save or spend. Most items  ► To create Settings, roll an aspect from each 

AGENT: Skilled in Shooting (d8), Stealth (d8). 
Take inside intel, an agency badge, night-lens, 
and tightsuit (break 2x for defense, bulky). 
ARTIST: Distracting people (d8) and any (d8) 
cost ₡1 each. Ignore micro-credit 
transactions, like a whiskey or hoverfuel. 
RAYGUNS: Disintegrator cannon (₡2, bulky, 
gatling), Pistol, Predator rifle (₡2, far), Ray-rifle 
genre and combine them. Or just invent it. 

1  Armada of ships  7  Moonbase omega 
(bulky), Stun pistol (stun, pocket-sized).  2  Asteroid belt  8  Sky islands 
  1 of Singing, Acting, Painting, Dancing. Take a  3  Alien mega-city  9  Space coliseum 
loud-mic or porta-canvass. Your skills have  TOOLS: Auto-tools, breather, electro-glove,  4  Cruise starship  10  Space railcars 
some renown where you come from.  grenades (flash, frag, ion, smoke), magnifier,  5  Desert planet  11  Space station 
CROOK: Deception (d8), Evading Gunfire (d8),  micro-cigs, night-lens, patchup kit, sparktorch.  6  Huge cargo ship  12  Space (whatever) 
or one at d10. Take a raygun, a chrome vest,  ► Hovercars cost ₡5. You get 2 upsides and 2 
and a holo-image of a beau.  downsides. Pick whatever ya want, but 
downsides might come up as bad luck. Also,  1  Bank, vault, office  7  Infinite library 
DETECTIVE: Raise (d8) any 2 of Shooting, 
the car’s break 2x when you’re in it.  2  Bars and clubs  8  Luxury manor 
Sensing Details, Stealth, Tracking, or 1 at d10. 
3  Casino and hotel  9  Market, cafes, park 
Take a raygun, trenchcoat, and micro-cigs.  UPSIDES: Break +1 for defense, sleek and 
4  Dock, warehouse  10  Out in frontier forest 
FATALE: Flirting (d8), Reading People (d8).  luxurious, fast as all get-out, lots o’ trunk 
5  City streets  11  Taxis, shuttle depot 
Take fancy dress, a portable looking-glass,  space, backup raygun (pick 1 at ₡1), high- 
6  Housing, suburbs  12  Zoo, aquarium 
and ray-gun.  maneuverability, carphone, ejector seats, 
oil-slick, eyescan starter, stealthy and quiet,  ► Roll or invent cases. 
FIGHTER: Hand-to-hand (d10). Take a patchup  comfy to sleep in, blends in, steakout gear, 
kit and electro-glove.  1  __ hires you to clear their name of murder 
loyal chauffeur, imitating beast, ramming  2  __ is accidentally killed. There’s foul play 
GENIUS: Technology (d8). Pick (d8) Sciences,  chassis, submersible, easy to repair.  3  __ is being blackmailed. But by who? 
Engineering, or Medicine. Take a labcoat,  4  __ was found dead in their starship 
DOWNSIDES: Full o’ laser holes, old piece o’ 
quik-tools, and a pocket gadget.  junk, radio and life support don’t work, tiny  5  __ was kidnapped. You have to find them 
GETAWAY: Take a car and -₡1.  (barely fits 2), finicky/temperamental, loud, old  6  __ was last seen at the nova gala 2 days ago 
and slow, stolen ID tags, needs charging often,  7  __’s in the med-bay, someone attacked them 
HEIR: Connections (d8). Take +₡3. 
too much sentimental value, dislikes you,  8  __’s on the run from the mob. Find them first 
JOE: Speaking sincerely (d8). For your  fragile (prone to explosion), complicated tech  9  An explosion goes off, another one’s coming 
day-job, raise any (d10) 1 of Acrobatics,  you don’t completely understand.  10  Hovercar is found abandoned, there’s blood. 
Driving, Heavy-lifting, Power tools, Leadership,  11  Long credit trail leads to a strange business 
► Tips for Moderation.  12  The priceless __ was stolen last night 
Engineering, Running, Technology. 
XENO-EXPERT Languages (d8), Galactic  INSPIRATIONS: Blade Runner / 2049, Asimov 
  stories, Minority Report, Fifth Element,  BUT… 
knowledge (d8). Take a diplomacy visa and 
Altered Carbon, Tech noir or Neo-noir.  1  30 people were in the room & saw nothing. 
  +₡1. Officials may request your expertise. 
CONTENT: Be aware of the mature nature of  2  A cosmic storm destroyed all the evidence 
► Now pick or invent 2 skills... 
NOIRPUNK HACK  Acrobatics, Deception, Disguising, Driving, 
the crimes that may be represented in this 
game. Work with your table to set lines for 
3  All witnesses are wrong, under an illusion 
4  Gravity keeps switching on and off here 
Engineering, Explosives, Hand-to-hand,  safety and comfort. It’s everyone’s game.   5  If it’s not solved, it’ll cause a galactic war  
MARC STROCKS  Intimidation, Labor, Lock-picking, Medicine, 
Running, Shooting, Stealth, Technology 
TONE: This content is part of what creates 
6  No one speaks, for fear of ending up dead 
7  Only evidence for the case was stolen 
the high-stakes, and dark world of noir. Use 
    that to make players experience the grit and  8  The #1 suspect was in the moon’s jailcells. 
► Or pick 1 unique attribute.  9  The only weapon used was a literal dream. 
emotion of these powerful stories. 
Dura-skin (break 2x), generate electricity (d8),  10  They say it was done by their clone. 
gills, heat/fireproof, radiation-proof, robotic  2040: MONOCHROME is a hack of 2400 by  11  They were immune to this form of death 
limb (Hand-to-hand d8), sense cosmic clues,  Pretendo Games. Cover CC BY Joost Assink.  12  Someone’s shot out of the airlock, survives 
sense nearby emotions, speak all languages.  Image was cropped and bordered.   

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