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Section No.

18 Library Science

Evaluation of Users Satisfaction with Library Resources and

Services at Dr.Arun Motghare college of Pharmacy, Kosara,
Konda, Dist. Bhandara: a Case Study
G. Rahul1
Research Scholar
Sarvepalli RadhaKrishnan University, Bhopal

Mr. Rahul Lakshane2

Dr.Arun Motghare college of Pharmacy,
Kosara, Konda, Maharashtra

Mrs. Nishrat S. Khan3

JD College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur


Academic Library is A designated place, digital or physical, set aside to house scholarly research materials and
materials supporting the academic, Institution, College or university community and curriculum. It is a services
centre and always eager to satisfy its user by providing quality services. The assessment studies of library user’
satisfaction has been in focus for the Resource-person to improve services, library infrastructure and resources.
This Research is an attempt on the same lines to know the satisfaction of library users at Dr. Arun Motghare
college of Pharmacy, Kosara, Konda Dist. Bhandara.
A survey was conducted and questionnaire an opinion poll was used a tool for collection and Analysis of data.
Data collected from 140 students was analysed and found that majority of the users are satisfied with the
library services, infrastructure and resources. It is suggested that library should organize awareness as well as
orientation-cum-training programs to attract more and more users.

Keywords: User Satisfaction, User Studies, Academic Libraries, Pharmacy Library Services, Library Resources
and Services.
1. Introduction

User satisfaction has been the primary objective of libraries and library professionals. In academic library there
are various types of users with different types of expectations. In addition, new technologies, databases, and
more innovative systems for accessing information, have made the library more complicated and challenging for
library professionals and users alike. The plenty of resources available and the complexity in being able to
evaluate these resources also create problems for users. The inability to easily identify the specific use of a
library’s services because of the new technologies, and the difficulty to access information sources can all
contribute to user dissatisfaction among academic library users.123 Kassim, N. A. (2009).

The academic library has proved to be an important part of an educational institution, which help students in
expanding their horizon of knowledge. Being a service centre within an educational institution it is necessary to
satisfy each and every library user by providing quality services. Quality improvement is a continue process,
and library staff needs to evaluate library services regularly in terms of user’s satisfaction. The potential users’
feedback is always important for improvement of library resources, services and facilities (Sriram & Rajev,
2014). According to Ezeala and Yusuff (2011), library evaluation is carried out to understand the position of the
library within the Research institutes’ information environment. It is of little importance to have resources when
users will not have knowledge of services that will make them to benefit maximally. Librarians have been
known to measure the resources and services of their library as a way of ensuring that they are meeting the set
objectives of the library Batigi and Garba (2014), Ezeala and Yusuff (2011). Also, Feather and Sturges (1997)
emphasized the growing consensus that for libraries to be truly effective, they must be concerned with their
performance, and that the most meaningful indicators of performance are user-oriented.

2. Dr. Arun Motghare college of Pharmacy Library

Dr. Arun Motghare college of Pharmacy was founded in 2018 at Kondha-Kosra ,Tah-Pauni, Dist-Bhandara -
441908. This Pharmacy College is established by Late Shri. Laxmanji Motghare Charitable Trust, Nagpur and
affiliated to the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University (BATU), Maharashtra and recognized by
the All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi.
The founder society is known as Late Shri. Laxmanji Motghare Charitable Trust, Nagpur which was established
in 1998. The President of the Trust and Principal of the College, honorable Dr. Arun L. Motghare started the
higher education in the rural backward area of Kondha-Kosra. Under the able presidentship personality, Late
Shri. Laxmanji Motghare Charitable Trust opens the new horizons for the upcoming section of society. This is
especially for rural in the fields of Arts, Science, Commerce, Home-Science, Veterinary, Pharmacy, C.B.S.E.,
Management, Technical, Engineering and Education. Today the Trust has three buildings including each and
every educational facility in the modern Era. The Library has a good collection of text and reference books with
a reading hall for 200 students. The library is automated using in-house library management software.
3. Literature Review

Mohindra & Kumar (2015) have undertaken a research aims to assess library service quality (LSQ) associated
with user satisfaction of AC Joshi Library, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. They have modified
SERVQUAL instrument to examine perceived LSQ and level of user satisfaction. Study reveals that library
environment and library services significantly predict the user satisfaction. The level of quality of different
attributes, i.e., library environment, collection, staff, and services were significantly different across academic
discipline of respondents. The study will be helpful for libraries to improve their quality of services and increase
user satisfaction.

