Tdor 2020

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CW: trans violence, murder.

No periods for space becasuse the day is about being


Today is the #TransgenderDayOfRemembrance, when he remember all of our brethren,

sistren, bothren, othren, and neithren who have been killed in anti-trans #gbv
#GenderBasedViolence #hatecrimes #hatemurders. It's a day when we count and speak
aloud the names of those whose murder weapons were wielded by another's hands;
there is another anti-trans murder spree that is not the focus today, in which the
society which hates us uses our own hands to murder us (to be clear: I mean the
offensively high suicide rates among trans folk).

As you can see, this is a day I feel really intensely. I first attended a #TDoR
event in 2002 or so, and there were a tenth of the names read that day than will be
read today (and are listed below). In all of those years, the vast majority of
those names have been people of color, and have been transwomen or transfeminine
folk. In particular, the names are mostly those of Black transwomen, which is a
large part of why the average life expectancy for a Black transwoman in this
country is 35 years of age.

I will be spending most of the day with my beloved Sumiko Saulson, as I did last
year. We missed the reading of the names, or the remembrance we attended didn't
include them for some reason. This year, we are planning to read the names on a
series of TikTok videos, attend this #UnitarianUniversalist remembrance , and (because we need something
happy making) buy ourselves a Christmas tree to celebrate our growing closer and
closer together. What are you going to do to remember the #BlessedDead?

#translivesmatter #transsexworkerlivesmatter #indigenoustranslivematter

#disabledtranslivesmatter #mentallyilltranslivesmatter #poortranslivesmatter
#homelesstranslivesmatter #autistictranslivesmatter #donotforget
#whatisrememberedlives #undocumentedtranslivesmatter #Muslimtranslivesmatter
#Jewishtranslivesmatter #transsexworkerlivesmatter

Here's the list of the names. I think I'll keep my keening prayers to myself for
now. PLEASE share or copypasta at least the names that follow, so these siblings
of ours do not go unnoticed into that gentle night.


Trans Murder Monitoring TvT project TGEU
350 trans and gender-diverse people reported murders
between 1 October 2019 and 30 September 2020
#1 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 04/10/2019
Location of death: Puerto Vallarta (Mexico)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The apartment was all messed up and the knife was found on the floor
between the bed and the body

#2 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 04/10/2019
Location of death: Curitiba (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was found with her hands and feet tied with a telephone wire
#3 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: other
Date of death: 05/10/2019
Location of death: Patos (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was stabbed with a knife, ran to seek help but fell lifeless
inside commercial premises

#4 Paola Araujo
Age: 31
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 06/10/2019
Location of death: Teresina (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was shot in the neck, face and right chest

#5 Rony Gonçalves
Age: 47
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 06/10/2019
Location of death: Goiânia (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: She was found with stab wounds and her face covered with a towel to
muffle the screams

#6 Soledad Fernández
Age: 40
Occupation: other
Date of death: 08/10/2019
Location of death: Zanja Pytá (Paraguay)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: A young man followed her for several blocks, emptied his gun against her
and took no belongings

#7 Michelly Almeida
Age: not reported
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 09/10/2019
Location of death: União dos Palmares (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The victim was found lying on the floor and the body was in and
advanced state of decomposition

#8 La Diva
Age: 30
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 10/10/2019
Location of death: Guaduas de Cundinamarca (Colombia)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim had a strong argument with a man who, full of rage, drew a
firearm and shot her mercilessly

#9 Vidalia Molina Delgado

Age: 35
Occupation: seller/merchant
Date of death: 11/10/2019
Location of death: Mazatenango (Guatemala)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Strangers entered her store "Bar Mery", where they shot at her face and

#10 Julia
Age: 30
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 12/10/2019
Location of death: Sobral (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim received 5 shots in the face and one in the thigh

#11 Deborah Carranza

Age: 40
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 12/10/2019
Location of death: San Pedro Sula (Honduras)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Deborah was stabbed during a fight with another trans woman

#12 Hamsa
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 13/10/2019
Location of death: Hyderabad (India)
Cause of death: burned
Remarks: Hamsa was killed by a group of hijra sex workers who had been
harrassing her as she wanted to work as an independent sex worker
outside the hijra community. Currently her family is receiving death
threats from the group so that they do not testify against them.

#13 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 13/10/2019
Location of death: Suchitepéquez (El Salvador)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim died in the hospital due to some gunshots to her face and
torso in her business

#14 Romanic
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 13/10/2019
Location of death: Curitiba (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: They stumbled, then trampled her head and killed them with kicks, sticks
and stones

#15 Michelly Faiffer

Age: not reported
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 14/10/2019
Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: She was brutally murdered

#16 Lorena Vicente

Age: 23
Occupation: other
Date of death: 15/10/2019
Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: According to Lorena's sister, the young woman was beaten after getting
involved in a fight with a boy

#17 Brianna “BB” Hill

Age: 30
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 16/10/2019
Location of death: Kansas City (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Hill, 30, shot by a man who is currently in custody, was pronounced dead
when officers arrived on the scene. Kansas City Police Capt. Tim
Hernandez told local press that the alleged shooter remained at the
scene until they arrived.

#18 Lina Marcela Jiménez Granados

Age: 26
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 19/10/2019
Location of death: Bucaramanga (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: A man on a motorcycle arrived, called her and stabbed her in the chest.

#19 I. D. da Silva
Age: 40
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 25/10/2019
Location of death: Petrolina (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: According to the Civil Police, two unidentified people arrived armed, on
a motorcycle, and fired several firearms.

#20 N.N.
Age: 47
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 25/10/2019
Location of death: Ciudad Juarez (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot by several people riding in a car and died on the way
to the hospital

#21 Chicho Chirinos

Age: 49
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 26/10/2019
Location of death: La Plata (Argentina)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The killer attacked from behind, kicked her and stabbed her again. The
victim fell to the ground, but the killer continued to stab her with the
knife several more times.

#22 Anahy Miranda Rivas

Age: 27
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 27/10/2019
Location of death: San Salvador (El Salvador)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: A group of armed suspects in a van grabbed Anahy Miranda Rivas, 27,
and dragged her several meters along the boulevard before stabbing her
with a sharp object.

#23 Bruna
Age: 30
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 30/10/2019
Location of death: Salvador (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A trans woman was shot to death in the face

#24 Bruna Soares

Age: 23
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 01/11/2019
Location of death: São Mateus (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was badly injured and died in the hospital

#25 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 03/11/2019
Location of death: Jacona (Mexico)
Cause of death: stoned
Remarks: A trans person who had been reported as kidnapped was found semiburied in
a piece of land

#26 N.N.
Age: 43
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 04/11/2019
Location of death: Juiz de Fora (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A trans woman was found lifeless after an armed attack

#27 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 04/11/2019
Location of death: Chihuahua (Mexico)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: There are no signs of violence in the body

#28 Paula Santos

Age: 26
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 05/11/2019
Location of death: Jequié (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The body was in a bag, with hands and feet tied with electrical wires, and
was already in an advanced state of decomposition.

#29 Jade Camila Diaz

Age: 27
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 06/11/2019
Location of death: Meanguera del Golfo (El Salvador)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The body was found with her hands tied and weighted with a bag of

#30 Brighiit Mirón

Age: 15
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 09/11/2019
Location of death: La Gomera (Guatemala)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Was shot to death in the head

#31 Pedrita
Age: 47
Occupation: other
Date of death: 10/11/2019
Location of death: Ribeirão Preto (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: According to the police report, the victim was not well-cared-for in the
place but she could have been mistreated at the hotel.

#32 Daphine Kauane

Age: 15
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 11/11/2019
Location of death: Recife (Brazil)
Cause of death: stoned
Remarks: The victim was beaten and stoned to death

#33 Michelle "N"

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 12/11/2019
Location of death: Zihuatanejo (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim died due to a bar shooting aiming at clients. After the attack,
the body was left dead, stretched out on the hallway outside the

#34 Gisella Corvalán

Age: 47
Occupation: other
Date of death: 13/11/2019
Location of death: Santiago de Estero (Argentina)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Gisella died due to stab wounds she received when she discovered some
assailants stealing in her house. She was hospitalised on August 18, and
one of the assailants was arrested

#35 Mónica de la Torre

Age: not reported
Occupation: seller/merchant
Date of death: 15/11/2019
Location of death: Martínez de la Torre (Mexico)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: She disappeared several days before and her body was found in a
cardboard container next to a state hallway
#36 Jerrika Rivas Ruíz
Age: 28
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 16/11/2019
Location of death: Bogotá (Colombia)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Jerrika died in midst of a fight with another trans woman.

