Writing Council Donation For Book Club Members

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The graph illustrates the changes in the number of book club members as well as the amount of

money given to these clubs by a city council over a four-years period.

Overall, it can be seen that the amount of money which is given by a city council and the
number of club members both increase. It is also notable the amount of money given by a city
council witnesses a biggest change during the period shown. According to the chart, from the
first year to the second year, there was an opposite trend between the amount of money from
a city council and the number of the number book club members. While there was a slight rise
in council dontation from £20.000 to £25.000, a minimal decrease by 1000 can be seen in the
number of people attending book clubs.

the most significant fact to emerge from the graph is the mount of money given and the
number of members attending book clubs rose sharply in the third years, with £17,500 and
5000 respectively. in the fourth year, the amount of money offered by the city council fell
dramatically by £5.000. On the other hand, the number of book club members increased
slightly by 2000.

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