Suresha. N,(2016). The main motive of this study was to examine and analyse the users’ satisfaction with library
resources and services among the faculty members and students of St. Claret Degree College, Bangalore. The
present study demonstrates the satisfaction levels of users towards various library resources and services
provided by the college library. The result of the study found that a large number of respondents were satisfied
with library resources and services. It also finds that the books had become a most widely used resources and
circulation services was emerged most preferred service. Some suggestions have been given by the respondents
to make about the library resources and services more effective and efficient manner.

S. Sujath (2015) User Satisfaction on Print and Electronic Information Resources in Kakatiya University
Library, Warangal-A Case Study. This study have identified the frequency of visiting the library, amount of
time spent, level of use of print and electronic information resources, level of satisfaction of print and electronic
information resources, level of satisfaction of library facilities and services. one can conclude that the KU is
ineffective in some of its service provisions. This takes urgent steps to rescue obsolescence through the
application of ICTs in library and information services at KU library.

Chinnadurai, D & Balamurugan, D. (2014) The study was aimed at identifying the needs and the level of
awareness of the student community on networks such as internet and the like. Descriptive method has been
used in this research. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed but 120 were returned duly filled in. A
structured questionnaire was designed for collecting data from the chosen sample group. The data obtained were
analyzed using Simple Percentile analysis to generate tables and to arrive at conclusion. Further, the study was
limited to postgraduate students of engineering colleges in virudhunagar district, as the study is to know
information seeking behaviour of the P.G students in the digital environment. More than ninety seven percent of
students were using library for study activities while 2.5 % do not feel so. 30.84 % of students were using the
text books as the most consulted source whereas 40.83 % were using electronic resources; 28.33 % of users
were suing print journal, Internet and other sources. Majority (95 %) of students were aware of search engines,
while only 5 % do not know what it means. 83.33 % of students have opined that ‘Google & Yahoo’ are the
most sought after search engines they have used. Also, the results indicated that the library and its resources can
be expected to be used by the coming day generations and they are eager to learn everything.

G.Veena and Prabhakara Narasimha Kotari (2016), The objective of present study is to examine the user’s
satisfaction in library facilities, resources and services of the students of SDM College Library, Ujire. 300
questionnaires were distributed among students to collect relevant data. The findings of the study shows that 177
(59.0%) of respondents have the habit to visit to the library daily, majority 260 (86.7%) of respondents are
highly satisfied with the collection of general books, majority 210 (70.0%) are highly satisfied with collection of
text books 160 (53.3%) respondents considered circulation services as excellent. The study suggested that
college library should carry out user studies at regular intervals, in order to identify user’s information needs and
their information gathering behaviors.

4. Significance of the Study

Dr. Arun Motghare college of Pharmacy Library plays an important role to serve the needs of Readers’.
Every year library Committee is spending huge amount to acquire books, journals, magazines, e-books, e-
journal and digitalization work. The study of user satisfaction has abundance influence on use of library
information resources and services. No other study has been carried out to know the users’ satisfaction in this
library department. It is duty of the library staff to evaluate users’ satisfaction with library resources and
services. This study has been carried out at Library of Dr Arun Motghare college of Pharmacy, to know the user
satisfaction which will benefit to review the library resources and services. It will also help to propose new
library services as users’ expectation are growing.

5. Objectives of the study

To investigate the users’ frequency and purpose of visiting library.

 To determine the satisfaction level of users towards library collections, infrastructure and services.
 To explore the users’ satisfaction with library performance.
 To discover the types of services required by users.
 To measure the effectiveness of the library service provided.

6. Methodology
Survey method was adopted for the study to find out satisfaction of users with library collection, infrastructure,
and services. An Arranged questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. Out of 205 questionnaire
distributed to the library users, 140 (68.29%) were retrieved and later analyzed. The target population consists of
first and second year students of D. Pharm and B. Pharm course at Dr. Arun Motghare college of Pharmacy.

7. Findings and Analysis

7.1 Gender-wise Distribution of Respondents

Table-1 shows gender-wise distribution of respondents and their percentage. It is found that
68.57% are male students and 31.42% are females.
This indicates that male library users constitute majority in comparison to male users.