#37 Victoria Pineda

Age: 28
Occupation: activist/movement leader
Date of death: 16/11/2019
Location of death: Departamento de Ahuachapán (El Salvador)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: Victoria's body was found naked, with her hands open as a symbol of
crucifixion, holding some logs and a car tire on her head as a "crown of
thorns" and her face disfigured due to stone blows

#38 La Pompis
Age: 41
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 17/11/2019
Location of death: Restrepo Valle (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: According to the first investigations she was attacked by three men, who
stabbed her and hit her with stones.

#39 Sarita
Age: 40
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/11/2019
Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Sarita's body was lying on the floor with several knife-wounds.
According to expert report, there were used condoms next to the body,
which was naked and almost beheaded by the perpetrator.

#40 Pedrita
Age: 20
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 18/11/2019
Location of death: São Miguel dos Campos (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Pedrita was murdered with several shots in the head in the early
morning hours of Monday

#41 Carol
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 21/11/2019
Location of death: Extremoz (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: No information

#42 Coral
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 21/11/2019
Location of death: Mexico City (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Coral's body, which had two firearm injuries, was dragged with a vehicle
and abandoned nexto to the Federal Police Command Center wrapped
in a blanket

#43 Rafaella Sales

Age: 26
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 22/11/2019
Location of death: Linhares (Brazil)
Cause of death: run-over by car
Remarks: She, who was riding a motorbike, would have started an argument with
the truck driver and, at a certain moment, hung on the vehicle door. It
was at this moment that she fell and was ran over by the truck

#44 Isabelly Prado

Age: 23
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 23/11/2019
Location of death: Tramandaí (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The body of Isabely, who disappeared several days before, was found in a
bush in an advanced state of decomposition

#45 Monica Coelho

Age: 44
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 26/11/2019
Location of death: Vilhena (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A man, "disguised as a client" of the tire store where she worked,
approached the store in a white car and shot her in her chest when she
approached to assist him. She ran screaming for help but fell in the
store's yard and died in the hospital afterwards.

#46 Alejandra
Age: 38
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 30/11/2019
Location of death: Jacona (Mexico)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: Alejandra was kidnapped on November 3. Her body was located on a
wasteland, semi-buried and in a state of decomposition

#47 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 30/11/2019
Location of death: Tehuantepec, Oaxaca (Mexico)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The victim's body was found together with that of a boy, both tied up and
with several shots

#48 Rosa Granados

Age: 28
Occupation: seller/merchant
Date of death: 30/11/2019
Location of death: Loma Larga (El Salvador)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot 4 times in the head

#49 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 02/12/2019
Location of death: Salina Cruz (Mexico)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Tied hands and feet and signs of torture

#50 Mufa Álava

Age: 30
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 02/12/2019
Location of death: Quito (Ecuador)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was found with twenty stab wounds

#51 E. L.
Age: 20
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 03/12/2019
Location of death: Kristianstad (Sweden)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Her body was found in a lake at Vramsån on Tuesday afternoon. She was
missing since November 22

#52 Nicole
Age: 33
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 06/12/2019
Location of death: Toledo (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: According to reports, a man arrived at the residence around 3 p.m. and
called Nicoli at the entrance door. As she appeared, she received three

#53 Marcelle Brandina

Age: 23
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 10/12/2019
Location of death: Marília (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Brandina’s body was found by a local company manager with a gunshot
wound to the left side of his back and signs of asphyxiation

#54 Veronica de Oliveira

Age: 40
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 12/12/2019
Location of death: Santa Maria (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Veronica was with her friends in the street when a man in a car
approached them to negotiate the price of their sexual services, which
led to an argument and to him stabbing her in the abdomen as he left

#55 Lorrana Martins dos Santos

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 14/12/2019
Location of death: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: As it is stated, Lorrana was killed after doing a show at a nearby hotel

#56 Nikki Kuhnhausen

Age: 17
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 18/12/2019
Location of death: Vancouver (USA)
Cause of death: strangled/hanged
Remarks: Nikki Kuhnhausen, then 17, was reported missing on June 6. On Dec. 7, a
hiker found her skull in the woods near Larch Mountain,

#57 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/12/2019
Location of death: Villa de Álvarez (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Feet and hands tied and with signs of torture

#58 Yahira Nesby

Age: 33
Occupation: artist
Date of death: 19/12/2019
Location of death: Brooklyn (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Yahira was found dead in her apartment by the police. She had been shot
in the chest and leg. A man trying to escape from the scene was arrested

#59 Cristi Conde Vásquez

Age: 28
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 19/12/2019
Location of death: El Salvador (El Salvador)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was chased and taken to a location where she was shot about five

#60 Kendall
Age: 19
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 20/12/2019
Location of death: Santa Fé (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Kendall was killed by a fellow trans woman named Alejandra in a hostel
allegedly out of professional jealousy. She was stabbed in the head. The
owner of the hostel took her out and left her there in the street, lying on
the floor bleeding to death

#61 N.N.
Age: 49
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 21/12/2019
Location of death: Montreal (Canada)
Cause of death: decapitated/dismembered
Remarks: 49-year-old victim's body was discovered with marks of violence on it by
his roommate in their home on Saturday evening
#62 Andrea Nayhelli
Age: 46
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 22/12/2019
Location of death: Iztapalapa (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Signs of torture and two gunshots to the head

#63 Julie Berman

Age: 51
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 22/12/2019
Location of death: Toronto (Canada)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: Police said two people were inside the home when they arrived on scene
and a female victim was found suffering from serious injuries.

#64 Luciana Robledo

Age: 32
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 24/12/2019
Location of death: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: The building's owner, a 33-year-old man, and his niece told the police
that they had heard arguments and knocking inside one of the first-floor
rooms, door 2, and that they later saw another trans person leaving the

#65 Alice Nóbrega

Age: 30
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 25/12/2019
Location of death: Patos (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Without signs of violence. She used to suffer from epileptic seizures

#66 Mia Perry

Age: 26
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 29/12/2019
Location of death: Washington (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A DC transgender woman was shot to death by, apparently, armed
members of a private security company in a vacant apartment building,
but there is still a lot of speculation about the case

#67 Ely Pimentel

Age: not reported
Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender
Date of death: 31/12/2019
Location of death: Itaituba (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim received three shots

#68 Dustin Parker

Age: 25
Occupation: other
Date of death: 01/01/2020
Location of death: Oklahoma City (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Dustin Parker, a 25-year-old transgender man, was fatally shot in
McAlester, Oklahoma, early on New Year’s Day. He was killed while
working as a taxi cab driver.

#69 Nare Mphela

Age: 27
Occupation: activist/movement leader
Date of death: 01/01/2020
Location of death: limpopo (South Africa)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Her body was left on the street. She died from a stoning

#70 Jennifer Ávila

Age: 25
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 01/01/2020
Location of death: Guatemala City (Guatemala)
Cause of death: stoned
Remarks: Nare Mphela, who won a landmark transgender discrimination case
against her Limpopo high school in 2017, was murdered in her home
through stabbing and the house was set on fire

#71 Selena Peixoto

Age: 37
Occupation: seller/merchant
Date of death: 02/01/2020
Location of death: Dilermando de Aguiar (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: There were two gunshot marks in the victim's body

#72 Sapna
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 03/01/2020
Location of death: Moradabad (India)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Sapna was found murdered in her home. The police suspect the incident
took place at least 2 days prior to her being found. Her partner Yameen
had been detained for questioning. A report was filed against the
unidentified assailant

#73 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 03/01/2020
Location of death: Zacatelco, Tlaxcala (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Her disappearance was reported days before and her body was found
with traces of blood

#74 Andressa
Age: 20
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 05/01/2020
Location of death: Curitiba (Brazil)
Cause of death: run-over by car
Remarks: The body was found floating on Barigui river
#75 Vitoria dos Santos
Age: 19
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 06/01/2020
Location of death: Recife (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot dead in the neck

#76 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 06/01/2020
Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was killed by gunshots to the head

#77 Hans Acevedo

Age: 46
Occupation: seller/merchant
Date of death: 09/01/2020
Location of death: Guatemala City (Guatemala)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was being robbed by a group of criminals

#78 Brenda Landázury

Age: 24
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 09/01/2020
Location of death: Bogotá (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The fight lasted several minutes and, suddenly, in a carelessness of hers,
the guy drew a sharp knife and stabbed it in Brenda's chest

#79 Giselle Katrine

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 09/01/2020
Location of death: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Shot and burned

#80 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 09/01/2020
Location of death: Recife (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A bicycle rider arrived and fired several shots

#81 Jussara Rios

Age: 40
Occupation: other
Date of death: 11/01/2020
Location of death: Curitiba (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A man asked to stay at the place and entered. The victim, who owned the
boardinghouse, allowed the shooter to enter for him to stay in and
shortly after he took out a chrome revolver and fired several shots.
#82 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 11/01/2020
Location of death: Jaú (Brazil)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: A transgender person's body was found mutilated, with signs of violence
and marks of gunfire

#83 Tamara
Age: 24
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 13/01/2020
Location of death: Saint-Petersburg (Russia)
Cause of death: decapitated/dismembered
Remarks: The body of the deceased was found in the Mga River by an eleventh
grader. Experts noted that the victim's legs were carefully severed with a
saw, and the soft tissues were cut off with a knife. The body was in the
water for about six months

#84 Paulinha
Age: 24
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 13/01/2020
Location of death: Deodápolis (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: A man came up behind the victim's back and attacked her with a knife.
She fell, tried to get up to escape, but was again attacked by the criminal
with one more blow

#85 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 14/01/2020
Location of death: Zulia (Venezuela)
Cause of death: decapitated/dismembered
Remarks: The victim was beheaded, her head was not found

#86 Kimberley McRae

Age: 69
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 14/01/2020
Location of death: Sydney (Australia)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Kimberley McRae was found dead in her apartment on Mount St,
Coogee on January 14. The 69-year-old lived alone but was known to
exercise in the local area.

