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PUSH,PULL AND LEGS is a very simple, yet effective
training split for anyone, ranging from those picking up
their first barbell to hardened gym veterans. PUSH
workouts include chest, shoulders and triceps. PULL
workouts take care of back and biceps. While LEGS
workouts cover quads, hamstrings and calves.

The reason it works so well is that it places more

emphasis on multi-joint compound exercises than on
isolation-based exercises. Generally people don’t prefer
isolation exercises in push pull leg workouts as it is a
multi joint and multiple parts training workout but here I
consider that doing some isolation exercises is more or
less important as the isolation exercise emphasize is a
single part very efficiently and hence I had included some
or more of the isolation Exercises.
Legs 1:
• Squat: 3 Sets X 4 Reps. (80% 1RM)
• Romanian Deadlift: 3 Sets X 10 Reps.
• Single Leg Press: 3 Sets X 15 Reps.
• Eccentric Leg Extensions: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps.
• Seated Leg Curls: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps.
• Standing Calf Raise: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps.

Push 1:
• Bench Press: 3 Sets X 8 (72.5% 1 RM)
• Machine Shoulder Press: 3 Sets X 12 Reps.
• Dips/Deficit Push-up: 3 Sets X 12-15 Reps.
• Eccentric Skull crushers: 3 Sets X 8-10 Reps.
• Egyptian Lateral Raise: 3 Sets X 12+MYO
• Cable Tricep Kickback: 3 Sets X 20-30 Reps.
• Reverse Forearm Curls : 3 Sets X 20-30 Reps.

Pull 1:
• Weighted Pull-Up: 3 Sets X 6 Reps.
• Seated Cable Row: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps.
• Cable Pullover: 3 Sets X 15-20 Reps.
• Hammer Cheat Curl: 3 Sets X 8-10 Reps.
• Incline Dumbbell Curl: 2 Sets X 12-15 Reps.
• Barbell Shrugs ( Front + Back ) 3 Sets of 15 Reps.
Legs 2:
• Deadlift: 3 Sets X 3 Reps. (80-85% 1RM)
• Goblet Squats: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps.
• Single-Leg Hip Thrust: 2 Sets X 15 Reps.
• Prisoner Back Extensions: 2 Sets X 10-12 Reps.
• Single-Leg Calf Raise: 3 Sets X 8-10 Reps.
• Weighted L-Sit Hold: 3 Sets.

Push 2:
• Overhead Press: 4 Sets X 4 Reps. (80%)
• Close-Grip Bench Press: 3 Sets X 10
• Cable Crossover: 3 Sets X 10-12 + Drop
• Overhead Tricep Ext: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps.
• Lateral Raise 21’s: 3 Sets X 7/7/7
• Neck Flexions/Extensions: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps.

Pull 2 :
• Omni-Grip Lat Pulldown: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps.
• Chest-Supported Row: 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps.
• Rope Facepull: 3 Sets X 15-20 Reps.
• Incline Dumbbell Shrug: 3 Sets X 15-20 Reps.
• Reverse Pec Deck: 2 Sets X 15+ 10-15 Reps.
• Pronated/Supinated Curl: 3 Sets X 10/10 Reps.
These are the Tips which will help you to improve the
quality of the Reps and will give you more activation.

• Tempo had to record for higher reps to maintain form.

• Rotate the Dumbbell in inclined bench bicep curls.
• Cable Crossover is low to high and the Placement of the Joint
should be nearly parallel to the hips, at the end of the motion
should be like Mid Cable Flys. Do a 50% Drop of weight on the last
set and then achieve failure.
• Lateral Raise 21’s and 7/7/7 is the technique where the First 7
Reps are full Reps and the next 7 are the Upper Half and the Last 7
are the Lower half Reps.
• Omni-Grip Lat Pulldown Use the Wide Grip for the First Set then
Standard fir the Second and then Reverse Close Grip for the Third

WEEK 1:3x8@72.5% 1RM
WEEK 2: 4x8@72.5% 1RM
WEEK 3: 5x8@72.5% 1RM
WEEK 4: 3x8 @75.0% 1RM


For any Compound Excercises the PYRAMID can be like :
On a %1RM basis, warm up pyramids can be structured
like this:
• 10% lbs x 10 reps : 20 KG SQUATS
• 40% lbs x 5 reps : 40 KG SQUATS
• 50% lbs x 4 reps : 50 KG SQUATS
• 60% lbs x 3 reps : 60 KG SQUATS
• 70-75% lbs x 2 reps : 65 KG SQUATS
• 10% lbs x 10 reps : 20 KG BENCH
• 40% lbs x 5 reps : 25 KG BENCH
• 50% lbs x 4 reps : 30 KG BENCH
• 60% lbs x 3 reps : 35 KG BENCH
• 70-75% lbs x 2 reps : 40 KG BENCH


• 10% lbs x 10 reps : 20 KG DEADLIFT

• 40% lbs x 5 reps : 40 KG DEADLIFT
• 50% lbs x 4 reps : 50 KG DEADLIFT
• 60% lbs x 3 reps : 60 KG DEADLIFT
• 70-75% lbs x 2 reps : 65 KG DEADLIFT

Begin working sets.

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