Table-1: Gender-wise distribution of respondents

Sr. No. Gender Number Percentage

1. Male 96 68.57 %
2. Female 44 31.42 %
Total 140 100.00 %

7.2 Class-wise Distribution of Respondents

Table-2 shows class-wise distribution of respondents. It is found that D. Pharm 2rd year students
are more interested to use the library followed by B. Pharm 1st year students.

Table-2: Class-wise distribution of respondents

Sr. No. Class Number Percentage

1. B. Pharm 28 20.00%
1st Year
2. B. Pharm 34 24.85%
2nd Year
3. D. Pharm 37 26.42%
1st Year
4. D. Pharm 41 29.28%
2nd Year

Total 140 100.00%

7.3 Distribution of Respondents by Frequency of Visit

Table-3 shows the frequency of visit of respondents. It is found that 72 users (51.42%) visited
library regularly, 32 users (22.85%) twice in a week, 29 users (20.71%) once in a month, and 7
users (5%) twice in a month.

Table-3: Distribution of respondents by frequency of visit

Sl. No. Frequency of Number of Percentage

visit Respondents
1. Regularly 72 51.42%
2. Twice in a 32 22.85%
3. Once in a 29 20.71%
4. Twice in a 7 5%
Total 140 100.00%

7.4 Purpose of Visiting the Library

Table-4 shows the purpose of library visit. It is found that 58 respondents (41.42%). visit for
issue of books, 28 respondents (20%) for studying in the reading hall, 25 respondents (17.85%)
browsing online resources, 19 respondents (13.57%) read newspaper and magazines in the
library. Only some respondents (07.14%) come to consult reference books.
Table-4: Distribution of respondents by purpose of library visit

Sr. No. Purpose of visit Frequency Percentage

1. Issue of Books 58 41.42%
2. Study in 28 20%
Reading Hall
3. Reference 10 07.14%
4. Browsing 25 17.85%
5. Reading 19 13.57%
Newspaper and
Total 140 100.00%

7.5 Users’ Satisfaction with Library Resources and Services

Table-5 shows users’ satisfaction with library resources and services. It is found that 120
respondents (85.85%) are satisfied with library infrastructure, 138 respondents (98.87%) feel
satisfied with library services, 134 respondents (95.71%) are satisfied with library collection, 137
respondents (97.85%) are satisfied with the way library staff helps to the users and online
catalogue service, 132 (94.28%) are satisfied with photocopy service. In case of remaining
services more than 82% respondents are satisfied. Some of the respondents are not satisfied with
timing of Library. Overall library performance satisfied to 123 (87.85%) respondents.

Table-4: Users’ Satisfaction with Library Resources and Services

Sr. Library Satisfied Not Satisfied

No Resources and Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
1. Library 134 95.71% 6 4.28%
2. Library 138 98.87% 2 1.42%
3. Library 120 85.85% 20 14.28%
4. Helpfulness of 137 97.85% 3 2.14%
Library Staff
5. Library Timing 118 84.28% 22 15.71%
6. Photocopy 132 94.28% 8 5.71%
7. Internet Access 122 87.14% 18 12.85%
8. E-books & E- 129 92.14% 11 7.85%
9. Online 137 97.85% 3 2.14%
10. Overall Library 123 87.85% 17 12.14%
8. Findings and Suggestions

 From the analysis of Male Female Number it is found that ratio of male and female is
24:11, it is important to compare this data with the actual ratio of male and female in the
college and if it differs it is suggested to take necessary steps to extend library services to
the female students who are not coming to the library.
 As 2nd year D. Pharm students are more interested to use the library followed by 1st B.
Pharm year students, the library staff should try to know why less number of 2nd year
students come to the library and necessary steps should be taken to attract them.
 Less than 54% of users are visiting the library regularly, it is suggested that Librarian
should organize various type of activities to attract more and more users Towards Library
 It seems that issue-return of books is the users’ main purpose to visit the library. Usage of
online resources and Reference Services is less. It is suggested to organize orientation-
cum-training programmes for the library users to create awareness about the library
resources and services.
 As majority of the users are satisfied with the library services, Helpfulness of Library
Staff and Library Collection, it’s really good but continue efforts are required to increase
the User’s Interest.