#87 N.N.
Age: 27
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 15/01/2020
Location of death: Tarimbaro (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim, who was shot to death, was found inside a drainage canal
in Michoacán

#88 Briyit Michelle Alas

Age: 25
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 16/01/2020
Location of death: Delgado City (El Salvador)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim had five gunshot wounds in different parts of the body: three
in the chest, one behind the ear and one in the arm.

#89 Fabiola
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 16/01/2020
Location of death: Salvador (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was caught by surprise by a motorcyclist, who shot her in the face

#90 Ana Clara Lima

Age: 38
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 17/01/2020
Location of death: Brasília (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: According to the Civil Police, the victim was a call girl and was attacked
by a raging client

#91 N.N.
Age: 25
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 17/01/2020
Location of death: San Salvador (El Salvador)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot at least five times with a firearm

#92 Ajita Bhujel

Age: 29
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/01/2020
Location of death: Kathmandu (Nepal)
Cause of death: strangled/hanged
Remarks: Ajita's body was found on the side of the road. She was raped, struck on
the head with a blunt object and strangled. Her gold necklace and mobile
phone were stolen. The motive of her death is unclear, however hate
crime is not being ruled out

#93 Hilary Medina

Age: 22
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/01/2020
Location of death: Huila (Colombia)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Two people arrived riding a motorbike and one of them shot her
indiscriminately while she was with a friend

#94 Leticia
Age: 17
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 19/01/2020
Location of death: Boa Vista (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was in a burlap bag with a knife stab in his belly and a tyre
around her neck.

#95 Morgana Ribeiro

Age: 37
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 20/01/2020
Location of death: Santa Maria (Brazil)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: Her mother found her dead. The crime would have happened about
three days before she was found

#96 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 20/01/2020
Location of death: Medellin (Colombia)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was stabbed several times

#97 Shakira
Age: 27
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 21/01/2020
Location of death: Chilpancingo (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Shakira was killed by gunfire inside Betty bar

#98 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 24/01/2020
Location of death: Campo Bom (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim showed signs of strangulation

#99 Bruna Oliveira

Age: 23
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 26/01/2020
Location of death: Natal (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot dead in the belly

#100 Mari de Bastos Lima

Age: 37
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 27/01/2020
Location of death: Santo Antônio do Leverger (Brazil)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The victim was buried alive

#101 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 28/01/2020
Location of death: García (Mexico)
Cause of death: burned
Remarks: The body apparently had several injuries in the back and was covered
with a red blanket.

#102 Wedylla Brenner Darack

Age: 25
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 30/01/2020
Location of death: Rolim de Moura (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was stabbed in the chest and ran asking for help

#103 Roberta Barbajal

Age: 50
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 01/02/2020
Location of death: La Plata (Argentina)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was stabbed 4 times

#104 Isabelle Colstt

Age: 27
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 04/02/2020
Location of death: Florianopolis (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was stabbed to death by at least two men. 15 days before, she
reported to have been assaulted with a stick and a machete by a group of

#105 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 05/02/2020
Location of death: Nuevo León (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The body was found with a blow to the head. It's believed to have been
tossed from a running vehicle

#106 Samantha do Valle

Age: 20
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 07/02/2020
Location of death: Florianopolis (Brazil)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: Samanta was found by the police inside the trunk of the client's car

#107 Guadalupe
Age: 45
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 07/02/2020
Location of death: Estado de Mexico (Mexico)
Cause of death: asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated
Remarks: Guadalupe was choked to death by her partner. Her body was found by
her family

#108 Joyce Berlim

Age: 28
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 08/02/2020
Location of death: Limoeiro (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot 8 times for refusing to have provide sexual services

#109 Dorete Lopes Leal

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 08/02/2020
Location of death: Agricolândia (Brazil)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The criminal used a piece of wood and a knife to commit the murder.
Dorete was badly beaten.

#110 B. Mimbela del Águila

Age: 26
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 09/02/2020
Location of death: Lima (Peru)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Mimbela was killed when she resisted the assault perpetrated by two
thieves. With a piece of broken glass, criminals stabbed several parts of
her body and fled. The Local Police denied her medical attention, which
led to her dying on the street

#111 Sabrina Sampaio

Age: 20
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 09/02/2020
Location of death: Conselheiro Lafaiete (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was attacked with several knife blows, getting seriously

#112 Valera
Age: 46
Occupation: housekeeper/cleaner
Date of death: 10/02/2020
Location of death: Chelyabinsk (Russia)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: She received bodily injuries in the course of a domestic conflict that
place on February 10 in a dorm room.

#113 Nicol
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 10/02/2020
Location of death: San Cristóbal de las Casas (Mexico)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: Nicol was beaten by strangers on January 25 and was hospitalized with a
head trauma, dying in the hospital

#114 Thabata Oliveira Blus

Age: 31
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 10/02/2020
Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: A man attacked her in the back with several stabs
#115 Mamta
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 11/02/2020
Location of death: Ahmedabad (India)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Mamta was killed by her partner Ajay Nadia after they had been having
frequent fights about money and fidelity (Ajay had started seeing a cis
woman and taken money from Mamta to woo her)

#116 Nenem
Age: 38
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 11/02/2020
Location of death: Campinas (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was killked with at least 12 shots

#117 Katarina Ariel

Age: 22
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 12/02/2020
Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The body of a 22-year-old trans woman was found with several marks of

#118 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 13/02/2020
Location of death: Natal (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim died after suffering an electric shock while trying to break
into the shack during the night

#119 Isabelle Oliveira

Age: not reported
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 14/02/2020
Location of death: Augustinópolis (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Isabelle Oliveira was found lifeless in one of the rooms of the unit used
for rest time

#120 Monique Matias Chagas

Age: 25
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 14/02/2020
Location of death: Missão Velha (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The body was found tied with chains and partially submerged in a

#121 Bruna Karla

Age: 23
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 15/02/2020
Location of death: Quilombo (Brazil)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: Victim died of asphyxiation. She also showed signs of violent death like
skull crush

#122 Ritchely Silva

Age: 25
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 17/02/2020
Location of death: Ceará Mirim (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was murdered inside his home

#123 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/02/2020
Location of death: Uruapan (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim's body showed signs of violence

#124 Lara Argento

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/02/2020
Location of death: Roma (Italy)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The body was in an advanced state of decomposition

#125 Gaby
Age: 21
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 20/02/2020
Location of death: Anapolis (Brazil)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: The body was found in an advanced state of decomposition

#126 Gabrielly Vanderguel

Age: 28
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 20/02/2020
Location of death: Itaperuna (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was murdered with two shots

#127 Jessyca Sarmiento

Age: 38
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 21/02/2020
Location of death: Paris (France)
Cause of death: run-over by car
Remarks: Jessyca was deliberately run over in a hit and run attack

#128 Bruna Andrade

Age: 30
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 22/02/2020
Location of death: Florianopolis (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim received several stab wounds
#129 Maria Eduarda Aires Dias
Age: 32
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 23/02/2020
Location of death: Encruzilhada do Sul (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The body was found gagged and with hands and feet tied

#130 Alexa Murder

Age: 29
Occupation: other
Date of death: 23/02/2020
Location of death: Toa Baja (Puerto Rico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Her body was found spiked with bullets

#131 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 23/02/2020
Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot to death

#132 N.N.
Age: 31
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 23/02/2020
Location of death: Araguari (Brazil)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The victim was shot in the chest

#133 "La Chachis" / "La Tocha"

Age: 32
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 25/02/2020
Location of death: Zamora, Michoacan (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: La Chachis was intercepted and shot to death by unknown assailants.
Despite the arrival of the paramedics, she died at the scene.

