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1. Write a python program to implement tic tac toe game using Q-learning agent.

2. Implement Kmeans clustering for Iris datset using Elbow method with Python program
3. Write a python program to implement Support Vector Machines classifier using credit
card data set from kaggle.
4. Implement Voting based Ensemble model using Logistic Regression and Decision
Tree Wisconsin Breast Cancer dataset and compare its performance with K fold cross
validation with Python program (Note: K value can be chosen on your own)
5. Write a python code to implement Perceptron in the Iris flower dataset. Strip the last 50
rows of the dataset that belongs to the class ‘Iris-virginica’ and use only 2 classes ‘Iris-
setosa’ and ‘Iris-versicolor’ And eventually finding the optimal weights, find the line
and classify all of these data points correctly.
6. Implement Kmeans clustering using Python program for Mall_Customers dataset with
7. Write a python program to implement multiple linear for Red Wine Quality dataset
from kaggle. Consider input features like fixed acidity, volatile acidity, citric acid,
residual sugar, chlorides, free sulfur dioxide, total sulfur dioxide, density, pH,
sulphates, alcohol. and predict the quality of the wine. Also evaluate the performance of
your algorithm.
8. Implement Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine for Wisconsin Breast Cancer
dataset and compare its performance with 5 fold cross validation with Python program
9. Write a python program to classify data using the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm in
Python. Use breast cancer dataset from the sklearn.datasets module
10. Write a python program to implement, visualize and evaluate the performance metrics
of simple linear regression. Note: Predict the maximum temperature taking input
feature as the minimum temperature using Weather Conditions in World War Two
datset from kaggle
11. For the Titanic dataset from kaggle guess whether the individuals from the dataset had
survived or not using a python program. Also calulate the gini index
12. Write a python program to implement, visualize and evaluate the performance metrics
of simple linear regression. Note: Predict the price of the land given its dimensions;
create your own dataset of atleast 50 rows
13. Write a python program to implement multiple linear for Red Wine Quality dataset
from kaggle. Consider input features like fixed acidity, volatile acidity, pH, sulphates,
alcohol. and predict the quality of the wine. Also evaluate the performance of your
14. Given the weight (in lbs) and foot size (in inches), predict whether the person is a male
or female” using Naive bayes algorithm implementation with Python program (Note:
create your own dataset of atleast 50 rows)
15. Given the climatic condition (summer, rainy, windy), Tournament Type
(National/International) and Coach Name ((X, Y, Z)), predict whether the team will
“win” or “not” using Naive bayes algorithm implementation with Python program
(Note: create your own dataset of atleast 50 rows)
16. Write a python Program to implement K means clustering using the online retail
transactional dataset from kaggle to choose the best set of customers which the
company should target.
17. Write a python script to implement Decision Tree Classification & Naive bayes &
KNN Classification to predict whether the student will be placed or not. Also compare
the accuracy of various classification algorithms you have implemented.
18. Write a python program to implement Support Vector Machines classifier to classify a
Pulsar star from kaggle dataset.
19. You are provided with daily historical sales data. The task is to forecast the total
amount of products sold in every shop for the test set. Note that the list of shops and
products slightly changes every month. Creating a robust model that can handle such
situations is part of the challenge. Use kaggle's dataset and basic ensembling
20. Write a python program to implement Decision Tree classifier, visualize and evaluate
the tree for the diabetes dataset using Scikit-learn package.

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