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Attack on Titan – Material Reward FAQ

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Material Reward FAQ by BNii

Version: 1.06 | Updated: 11/06/2016
 Highest Rated Guide

Attack on Titan Material Rewards FAQ

Version 1.06

November 6, 2016

By Brian Nii (bnii at hawaii dot edu)

Table of Contents





- Eren Jaeger

- Mikasa Ackermann

- Armin Arlert

- Jean Kirschtein

- Conny Springer

- Sasha Braus

- Christa Lenz

- Levi

- Hange Zoe

- Erwin Smith


- Blades

- Scabbards

- ODM Gear






* The 104th Cadet Corps

* Invasion

* First Battle

* The World the Girl Saw

* The Mysterious Titan

* Roar

* Idol

* Primal Desire

* Scout Regiment

* Ilse's Notebook

* Titan Capture Operation

* Lieutenant Levi

* Return to Trost District

* 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls

* Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation

* Bite

* At the Entrance of the Forest

* Choices and Consequences

* Rescue

* Soldier's Dance

* The Mysterious Abnormal

* Escape from Death's Shadow

* Titan Encirclement

* Battle at the Ruined Castle

* Last Line of Defense


Southern Region 1st Survey Area

* Wall Perimeter Survey

* Defensive Battle

* The Titan Subjugation Plan

* Defending the Front

* Mission to March Beyond the Walls

* Break Through the Encirclement

* Former Urban Area Survey

* Mission to Aid the Battlefront

* Break Through the Titan Encirclement!

* Training Grounds Survey

* The Plan to Recapture the Training Grounds

* Titan at the Ruins

* Mission to Hold the Base

Interior Defensive Area

* Omen

* Mission to Support the Convoy Team

* Emergency Rescue Order

* Plains Survey

* Resupply Operation

* The Major Resupply Operation is Announced!

* Titan Invasion!

* A Village Assaulted by Fear

* Protect the Village!

* Old Castle Survey

* Mission to Support the Old Castle

* Walled City Battle

* Walled City Defense

Wall Perimeter Secure Area

* Provide Relief to the Elite Unit!

* Strike Back at the Titans

* Mission to Defend the Forward Town

* Sign of a Counterattack

* Provide Relief to the Forward Town!

* Strategy to Regain the Front

* The Second Plan to Regain the Front

* Abnormal Spotted!

* Fight off the Abnormals

* The Life-or-Death Rescue Mission

* Plan to Retake the Base

* The Second Plan to Retake the Base

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area

* All Men, Move Out!

* The Value of a Life

* The Final Interior Battle

* Blitzkrieg

* Broad Plains Survey

* What Lurks in the Old Castle

* Mission to Support the Defensive Line

* Titan Encirclement

* High-Firepower Area

* Plan to Retake the Walled City

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield

* All-Out Battle

* Inviolable Area

* Humanity's Battle

* The Plan to Retake the Former Urban Area

* All-Out Battle in the Former Urban Area

* Operation:Exterminate the Titans

* Operation:Exterminate the Titans 2

* Abnormal Invasion!

* Urgent Request From the Front Lines!

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield

* Firepower in the Forest

* In the Forest Depths

* Those Who Fight, Those Who Defend

* Wings of Freedom

* Struggle at the Old Castle Ruins

* Signal of a Counterattack: 2

* Diversionary Tactics

* The Critical Line of Defense

* The Deep, Decisive Battle


* D-Rank

* C-Rank

* B-Rank

* A-Rank

* S-Rank


|Version History|


Version 1.06 (November 6, 2016) - Completed updating FAQ with True Attack Mode

rewards. Completed Material List.

Version 1.05 (October 30, 2016) - Updated Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area with

True Attack Mode rewards.

Version 1.04 (October 23, 2016) - Updated Wall Perimeter Secure Area with True

Attack Mode rewards. Added section on fortifying equipment to +99*.

Version 1.03 (October 22, 2016) - Updated Interior Defensive Area with True

Attack Mode rewards.

Version 1.02 (October 16, 2016) - Updated missions with True Attack Mode

rewards. Added section on equipment, True Attack Mode, and fortifying


Version 1.01 (October 9, 2016) - Started updating story missions with True

Attack Mode material rewards.

Version 1.00 (October 6, 2016) - Added Deepest Depths Special Battlefield

mission rewards. First completed version of FAQ.

Version 0.04 (October 2, 2016) - Added Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield

mission rewards. Updated the material list with S-Rank materials, buy/sell

prices, and listings of survey areas that the materials are located in.

Version 0.03 (October 1, 2016) - Added Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area mission

rewards. Added character section.

Version 0.02 (September 29, 2016) - Added Wall Perimeter Secure Area mission


Version 0.01 (September 26, 2016) - First version. Attack mode mission rewards

completed. Completed first two survey area mission rewards.


|Material Rewards Explanation|


This FAQ lists the various materials you can obtain as mission rewards in the

game. Note that some materials (such as the statements and Titan parts) cannot

be purchased from the shop and can only be obtained either as a reward or by

defeating certain Titans. The rewards will be indicated with the following


Clear: Clear rewards you obtain for just completing the mission.

S-Rank: S-Rank rewards you obtain for clearing the mission with an S-Rank. To

get S-Rank for a mission you must obtain an S-Rank for all three mission

criteria (missions completed, subjugations, and time). While you don't always

have to complete every mission and subjugate every Titan on the map to get an

S-Rank, it's usually a good idea to try to get every mission and subjugate

every Titan anyway (which will usually make the dire subjugation target appear

as well). If you're having difficulty obtaining an S-Rank you can turn the game

difficulty to easy (difficulty settings don't affect rewards) and/or come back

to the mission with higher grade gear.

Dire: Dire subjugation rewards you can obtain from defeating the dire

subjugation target in a mission. You can check the conditions for making the

dire subjugation target appear in the mission in the pause menu. Most of the

time you can get them to appear simply by completing all the missions and

subjugating all the Titans on the map. Dire subjugation targets usually have

much more health than regular Titans, and occasionally are bizarre Titans (such

as the female Titan or armored Titan variants). Unless you have higher end gear

subjugating a dire target will usually take a considerable amount of time and

will most likely cause you to miss the time requirement for an S-Rank. Note

that the materials you obtain from dire target limbs are usually the same as

the rewards for defeating them in the mission.

Body: Body part destruction rewards you can obtain from cutting off limbs with

the material icon (it looks like a gold nugget).


|Which Character Should You Use?|


Before we go into detail about the characters, let's take a look at the

statistics on the character select screen.

Strength: This, along with the sharpness of your weapon, determines how much

damage you can inflict on Titans. Mikasa and Levi have the highest strength,

while Armin and Christa have the lowest.

Dexterity: High dexterity reduces the amount of wear on your blades when you

attack, as well as your rate of gas consumption. Sasha has the highest

dexterity, followed by Hange. Surprisingly Erin has the lowest dexterity, with

Erwin coming in at second lowest.

Concentration: The same as dexterity, except that this also affects the number

of times you can use focus mode when you are critically injured. Amazingly

Armin is number one in this category, followed by Levi and Erwin. Amusingly

Conny has the lowest concentration.

Stamina: Stamina, along with your gear's anchor strength, determines how long

you can remain attached to a Titan before the line breaks. Conny has the

highest stamina, while unsurprisingly Armin has the lowest.

Health: This determines how much damage a character can take before they die.

Damage in this instance refers to Titan non-grab attacks like being trampled

or head butted. Note that if a Titan grabs you, you will be in a critically

injured state regardless of your health. Erwin has the highest health, while

Christa has the lowest.

Leadership: This affects how much damage your allies deal to Titans (along with

their rank) when either using the focus or order command. Erwin has the highest

leadership, followed by Armin and Jean. Not surprisingly, Mikasa has the

lowest leadership.




Pros: Erin's Transformation ability lets you kill large numbers of Titans at

once. Decent fighting skill.

Cons: You don't get any materials for killing Titans in Titan form, but if

you're trying to just clear the mission it's not much of an issue.


Level 1: Transformation - Enables Titan transformation.

Level 2: Swoop - Allows for a powerful downward strike by attacking the enemy

from above.

Level 3: Guts - Keeps your movements sharp even when injured.

Level 4: Chain Dash - Allows you to boost twice in a row.

Level 5: Focus - Increases the amount of time Decisive Battle Signals are


Level 6: Rotating Slash - Allows for a powerful Rotating Slash by accelerating

for an extended amount of time.

Level 7: Power of Humanity - Increases attack power as more Decisive Battle

Signals are fired.

Erin is a fairly decent fighter, but it's his ability to transform into a Titan

that sets him apart from the others. There will be many times when one of your

allies will get grabbed by a Titan (especially during side missions) that's

standing next to other Titans. Trying to rescue them can be an exercise in

frustration as you frantically press L1 to switch targets trying to get the one

you want. Erin can simply transform and swing away wildly at the group. His

Titan form lets you take out large groups of Titans easily and quickly. While

doing so won't get you any materials, if you're just trying to clear a mission

for a certain material it becomes a moot point.




Pros: Along with Levi, Mikasa is one of the best offensive characters for

Titan hunting.

Cons: Low leadership, but since Mikasa is a one woman army it's not an issue.


Level 1: Chain Attack - Allows for additional attacks after an attack lands.

Level 2: Swoop - Allows for a powerful downward strike by attacking the enemy

from above.

Level 3: Focus - Increases the amount of time Decisive Battle Signals are


Level 4: Chain Dash - Allows you to boost twice in a row.

Level 5: Rotating Slash - Allows for a powerful Rotating Slash by accelerating

for an extended amount of time.

Level 6: Duelist - Increases attack power against Titans who are attacking you.

Level 7: Swordsmanship - Reduce blade durability loss during quick attacks.

Mikasa and Levi are probably the best characters to use if you're just focusing

on raw brute strength. Personally I prefer Mikasa to Levi since her final skill

focuses on quick attacks rather than chain attacks, which are far more

efficient if you're going for the surgical approach to Titan hunting.