#134 Ali Mamani Huamani

Age: 44
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 26/02/2020
Location of death: Arequipa (Peru)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The body of Ali Mamani Huamani (44) was found inside a lodging located
on Garci Carbajal street, in Arequipa

#135 Meenu
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 26/02/2020
Location of death: Gurugram (India)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Three bike-borne unidentified men shot at a group of transgender
people. Meenu, who had been recently released from police custody on
charges of murdering another trans woman in 2018, suffered four bullet

#136 Alexia Freires Pereira

Age: 28
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 28/02/2020
Location of death: Betim (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim received several knife blows

#137 Alexa Negrón Luciano

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 02/03/2020
Location of death: Toa Baja (Puerto Rico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: After an incident that was published on social networks where she was
reported for using the women's bathroom at a fast food restaurant,
Alexa was harassed and persecuted by people who finally shot her to

#138 Yampi Méndez Arocho

Age: 19
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 05/03/2020
Location of death: Moca (Puerto Rico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim had four gunshot wounds: two in the face and two in the back

#139 Karly Sasha Chinina Palomino

Age: 33
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 05/03/2020
Location of death: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The autopsy results were not yet known, but it is known that she was

#140 Patsy Andrea

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 05/03/2020
Location of death: Chihuahua (Mexico)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: She was beaten to death with a hammer and the body was left in bags of

#141 Tita
Age: 32
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 06/03/2020
Location of death: La Unión (El Salvador)
Cause of death: burned
Remarks: Tita's body was found burned. One person was arrested

#142 S. Coronel Guerrero

Age: 32
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 06/03/2020
Location of death: Emiliano Zapata (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was shot dead at home by two gunmen while mourning her brother,
killed 12 days earlier

#143 Talita
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 10/03/2020
Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: According to the police report, a witness heard several screams in the
street and, as she left the house, saw two trans women attacking the
victim with kicks, punches and stabs

#144 Ludmila Nascimento dos Santos

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 12/03/2020
Location of death: Alagoinhas (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Ludmila had been killed by gunfire

#145 Isadora
Age: 51
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 12/03/2020
Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: According to police, the 51-year-old trans woman was murdered by a
teenager (17) with a gun stolen from a municipal guard

#146 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 13/03/2020
Location of death: Mexico City (Mexico)
Cause of death: stoned
Remarks: The victim's body was found with hands and feet tied up

#147 N.N.
Age: 31
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 15/03/2020
Location of death: Embu-Guaçu (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim, who was wearing jeans and a patterned blouse, had a cut
caused by a blow to the head

#148 Stephanie Cardona Matías

Age: 32
Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender
Date of death: 15/03/2020
Location of death: Mixco (Guatemala)
Cause of death: shot
#149 Valeria Belem
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 15/03/2020
Location of death: Americana (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: No information

#150 N.N.
Age: 30
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 16/03/2020
Location of death: Chihuahua (Mexico)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The body was in a state of decomposition, but it was possible to observe
that the victim was hit in the head.

#151 Vijji
Age: 28
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 17/03/2020
Location of death: Bangalore (India)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Viji was stabbed to death by Arun Kumar (Aruna, 27), her roommate, and
dumped on the street after she died on the way to hospital in an auto.
Arun's friend Shrinath (Shivu, 30) assisted in disposing the body.

#152 Monika Diamond

Age: 34
Occupation: owner of beauty shop/hair salon/bar/shop
Date of death: 18/03/2020
Location of death: Charlotte (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Monika was shot dead in an ambulance. Charlotte police and paramedics
responded to a call about a disturbance in Days Inn where Monika was
experiencing shortness of breath. When she was in the ambulance, the
murderer, who was denied his entry, came back and shot her several

#153 Rafhynha Pimenta

Age: 25
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 19/03/2020
Location of death: Arapiraca (Brazil)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: Rafhynha was found sadistically dead in an abandoned house in an
advanced state of decomposition

#154 Britany
Age: 25
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 20/03/2020
Location of death: Hermosillo. Sonora (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Britany had a fight in which both parties were injured. However, she
received a stab in the left eye that ended up causing her death.

#155 Paloma
Age: 22
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 20/03/2020
Location of death: Caruaru (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim received multiple shots

#156 La Marquesa
Age: not reported
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 21/03/2020
Location of death: Minatitlan (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: La Marquesa and another Muxe companion were shot dead

#157 Kelly
Age: 35
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 22/03/2020
Location of death: Caruaru (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim received multiple shots

#158 Daniela Sauceda

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 23/03/2020
Location of death: Chihuahua (Mexico)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: Daniela was located murdered inside an abandoned warehouse

#159 Karla Valentina N

Age: 25
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 23/03/2020
Location of death: San Felipe (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was murdered, apparently by a bullet impact

#160 Naomi Nicole "La Soñaré"

Age: 25
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 24/03/2020
Location of death: Mexico City (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was killed with at least one bullet in the head

#161 N.N.
Age: 30
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 26/03/2020
Location of death: Cariacica (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was stabbed by a client after performing sexual services. She
was found asking for help

#162 Lexi
Age: 33
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 28/03/2020
Location of death: New York (USA)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: She was stabbed to death in NYC Park, allegedly over a wig. The 33-
year-old woman was sitting on a bench at Harlem River Park when her
attacker approached her.

#163 N.N.
Age: 20
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 29/03/2020
Location of death: El Zapote (Mexico)
Cause of death: stoned
Remarks: The victim suffered severe blows to the nape from two sharp stones
located at a distance of some centimetres from her head.

#164 N.N.
Age: 35
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 31/03/2020
Location of death: Chihuahua (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim's body was located in an abandoned warehouse

#165 Luisa Sandoval Lemus

Age: 24
Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender
Date of death: 31/03/2020
Location of death: Puerto Barrios (Guatemala)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: Luisa disappeared on February 27 and was located on March 2 with signs
of torture and severed genitalia

#166 Jennifer Alcantara

Age: 34
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 31/03/2020
Location of death: Dourados (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The killer said that during the fight, he strangled the victim until she
consciousness and killed her with at least six blows to the neck using a
saw knife.

#167 Fabiola Pereira Andrade

Age: 48
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 31/03/2020
Location of death: Jequié (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: One of Fabiola's killers said she was killed by kicking and punching by at
least 4 inmates.

#168 Rayka França

Age: 26
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 04/04/2020
Location of death: Querência (Brazil)
Cause of death: stoned
Remarks: Rayka França's face was severely mangled and there were bloody stones
around her

#169 Musa
Age: 15
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 04/04/2020
Location of death: Faisalabad (Pakistan)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: She was 'lured' away by 'local thugs', physically and sexually abused and
then murdered. Her body was left outside her mentor's house

#170 J. F. do Nascimento Martins

Age: 27
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 06/04/2020
Location of death: Bayeux (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: An unidentified person entered the establishment and shot her, who
tried to hide in a residence but did not resist and died.

#171 Mira
Age: 43
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 07/04/2020
Location of death: Jakarta (Indonesia)
Cause of death: burned
Remarks: A group of five or six men attacked Mira after a truck driver accused her
of stealing his wallet and cellphone, which had been left in a vehicle
parked outside of Mira’s room. According to police, they hit Mira with a
wooden log and knocked her down before pouring gasoline on her. One
man pulled out a lighter to threaten her, but the lighter inadvertently set
off the gasoline.

#172 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 08/04/2020
Location of death: Ilheus (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot dead

#173 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 09/04/2020
Location of death: Pirapora (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Her boyfriend didn’t accept the breakup and killed her.

#174 Sasha Santos

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 09/04/2020
Location of death: Aracaju (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The police said that she was a drug user and she would be walking down
the street, where the crime occurred, when she was approached by a
man who had already arrived shooting.
#175 Ana Karen Velasco Castelán
Age: 25
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 11/04/2020
Location of death: Veracruz (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot in the head

#176 Johanna Metzger

Age: 25
Occupation: artist
Date of death: 11/04/2020
Location of death: Baltimore (USA)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Johanna Metzger's life was tragically lost in Baltimore, MD on April 14,
2020, after a stabbing on April 11. She was a self-taught musician of
multiple instruments. A virtual vigil was held on Zoom

#177 Luana Alves

Age: 25
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 11/04/2020
Location of death: Majé (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was killed with multiple shots

#178 N.N.
Age: 25
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 11/04/2020
Location of death: Veracruz (Mexico)
Cause of death: decapitated/dismembered
Remarks: The victim died from a gunshot to the head

#179 Leca do Beral

Age: 33
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 12/04/2020
Location of death: Patos (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was shot to death. Next to the body were six bullet casings of 38
caliber ammunition.