9. Conclusion

The study identified that all the services provided by the academic library have significant impacts on the Dr.
Arun Motghare college of Pharmacy users’ satisfaction. Libraries are increasing their collection according to
the requirement of the readers and have to allocate funds which keep on increasing every financial year.
Librarians want to satisfy library readers with resources and services and users’ survey helps them to rectify the
imperfections in different sections of the libraries. This study also revealed that most of the readers visit library
and the best part of this study is that majority of the users were satisfied. It is always necessary to build library
collection print as well as digital according to the requirement of the users and new services are to be introduced
for the behalf of users. On the rest of above mentioned suggestions library staff member should take necessary
efforts to attract more and more users and satisfy them with quality services.
Mohindra, R., & Kumar, A. (2015). User Satisfaction Regarding Quality of Library Services of
AC Joshi Library, Panjab University, Chandigarh. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information
Technology,35(1),. pp. 54-60

Suresha. N,(2016). User Satisfaction on Library Resources and Services

in St.Claret
Degree College Library, Bangalore-A Study, International Journal of
Next Generation Library and Technologies (ISSN 2395 – 5201), August
2016, Volume 2 Issue 3

Sujath. S(2015) User Satisfaction on Print and Electronic Information Resources in Kakatiya
University Library, Warangal-A Case Study, PEARL- A Journal of Library and Information
Science Vol. 9, No. 4, October-December 2015,pp.255-261.
Chinnadurai, D & Balamurugan, D. (2014). Use of Library Resources among Post Graduate
Students in Engineering College Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu. International Research:
Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol.14, No.1,pp70-81.

G.Veena1 and Prabhakara Narasimha Kotari2(2016) User Satisfaction with Library

Resources, Services and Facilities:
A Study in SDM College Library, Ujire
Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services
ISSN: 2231-6094, Vol.6 No.1, 2016, pp. 1-4

User Satisfaction with Library Service: A Measure of Public Library Performance?,

The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy
Vol. 53, No. 2 (Apr., 1983), pp. 109-133 (25 pages)
Published By: The University of Chicago Press
The construct of user satisfaction, a user's self-reported degree of satisfaction with
library services, is presumed to be a subjective measure of public library performance. It
has been used to evaluate the performances of various services within a library; to
measure, in general, a given library's overall level of performance and to compare this
level of performance with those reported for other libraries. User satisfaction is also
presumed to be positively related to the user's degree of library use. This paper reports
the results of a survey of 623 patrons of a public library which demonstrate that (1) the
construct is potentially useful for evaluating the performances of services within a library;
(2) since the construct is affected by the demographic characteristics of the users, it
should not be used to compare presumed levels of performance for libraries serving
different communities; and (3) the construct is not related to the user's degree of library

User Satisfaction on Print and Electronic Information Resources in Kakatiya University

Library, Warangal-A Case Study
Pearl: A Journal of Library and Information Science
Year : 2015, Volume : 9, Issue : 4

User satisfaction is the main aim of an academic library. This paper reports a part of a
quantitative study that aims to evaluate the performance of libraries by measuring the
users’ satisfaction with (a) library services, (b) library electronic resources and (c)
satisfaction with print and electronic services provided by the Kakatiya University (KU)
library. A self-developed questionnaire was used to gauge the respondents’ opinions about
their satisfaction level on the statements regarding the three dimensions. The questionnaire
was distributed to a sample of 220 students and research scholars from three faculties of
the university, out of those 178 questionnaires were taken for study.
Sriram, B., & Rajev, M. (2014). Impact of Academic Library Services on User
Satisfaction: Case Study of Sur University College, Sultanate of Oman. DESIDOC
Journal of Library & Information Technology , 34 (2), 140-146.

Ezeala, L. O., & Yusuff, E. O. (2011). Users satisfaction with library resources and services in
Nigerian Agricultural Research Institutes. Library Philosophy and Practice. Retrieved October 8, 2014

Bitagi, A. M., & Garba, S. K. (2014). Evaluative study of information resources and services utilization
for research in academic libraries in Niger State, Nigeria. Impact: International Journal of Research in
Business Management, 2(5), 121-128.

Feather, J., & Sturges, P. (1997). International encyclopedia of library and information science.
London: Routledge, 453-457.

123Kassim, N. A. (2009). Evaluating users’ satisfaction on academic library performance.

Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 14 (2), pp.101-115.

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