Pros: Tactician's Eyes, Expert Beggar, Flanking, and high leadership means you

can deal crazy damage to Titans without even attacking.

Cons: Needs to have A or S ranking teammates to reach full potential. Abysmal

at physical attacks.


Level 1: Tactician's Eyes - Allows you to give orders to soldiers following


Level 2: Chain Dash - Allows you to boost twice in a row.

Level 3: Always Prepared - Increase the number of items that can be brought to

the battlefield.

Level 4: Expert Beggar - Reduces the time required between your allies'


Level 5: Enhanced Concentration - Increases Concentration.

Level 6: Ready for Anything - Greatly increases the number of items that can be

brought to the battlefield.

Level 7: Flanking - Increases the attack power of team members as more

individuals join you.

Armin is a bit of a strange character. He's one of the worst characters in

terms of physically attacking Titans, but has the potential to cause the most

damage with the right team. Your main goal when using Armin is to complete as

many side missions as possible to get B, A, or even S rank characters on your

team. Once that happens Armin can just sit back and order his teammates to pick

apart Titans with surgical precision (most of the time, sometimes they just

circle around and do nothing). The fact that Armin can carry the most items of

all the characters is also a nice bonus.




Pros: Wide variety of skills.

Cons: Not combat focused like Mikasa or Levi, or team focused like Armin and



Level 1: Chain Dash - Allows you to boost twice in a row.

Level 2: Always Prepared - Increase the number of items that can be brought to

the battlefield.

Level 3: Aerial Replacement - Allows you to replace blades in mid-air.

Level 4: Enhanced Leadership - Increases Leadership.

Level 5: Swoop - Allows for a powerful downward strike by attacking the enemy

from above.

Level 6: Togetherness - Increases your attack power as more soldiers join your


Level 7: Order - Keeps the number of Decisive Battle Signal reinforcements at a

constant maximum.

Jean has a wide variety of skills borrowed from other characters.

Unfortunately, this also makes him pretty average. He has some of Levi's

skills, but isn't as good as Levi in combat. He has Enhanced Leadership and

a high leadership value, but doesn't have Tactician's Eyes or Expert Beggar

like Armin and Hange. It's not that he's bad, it's just that in trying to be

a jack of all trades he ends up being master of none.




Pros: Surprisingly effective fighter with Swoop, Ambush, Stealth, Relentless,

and Class Clown.

Cons: Low concentration and leadership, but it's not really an issue.


Level 1: Swoop - Allows for a powerful downward strike by attacking the enemy

from above.

Level 2: Ambush - Increases attack power against Titans who are not attacking


Level 3: Stealth - Makes it harder for enemies to attack you.

Level 4: Relentless - Increases your attack power as the number of a Titan's

remaining body parts decreases.

Level 5: Enhanced Stamina - Increases Stamina.

Level 6: Chain Dash - Allows you to boost twice in a row.

Level 7: Class Clown - Increases attack power of the next attack whenever the

Complete Subjugation medal is acquired.

Conny is surprisingly effective as a fighter. He has the Ambush and Stealth

combo like Sasha, which makes him harder to target and increases his damage

against unaware targets. Relentless is useful against some of the tougher

Titans like the dire and bizarre variants. But his best skill is class clown,

which if used correctly can turn him into a human buzz saw as you kill Titans

one after another across the map.




Pros: Fantastic solo character.

Cons: Low leadership, but like Conny it's not really an issue.


Level 1: Elimination Bonus - Makes it easier to acquire rare materials as Body

Part Destruction Rewards.

Level 2: Enhanced Dexterity - Increases Dexterity.

Level 3: Chain Attack - Allows for additional attacks after an attack lands.

Level 4: Stealth - Makes it harder for enemies to attack you.

Level 5: Ambush - Increases attack power against Titans who are not attacking


Level 6: Hunter - Increases all of your abilities.

Level 7: Under Pressure - Increases attack power when in a damaged state.

Sasha is an amazing character to use if you're going material hunting. She has

Elimination Bonus which increases the chances of getting rare materials. But

what really makes her shine are her survival hunting skills. Enhanced

Dexterity, along with her already high dexterity, makes your blades and gas

go that much further. Stealth and Ambush make your Titan hunting easier.

Hunter, a Sasha exclusive skill, flat out increases all your abilities. The

cherry on top is Under Pressure, which increases her attack while in a damaged





Pros: Unusual mix of skills that can making farming a bit easier.

Cons: Not a very effective fighter. She makes Armin look like Levi by



Level 1: Charisma - Makes it easier to fill the Decisive Battle Signals Meter.

Level 2: Reward Bonus - Increases the amount of funds acquired as a reward.

Level 3: Expert Beggar - Reduces the time required between your allies'


Level 4: Elimination Bonus - Makes it easier to acquire rare materials as Body

Part Destruction Rewards.

Level 5: Chain Dash - Allows you to boost twice in a row.

Level 6: Duelist - Increases attack power against Titans who are attacking you.

Level 7: Dedication - Makes it easier to find items.

Christa is a bit of an odd character. She's not a killing machine like Mikasa

or Levi, nor can she spam team attacks like Armin or Hange. What she does have

are an unusual mix of skills that seem dedicated to making farming for items a

bit easier. She has the exclusive skill Reward Bonus which increases the amount

of funds you can earn in each mission. She also has Sasha's Elimination Bonus

which can help with farming certain hard to get items. Unlike Sasha, Christa

has very little in the way of offensive skills (other than Duelist), which

makes the former a much better character to use on higher difficulties. She

does have an interesting ultimate skill in the way of Dedication, which

increases the odds of Titans dropping items when defeated.




Pros: Offensive killing machine. Extremely high stats across the board.

Cons: None really.


Level 1: Rotating Slash - Allows for a powerful Rotating Slash by accelerating

for an extended amount of time.

Level 2: Chain Attack - Allows for additional attacks after an attack lands.

Level 3: Aerial Replacement - Allows you to replace blades in mid-air.

Level 4: Swoop - Allows for a powerful downward strike by attacking the enemy

from above.

Level 5: Chain Dash - Allows you to boost twice in a row.

Level 6: Togetherness - Increases your attack power as more soldiers join your


Level 7: Wings of Freedom - Increases the attack power and number of hits in

Chain Attacks.

Levi as you might have guessed is one of the strongest characters in the game.

With high stats across the board and skills like Rotating Slash, Swoop, and

Togetherness, Levi can deal out some serious damage. Personally I prefer

Mikasa since I tend to use quick attacks more than chain attacks, but you

definitely can't go wrong choosing Levi for all your Titan hunting needs.




Pros: Think Armin, except a much better fighter.

Cons: Not quite as good as Armin with team attacks, but still very strong.


Level 1: Tactician's Eyes - Allows you to give orders to soldiers following


Level 2: Relentless - Increases your attack power as the number of a Titan's

remaining body parts decreases.

Level 3: Swoop - Allows for a powerful downward strike by attacking the enemy

from above.

Level 4: Expert Beggar - Reduces the time required between your allies'


Level 5: Focus - Increases the amount of time Decisive Battle Signals are


Level 6: Always Prepared - Increase the number of items that can be brought to

the battlefield.

Level 7: Research - Increases the attack power of cannons, firebombs, and


Hange pretty much plays like Armin, except unlike Armin she's a pretty decent

fighter. She has much higher strength than Armin, and with skills such as Swoop

and Relentless Hange can actually do some damage without having to reply solely

on teammates. Her only downside is that her ultimate skill is pretty

situational, as cannons and traps aren't always available.




Pros: Relatively high stats. Wide variety of skills.

Cons: Like Jean, has a lack of specialization.


Level 1: Tactician's Eyes - Allows you to give orders to soldiers following


Level 2: Charisma - Makes it easier to fill the Decisive Battle Signals Meter.

Level 3: Aerial Replacement - Allows you to replace blades in mid-air.

Level 4: Ready for Anything - Greatly increases the number of items that can be

brought to the battlefield.

Level 5: Guts - Keeps your movements sharp even when injured.

Level 6: Chain Attack - Allows for additional attacks after an attack lands.

Level 7: Decisive Battle - Further increases attack power when a Decisive

Battle Signal is active.

Erwin is similar to Jean in that he has a wide variety of skills, but doesn't

really specialize in attack or team offense. He does have Tactician's Eyes

which lets him use teammates more effectively, but lacks Expert Beggar so he

can't spam attacks like Armin or Hange can. While his skills aren't that

remarkable, Erwin does have very high stats all across the board.


|What Equipment Should You Use?|






Sharpness Blade Length Durability Avg S&D

Perfected Blade 750 100 700 1450

Reinforced Blade Ver.10 600 100 800 1400

Rozen Rapier 750 80 600 1350

Koenigmesser 680 60 650 1330

Regulation Hunting Blade Mk III 630 100 680 1310

Unicorn Horn III 740 80 480 1220

Third Sunrise (Blade) 730 100 480 1210

Rapier VI 780 80 400 1180

Anti-hardening Blade Mk III 666 100 480 1146

Blade of the Cosmos 630 200 480 1110

Third-Generation Blade Mk II 576 100 400 976

These blades provide a good balance between sharpness and durability. The best

of these is the Perfected Blade which, unsurprisingly, is also the most time

intensive to make in terms of materials required. The second best is the

Reinforced Blade Ver.10 which you can make fairly early on in True Attack Mode.

While it has less sharpness than most blade on this list, it has the highest

durability of any blade in the game. While durability isn't too big of a deal

in regular Attack Mode, it becomes much more important in TAM, especially if

you're trying to take down Dire Subjugation Targets where you can run out of

blades fairly quickly. The Rozen Rapier and Koenigmesser are both well balanced

blades but have a much shorter blade length. Rounding out the top five is the

Regulation Hunting Blade Mk III, which is a fairly good blade that's slightly

sharper than the Reinforced Blade, but has a much lower durability value.