#180 Penelope Diaz Ramirez

Age: 31
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 13/04/2020
Location of death: Bayamon (Puerto Rico)
Cause of death: asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated
Remarks: Penelope was found hanging in a cell within the Bayamón correctional
complex. Another inmate confessed that he used a piece of cloth to
strangle her and then destroyed the evidence

#181 Paloma Salas Jiménez

Age: 33
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 16/04/2020
Location of death: Barranquilla (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: There were 20 stabs in her body showing a clear intention on the part of
the aggressor.

#182 Mafer Marbella Santos

Age: 28
Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender
Date of death: 16/04/2020
Location of death: Amatitlan (Guatemala)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Mafer died after being hospitalized for a month. She was shot at the bar
where she worked, in which days before she had been threatened

#183 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 17/04/2020
Location of death: Uruapan (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was walking when she was shot dead by unknown individuals
near the Temple of San Judas in the Periodista neighborhood.

#184 Leticia
Age: 18
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/04/2020
Location of death: Cumaru do Norte (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The projectile hit the mouth of the victim who died at the scene.

#185 Oscar
Age: 28
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 19/04/2020
Location of death: Tuxtepec, Oaxaca (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Armed individuals arrived inside the taco stand and shot directly at the
victim and their partner

#186 Layla Peláez Sánchez

Age: 21
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 22/04/2020
Location of death: Humacao (Puerto Rico)
Cause of death: burned
Remarks: Her body was located inside her burning car

#187 Serena Angelique Velázquez Ramos

Age: 32
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 22/04/2020
Location of death: Humacao (Puerto Rico)
Cause of death: burned
Remarks: Her body was located inside her burning car

#188 Eduarda
Age: 33
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 22/04/2020
Location of death: Manhuaçu (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A military policeman reacted to an attempted theft and wrestled with
two perpetrators. The 33-year-old victim was shot and died on the spot.

#189 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 22/04/2020
Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was bludgeoned to death

#190 Leto
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 23/04/2020
Location of death: Ilheus (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was stabbed to death inside the apartment

#191 M. D. Alberto
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 27/04/2020
Location of death: Pablo Nogues (Argentina)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Her body was found almost totally submerged in a ditch.

#192 Natasha Lobato

Age: 30
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 27/04/2020
Location of death: Francisco Morato (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Her body was found by friends, who found her disappearance strange.
Natasha was found dead, wrapped in a blanket and with several
fractures, mainly on her face and head. The multiple trauma was caused
by a sharp object

#193 Diamante
Age: 20
Occupation: seller/merchant
Date of death: 29/04/2020
Location of death: Veracruz (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: According to the police report, she showed signs of violence and injuries
caused with a knife.

#194 Marianne Andreolli

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 29/04/2020
Location of death: Osaco (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: She was murdered with scissors by the client

#195 Jade dos Santos

Age: 35
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 02/05/2020
Location of death: Salvador (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Two thugs on a motorcycle approached the victim and fired several
shots to her head. Moreover, she received several stabs in the neck

#196 Fernanda de Souza Paiva

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 03/05/2020
Location of death: Sobradinho (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: She was a victim of stabs perpetrated with a bladed weapon by her
partner, who did not accept the break-up

#197 Nina Pop

Age: 28
Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender
Date of death: 03/05/2020
Location of death: Sikeston (USA)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: She had been stabbed several times and is believed to have died of her

#198 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 04/05/2020
Location of death: Natal (Brazil)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: A trans person was found dead on Redinha's beach. It was not known
whether she died by suicide or homicide. The police did not give any

#199 Luz Clara

Age: 23
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 05/05/2020
Location of death: La Ceiba (Honduras)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: She was brutally beaten to death with two concrete blocks against her
head. Her body was found in a vacant lot

#200 Helle Jae O’Regan

Age: 20
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 06/05/2020
Location of death: San Antonio, Texas (USA)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Transgender hair stylist Helle Jae O’Regan was killed in an attack on a
barbershop preparing to reopen in San Antonio, Texas. The killer choked
her until she passed out and then stabbed her to death. Two other
employees managed to escape

#201 Teresa C
Age: 22
Occupation: other
Date of death: 06/05/2020
Location of death: Cosoleacaque (Mexico)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The victim's body showed signs of rape and extreme violence.

#202 Fábia Oliveira

Age: 22
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 07/05/2020
Location of death: São Domingos (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: According to reports, the criminals broke into the house and surprised
the victim, who was sleeping. They shot her to death

#203 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 09/05/2020
Location of death: Pratinha em Muriaé (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was killed with at least nine stab wounds. Blood marks and
personal belongings were strewn around the crime scene.

#204 Heerawas
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 09/05/2020
Location of death: Jhelum (Pakistan)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: Heerawas' body was found dumped in a well near the 16th century
fortress of Rohtas Fort.

#205 Jayne Thompson

Age: 33
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 09/05/2020
Location of death: Colorado (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Thompson, a 33-year-old transgender woman, was shot and killed by a
police officer on May 9 after she was discovered standing unresponsive
outside a marketplace in Orchard Mesa, Colorado.

#206 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 10/05/2020
Location of death: San Mateo Capultitlan (Mexico)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The victim was gagged, bleeding from the nose and with rigor mortis,
showing signs of violence.

#207 N.N.
Age: 56
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 10/05/2020
Location of death: Juiz de Fora (Brazil)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: According to the authorities it is likely that she was attacked and beaten
and then run over

#208 Robertina Santos

Age: 42
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 10/05/2020
Location of death: Itabuna (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim had gunshot wounds in the head, frontal-left part of the chest,
back, both arms and left knee.

#209 Harini
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 12/05/2020
Location of death: Warangal (India)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Harini and Suresh (the perpetrator) were said to be in a relationship.
Suresh stabbed her after a heated argument. Reports say that Suresh
claimed that she was harassing him before he killed her.

#210 Paula
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 15/05/2020
Location of death: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim had already been beaten in the street and was found shot

#211 N.N.
Age: 33
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 16/05/2020
Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A 33-year-old trans woman was stabbed to death

#212 Jesusa Fidel Ventura Reyes

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/05/2020
Location of death: Veracruz (Mexico)
Cause of death: decapitated/dismembered
Remarks: She had been beheaded, with her head placed in a refrigerator on the
stairs of the local city hall.

#213 N.N.
Age: 30
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 21/05/2020
Location of death: Taubaté (Brazil)
Cause of death: asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated
Remarks: A trans woman died after being beaten and run over by the killer

#214 Karlotta
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 24/05/2020
Location of death: Bello Horizonte (Nicaragua)
Cause of death: run-over by car
Remarks: The young woman was walking on the sidewalk and when she stopped to
urinate she was run over by the taxi driver, who was driving at high
speed and supposedly intoxicated

#215 Tony McDade

Age: 38
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 27/05/2020
Location of death: Tallhassee (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The 38-year-old African-American transgender man, Tony McDade, was
fatally shot in the Leon Arms apartment complex by an officer of
the Tallahassee Police Department.

#216 Cryslaibe de Manaus

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 29/05/2020
Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
Cause of death: strangled/hanged
Remarks: The victim was found strangled inside her home

#217 Alejandra Monocuco

Age: 39
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 29/05/2020
Location of death: Bogotá (Colombia)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Alejandra began to feel breathless around midnight. Mother Leidy, a
trans woman who works helping other trans women and who lived with
Alejandra, called for an ambulance. Mother Leidy begged for Alejandra
to be transferred to a hospital. The paramedics refused, saying that it
was best for her to stay at home and that if it was Covid-19 the
respiratory distress would pass on its own

#218 Michael
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 31/05/2020
Location of death: Cancun (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Michael was taken to a hospital by a friend who left without wanting to
get more involved; she was treated from two stab wounds and died in
the hospital

#219 Fernanda Antelo

Age: 32
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 31/05/2020
Location of death: Santa Cruz (Bolivia)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Fernanda's health became complicated during the pandemic as a result
of being HIV positive. She spent her last days sleeping on the streets and
unable to find food or to move in with her friends and family. She was
rejected in three health centers

#220 Selena Reyes-Hernandez

Age: 37
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 31/05/2020
Location of death: Chicago (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was shot to death inside her home in Chicago because she told her
assailant she was trans.

#221 Valentina Ferrety

Age: not reported
Occupation: activist/movement leader
Date of death: 31/05/2020
Location of death: Salamanca, Guanajuato (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Karla was killed with a gunshot, but there are no witnesses or evidence
from the perpetrators.

#222 Jade
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 06/06/2020
Location of death: Porto Real do Colégio (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was murdered with multiple firearm shots

#223 Grampoula
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 06/06/2020
Location of death: Porto Velho (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The victim's body was found half naked and with her face disfigured with

#224 Keila Nunes

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 06/06/2020
Location of death: Barra de Santa Rosa (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Keila was in front of the house when two men on a motorcycle stopped
and fired several times at her. Even injured, she still ran into the house,
but ended up dying.

