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Lesson Plan in Oral Communication

Grade 11-Senior High School

Learning Competencies: Distinguishes types of speeches EN11/12OC-IIcj-23

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. differentiate the types of speech delivery;
b. share the importance of expressing oneself through oral communication in
solving gender issues
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Types of Speech
Sub-Topics: Types of Speech According to Purpose and Delivery
GAD Core Values: Expressing oneself through oral communication in
solving gender issues
B. Reference: Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School
Learner’s Material, pages 80-81
C. Materials: Pictures
Word Strips
Laptop and Overhead Projector
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary of Lesson:
1. Review: Give your insight regarding our previous lesson through
describing this picture.

2. Motivation:
a. Based on the picture, what will be the possible issue or problem?
b. If you are given the chance to speak, what are you to say regarding the
B. Presentation of Lesson:
1. What do think our lesson for today?
2. The teacher will present the topic.
C. Lesson Proper
1. Ask the students to go to their group.
2. The teacher will ask a group representative to pick word strip
containing short speech. Paper strips contain gender issues and

Nevertheless, in many of the modern societies today, there is no need for

traditional gender roles, because both men and women are able to do many of the
same necessary tasks, thereby making gender-specific behaviors irrelevant. These
stereotypes can be harmful because they motivate people to condemn and oppress
those who do not fit the traditional gender roles. As a result of this oppression,
many people struggle to reach their full potential. Therefore, it is critical that we
encourage everyone to follow and express their own truth, regardless of gender
norms, so that everyone is able contribute fully to our society.
By: Joy Nash (
Over time, the technological and agricultural developments of the
Neolithic Revolution spread, causing more nomadic tribes to settle
down into stationary lifestyles. Thus, women began to stay home or
within the settlement to take care of children, make clothes, and other
domestic tasks, while men worked the fields to grow food, domesticate
animals, and continue to hunt, although to a lesser scale.

Well, do you have a great day ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to

“Magandang Buhay”. We’re here today to talk the spectacular life of our three
women who are now in the limelight of their career. To start, let’s call in Kris
Aquino, Aiza Seguerra, and Sarah Geronimo.

3. They will select a representative to deliver what is written. They can

also express their ideas regarding their topic.
4. Inform the class that each speech has its purpose. The teacher will
post on the board;


5. They will select a representative to deliver the speech.

6. After each group has presented their speech. The teacher will ask the
students to express their ideas on the following topic and assign them
to deliver their speech in different manner.
7. Let each group will pick their topic.

Group 1 – Do you agree that men are more superior in workplace

compare to women? Why? (3 minutes to prepare, can bring outline)

Group 2 – Is it important to behave according to your gender according

to the expectations of the society? Or behave according to your own
preference? Why? (Write your speech on a sheet of paper. You can
read during speech delivery)

Group 3. – Do you agree that men and women should have equal
rights in the society? Why? (Present your answer immediately)

Group 4. – Do you think that knowing our identity, means we can behave to
our gender preference? Why (Memorized your answer in 5 minutes)

Group 5. – Does having gender identity contribute to our society? Why?

(prepare in 5 minutes)


1. In the first activity, what type of speech according to purpose do they

deliver? Why?
2. In the second activity, what have observed on how they deliver the
speech? (This will connect them to the types of speech according to
3. The teacher will process their answers?
4. Do you think that gender issues can affect our society? Why?
5. What are the different advantages and disadvantages of types of
speech delivery?

1. Differentiate the type of speech according to purpose.
2. Differentiate the type of speech according to delivery.

1. Among the 4 types of speech delivery, which do you think you
prefer most? Why?
2. If given a chance to speak, what are you going to tell to those
people who experience gender discrimination?
3. Do you think that individual has the right to voice and express
oneself in order to eradicate gender discrimination?
IV. Evaluation: Answer the following question.
1. Differentiate the four types of speech delivery and give speaking situations
wherein it is being applied. (8 points)
2. Differentiate the three types of speech according to purpose. (3 points)
3. Do you think that speaking and living out for yourself will free you from
gender issues? Why?
V. Assignment:
Write a short speech on how to address gender issues. You can research on
internet or books in order to support your ideas. (At least 50-80 words)

Prepared by:


Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School

Types of Speech According to Purpose

1. An informative speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a

concept or idea. The lectures of your teachers are the best examples of this type.

2. An entertainment speech amuses the audience. The humorous speeches of

comedians and performers are the best examples of this type.

3. A persuasive speech seeks to provide the audience with favorable or acceptable

ideas that can influence their own ideas and decisions. The campaign speeches of
the running candidates for government posts are the best examples of this type.

Types of Speech According to Delivery

1. Extemporaneous Description

• Speaking with limited preparation

• Guided by notes or outline

• Delivered conversationally

• Most popular type Speaking Situations • When you are a candidate for a post in
a student government and you deliver your campaign speech before a voting public •
When you are assigned to report a topic in class

Advantages • Helps you look confident • Engages the audience

Disadvantages • May not have adequate time to plan, organize, and rehearse

Tips • Create an outline • Organize your points logically (most important to least
important or vice versa) • Use facts and real-life experiences as your examples
• Manage your time well • Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse
2. Impromptu Description
• Speaking without advanced preparation
• Unrehearsed speech • Spoken conversationally Speaking Situations
• In an event where you are asked to say a few words • First day at work or
in class, or during an interview
Advantages •Spontaneous or natural speaking • More focused and brief

Disadvantages • Tendency to be disorganized • Lacks connection with the

audience • Nerve-racking for inexperienced speakers and beginners

Tips • Once you are requested to say something, pause for a moment to plan in
your head what to say. • State your main point briefly and deliver it at a pace
your audience can follow. • End by saying thank you.

3. Manuscript Description

• Speaking with advanced preparation

• Planned and rehearsed speech

• Reading aloud a written message

Speaking Situations • Newscasting with a TelePrompter or an autocue device •

Presenting the legal proceedings and verdict in court • Reading the rules and
criteria in a contest

Advantages • Exact repetition of the written words • Guided speech

Disadvantages • Boring and uninteresting presentation • Lacks audience

rapport or connection

Tips • Rehearse the speech over and over again until you sound natural. •
Observe accomplished news anchors and note how conversational they sound
when they deliver the news.

4. Memorized Description
• Speaking with advanced preparation
• Planned and rehearsed speech
• Reciting a written message word-for-word from memory
Speaking Situations • When you perform in a stage play • When you
deliver a declamation, oratorical, or literary piece • When an actor or actress
in a scene performs a script from memory
Advantages •Exact repetition of the written words from memory • Free to move
around the stage
Disadvantages • Speakers might end up speaking in a monotone pattern.
Alternatively, he/she might take a fast pace. • When the speaker cannot control
his/her stage fright, he/she might have difficulty remembering his/her memorized
speech. Tips • Rehearse the speech over and over again until you sound
natural and feel confident. • Observe how actors/actresses perform their
script in a theater, television, or movie scenes.

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