Sharpness Blade Length Durability

Cloud Zero Plus 800 200 200

Roteklinge III 790 60 250

Nightmare Blade III 790 80 160

Rapier VI 780 80 400

Perfected Blade 750 100 700

Rosen Rapier 750 80 600

Unicorn Horn III 740 80 480

Third Sunrise (Blade) 730 100 480

Emperor Tiger Zero 720 200 300

The top three blades with the highest sharpness also have the lowest

durability values in the game. While this isn't much of a handicap in Attack

Mode it becomes much more pronounced in True Attack Mode. While this lack of

durability can be mitigated somewhat with reinforcement, you will still find

yourself going through blades at a fair rate. The Rapier VI is a good

compromise here. It trades a slight amount of sharpness compared the top three

for a much higher durability. Of course, you could also go with the Perfected

Blade, which also happens to be the most well balanced blade in the game.





Gas Cap Gas Pressure Blades Avg GC&GP

Perfected Scabbard 700 700 3 1400

Warhorse Zero 550 750 2 1300

Scabbard of the Cosmos 640 440 2 1080

Rozen Wing 500 500 5 1000

Reinforced Scabbard Ver.10 550 400 5 950

Unicorn Crest III 400 400 5 800

Regulation Hunting Scabbard MkIII 480 320 5 800

Third-Generation Scabbard Mk III 400 400 3 800

The biggest trade off in scabbards is performance versus blade capacity. The

Warhorse Zero and Scabbard of the Cosmos have high gas capacity and pressure,

but carry a small number of blades. The Rozen Wing and Reinforced Scabbard have

lower performance than the first two, but carry the maximum number of blades.

The Perfected Scabbard, as always, is a good balance between everything.


Gas Cap Gas Pressure Blades

Koenigscheide 800 250 4

Perfected Scabbard 700 700 3

Scabbard of the Cosmos 640 440 2


Gas Cap Gas Pressure Blades

Wave Zero Plus 300 800 2

Warhorse Zero 550 750 2

Roteeisen III 300 750 4

Anti-hardening Scabbard 280 720 3

Perfected Scabbard 700 700 3





Reel Spd Anchor Rng Anchor Str Avg Spd&Str

Perfected Gear 700 80 700 1400

Rotebogen III 700 50 650 1350

Reinforced Gear Ver.10 500 100 500 1000

Rozen Crest 500 100 500 1000

Unicorn Tail III 440 100 440 880

Gear of the Cosmos 400 130 400 800

Third-Generation Gear MIII 400 80 400 800

The Perfected Gear once again tops the list for being the most balanced. The

Rotebogen III is almost as good, but comes with a drastically reduced anchor

range. The Reinforced Gear and Rozen Crest, while not as good, have a much

longer range. The Reinforced Gear is also much easier to obtain early on in

True Attack Mode.


Reel Spd Anchor Rng Anchor Str

Camellia Zero Plus 800 65 200

Cheetah Tail Zero 750 70 250

Perfected Gear 700 80 700

Rotebogen III 700 50 650

With the exception of the Perfected Gear, the trade off for reel speed is

anchor range and anchor strength. This means you will need to get fairly close

to engage the target, but will close fairly quickly due to your increased

speed. This encourages high risk high reward gameplay, which can complement a

character an already high damage output.


Reel Spd Anchor Rng Anchor Str

Koenighaken 400 60 800

Anti-hardening Gear Mk III 280 70 720

Perfected Gear 700 80 700

Rotebogen III 700 50 650


|About True Attack Mode|


True Attack Mode becomes unlocked in the menu once you clear Attack Mode (all

regular story missions plus the epilogue missions). It is essentially the

same as Attack Mode but at a much harder difficulty level. Much harder. In fact

difficulty settings have no effect in this mode. You might ask why you should

play this mode (other than for the challenge). In True Attack Mode you can

obtain S-Rank materials that you cannot otherwise obtain anywhere else. These

are used to create the final upgrades of most equipment in the game. There are

a few things you should be aware of before starting this difficult mode:

- Titans have much more health than usual. Titans that you could kill in a

single blow in Attack Mode can take half a dozen or more attacks to take down.

Dire Subjugation Targets in particular have extremely high levels of health.

- Titans are far more aggressive. In Attack Mode most Titans would rarely

attack you. In True Attack Titans are far more likely to try to grab you if

they notice you. Sometimes they will do things that they didn't do previously,

like try to grab you twice in a row, or grab you from behind their backs.

- Titans deal far more damage. You are much more likely to die if attacked

while in a critical condition. This is most notable while playing as Erin in

Titan form as he takes far more damage than he did previously.

- Gas and blade durability go down much faster. This is much more noticeable

with low durability blades and if you frequently use chain attacks.

Before you try tackling True Attack Mode there are some things that you should


- Try to get your blade to +99 via fortification (see below). Note that even

with a +99 blade some of the later missions (most notably 6+ stars) will still

be extremely difficult.

- Fortifying your other gear (scabbards and ODM gear) to +99 can also be

helpful, but blades are the most important.

- Be careful when attacking Titans. Whiffing an attack is almost guaranteed to

get you grabbed. Also try to attack from behind if at all possible as Titans

are much more likely to try to snatch you if they see you incoming.

- Don't bother trying to cut off limbs for materials. At least not at first.

You will have your hands full just killing off Titans initially just to clear

the mission.

- Don't try to kill the Dire Subjugation Targets. Until you have an extremely

powerful +99* blade chances are you will most likely run out of blades and/or

gas before you can defeat it.

- When fighting as Erin in Titan form remember that he can regenerate his

health by staying still for a moment. If you take damage run away and look for

a safe spot to recover. This is important as he takes far more damage in TAM

(especially from the Female Titan).

- Try to get Erin, Mikasa, Armin, and Levi to level 7 before taking on TAM as

you are required to use these characters in the story.


|Fortifying to +99|


Fortifying your equipment to +99 is fairly easy if you know how. Basically the

more equipment you use to fortify your equipment, the higher the bonus you can

obtain. Also using higher end equipment gives you a higher bonus. However,

fortifying costs a lot of money and materials, since not only do you have to

pay the cost of fortifying your equipment, but also the cost of creating

equipment to use for it. The most efficient way to fortify is to use equipment

that is cheap and very easy to make that you can use over and over again to

fortify with.

The easiest and cheapest equipment to use for fortifying are the Training set

(Training Blade, Scabbard, and Gear). These all have a negligible cost and

only require 2 Generic Statement of Deployment to create. We'll go over how to

obtain the material in a moment. Creating 3 of these and using them to fortify

your blade (or scabbard or gear) will add a +5 bonus. Each +1 will add +2 to

either sharpness and durability (blades), gas capacity & gas pressure

(scabbards), or reel speed & anchor strength (gear). For ODM gear the anchor

range goes up 1 point per every +5 bonus.

The Generic Statement of Deployment cannot be purchased from the store, nor is

it a drop from cutting off Titan body parts. The only way to obtain them is

by mission rewards. While there are several missions that you can obtain that

material from, the easiest is probably the survey mission Defending the Front,

which is a 3 star mission in the Southern Region 1st Survey Area. Clearing this

mission gets you 3 Generic Statement of Deployment. All you need to do is

from the start of the mission head directly south and kill the final Titan

target. It's entirely possible to clear the mission in about 20 seconds.

Clearing the stage twice gets you enough material to make 3 training items for

a quick and easy +5. As a bonus, you can also use this to level up characters

that you don't use often, as they will obtain a fair amount of experience from

clearing the mission over and over.

Once you get your blade (or scabbard/gear) to +99, you can fortify it even

further. However, you will need to use much more expensive equipment (like the

Anti-hardening Blade or Roteklinge) as the training set won't do anything.

Each bonus will add +1* (up to a maximum of +99*) that adds a +4 bonus per

point rather than +2. The cost of fortifying at this point becomes rather

expensive, so you will most likely need to clear survey areas and complete

requests in TAM to obtain the funds.


|Fortifying to +99*|


Fortifying equipment past the +99 mark requires a lot of time and effort,

considering how much money and materials you will need. As I mentioned earlier

once your equipment reaches +99 low tier equipment will no longer cause the

fortification level to rise. You will need to use higher tier equipment. I

would highly recommend focusing on upgrading your blade first. As to which

equipment you should use, personally I used the Roteklinge blade. Creating

three of them and using them to fortify past +99 will give you a +7* fortify

bonus. Before you get started there are a few things you should prep for


- Finish True Attack Mode (epilogues not included).

- Have a blade at +99.

- Have lots of Titan Skin Fragments (ideally x999)

- Have lots of money.

Titan Skin Fragments are a common drop from Titan body parts, so you should

have a great deal of them if you haven't been using or selling them. You will

need lots of money as well. In TAM after the story missions you can

complete character requests for money. Completing all 3 for a character earns

you a 100,000 bonus, which will help greatly in buying Roteklinge.

One Roteklinge costs about 28,000 to make and requires 3 Shining Titan

Crystals, 20 Titan Skin Fragments, and 5 Gem Steel. Shining Titan Crystals

are obtained from the Female Titan. The best way to farm them is from the

mission Soldier's Dance (Attack). Eliminating both sets of limbs with the

materials (you fight the Female Titan twice) will net you about 7 to 8 Shining

Titan Crystals. The best place for Gem Steel is the TAM survey mission

Mission to Hold the Base in the Southern Region 1st Survey Area. From the

start just make a beeline towards the final target and take down the Titan as

quick as possible. You get 5 Gem Steel for clearing the mission.




- The targeting reticule will change color to red when you are "on target" and

turn to grey when you are "off target". This can be useful to determine if

you should break off or readjust your angle of attack, especially when a Titan

turns or a limb you're not targeting gets in the way. Sometimes it's possible

to hit a Titan's nape from the front as long as the reticule is red.

- Generally speaking you'll want to press the attack button when you're as

close to the Titan as possible for maximum damage. The distance indicator can

be useful in this regard than just relying on a visual estimation of distance.

- When Titans drop items (or more specifically people with items) they make a

distinctive high pitched sound.