#225 Luanny Kell

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 06/06/2020
Location of death: Camocim (Brazil)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The crime occurred in the early morning after an argument between
Luanny and a man, who beat her together with three other friends. After
being brutally assaulted, Luanny managed to escape, at which point she
was chased again, this time suffering a beating with punches, stones and
bottlenecks to the back.

#226 Riah Milton

Age: 25
Occupation: other
Date of death: 09/06/2020
Location of death: Ohio (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Milton was shot and killed during a robbery, after a 14-year-old girl and
two men "lured" Milton to the Liberty Township area in an attempt to
steal her car. Milton was 25

#227 Dominique “Rem'mie” Fells

Age: 27
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 09/06/2020
Location of death: Philadelphia (USA)
Cause of death: decapitated/dismembered
Remarks: Fell’s mutilated body was recovered from the Schuylkill river on June 9.
Her body was stuffed into a suitcase with both legs severed, with stab
wounds and evidence of trauma to the face and head.

#228 Ketlin
Age: 22
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 11/06/2020
Location of death: Salvador (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She received gunshots in the back

#229 Essi Granlund

Age: 26
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 12/06/2020
Location of death: Vantaa (Finland)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Essi was stabbed with a kitchen knife. The police failed to report her
killing for over a month, and when they finally did they described the
attack as "an argument between two men".

#230 Ariadna Ojeda

Age: 20
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 13/06/2020
Location of death: Santa Marta (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Her boyfriend stabbed her after an argument

#231 Brian “Egypt" Powers

Age: 43
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 13/06/2020
Location of death: Ohio (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: In mid-June, Brian Powers was found dead from a gunshot wound on the
sidewalk of a church near the University of Akron.

#232 Paulina
Age: 18
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 13/06/2020
Location of death: Anapolis (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was killed with multiple shots

#233 Ariadna
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 14/06/2020
Location of death: Santa Marta (Colombia)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: Ariadna was found dead in her room with a bloodstained chest

#234 Brandy Carolina Brown

Age: 30
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 14/06/2020
Location of death: Barranquilla (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim, before being stabbed in the neck, was beaten after an
argument at a party.

#235 Márcia Shokenna Bastos da Silva

Age: 28
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 14/06/2020
Location of death: Maricá (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: A trans woman was beaten to death. She had no problems with other
people, the author and the crime's motive are unknown.

#236 Aysu Mammadli

Age: 28
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/06/2020
Location of death: Baku (Azerbaijan)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Mammadli was stabbed 11 times in the head, neck, heart, and back at a
client's home in Baku’s Khatai District. A friend said that a man claiming
to be the killer had called friends of Mammadli and his own relatives and
confessed to the crime.

#237 M. R. Saravia
Age: 26
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 21/06/2020
Location of death: Villanueva (Honduras)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The body showed signs of torture and was found near a soccer field with
a black bag on the head.

#238 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 23/06/2020
Location of death: Teresina (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The Military Police reported that she was found sitting on a chair, with
no evidence of a violent death.

#239 Babalu
Age: 40
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 23/06/2020
Location of death: Pacajus (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim, when leaving a hospital where she went to have bandages
removed, was approached by criminals who shot her.

#240 Brayla Stone

Age: 17
Occupation: artist
Date of death: 25/06/2020
Location of death: Little Rock (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The body of Brayla Stone was found in a car on a walking path in the
Little Rock suburb of Sherwood

#241 Anel Valenzuela

Age: 45
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 25/06/2020
Location of death: Fortín (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The subjects arrived at the beauty salon where she was working, shot
her to death and then escaped towards the city centre

#242 Lady Gaga

Age: 30
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 25/06/2020
Location of death: Recife (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim got on the bus trying to protect herself from the assailant but
failed and got stabbed to death. She received at least six knife blows,
four of them in the neck.

#243 Marceli Souza

Age: 41
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 25/06/2020
Location of death: Cruzeiro (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: She was murdered in her home. She was found lying on the floor with
signs of violence on her face and neck.

#244 Fernanda Machado

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 25/06/2020
Location of death: Rio Branco (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: Fernanda died after suffering a physical assault and having a cardiac
arrest on a public road

#245 N.N.
Age: 23
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 25/06/2020
Location of death: Aparecida de Goiania (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A 23-year-old trans woman was stabbed to death in an alley in Aparecida
de Goiânia. According to the police, she had just arrived, in a rush, at the
home of someone who requested her services, when she was forcibly
pulled from the car by pulling her hair and stabbed several times in the
back, legs and abdomen

#246 Eilyn Catalina

Age: 21
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 28/06/2020
Location of death: Medellín (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The woman received several stab wounds out of a possible intolerant act
that occurred in the Granizal neighborhood on International LGBT Pride

#247 Veronica Ferreira Lima

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 30/06/2020
Location of death: Londrina (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The causes of death have not yet been defined.

#248 Merci Mack

Age: 22
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 30/06/2020
Location of death: Dallas (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A witness said he saw Walker pursuing Mack in the apartment complex’s
parking lot and shooting at her. The witness and anonymous tipsters said
Walker and Mack were arguing over a video of the two of them that she
intended to share with others.

#249 Shaki Peters

Age: 32
Occupation: artist
Date of death: 01/07/2020
Location of death: Amite City (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The body of Shakie Peters was discovered July 1 fatally shot along a
roadside ditch in rural Amite City, Louisiana.

#250 Vicky dos Santos

Age: 22
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 02/07/2020
Location of death: Itu (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The victim was killed with a martial art blow and then having her body
set on fire

#251 Vida Borges de Melo

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 02/07/2020
Location of death: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: After an argument, Vida ran out and Romilson shot her in the back. The
victim died two weeks later in the hospital

#252 Bree Black

Age: 27
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 03/07/2020
Location of death: Florida (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Bree Black was found dead at her home on Friday night (July 3) after a
fatal shooting. Police discovered the 27-year-old’s body in her home
with a gunshot wound and she was pronounced dead shortly afterwards.

#253 Yandra Karony Santos

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 03/07/2020
Location of death: Santo Amaro da Purificação (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Yandra and her brother Danilo were shot to death. A sister of the victims
reported in a WhatsApp group that the assailants broke into their home
at dawn, murdering the siblings in cold blood while they were sleeping

#254 Mateus López Mejía

Age: 25
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 04/07/2020
Location of death: Circasia (Colombia)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Mateo was doing voluntary community work when an armed stranger
shot him without a word. Mateo died instantly.

#255 Summer Taylor

Age: 24
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 04/07/2020
Location of death: Seattle, Washington (USA)
Cause of death: run-over by car
Remarks: Summer Taylor, protester killed in Seattle, honored for 'standing up for
black lives'

#256 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 06/07/2020
Location of death: Medellín (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was chased by several people riding two cars, and after
reaching her they shot him without saying a word

#257 Kaushik Sunil Narayan Kar

Age: 17
Occupation: other
Date of death: 08/07/2020
Location of death: Mumbai (India)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim's friends filmed her wearing a sari and dancing without her
knowing. When she found out about the video, requested them to delete
it, which led to an altercation that ended up with her being stabbed to

#258 Carol Eleoterio da Silva

Age: 36
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 11/07/2020
Location of death: Sobral (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim would have been approached by two individuals who were on
a motorcycle, and without saying a word they fired several shots at her

#259 Leidy Padilla Daza

Age: 41
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 11/07/2020
Location of death: Valledupar (Colombia)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: She was killed with two stab wounds, one in the abdomen and the other
in the neck, outside her hairdresser

#260 Scarlet Cáceres

Age: 22
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 11/07/2020
Location of death: Tegucigalpa (Honduras)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim received 3 gunshots in her back

#261 Cristal Romero Matos

Age: 52
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 12/07/2020
Location of death: El Porvenir (Peru)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The victim appeared dead and naked in her bed and had signs of
violence: blood on her nose and bruises on her arms, which shows that
she was cruelly murdered.

#262 Soraya Oliveira

Age: not reported
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 12/07/2020
Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: There were gunshot injuries on the bodies

#263 Marilyn Cazares

Age: 22
Occupation: other
Date of death: 13/07/2020
Location of death: Brawley (USA)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Her body was discovered on 13 July following reports of a couch fire.
Although the police have released few details, Marilyn’s family say that
she was stabbed and then set on fire.

#264 Tifany Alves Medeiros

Age: 51
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 13/07/2020
Location of death: Recife (Brazil)
Cause of death: strangled/hanged
Remarks: The victim was found with an antenna wire wrapped around her neck.

#265 Leona
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 17/07/2020
Location of death: Viana (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Next to the body they found two doped inmates.

