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Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______

Patient’s Diagnosis
Date Ordered: May 24 Date Performed: May 24

Name of Diagnostic and Laboratory Exam: Complete Blood COunt

Purpose of the Study:

To determine your general health status; to screen for, diagnose, or monitor any one of a variety of
diseases and conditions that affect blood cells, such as anemia, infection, inflammation, bleeding
disorder or cancer

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

1. Explain the procedure to the patient Allays anxiety and improves cooperation
2. Have adequate rest before the procedure Stress may physiologically affects results
3. Instruct patient that an injection prick will be CBC requires blood as specimen

4. Apply direct pressure on puncture site It prevents bleeding
5. Instruct to resume normal activities and diet. After specimen is collected, the patient may resume

activities as long as it is not contraindicated.

Analysis of the Result:

In abortion associated with bleeding, CBC will show significant reduction of RBC, HGB and Hct.

Note: Please provide the result of the laboratory study at BACK

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