- Picking up items while mounted on a horse is much faster than picking it up



|Attack Mode Mission Rewards|





Difficulty (Attack): * (True Attack): **********

Clear (Attack): D Iron Scraps

D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x3

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S-Rank (Attack): D Low-Quality Rare Metal

S-Rank (True Attack): S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): B Titan Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)




Difficulty (Attack): * (True Attack):**********

Clear (Attack): D Low-Quality Rare Metal

D Iron Bamboo Fragment

B Wood

Clear (True Attack): S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S-Rank (Attack): D Low-Quality Rare Metal

S-Rank (True Attack): S Meteoric Iron x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Low-Quality Rare Metal

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

Clear (True Attack): S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S S-Grade Steel x3

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S-Rank (Attack): C Leather

S-Rank (True Attack): S Custom Leather

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

D Iron Scraps

D Iron Bamboo Fragment

Clear (True Attack): S Meteoric Iron x2

S S-Grade Steel x3

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S-Rank (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

S-Rank (True Attack): Meteoric Iron x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): C Leather

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

D Iron Scraps

Clear (True Attack): S Custom Leather x3

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S S-Grade Steel x3

S-Rank (Attack): D Iron Scraps

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Super-Durable Steel x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): *** (True Attack): ************

Clear (Attack): C Leather

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

D Iron Bamboo Fragment

Clear (True Attack): S Custom Leather x3

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S-Rank (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Light Steel x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

Note: Since Erin in Titan form cannot cut off limbs, in order to get body part

rewards you need to play as a different character.




Difficulty (Attack): *** (True Attack): ************

Clear (Attack): C Leather

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S Custom Leather x3

S-Rank (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-Rigid Wire

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): *** (True Attack): ************

Clear (Attack): D General Statement of Deployment

B Rare Metal

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x2

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S New Super-Durable Steel x4

S-Rank (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Super-Durable Steel x4

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

A A-Grade Steel

A High-Quality Rare Metal




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

C B-Grade Steel

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x4

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x2

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S-Rank (Attack): B High-Pressure Canister (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Pressure Canister x1

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

A Shining Titan Crystal (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Titan Crystal Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype)

B Rare Metal

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S New Super-Durable Steel x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Lightweight Wire (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Lightweight Wire x1

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Titan Crystal Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): B Rare Metal

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x4

S S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x4

S-Rank (Attack): B Large Canister (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Large Canister x1

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype)

B Wood

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x4

S New Super-Durable Steel x2

S Custom Leather x4

S-Rank (Attack): B High-Speed Fan (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): Super High-Speed Fan x1

Dire (Attack): A Unusual Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): Ominous Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Icecburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Unusual Titan Crystal (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): B High-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment x1

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x5

B Gem Steel x2

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x2

S New Light Steel x2

S-Rank (Attack): B High-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment x2

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Light Steel x4

Dire (Attack): A Unusual Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Ominous Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Unusual Titan Crystal (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype) x3

B Gem Steel x2

C B-Grade Steel x10

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x5

S New Super-Durable Steel x3

S Meteoric Iron x3

S-Rank (Attack): A High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S-Rank (True Attack): Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x5

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): ****** (True Attack): ***************

Clear (Attack): B Light Steel (Prototype)

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x5

S New Light Steel x3

S Giant Tree Core x3

S-Rank (Attack): B Rigid Wire (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack) S Super-Rigid Wire x2

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Shining Titan Crystal (from Female Titan)

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

S Glowing Titan Crystal (from Female Titan)




Difficulty (Attack): ****** (True Attack): ***************

Clear (Attack): B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype)

A High-Quality Wood

A A-Grade Steel

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x5

S New Super-Durable Steel x3

S Giant Tree Core x3

S-Rank (Attack): B Lightweight Wire (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Lightweight Wire

Dire (Attack): A Unusual Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Ominous Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): ****** (True Attack): ***************

Clear (Attack): B Light Steel (Prototype)

A High-Quality Rare Metal

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x5

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x3

S New Light Steel x3

S-Rank (Attack): B High-Speed Fan (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): Super-High-Speed Fan x2

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): B Gem Steel x3

A High-Quality Leather x3

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone x5

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x5

S Meteoric Iron x3

S Custom Leather x5

S-Rank (Attack): B Large Canister (Prototype) x3

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Large Canister x2

Dire (Attack): A Unusual Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Ominous Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): B Gem Steel

A High-Quality Rare Metal

A High-Quality Wood

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x5

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x3

S Meteoric Iron x3

S-Rank (Attack): B High-Pressure Canister (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Pressure Canister

Dire (Attack): A Unusual Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Ominous Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Shining Tian Crystal (from Female Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

S Large Titan Crystal

S Glowing Titan Crystal (from Female Titan)




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment

B A-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

A Superior Gem Steel

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x3

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x5

S Meteoric Iron x3

S-Rank (Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment

S-Rank (True Attack): Meteoric Iron

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): B A-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

A High-Quality Wood

A-Grade Steel

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x6

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x4

S Giant Tree Core x4

S-Rank (Attack): A Rigid Wire

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-Rigid Wire x3

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

TAM Note: Final subjugation is the Beast Titan. Fortunately, you only need to

destroy one limb before the mission ends.




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment

A High-Quality Rare Metal

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x6

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard-Steel x4

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x4

S-Rank (Attack): A Lightweight Wire

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Lightweight Wire

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

TAM Note: You'll need to babysit the scouts throughout the mission or they'll

quickly be taken apart by the random Titans on the map. The final target is the

Beast Titan once again, but now you need to take out two limbs.




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): A Light Steel

A High-Quality Leather

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x6

S New Light Steel x4

S Custom Leather x4

S-Rank (Attack): A High-Speed Fan

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Speed Fan

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

TAM Note: Not much to say here except you need to take off two of the Beast

Titan's limbs just like the last mission.




Difficulty (Attack): ********* (True Attack): ******************

Clear (Attack): A Super Durable Steel

A Superior Gem Steel

A A-Grade Steel

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x6

S New Super-Durable Steel x4

S Meteoric Iron x4

S-Rank (Attack): A Large Canister

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra Large Canister

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Armored Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

S Ominous Titan Crystal (from Beast Titan)

TAM Note: You'll be facing both the Beast and Armored Titan here. I'm not sure

if it was a glitch or not, but I couldn't even hit the Beast Titan's nape with

firebombs until the legs were destroyed.




Difficulty (Attack): ********* (True Attack): ******************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

Clear (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x6

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x6

S Meteoric Iron x5

S-Rank (Attack): A High-Pressure Canister

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Pressure Canister

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Giant Crystal (from Colossal Titan)

Body (True Attack): S Colossal Crystal (from Colossal Titan)

TAM Note: The key to this mission is to take out the Titans that appear near

the Colossal Titan in each wave. If you ignore them there will be a literal

sea of Titans swarming about the Colossal Titan's legs, which will make things

extremely difficult for you. If you don't care about getting an S rank you can

just ignore the Armored Titan that appears to the west. Once he's triggered

he'll end up running all over the place but doesn't seem to come after you near

the Colossal Titan. Focus on clearing the area around the Colossal Titan during

each wave and you shouldn't have a problem taking him down.


|Survey Mission Rewards|



@Southern Region 1st Survey Area@





Difficulty (Attack): * (True Attack): **********

Clear (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B High-Speed Fan (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): B High-Speed Fan (Prototype) x4

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x2

S Super-High-Speed Fan x1

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

D Low-Quality Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Titan Crystal Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iceburst Stone x5

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x2

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x1

S-Rank (Attack): D Low-Quality Rare Metal

S-Rank (True Attack): S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack) A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): * (True Attack): **********

Clear (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

D Iron Scraps

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Steel x2

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x1

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Pressure Canister x2

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Titan Crystal Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): *** (True Attack): ************

Clear (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment x3

D Iron Scraps x3

B Large Canister (Prototype) x1

Clear (True Attack): B Large Canister (Prototype) x4

S S-Grade Steel x2

S Extra-Large Canister x1

S-Rank (Attack): B High-Pressure Canister (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): * (True Attack): **********

Clear (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

B Wood

Clear (True Attack): B Wood x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x2

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Super-Durable Steel x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Titan Crystal Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x2

S Giant Tree Core x1

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): * (True Attack): **********

Clear (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C Leather

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x2

S Custom Leather x1

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): C Leather x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x2

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Light Steel (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Light Steel x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C Leather

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo x6

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S Custom Leather x2

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): * (True Attack): **********

Clear (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

D Iron Bamboo Fragment

B Wood

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x2

S Giant Tree Core x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Super-Durable Steel x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True AttacK): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

D Iron Bamboo Fragment

B Lightweight Wire (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): B Lightweight Wire (Prototype) x4

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x2

S Extra-Lightweight Wire x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Rigid Wire (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-Rigid Wire x2

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rigid Wire (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): B Rigid Wire (Prototype) x4

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x2

S Super-Rigid Wire x1

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

B Titan Crystal Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): *** (True Attack): ************

Clear (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Gem Steel

Clear (True Attack): B Gem Steel x5

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x2

S Meteoric Iron x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Lightweight Wire (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Lightweight Wire

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)


@Interior Defensive Area@





Difficulty (Attack): * (True Attack): **********

Clear (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

D Iron Scraps

B Light Steel (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): B Light Steel (Prototype) x5

S S-Grade Steel x2

S New Light Steel x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Large Canister (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Large-Canister x2

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

D Iron Scraps

B High-Pressure Canister (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Steel x2

S Super-High-Pressure Canister x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Light Steel (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Light Steel x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

C Titan Skin Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): B High-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment

C B-Grade Steel

B Light Steel (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): A Light Steel x5

S S-Grade Steel x3

S New Light Steel x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Large Canister (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Large Canister x3

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iceburst Stone x5

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x2

S New Super-Durable Steel x1

S-Rank (Attack): D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Steel

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): *** (True Attack): ************

Clear (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype) x5

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x2

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Wood

S-Rank (True Attack): S Giant Tree Core x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): A Super-Durable Steel x5

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x2

S-Rank (Attack): A High-Quality Wood

S-Rank (True Attack): S Giant Tree Core

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal




Difficulty (Attack): *** (True Attack): ************

Clear (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C Leather

Clear (True Attack): B Light Steel (Prototype) x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x2

S Custom Leather x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Wood

S-Rank (True Attack): S Giant Tree Core x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