#266 Bombom
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 18/07/2020
Location of death: Natal (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was taken out of her home and shot

#267 Rhyanna Mabelly Spanick

Age: 20
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 19/07/2020
Location of death: Iguatu (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: Rhyanna Mabelly Spanick, 20, died on July 19 inside her own home in the
city of Iguatu after complications from a bodily injury suffered in
February this year.

#268 Manuela de Cassia

Age: 48
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 20/07/2020
Location of death: Milan (Italy)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was stabbed 80 times

#269 Steffany Dior

Age: 36
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 22/07/2020
Location of death: Roma (Italy)
Cause of death: run-over by car
Remarks: A thirty-six-year-old trans woman was found dead in a dark area of
Piazzale Pino Pascali, in Rome

#270 Pablo Iván F

Age: 21
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 23/07/2020
Location of death: Zamora, Michoacan (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was killed along with a cisgender woman. Unknown armed
individuals broke into the home, shot them and then fled.

#271 Monic Martínez

Age: 44
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 25/07/2020
Location of death: Comayagüela (Honduras)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Monic's body was found inside her home's bathroom with several stab
wounds on her body

#272 Exón Vélez

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 26/07/2020
Location of death: Provincia de los Ríos (Ecuador)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Exon, a non-binary person, was murdered along with their partner with
machete blows

#273 Tiffany Harris

Age: 32
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 26/07/2020
Location of death: New York (USA)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Tiffany Harris, a Black transgender woman, was stabbed to death in a
Bronx apartment building. Law enforcement found the unconscious 32-
year-old with stab wounds on the third floor

#274 Doroty Balbino de Lima

Age: 40
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 26/07/2020
Location of death: Caaporã (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The 40-year-old trans woman was killed with at least 10 shots

#275 Queasha D Hardy

Age: 22
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 27/07/2020
Location of death: Baton Rouge (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Police have identified the victim as Queasha Hardy, 24. She was found
nearby suffering from apparent gunshot wounds and died on-scene,
police say.

#276 Denisse Torres

Age: 39
Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender
Date of death: 27/07/2020
Location of death: Minatitlán (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Denisse had countless wounds all over her body made with a knife and
had her tongue cut out

#277 Cristhal López

Age: 30
Occupation: artist
Date of death: 28/07/2020
Location of death: La Ceiba (Honduras)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim and her partner were shot dead inside their home

#278 Aja Raquell Rhone-Spears

Age: 32
Occupation: other
Date of death: 29/07/2020
Location of death: Portland (USA)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Aja Raquell Rhone-Spears, 32, was stabbed at a vigil for another
homicide victim, Tyrell Penney, in Portland. A second person, whose
identity has not been released, was also stabbed.

#279 Raiane Rodrigues dos Reis

Age: 46
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 01/08/2020
Location of death: Sinop (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: According to a source, a person who passed by the place found the victim
lying lifeless in the bushes of Estrada Ruti

#280 Josselin
Age: 26
Occupation: seller/merchant
Date of death: 01/08/2020
Location of death: Guatemala City (Guatemala)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The victim was found by her mother with several blows and a disfigured

#281 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 03/08/2020
Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The Homicide and Personal Protection Department (DHPP) investigates
the death of a trans woman stabbed to death at dawn

#282 Brenda Venegas Ayquipa

Age: 52
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 04/08/2020
Location of death: Lima (Peru)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The victim was found with signs of torture, hanged and her hands and
feet tied.

#283 Luisa Ávila Henao

Age: 23
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 04/08/2020
Location of death: Buga (Colombia)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The body was found in a roadside in a state of decomposition and with
signs of abuse

#284 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 04/08/2020
Location of death: Santo Antônio de Jesus (Brazil)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: The body was found inside an old school building. According to the
reports she is a trans person and the body would likely have been at the
scene from the day before

#285 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 04/08/2020
Location of death: São Bernardo do Campo (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A trans woman was the victim of a revenge murder attempt and was shot
twice. When the attacker was arrested he confessed to the murder of
another trans woman

#286 Samira
Age: not reported
Occupation: other
Date of death: 04/08/2020
Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was found with multiple gunshots through the body

#287 Paloma
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 05/08/2020
Location of death: Feira de Santana (Brazil)
Cause of death: strangled/hanged
Remarks: The victim was a trans woman, she was wearing a bathrobe and bllue
shorts and showed signs of strangulation

#288 N.N.
Age: 15
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 08/08/2020
Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was reportedly lured into a vacant lot and killed by two men.

#289 Alice Garrefa

Age: not reported
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 09/08/2020
Location of death: Americana (Brazil)
Cause of death: asphyxiation/smoke inhalation/suffocated
Remarks: The victim was asphyxiated in a hotel and then thrown into a river

#290 Brigit
Age: 38
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 09/08/2020
Location of death: Morelos (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Brigit was killed by a man nicknamed "El Chowi" who stabbed her with a
cutter in the abdomen. The culprit was arrested

#291 Leticia Costa

Age: 29
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 10/08/2020
Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was killed with multiple shots

#292 Vanessa Solorsano

Age: 20
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 11/08/2020
Location of death: San Miguel de Tucumán (Argentina)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The body had a stab wound on the back and injuries on the arms, which
apparently had to do with an attempted defense.

#293 Kee Sam

Age: 24
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 12/08/2020
Location of death: Lafeyette (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Kee Sam was just 24-years-old when she was found unresponsive and
suffering from a gunshot wound in a hotel room in Lafayette, Louisiana,
on 12 August.

#294 Barbara Ellen

Age: 53
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 13/08/2020
Location of death: Contagem (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was found on her bed with a cut on her neck

#295 Samantha Rosales Barrios

Age: 23
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 13/08/2020
Location of death: Atlixco (Mexico)
Cause of death: run-over by car
Remarks: Samantha was riding a motorcycle with a companion. She was chased by
a group of subjects aboard a car, who knocked her down and then ran
over her

#296 Anushka
Age: 35
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 15/08/2020
Location of death: Suththamalli (India)
Cause of death: strangled/hanged
Remarks: Anu accompanied Bhavani and her partner who wanted to adopt a child
and was murdered along with them for financial reasons.

#297 Bhavani
Age: 34
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 15/08/2020
Location of death: Suththamalli (India)
Cause of death: strangled/hanged
Remarks: Bhavani and her partner Murugan had paid a couple ₹3 lakh (about 3415
EUR) to get a child. The couple who had promised the child to her
decided to withdraw and then murdered Bhavani when she asked for the
money to be returned

#298 Francesca Galatro

Age: 66
Occupation: other
Date of death: 17/08/2020
Location of death: Vallo (Italy)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Francesca was stabbed in a homeless shelter by a man with whom she
had a relationship. He has reportedly confessed to killing her

#299 Emily Taylor

Age: 26
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 18/08/2020
Location of death: Frutal (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Emily Taylor was found dead inside her home in the town of Reis. The
victim was lying on the floor with marks of stabbing on the neck and right
chest, without clothes, bloodstained and with a knife beside her

#300 Piya
Age: 20
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 18/08/2020
Location of death: Kamoke, Punjab (Pakistan)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A transgender person was killed on Tuesday night after unknown men
opened fire at her residence in Kamoke

#301 Dani Rodrigues

Age: 20
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 19/08/2020
Location of death: Cratéus (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: Experts considered that the death could have been caused by a beating
using wood and that the murder happened elsewhere.

#302 Patricia Dumont

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 19/08/2020
Location of death: Santa Marta (Colombia)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot in the face

#303 Julie Torres

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 19/08/2020
Location of death: Guadalajara (Mexico)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: Torre's body was found wrapped in a sheet in her apartment. With
bruises and blood, local leaders say her body showed visible signs of
#304 Claudinha Leite
Age: 20
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 20/08/2020
Location of death: Canindé de São Francisco (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The culprit told the police that both went to the scene on the victim's
motorcycle and ended up arguing about the break-up. He assaulted her,
she lost her balance, fell from a height of more than five meters and died.
He placed the body in the vicinity of the river and the current carried it

#305 Bernadete
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 21/08/2020
Location of death: Igarapé Grande (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was stabbed to death

#306 Lorena María del Luján Riquel

Age: 39
Occupation: seller/merchant
Date of death: 22/08/2020
Location of death: Rosario (Argentina)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The assailant attacked her, threw her to the ground, took off part of her
clothes and hit her with a stone on the head until she was killed. Lorena's
body was found on the sidewalk next to a tree. Her face was covered
with a handkerchief and there were two cement blocks with red spots
next to her head.

