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Github commands:

1) git init (to initialise git)

2) git config “username”
3) git config “usermail”
4) git add filename
5) git commit -m “message”
6) git remote add remotename “repolink”
7) git remote -v(“to check remote”)
8) git push remotename branchname(to push files)
9) git pull remotename branchname(to receive files from github)
10)git status(to check current status of git)
Steps For new repository:
1)git init
2)git config --global “user_name”
3)git config --global “your_email”
#how to add files from one location to another location
4)git add .(all_files) or file_name
5)git commit -m “message”
6)git remote add remote_name”github_respositary_url”
7)git push remote_name branch_name
8)Goto ------>github ----> Refresh name and check files

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