B Light Steel (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x2

S New Light Steel x1

S-Rank (Attack): C Leather

S-Rank (True Attack): S Custom Leather x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C Leather

Clear (True Attack): A Light Steel x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S Custom Leather x2

S-Rank (Attack): A High-Quality Wood

S-Rank (True Attack): S Giant Tree Core x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack):




Difficulty (Attack): * (True Attack): **********

Clear (Attack): D Iron Scraps

C B-Grade Steel

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel x5

S S-Grade Steel x2

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x1

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

S-Rank (True Attack): S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): *** (True Attack): ************

Clear (Attack): D Iron Scraps

C B-Grade Steel

C Leather

Clear (True Attack): A High-Quality Rare Metal x3

S S-Grade Steel x2

S Custom Leather x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Gem Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S Meteoric Iron x3

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): ** (True Attack): ***********

Clear (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

D Iron Scraps

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Ceremonial Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Steel x2

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x1

S-Rank (Attack): B Gem Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S Meteoric Iron

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): *** (True Attack): ************

Clear (Attack): D Generic Statement of Deployment

D Iron Scraps

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel x5

S S-Grade Steel x2

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x1

S-Rank (Attack): B High-Speed Fan (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Speed Fan x2

Dire (Attack): B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Dire (True Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): D Iron Bamboo Fragment

D Iron Scraps

D Iceburst Stone Fragment

D Low-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel


@Wall Perimeter Secure Area@





Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B High-Speed Fan (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): A High-Speed Fan x2

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S Super-High-Speed Fan x2

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

A Titan Crystal




Difficulty (Attack): ****** (True Attack): ***************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iceburst Stone x6

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Rare Metal

S-Rank (True Attack): S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Shining Titan Crystal (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

A Titan Crystal

S Glowing Titan Crystal (from Bizarre Titan)

TAM Note: The Bizarre (Female) Titan will have you pulling your hair out.

Seriously. Make sure your weapon has high durability. Extra blades will also

help. Ditto for extra scabbard gas capacity.




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): B High-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment

C B-Grade Steel

B Large Canister (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): A Large Canister x2

S S-Grade Steel x3

S Extra-Large Canister x2

S-Rank (Attack): B High-Pressure Canister (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Ceremonial Statement of Deployment

C B-Grade Steel

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Steel x3

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x2

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Pressure Canister x3

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment

A A-Grade Steel

B A-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Steel x4

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x3

S-Rank (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Pressure Canister

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

A High-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

A High-Quality Wood

Clear (True Attack): A High-Quality Wood x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Super-Durable Steel x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Larger Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

B Titan Crystal Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

B Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S Giant Tree Core x2

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

TAM Note: You'll be fighting multiple heavy Titans here (the ones where you

need to remove both arms in order to attack the nape) as the final subjugation

targets. They will have a ton of health. The fighting will be especially

difficult with all the trees getting in the way.




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): B High-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

B Wood

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S Giant Tree Core x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Super-Durable Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Super-Durable Steel x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): ****** (True Attack): ***************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Ceremonial Statement of Deployment

C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

B Lightweight Wire (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): A Lightweight Wire x2

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S Extra-Lightweight Wire x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Rigid Wire (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-Rigid Wire x3

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Titan Crystal Fragment




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

B Light Steel (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo x6

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S New Light Steel x2

S-Rank (Attack): A High-Quality Leather

S-Rank (True Attack): S Custom Leather x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment (from Dire Subjugation Target)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Titan Crystal




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rigid Wire (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): A Rigid Wire x2

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S Super-Rigid Wire x2

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Titan Crystal




Difficulty (Attack): ****** (True Attack): ***************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone x5

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

B Gem Steel x3

Clear (True Attack): A Superior Gem Steel x5

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S Meteoric Iron x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Lightweight Wire (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra Lightweight Wire

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

TAM Note: An extremely difficult mission. You will be dealing with multiple

heavy Titans while trying to protect several mission critical soldiers.


@Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area@





Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): B High-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment

C B-Grade Steel

B High-Pressure Canister (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Ranked Specialized Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Steel x3

S Super-High-Pressure Canister x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Light Steel (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Light Steel x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S Large Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizzare Titan)

TAM Note: The final target here is the Bizarre (Armored) Titan. While not as

annoying to fight as the Female Titan you'll still need to be careful as it

can cause quite a bit of damage.




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment

A A-Grade Steel

A High-Pressure Canister

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Steel x4

S Super-High-Pressure Canister x3

S-Rank (Attack): A Light Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Light Steel x5

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

A High-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Ultra-Hardened Crystal (from Dire Subjugation Target)

A Shining Titan Crystal (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment

A A-Grade Steel

A Light Steel

Clear (True Attack): A Light Steel x8

S S-Grade Steel x4

S New Light Steel x3

S-Rank (Attack): A Large Canister

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Large Canister

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S Large Titan Crystal

S Large Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

TAM Note: The final target is a Bizarre (Armored) Titan.




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

B Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): A High-Quality Leather x5

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x3

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S-Rank (Attack): A Light Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Light Steel x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Titan Crystal

S Large Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

TAM Note: A timed mission. The final target is a Bizarre (Armored) Titan so be

sure to leave yourself about 10 minutes or so to take it down.




Difficulty (Attack): **** (True Attack): *************

Clear (Attack): D Iceburst Stone Fragment

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Super-Durable Steel (Prototype)

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iceburst Stone x6

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x3

S New Super-Durable Steel x2

S-Rank (Attack): D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): D Iron Scraps

C B-Grade Steel

B Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel x6

S S-Grade Steel x3

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S-Rank (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal




Difficulty (Attack): ****** (True Attack): ***************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Steel

C Leather

Clear (True Attack): A High-Quality Rare Metal x4

S S-Grade Steel x3

S Custom Leather x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Gem Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S Meteoric Iron x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Shining Titan Crystal (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Titan Crystal

S Glowing Titan Crystal (from Bizarre Titan)

TAM Note: Another Bizarre (Female) Titan to deal with. What makes this fight
especially difficult are all the trees in the area, making it hard to get a

lock while trying to avoid all the non-stop attacks.




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Steel

A High-Quality Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel x8

S S-Grade Steel x4

S Custom Leather x3

S-Rank (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x5

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Titan Crystal

S Large Titan Crystal




Difficulty (Attack): ***** (True Attack): **************

Clear (Attack): B High-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment

C B-Grade Steel

B Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Ceremonial Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Steel x3

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x2

S-Rank (Attack): B Gem Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S Meteoric Iron x4

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

B Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

B Ultra-Hardened Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel




Difficulty (Attack): ****** (True Attack): ***************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Ceremonial Statement of Deployment

C B-Grade Steel

D B-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel x6

S S-Grade Steel x3

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x2

S-Rank (Attack): B High-Speed Fan (Prototype)

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Speed Fan x3

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

C B-Grade Steel

C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel


@Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield@





Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

A High Speed Fan

Clear (True Attack): A High-Speed Fan x4

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x4

S S Super-High-Speed Fan x3

S-Rank (Attack): A A-Grade Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Titan Crystal

S Large Titan Crystal

S Large Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

TAM Note: Saving your allies in this mission will be rather difficult, if not

impossible, as they tend to be surrounded by large groups of Titans. Spamming

flash and sound bombs might save them once or twice, but eventually the large

clusters of Titans will end up eating your ally since the targeting system in

this game is pretty awful. Oh, and there's a Bizarre (Armored) Titan to deal

with too at the end. Fun.




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

B A-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iceburst Stone x8

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x4

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x3

S-Rank (Attack): A High-Quality Rare Metal

S-Rank (True Attack): S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A High-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

TAM Note: Hands down the most difficult mission in the game. First off you need

to protect a group of soldiers from getting eaten or the mission will fail.

This is bad enough considering that every Titan on the map will be going after

them. Second, all your allies will be swarmed by large groups of Titans

(including multiple heavy Titans), making rescuing them pretty much impossible.

Third, three waves of extremely tough heavy Titans will make their way towards

the soldiers you're defending. If you're lucky (and you probably will be) the

heavy Titans that were eating your allies will start coming after you while

you're trying to take down the main Titans. So you'll be trying to desperately

trying to kill the main heavy Titan so that it doesn't eat up the soliders

you're trying to defend while trying not to get killed by the other heavy

Titans that are swaming around you (along with normal Titans who may or may not

start eating the soliders while you're busy with the other Titans). If by

some miracle you manage to defeat the three heavy Titans, two more heavy Titans

(along with a crawling Titan) will appear to attack. So you need to beat those

as well while still making sure they don't nom nom on your soliders. Oh, and by

the way there aren't any resupply soliders here so you'll have to pray that

Titans drop items to use or use the decisive battle signals to fill your gauges


If I sound bitter I am. You have to be very lucky to even survive this mission,

much less get an S rank or get the dire subjugation target to appear (who from

the looks of things is the Female Titan). I'm amazed that they didn't throw in

the Female and Armored Titan at you simultaneously at the end. Good luck

clearing this one solo.




Difficulty (Attack): ********* (True Attack): ******************

Clear (Attack): A High-Pressure Canister

A A-Grade Steel

A Large Canister

Clear (True Attack): A Large Canister x4

S S-Grade Steel x4

S Extra-Large Canister x3

S-Rank (Attack): S S-Grade Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S Large Titan Crystal

TAM Note: A tough battle, as you will be required to defend several soliders

from a large number of Titans. There will be a lot of heavy Titans on the map,

but you should be able to take them down one at a time before they congregate

in the center. Just be wary as regular Titans can still kill your mission

critical targets while you're off dealing with the larger threats.




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A High-Quality Leather

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo x8

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S Custom Leather x3

S-Rank (Attack): A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Shining Titan Crystal (from Bizarre Titan)

TAM Note: The Bizarre (Female) Titan once again appears to torment you. If

you're just as tired of fighting her as I am you can just target her legs to

make her weak point appear faster.