#307 Luara Redfeld

Age: 23
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 22/08/2020
Location of death: Mairinque (Brazil)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: She was found dead in Jardim Vitória. Her boyfriend is suspected, he was
the last to see her alive and was wearing the victim's trainers and cell

#308 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 22/08/2020
Location of death: Santa Fe (Argentina)
Cause of death: strangled/hanged
Remarks: The victim was hit on the head with a cement block. In addition, she was
found naked, so it is believed she was sexually abused.

#309 Isabella Pedrozo

Age: 22
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 23/08/2020
Location of death: Porto Alegre (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot several times in a motel room where he was
providing sexual services. Three criminals, armed with a 9mm pistol,
broke into the motel and fired several shots from the window into the
room. The client hid in the bathroom

#310 N.N.
Age: 30
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 24/08/2020
Location of death: Acapulco (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim's body was thrown from a vehicle wrapped in a blanket and
tied with ropes. She was shot in the head.

#311 Angoori
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 25/08/2020
Location of death: Karachi (Pakistan)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: Little information available online

#312 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 26/08/2020
Location of death: São Bernardo do Campo (Brazil)
Cause of death: burned
Remarks: According to preliminary information, a man and a trans woman were in
the suite and started a fight. The man reportedly killed the woman and
set her body on fire.

#313 Britani Jacqueline

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 26/08/2020
Location of death: JALISCO (Mexico)
Cause of death: not reported
Remarks: Britani was detained by four municipal police officers and was later
found dead. It is believed that it was an extrajudicial execution

#314 Brandy Cortez

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 26/08/2020
Location of death: Puente Nacional (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim received 30 stabs, her throat was cut and her face was

#315 N.N.
Age: 30
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 26/08/2020
Location of death: Acapulco (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Another body wrapped in a sheet was found next to a garbage container.
The person was choked with a plastic bag and showed other signs of

#316 Jeanine Huerta López

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 27/08/2020
Location of death: Tijuana (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: She was found dead in the living room of her home with blows to her face
and injuries made with a sharp weapon. She was last seen alive a few
days earlier, when she went to celebrate a birthday in company of

#317 Nida Choudhry

Age: not reported
Occupation: artist
Date of death: 27/08/2020
Location of death: Muzaffar Garh (Pakistan)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: No information

#318 Branca Aldama

Age: 37
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 29/08/2020
Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot several times in the body

#319 Melody Barrera

Age: 27
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 29/08/2020
Location of death: Guaymallén (Argentina)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim received 6 shots in the chest

#320 Brenda Levi

Age: 52
Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician
Date of death: 31/08/2020
Location of death: San Juan Luringancho (PERU)
Cause of death: tortured
Remarks: The body was found in her house, tied up with the wires of some devices
and with signs of having been tortured. The suspect is a foreigner known
as Alexander, her ex-partner, who constantly beat her and who infected
her with Covid-19

#321 N.N.
Age: 30
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 31/08/2020
Location of death: Acapulco (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The body was found wrapped in a sheet. The victim had been suffocated
with a plastic bag and presented other signs of torture

#322 Mireya Rodriguez

Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 02/09/2020
Location of death: Aquiles Serdán (Mexico)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The body showed signs of violence.

#323 Chiara Duarte

Age: 27
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 02/09/2020
Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Chiara was killed with a knife and then thrown from the balcony of an
apartment on the 7th floor.

#324 Katherine Rosmery Duvall

Age: not reported
Occupation: other
Date of death: 03/09/2020
Location of death: Ilopango (El Salvador)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was found with several marks of gunfire.

#325 Gabriela Cruz Pimentel

Age: 46
Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant
Date of death: 04/09/2020
Location of death: San Miguel (Peru)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: She was found dead inside her home. According to the building's owner,
the body was tied up.

#326 Ekta Joshi

Age: 41
Occupation: religious leader
Date of death: 05/09/2020
Location of death: New Delhi (India)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Ekta Joshi was shot three times outside her house by two
unidentified men. She had just stepped out of her car when the incident took place.

#327 Leslie Alejandra Ferreti

Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 05/09/2020
Location of death: Juarez City (Mexico)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Her body was found inside her home. The first data indicate that the
victim was killed with a knife

#328 Giovana Perez

Age: not reported
Occupation: other
Date of death: 06/09/2020
Location of death: Marajá do Sena (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was found with 6 stab wounds.

#329 Kathlyn Aviles

Age: 30
Occupation: other
Date of death: 08/09/2020
Location of death: Bacolod (Philippines)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: The victim was found inside a sack, dumped at a vacant lot.

#330 B. E. Álvarez Hernández

Age: 25
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 08/09/2020
Location of death: Copacabana (Colombia)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim suffered multiple injuries from a firearm.

#331 Gul Parana

Age: 35
Occupation: artist
Date of death: 08/09/2020
Location of death: Peshawar (Pakistan)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Two trans women were leaving an event after completing their
performances when the lights were suddenly switched off. In the
confusion, someone shot them. One of them died.

#332 Saad
Age: 32
Occupation: artist
Date of death: 10/09/2020
Location of death: Swabi (Pakistan)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The official said that the victim, identified as Saad, was returning home
after performing at a dance party in the city of Rawalpindi, south of
Islamabad, when her 14-year-old brother opened fire.

#333 Nem
Age: 33
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 12/09/2020
Location of death: Sobral (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim received multiple shots.

#334 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 13/09/2020
Location of death: Resende (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: She was run over. The impact of the crash was so strong that the body
was thrown on one of the roadsides

#335 Susana Criado Anton

Age: 60
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 13/09/2020
Location of death: Oviedo (Spain)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: Susana was beaten to death by her partner. She died at the hospital from
heart failure

#336 Jardiele Santos

Age: 24
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 14/09/2020
Location of death: Maceio (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: The victim was found in a shallow grave with several cuts.

#337 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 14/09/2020
Location of death: Juarez City (Mexico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was killed with multiple shots.

#338 N.N.
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 17/09/2020
Location of death: Marechal Deodoro (Brazil)
Cause of death: beaten
Remarks: Workers found the body of a trans woman with firearm wounds in her
abdomen and a stab in the head area.

#339 Aerrion Burnett

Age: 37
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 19/09/2020
Location of death: Indepedence (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim's body was found already lifeless in a grassy area next to the
roadway, where the police were called. She suffered from a gunshot
wound. Authorities have provided no further details

#340 Barbie Macon

Age: 34
Occupation: seller/merchant
Date of death: 20/09/2020
Location of death: Salvaterra (Brazil)
Cause of death: strangled/hanged
Remarks: Barbie was found dead, in a thicket, with signs of strangulation, without
papers or cell phone.

#341 A. V.
Age: 24
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 20/09/2020
Location of death: Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
Cause of death: run-over by car
Remarks: A young trans woman was run over and killed after having a fight with a
client. Prior to the event, the assailant had communicated to another
trans sex worker his intention to murder a trans girl

#342 Brenda Sanchez

Age: 35
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 23/09/2020
Location of death: La Plata (Argentina)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: Her friend and flatmate found Brenda on the floor still alive. She
reported that Brenda was not attended in time, neither by the police nor
by the ambulance that arrived late.

#343 Juliana Giraldo Díaz

Age: 38
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 24/09/2020
Location of death: Miranda (Colombia)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Juliana Giraldo, a 38-year-old trans woman, was shot in the head by a
Colombian soldier while traveling by car with her husband and two other

#344 Sandra Beatriz Rangel

Age: 23
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 25/09/2020
Location of death: Londrina (Brazil)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: Images from the security camera at the scene recorded the perpetrator
fleeing in a Fiat Palio vehicle and passing over the victim's body, which
was lying in the garage.

#345 Francesca Cornejo

Age: 63
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 26/09/2020
Location of death: Cordoba (Argentina)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: A 63-year-old trans woman was found dead and with hands and feet tied
in her home

#346 Mia Green

Age: 29
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 28/09/2020
Location of death: Philadelphia (USA)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: A man argued with Mia before fatally shooting her in his Jeep Wrangler

#347 Rayssa
Age: not reported
Occupation: sex worker
Date of death: 29/09/2020
Location of death: Umbauba (Brazil)
Cause of death: run-over by car
Remarks: According to reports, Rayssa was run over by a car and died

#348 Donna Nierra

Age: 23
Occupation: other
Date of death: 29/09/2020
Location of death: Caloocan (Philippines)
Cause of death: other
Remarks: The last information the family have is that Donna was going out with
friends. She was later found floating in the river with injuries on her head
by kids who were playing nearby
#349 Michellyn Ramos Vargas
Age: 35
Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender
Date of death: 30/09/2020
Location of death: San Germán (Puerto Rico)
Cause of death: shot
Remarks: The victim was shot several times in the head.

#350 Michele
Age: not reported
Occupation: not reported
Date of death: 30/09/2020
Location of death: São José da Laje (Brazil)
Cause of death: stabbed
Remarks: Michele was stabbed to death in the neck.

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