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1.- Answer (T)rue or (F)alse 1 Pt e/o

 Present progressive and Present Continuous are different tenses ___T___

 The auxiliar Does is only used in short answers ____F__
 The Question word WHERE means ¨cuando¨ __F____
 After the verb TO WANT, the following verb ends in ING ___F___
 We use PRESENT SIMPLE to talk about repetitive actions __T____

2.- Read carefully the following sentences. Say if it is written in Present Simple (PS) or Present
Continuous (PC) 1 pt e/o

 Susan eats lunch with her friends ___PS____

 Susan´s sister is chatting with her boyfriend now ___PC____
 At this moment, the teacher is explaining a lesson ____PC___
 Mary and Helen go to school by bus everyday ___PS____
 Robert usually plays soccer after school ___PS____

3.- Create the correct answer for the next questions (LONG ANSWERS) 1PT e/o

 Where is she from? She is from Caracas

 Where does she live? She lives in Maracay
 What is she doing now? She is eating the lunch
 What does she do everyday? She studies english every day
 How old is she? She is 30 years old

4.- Answer the next questions

 What does PRESENT SIMPLE express? The present simple to talk about repetitive action
 Tell what are the time expression for PRESET CONTINUOUS? The present continuous to tall
about action that happen just now
 Why do we use FREQUENCY ADVERBS? Because We use it for express a repetitive action
 Why do we use PRESENT CONTINUOUS? Because We use it for express an action just now
 Can we use VERB TO BE with PRESENT SIMPLE tense? No, we don’t

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