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A High-Quality Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): A High-Quality Leather x8

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x3

S-Rank (Attack): A Light Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Light Steel

Dire (Attack): A Unusual Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): Ominous Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

TAM Note: A very difficult mission. You will need to subjugate multiple heavy

Titans and a Bizarre (Armored) Titan all within the time limit. It will be

very hard to rescue anyone here as they will be surrounded by a ton of Titans.

The sheer number of Titans in this mission will also make it difficult to fight

the Bizarre Titan as they will keep getting in the way.




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Super-Durable Steel

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iceburst Stone x8

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x4

S New Super-Durable Steel x3

S-Rank (Attack): B A-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

A High-Quality Rare Metal

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

A Titan Crystal

TAM Note: Final subjugation target is a Bizarre (Armored) Titan.




Difficulty (Attack): ********* (True Attack): ******************

Clear (Attack): A High-Quality Wood

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

B A-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): A Super-Durable Steel x8

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x4

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel x3

S-Rank (Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

S-Rank (True Attack): S Giant Tree Core x5

Dire (Attack): A Unusual Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Ominous Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Shining Titan Crystal (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A Lightweight Wire

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S Giant Tree Core x3

S-Rank (Attack): A Super-Durable Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S New Super-Durable Steel x5

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Shining Titan Crystal (from Bizarre Titan)

TAM Note: Final subjugation target is a Bizarre (Female) Titan.




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Generic Statement of Deployment

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A High-Quality Wood

Clear (True Attack): A Lightweight Wire x4

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S Extra-Lightweight Wire x3

S-Rank (Attack): A Rigid Wire

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-Rigid Wire x4

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone


@Deepest Depths Special Battlefield@





Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A High-Quality Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo x8

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S Giant Tree Core x3

S-Rank (Attack): A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S Large Titan Crystal

TAM Note: One of the hardest and annoying missions in TAM. First off, you'll be

fighting the Titans in a forest, which in itself makes things extremely

difficult. Second, there are a ton of Titans. And when I say a ton, a mean a

ton. Good luck trying to rescue anyone here since they'll be surrounded by

four or five Titans from the start. There's also what a like to call a Titan

conga line in this mission that follows you around. It's very difficult to get

rid of since trying to get rid of one Titan usually results in you getting

grabbed by the one coming next in line. It's hard to circle around them since

the trees will constantly be getting in your way. To top it all off the final

subjugation target is a Bizarre (Armored) Titan. That alone would be hard

enough, but throw in the trees and the Titan conga line and you have a mission

that will more than likely have you pulling your hair out in frustration.




Difficulty (Attack): ********* (True Attack): ******************

Clear (Attack): A Super-Durable Steel

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A High-Quality Wood

Clear (True Attack): A High-Quality Wood x8

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x3

S-Rank (Attack): S S-Rank Iron Bamboo

S-Rank (True Attack): New Super-Durable Steel

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Titan Crystal

TAM Note: There are a ton of Titans in this mission. The fact that you're in a

forest doesn't make things any easier. Take it slow and take on the Titans one

at a time, as fighting multiple Titans at once will more than likely get you

killed fairly quickly. The final subjugation target is a Bizarre (Beast) Titan.




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A High-Quality Leather

Clear (True Attack): A Light Steel x8

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S Custom Leather x3

S-Rank (Attack): A High-Quality Wood

S-Rank (True Attack): S Giant Tree Core x5

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

A Titan Crystal

S Large Titan Crystal

TAM Note: Final subjugation target is a Bizarre (Beast) Titan. Once you burn

the fur off its nape with a firebomb it will start glowing red and cover up

its nape with its arm. Shortly afterwords it will start jumping around to

attack repeatedly. Keep moving while the Titan is going berserk and continue

attacking when it calms down.




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A Light Steel

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo x8

S S-Grade Iron Bamboo x4

S New Light Steel x3

S-Rank (Attack): A High-Quality Leather

S-Rank (True Attack): S Custom Leather

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): A Titan Crystal

TAM Note: You need to defeat three heavy Titans on the map before the final

subjugation target (another heavy Titan) will appear.




Difficulty (Attack): ********* (True Attack): ******************

Clear (Attack): A Superior Gem Steel

A A-Grade Steel

A High-Quality Leather

Clear (True Attack): A High-Quality Rare Metal x5

S S-Grade Steel x4

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x3

S-Rank (Attack): S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal

S-Rank (True Attack): S Meteoric Iron

Dire (Attack): A Unusual Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Ominous Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

TAM Note: Another mission with way too many Titans. It's almost impossible to

save any of your allies here since they tend to magically get killed the moment

you turn your back on them (Hange in particular). Multiple heavy Titans don't

make things any easier. To top it all off, the final subjugation target is a

Bizarre (Armored) Titan.




Difficulty (Attack): ******* (True Attack): ****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Rigid Wire

Clear (True Attack): A Rigid Wire x4

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x4

S Super-Rigid Wire x3

S-Rank (Attack): A A-Grade Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel x5

Dire (Attack): A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Large Ultra-Hardened Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Ultra-Hardened Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

A Titan Crystal

TAM Note: Final subjugation target is a Bizarre (Armored) Titan.




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): C B-Grade Iceburst Stone

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Superior Gem Steel

Clear (True Attack): A Superior Gem Steel x8

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone x4

S Meteoric Iron x3

S-Rank (Attack): A Lightweight Wire

S-Rank (True Attack): S Extra-Lightweight Wire x4

Dire (Attack): A Shining Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Glowing Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

S S-Grade Iceburst Stone

A Titan Crystal

S Large Titan Crystal




Difficulty (Attack): ******** (True Attack): *****************

Clear (Attack): S Top-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment

A A-Grade Steel

A High-Quality Rare Metal

Clear (True Attack): S Top-Rank Specialized Statement of Deployment x2

S S-Grade Steel x4

S Ultra-High-Quality Rare Metal x3

S-Rank (Attack): A Superior Gem Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): Meteoric Iron x5

Dire (Attack): A Titan Armor Fragment

Dire (True Attack): S Large Titan Armor Fragment

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

B Titan Crystal Fragment

A Titan Crystal

A Titan Armor Fragment (from Bizarre Titan)

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Steel

A Titan Crystal

TAM Note: You'll need to defend the center of town from several waves of

incoming Titans. This can make completing side missions difficult as it's

difficult to save them while defending the center. The final subjugation

target is a Bizarre (Beast) Titan. Make sure to eliminate the other Titans in

the immediate vicinity before taking it on as it will make your life much

easier during the battle.




Difficulty (Attack): ********* (True Attack): ******************

Clear (Attack): A High-Speed Fan

A A-Grade Steel

B A-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

Clear (True Attack): A A-Grade Steel x8

S S-Grade Steel x4

S S-Grade Ultra-Hard-Steel x3

S-Rank (Attack): S S-Grade Ultra-Hard Steel

S-Rank (True Attack): S Super-High-Speed Fan

Dire (Attack): A Unusual Titan Crystal

Dire (True Attack): S Ominous Titan Crystal

Body (Attack): A A-Grade Iron Bamboo

A A-Grade Steel

A A-Grade Iceburst Stone

C Titan Skin Fragment

A Titan Crystal

Body (True Attack): S S-Grade Iron Bamboo

S S-Grade Steel

TAM Note: You'll be facing lots of heavy Titans in this mission. Before you

subjugate the final mission critical target on the map, make sure to clear the

center of town beforehand. In particular, you want to defeat the two heavy

Titans hanging around the center of town. Trust me. You'll want to do this

before the final subjugation target appears in the center of town. Otherwise

you'll have to fight both a Bizarre (Female) Titan and two heavy Titans at the

same time. For some reason those three seem joined at the hip and will all

attack you at the same time when you get close. It almost made me want to rage

quit the game altogether. So I repeat clear the center of all Titans before you

make the final Titan appear.


|Materials List|





B-GRADE ULTRA-HARD STEEL Buy: 1,000 Sell: 100

Clear (Attack): Scout Regiment

Lieutenant Levi

Return to Trost District

Clear (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Defensive Battle

- The Titan Subjugation Plan

Interior Defensive Area - Resupply Operation

- The Major Resupply Operation is Announced!

- Walled City Defense

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Strike Back at the Titans

- Sign of a Counterattack

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Plan to Retake the Walled City

S-Rank (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Plains Survey

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Broad Plains Survey


Clear (Attack): The World the Girl Saw

Primal Desire

Clear (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - The Titan Subjugation Plan

- Defending the Front

- Training Grounds Survey

- The Plan to Recapture the Training Grounds

Interior Defensive Area - Omen

- Mission to Support the Convoy Team

- Walled City Battle

- Walled City Defense

S-Rank (Attack): The World the Girl Saw

Primal Desire


Clear/S-Rank: Various * to *** missions.

Body: * to *** missions.


Clear/S-Rank: Various * to *** missions.

Body: * to *** missions.

IRON SCRAPS Buy: 320 Sell: 32

Clear/S-Rank: Various * to *** missions.

Body: * to *** missions.

LOW-QUALITY RARE METAL Buy: 1,500 Sell: 150

Clear/S-Rank: Various * to *** missions.

Body: * to *** missions.




B-GRADE ICEBURST STONE Buy: 2,300 Sell: 230

Clear/S-Rank: Various **** to ****** missions.

Body: **** to ****** missions.

B-GRADE IRON BAMBOO Buy: 2,100 Sell: 210

Clear/S-Rank: Various **** to ****** missions.

Body: **** to ****** missions.

B-GRADE STEEL Buy: 2,200 Sell: 220

Clear/S-Rank: Various **** to ****** missions.

Body: **** to ****** missions.

LEATHER Buy: 1,000 Sell: 100

Clear (Attack): The Mysterious Titan



Clear (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Former Urban Area Survey

- Break Through the Titan Encirclement!

Interior Defensive Area - Titan Invasion!

- Protect the Village!

- Mission to Support the Old Castle

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Mission to Support the Defensive Line

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to Aid the Battlefront

S-Rank (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - A Village Assaulted by Fear


Body: Various Titans.




A-GRADE ULTRA-HARD STEEL Buy: 4,000 Sell: 400

Clear (Attack): Soldier's Dance

The Mysterious Abnormal

Clear (Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Provide Relief to the Forward Town!

