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(erection Sewp. 4.% (b) Uh FE KO) be requler of £- Then Wie ‘pe alse regular af Theorem 6.24 (@ Hactsheme, Chap. Z) let A be a neethorian local demain f (Krull) climensiont, vith ae a ynarimal ideal om. Then the fPllevinny ant egpivlect: () A ba DVR, @®) Aw indegrally cee (a) A ia ao regular (eal ring (v) mv aw prncspal ideal . For new, we com ignore &) cmd only frews on the equivalances (:) Ge) pam Gv). bub first, what is a regplas lreal ing ? Del. (Regular local rivy) let A be ancetherian local n with the maximal ideal, - m and te residue held le = Ah Raa taur local diam (Yat) = dim (4). i nn me : bce gmeth eave. a fe Cs o pont LCT, i» a locating beomne, the complemut KlcT,\Me (My w te mancinal ot P in K&I,) cuits of Gets units (invertible eloments), ¢0 every dumank f Mop io a noruvitt Gunimverible ). “This inglics Mp in me a unique moaninal. ieleal, of Ktca, (if there war mother meandinal ideal it world conten at least ea Ge oa wnt, whidr eagle te this maximal ideal ia the whole rig gince (except 20 tuys) every ty needs 4 howe 4). ; Kc, io noetherian Since Ub in a loralizahin f KCC] which w noethenan. aw be rUibaty » As RCI p being a DVR, dione Oe] ve Besides , ebivn (Kel )dimension of KOC) in sn) = Hin) eit = din (EZ) + baight (my) (~ Ro © iz) = iy + a ea (2 ©) iv the on prove Wel (y (0) ¢ Mp ia the only chon of of «itd 50 dm(Z)=0) distinct prime Ueala im ECCT p and ds ee height vb 4) Since dung, if et dim(KCc] 2), KEI, th oo sequlac local reer) « a Rareactes Tis vohont of eequleur Iscal ray gives om equivalent way, which vw mere iwdnnsic and more algebraic, of eefining qnonsingulertt a : : A Soniploly of ve Xf besiden He analytical wag of defi ron singalacity of a veuriety Wainy Deeobian mecix at come port with respect te Genececors of the Ural of Ra vec me adveottage 4 descatbing ronsigula city m terns if the (ocal eings withat we de nat actually core how we embed a vade 1 Say % in affine space Swce after all sy different embedelings shewld oS fc Wocol aw meommbile Jacobian metrices at pie taonery on nN EM eront beddiivgs. @ a em Def. (Nowsingalacity ‘Slew in” tooms of regula local tings ) A vavriety XK ve watapad nonsinolar at REX EDDe ia « regular loral ring. We Sou X in seis! nonsi la of X vo wouaingular att every pocnt. (I'm wing notations m Silverman's book fer Fr your eke. This definition could be utfen in a mere general way), Remack: Th Chepe. of Silverman ’s book, a curve C in arwmed to be smooth (or nonsincrular) » Equivalet i Kfcl, vo a regular loral. rng forevery LEC. 1. (nade bert on) let A be @ cing ana Ban Araleebra., ‘The mecule. of relative clifferontial forms of B over A ia elefined to be OO B-medite -Q B7p, which io constructed dy diseling out the fre B-medule generated by the symbols fab| bes} tks submodule roted by all elements f form (i) Alarb) — da ab (i) A(ab) —adb— bea sn fora, b€b, ® andi) de fr cE A, Tresrem 8 (tartshene , Chap I) lat B be a (scab ring containing & field. be aomenphic Yo He reridue field of B. Assume furthermore Hod le in mefec, amd that Bia « lemlitation of « finitely, gored kale Thom ee ino free Bomedlale of rank equal dim (6) tf B in o regular local rg. Th ourcan , from pont 2 ot a smeoth curve C) KEI, is ie ©) & local cing) containing Ke Ke fy, , ond (ii) @ localization of ELC] which too fut pnt K-algebra. Se, BI ig ia a free KIC Ty mecade of ank 4 Gince KOCIp in a regular local rine of dim 4. Ta te Phasing pn, we use vain eye OEE fe - D,. Lol of Bop 4-6): Fre amy paint PEC. lat + be a wmnifermizer (a local pummeter) at 2. Ths feck thet £ € KCC) said to regular ot P forces fmust bem KLCIp since orp (fF) 20. let Dp be relative. the vector sprce. of Wifferental forms of K(C) over E (ame wotetior om in Silverman's Wolke) and Qu p the module of mlative differential farms of K(CI over K. Keep in mind that offer a a ana we. com cbtaiay & Og frm Dep ie Qe ze, W= 2,, since Ley wae ew and Here ia anes om inclicion map KC], —» K(c). : m/e = Qy eo by iven by fr df@d F ie te image of fm in rf i am snore “Te_geal of this proof io shew Bot db € Qe a FERC) ~ boas for ee 4 t Ba umifermizer of P so tok fer oom Aoydeet € requler of L juhich means FE ERI, Af €Qee amd hence there 19 on clement 4 € KCI, st. af = qdk , or instler words te Ela, or AL in alae recular at 2. oe Twill start ofl the prec wit the nodal map of ngs 1: (cI, —> K wee leer()= Mp . Pocamse f We we cam doe change. of buxe rig mM Qep ar fellews Dog? Lop Ceres, K{t],—> Q, 2c Since Ley oa fre K(ct, module. 1 260 SE; Ere te oe ba fre e-medule. beets, Be KOTe/y, img Pe, K Qe ©ze5, Ee Mee Sa oleate Meee) | meee s era lai Te a mE Tina J-svded took of R thon Meg®/z © M/ny.) Se, we cam rewrite ep > 2 tp Cee)? Remember mk (ee) = 4 = ding (Qey Me(29)). As a copllacy to Nalea yaa lemma Sam petioularly Says Vhak since TEOCT p to « (oral rng ith the maria: jeleal Mp ok 2¢,p 1 finely ynersted over KI Ip , hence free ver TECDe , Hf Pag Mela) i « bnnio Joo Dee/y(o.y) Hom {46% io a baris for Qe. The fellowinns preperition qee ya bani for vector space Qep /Mp(2¢p) = eg Srey ce Loop 3% CHctshote- Chap-E) ! lek B be o lecal ving containing a field k inom to its read fil Bi. Them Ye map S: Me 2 yy oat Cae 4, vbue § 2 He image of f Em im mnfad avd AGE Dey iw crm inomecphira Co oa k-veckr pas). Sy jee Si Mt hye > Dep Em, K io am inemocphirm of -veeterspace. Since, My = qt), F ina Eobanis for Mi pye y So tf is enongh te dcfine § on the basis which means $ be dt @1. qf we vew op ®z03, K ow Deo /My (Qep) aod = dt + Mp(2¢p) ) by a corollas ff Naleaqame’s lone wz Tineritond g@ilieap cartier, @ {db io « ECT, —bais for Qe. 9. Turefor, or am fe KEY Chin regular ot 2) j tere 9 0 unique q€ Me Ely st df = gdt or th ag which impos ia alas roplac at.

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