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Inviolable Area

S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Operation:Exterminate the Titans

- Operation:Exterminate the Titans 2

GEM STEEL Buy: 3,600 Sell: 360

Clear (Attack): Return to Trost District

57th Expedition Beyond the Walls

Choices and Consequences


Clear (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to Hold the Base

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Second Plan to Retake the Base

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to Hold the Base

S-Rank (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Mission to Support the Old Castle

- Walled City Battle

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Mission to Support the Defensive Line

- High-Firepower Area


Clear (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Mission to Support the Convoy Team

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - All Men, Move Out!

S-Rank (Attack): Scout Regiment


S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Defending the Front

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Mission to Defend the Forward Town


Clear (Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Mission to Defend the Forward Town

- Abnormal Spotted!

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - All Men, Move Out!


Clear (Attack): Return to Trost District

Clear (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Emergency Rescue Order

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - High-Firepower Area

S-Rank (Attack): Return to Trost District

HIGH-SPEED FAN (PROTOTYPE) Buy: 4,000 Sell: 400

Clear (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Wall Perimeter Survey

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Provide Relief to the Elite Unit!

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Wall Perimeter Survey

S-Rank (Attack): Lieutenant Levi

At the Entrance of the Forest

S-Rank (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Walled City Defense

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Plan to Retake the Walled City


Clear (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Defending the Front

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Mission to Defend the Forward Town

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Defending the Front

S-Rank (Attack): Titan Capture Operation

S-Rank (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Omen

- Emergency Rescue Order

LIGHT STEEL (PROTOTYPE) Buy: 3,300 Sell: 330

Clear (Attack): Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation

At the Entrance of the Forest

Clear (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Omen

- Emergency Rescue Order

- A Village Assaulted by Fear

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Life-or-Death Rescue Mission

Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Omen

- Titan Invasion!

S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to Aid the Battlefront

Interior Defensive Area - Mission to Support the Convoy Team

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - All Men, Move Out!


Clear (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - The Plan to Recapture the Training Grounds

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Fight Off the Abnormals

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - The Plan to Recapture the Training Grounds

S-Rank (Attack): Ilse's Notebook


S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to Hold the Base

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Second Plan to Retake the Base

RARE METAL Buy: 3,700 Sell: 370

Clear (Attack): Primal Desire

Ilse's Notebook

Titan Capture Operation

Clear (Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Second Plan to Regain the Front

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Blitzkrieg

- What Lurks in the Old Castle

- High-Firepower Area

S-Rank (Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Strike Back at the Titans

Body (Survey): Uncommon drop.

RIGID WIRE (PROTOTYPE) Buy: 3,500 Sell: 350

Clear (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area- Titan at the Ruins

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Plan to Retake the Base

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Titan at the Ruins

S-Rank (Attack): Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation

S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - The Plan to Recapture the Training Grounds

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Fight Off the Abnormals


Clear (Attack): Ilse's Notebook

Lieutenant Levi

57th Expedition Beyond the Walls


Clear (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Plains Survey

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Broad Plains Survey

Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Resupply Operation

S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to March Beyond the Walls

- Training Grounds Survey

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Strategy to Regain the Front

- Abnormal Spotted!


Body: Various mid-level Titans (difficulty ****+).


Dire: Dire Subjugation Titans (* to *** difficulty).

Body: Various Titans

WOOD Buy: 3,000 Sell: 300

Clear (Attack): Invasion

Lieutenant Levi

Clear (Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to March Beyond the Walls

- Training Grounds Survey

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Abnormal Spotted!

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to March Beyond the Walls

S-Rank (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Resupply Operation

- Titan Invasion!




A-GRADE ICEBURST STONE Buy: 5,350 Sell: 535

Clear/S-Rank: Various ******* to ********* missions.

Body: ******* to ********* missions.

A-GRADE IRON BAMBOO Buy: 5,150 Sell: 515

Clear/S-Rank: Various ******* to ********* missions.

Body: ******* to ********* missions.

A-GRADE STEEL Buy: 5,250 Sell: 525

Clear/S-Rank: Various ******* to ********* missions.

Body: ******* to ********* missions.


Clear (Survey):

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - The Value of a Life

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Humanity's Battle

S-Rank (Attack): Last Line of Defense

HIGH-QUALITY LEATHER Buy: 5,250 Sell: 525

Clear (Attack): Choices and Consequences

Titan Encirclement

Clear (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield-The Plan to Retake the Former Urban Area

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Those Who Fight, Those Who Defend

- Struggle at the Old Castle Ruins

Clear (TAM Survey):

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Blitzkrieg

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield-All-Out Battle in the Former Urban Area

S-Rank (Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Life-or-Death Rescue Mission

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Wings of Freedom

HIGH-QUALITY RARE METAL Buy: 7,250 Sell: 725

Clear (Attack): At the Entrance of the Forest


Escape from Death's Shadow

Clear (Survey):

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Titan Encirclement

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield-All-Out Battle in the Former Urban Area

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Firepower in the Forest

- The Critical Line of Defense

Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Mission to Support the Old Castle

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Mission to Support the Defensive Line

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Struggle at the Old Castle Ruins

S-Rank (Attack): 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls

S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Inviolable Area

Body (Survey): Rare drop.

HIGH-QUALITY WOOD Buy: 7,000 Sell: 700

Clear (Attack): Bite


The Mysterious Abnormal

Clear (Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Strategy to Regain the Front

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Operation:Exterminate the Titans 2

- Urgent Request from the Front Lines!

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - In the Forest Depths

Clear (TAM Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Strategy to Regain the Front

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - In the Forest Depths

S-Rank (Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - The Major Resupply Operation is Announced!

- Protect the Village!

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Those Who Fight, Those Who Defend

HIGH-SPEED FAN Buy: 8,500 Sell: 850

Clear (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - All-Out Battle

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - The Deep, Decisive Battle

Clear (TAM Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Provide Relief to the Elite Unit!

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - All Out Battle

S-Rank (Attack): Titan Encirclement

LARGE CANISTER Buy: 8,000 Sell: 800

Clear (TAM Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Mission to Defend the Forward Town

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Humanity's Battle

S-Rank (Attack): Battle at the Ruined Castle

S-Rank (Survey):

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - The Final Interior Battle

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Humanity's Battle

LIGHT STEEL Buy: 7,000 Sell: 700

Clear (Attack): Titan Encirclement

Clear (Survey):

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - The Final Interior Battle

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Wings of Freedom

Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Emergency Rescue Order

- Protect the Village!

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - The Final Interior Battle

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Those Who Fight, Those Who Defend

S-Rank (Survey):

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - A Value of a Life

- Blitzkrieg

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield-All-Out Battle in the Former Urban Area

LIGHTWEIGHT WIRE Buy: 8,400 Sell: 840

Clear (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Abnormal Invasion!

Clear (TAM Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Fight off the Abnormals

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Urgent Request from the Front Lines!

S-Rank (Attack): Escape from Death's Shadow

S-Rank (Survey):

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Diversionary Tactics

RIGID WIRE Buy: 8,400 Sell: 840

Clear (Survey):

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Signal of a Counterattack: 2

Clear (TAM Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Plan to Retake the Base

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Signal of a Counterattack: 2

S-Rank (Attack): The Mysterious Abnormal

S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Urgent Request from the Front Lines!


Dire/Body: Female Titan (and Bizarre variants).

SUPER DURABLE STEEL Buy: 7,000 Sell: 700

Clear (Attack): Battle at the Ruined Castle

Clear (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Operation:Exterminate the Titans

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - In the Forest Depths

Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - The Major Resupply Operation is Announced!

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Operation: Exterminate the Titans 2

S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Abnormal Invasion!

SUPERIOR GEM STEEL Buy: 7,500 Sell: 750

Clear (Attack): Soldier's Dance

Battle at the Ruined Castle

Clear (Survey):

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Struggle at the Old Castle Ruins

- Diversionary Tactics

Clear (TAM Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Second Plan to Retake the Base

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Diversionary Tactics

S-Rank (Survey):

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - The Critical Line of Defense


Dire/Body: Armored Tian (and Bizarre variants).

TITAN CRYSTAL Buy: - Sell: 400

Body: High level Titans (*******+ difficulty).


Dire: Dire Subjugation Titans (****+ difficulty).


Dire/Body: Beast Titan (and Bizarre variants).




COLOSSAL CRYSTAL Buy: - Sell: 1,600

Body (True Attack): Colossal Titan.

CUSTOM LEATHER Buy: 8,500 Sell: 850

Clear (True Attack): The Mysterious Titan



Lieutenant Levi

Choices and Consequences

Titan Encirclement

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Former Urban Area Survey

- Break Through the Titan Encirclement!

Interior Defensive Area - Titan Invasion!

- Protect the Village!

- Mission to Support the Old Castle

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Mission to Support the Defensive Line

- Titan Encirclement

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield-The Plan to Retake the Former Urban Area

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Those Who Fight, Those Who Defend

S-Rank (True Attack): First Battle

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - A Village Assaulted by Fear

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Life-or-Death Rescue Mission

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Wings of Freedom

EXTRA-LARGE CANISTER Buy: 10,000 Sell: 1,000

Clear (TAM Survey)

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Defending the Front

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Mission to Defend the Forward Town

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Humanity's Battle

S-Rank (True Attack): Titan Capture Operation

Choices and Consequences

Battle at the Ruined Castle

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Omen

- Emergency Rescue Order

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - The Final Interior Battle

EXTRA-LIGHTWEIGHT WIRE Buy: 10,500 Sell: 1,050

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - The Plan to Recapture the Training Grounds

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Fight off the Abnormals

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Urgent Request from the Front Lines!

S-Rank (True Attack): Ilse's Notebook

Escape from Death's Shadow

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to Hold the Base

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Second Plan to Retake the Base

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Diversionary Tactics

GIANT TREE CORE Buy: 9,500 Sell: 950

Clear (True Attack): Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation


The Mysterious Abnormal

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Break Through the Encirclement

- Training Grounds Survey

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Second Plan to Regain the Front

- Abnormal Spotted!

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Abnormal Invasion!

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Firepower in the Forest

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Resupply Operation

- The Major Resupply Operation is Announced!

- Titan Invasion!

- Protect the Village!

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Operation:Exterminate the Titans 2

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Those Who Fight, Those Who Defend


Body (True Attack): Female Titan (and Bizarre variants)


Body (True Attack): Armored Titan (and Bizarre variants)


Body (True Attack): Rare Titan drop.


Dire (True Attack): Dire Subjugation Titans.

METEORIC IRON Buy: 12,000 Sell: 1,200

Clear (True Attack): The World the Girl Saw

57th Expedition Beyond the Walls

Choices and Consequences


Soldier's Dance

Battle at the Ruined Castle

Last Line of Defense

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to Hold the Base

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Second Plan to Retake the Base

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Diversionary Tactics

S-Rank (True Attack): Invasion

The World the Girl Saw

Soldier's Dance

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Mission to Support the Old Castle

- Walled City Battle

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Mission to Support the Defensive Line

- High-Firepower Area

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Struggle at the Old Castle Ruins

- The Critical Line of Defense

NEW LIGHT STEEL Buy: 11,500 Sell: 1,150

Clear (True Attack): Return to the Trost District

Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation

At the Entrance of the Forest

Titan Encirclement

Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Omen

- Emergency Rescue Order

- A Village Assaulted by Fear

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Life-or-Death Rescue Mission

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - The Final Interior Battle

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Wings of Freedom

S-Rank (True Attack): Roar

Return to the Trost District

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to Aid the Battlefront

Interior Defensive Area - Mission to Support the Convoy Team

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - All Men, Move Out!

- The Value of a Life

- Blitzkrieg

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield-All-Out Battle in the Former Urban Area

NEW SUPER-DURABLE STEEL Buy: 11,000 Sell: 1,000

Clear (True Attack): Primal Desire

Ilse's Notebook

Lieutenant Levi

57th Expedition Beyond the Walls


Battle at the Ruined Castle

Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Plains Survey

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Broad Plains Survey

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Operation: Exterminate the Titans

S-Rank (True Attack): The Mysterious Titan

Primal Desire

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to March Beyond the Walls

- Training Grounds Survey

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Strategy to Regain the Front

- Abnormal Spotted!

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Abnormal Invasion!

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - In the Forest Depths


Body (True Attack): Beast Titan (and Bizarre variants)

S-GRADE ICEBURST STONE Buy: 9,600 Sell: 960

Clear (True Attack): The 104th Cadet Corps


First Battle


Titan Capture Operation

57th Expedition Beyond the Walls

At the Entrance of the Forest

Soldier's Dance

Titan Encirclement

Last Line of Defense

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Wall Perimeter Survey

- Defensive Battle

- Titans at the Ruins

- Mission to Hold the Base

Interior Defensive Area - Plains Survey

- Resupply Operation

- The Major Resupply Operation is Announced!

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Provide Relief to the Elite Unit!

- Strike Back at the Titans

- Plan to Retake the Base

- The Second Plan to Retake the Base

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Broad Plains Survey

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - All Out Battle

- Inviolable Area

- Operation:Exterminate the Titans

- Operation:Exterminate the Titans 2

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Signal of a Counterattack: 2

- Diversionary Tactics

S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Operation:Exterminate the Titans 2

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Break Through the Encirclement

- Former Urban Area Survey

- Break Through the Titan Encirclement!

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - The Second Plan to Regain the Front

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield-The Plan to Retake the Former Urban Area
Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Firepower in the Forest

Body(True Attack): Various Titans (****+ difficulty).

S-GRADE IRON BAMBOO Buy: 9,650 Sell: 965

Clear (True Attack): The 104th Cadet Corps


The World the Girl Saw


Ilse's Notebook

Return to the Trost District



Escape from Death's Shadow

Last Line of Defense

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to March Beyond the Walls

- Break Through the Encirclement

- Former Urban Area Survey

- Mission to Aid the Battlefront

- Break Through the Titan Encirclement!

- Training Grounds Survey

- The Plan to Recapture the Training Grounds

Interior Defensive Area - Titan Invasion!

- A Village Assaulted by Fear

- Protect the Village!

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Strategy to Regain the Front

- The Second Plan to Regain the Front

- Abnormal Spotted!

- Fight off the Abnormals

- The Life-or-Death Rescue Mission

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Blitzkrieg

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield-The Plan to Retake the Former Urban Area

-All-Out Battle in the Former Urban Area

- Abnormal Invasion!

- Urgent Request from the Front Lines!

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Firepower in the Forest

- In the Forest Depths

- Those Who Fight, Those Who Defend

- Wings of Freedom

S-Rank (Survey):

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - In the Forest Depths

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Defending the Front

Interior Defensive Area - Old Castle Survey

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Mission to Defend the Forward Town

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - What Lurks in the Old Castle

- Titan Encirclement

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Humanity's Battle

Body (True Attack): Various Titans (****+ difficulty).

S-GRADE STEEL Buy: 9,750 Sell: 975

Clear (True Attack): The 104th Cadet Corps

First Battle

The World the Girl Saw

The Mysterious Titan

Scout Regiment

Lieutenant Levi

Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation

Choices and Consequences

The Mysterious Abnormal

Battle at the Ruined Castle

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Wall Perimeter Survey

- The Titan Subjugation Plan

- Defending the Front

Interior Defensive Area - Omen

- Mission to Support the Convoy Team

- Emergency Rescue Order

- Old Castle Survey

- Mission to Support the Old Castle

- Walled City Battle

- Walled City Defense

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Mission to Defend the Forward Town

- Sign of a Counterattack

- Provide Relief to the Forward Town!

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - All Men, Move Out!

- The Value of a Life

- The Final Interior Battle

- What Lurks in the Old Castle

- Mission to Support the Defensive Line

- Titan Encirclement

- High-Firepower Area

- Plan to Retake the Walled City

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Humanity's Battle

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Struggle at the Old Castle Ruins

- The Critical Line of Defense

- The Deep, Decisive Battle

S-Rank (Survey):

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Humanity's Battle

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Titan at the Ruins

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Provide Relief to the Elite Unit!

- Plan to Retake the Base

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - All Out Battle

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Signal of a Counterattack: 2

Body (True Attack): Various Titans (****+ difficulty).

S-GRADE ULTRA-HARD STEEL Buy: 10,000 Sell: 1,000

Clear (True Attack): Primal Desire

Scout Regiment

Return to the Trost District

Soldier's Dance

The Mysterious Abnormal

Escape from Death's Shadow

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Defensive Battle

- The Titan Subjugation Plan

Interior Defensive Area - Resupply Operation

- The Major Resupply Operation is Announced!

- Walled City Defense

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Strike Back at the Titans

- Sign of a Counterattack

- Provide Relief to the Forward Town!

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Plan to Retake the Walled City

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Inviolable Area

- Operation:Exterminate the Titans 2

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - The Deep, Decisive Battle

S-Rank (Survey):

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - The Deep, Decisive Battle

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Plains Survey

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Broad Plains Survey

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Operation:Exterminate the Titans


Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Mission to Support the Convoy Team

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - All Men, Move Out!

- The Value of a Life

S-Rank (True Attack): Scout Regiment


Last Line of Defense

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - The Titan Subjugation Plan

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Sign of a Counterattack

- Provide Relief to the Forward Town!

SUPER-HIGH-SPEED FAN Buy: 11,500 Sell: 1,150

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Wall Perimeter Survey

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Provide Relief to the Elite Unit!

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - All Out Battle

S-Rank (True Attack): Lieutenant Levi

At the Entrance of the Forest

Titan Encirclement

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Walled City Defense

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Plan to Retake the Walled City

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - The Deep, Decisive Battle

SUPER-RIGID WIRE Buy: 10,500 Sell: 1,050

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Titan at the Ruins

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Plan to Retake the Base

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Signal of a Counterattack: 2

S-Rank (True Attack): Idol

Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation

The Mysterious Abnormal

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - The Plan to Recapture the Training Grounds

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Fight off the Abnormals

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Urgent Request from the Front Lines!


Clear (Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Sign of a Counterattack

- Fight Off the Abnormals

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Plan to Retake the Walled City

Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Walled City Battle

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - High-Firepower Area


Clear (Attack): Soldier's Dance

Escape from Death's Shadow

Last Line of Defense

Clear (Survey):

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Provide Relief to the Forward Town!

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Abnormal Invasion!

- Urgent Request from the Front Lines!

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - The Titan Subjugation Plan

- Training Grounds Survey

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Sign of a Counterattack

- Provide Relief to the Forward Town!

- Abnormal Spotted!

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Abnormal Invasion!


Clear (Attack): Soldier's Dance

Clear (Survey):

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - The Value of a Life

- The Final Interior Battle

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - The Critical Line of Defense

Clear (TAM Survey):

Interior Defensive Area - Mission to Support the Convoy Team

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - All Men, Move Out!

- The Value of a Life

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - The Critical Line of Defense


Clear (True Attack): Invasion

First Battle

The Mysterious Titan



Primal Desire

Scout Regiment

Ilse's Notebook

Titan Capture Operation

At the Entrance of the Forest


Escape from Death's Shadow

Clear (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Mission to March Beyond the Walls

- Mission to Aid the Battlefront

Interior Defensive Area - Old Castle Survey

- Walled City Battle

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Strategy to Regain the Front

Eastern Region 2nd Survey Area - Blitzkrieg

- What Lurks in the Old Castle

- High-Firepower Area

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield-All-Out Battle in the Former Urban Area

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - In the Forest Depths

- Struggle at the Old Castle Ruins

- The Critical Line of Defense

S-Rank (True Attack): The 104th Cadet Corps

57th Expedition Beyond the Walls

S-Rank (Survey):

Deepest Depths Special Battlefield - Struggle at the Old Castle Ruins

S-Rank (TAM Survey):

Southern Region 1st Survey Area - Defensive Battle

Wall Perimeter Secure Area - Stike Back at the Titans

Southern Region Unexplored Battlefield - Inviolable Area


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Copyright 2016 Brian Nii

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