Leadership and Management Competencies For Hospital Managers: A Systematic Review and Best-Fit Framework Synthesis

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Leadership and Management Competencies for

Hospital Managers: A Systematic Review and
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Best-Fit Framework Synthesis

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Journal of Healthcare Leadership

Edris Kakemam 1 Objective: Competent managers are vital to the productivity and service quality of health-
Zhanming Liang 2 care organizations and the sustainability of the healthcare system. To improve their manage-
Ali Janati 1 ment competence, understanding of management competency requirements is important. The
Morteza Arab-Zozani 3 purpose of this study was to synthesize the evidence related to the leadership and manage-
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ment competencies in healthcare organizations through the best-fit method.

Bahram Mohaghegh 4
Methods: A systematic review of literature published between 2000 and 2020 was per-
Masoumeh Gholizadeh 1
formed to identify studies focusing on confirming and/or identifying the competency require-
Iranian Center of Excellence in Health ments of hospital managers. The best-fit framework synthesis method was used to map the
Management (IceHM), Department of
Health Services Management, School of identified competencies and associated behavioral items against the validated management
Management and Medical Informatics, competency assessment program (MCAP) management competency framework.
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Results: Twelve studies were identified for inclusion in the review. The mapping of the identified
Tabriz, Iran; 2School of Psychology and
Public Health, La Trobe University, competencies and behavioral items generated a competency model for hospital managers that can
Melbourne, Australia; 3Social apply for different healthcare context. The new competency model includes the following seven
Determinants of Health Research Center,
core leadership and management competencies: evidence-informed decision-making, operations,
Department of Public Health, School of
Health, Birjand University of Medical administration and resource management, knowledge of healthcare environment and the organi-
Sciences, Birjand, Iran; 4Department of zation, interpersonal, communication qualities and relationship management, leading people and
Public Health, School of Health, Qom
University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran organisation, enabling and managing change, and professionalism.
Conclusion: This review and the mapping of the competencies identified in previous studies
against the validated MCAP framework has resulted in the recommendation for an extended
leadership and management competency framework for health service managers. It provides
guidance for the formulation of training and development directions for the health service
management workforce in a different healthcare context.
Keywords: competencies, competency development, management, leadership, hospital
managers, best-fit framework, systematic review

Today’s healthcare systems face multiple challenges. These include rising health-
care needs and costs as a result of a growing ageing population with noncommu-
nicable diseases and multiple pathologies, exacerbated by a surge of new medical
technologies. These problems are further compounded by workforce maldistribu-
Correspondence: Masoumeh Gholizadeh tion and shortages, and poor quality and safety of service provision.1–3 In addition,
Department of Health Services
Management, School of Management and inequities in health, lack of access to quality health care and a poorly skilled health
Medical Informatics, Tabriz University of workforce represent some of the major challenges facing many countries in the
Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Email mgholizadehm@gmail.com Eastern Mediterranean Region.4,5

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As a result, reforms have been implemented to improve agreement on the approach taken to management
the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery at the development.16,18
organizational level including streamlining the manage- Managers are required to demonstrate core competen-
ment structure, focusing more on performance improve- cies consisting of knowledge, skills and attitudes to per-
ment and benchmarking service outcomes.6,7 The form the managerial tasks and fulfil their managerial
changing healthcare landscape and requirements of service responsibilities.19 The need for developing leadership and
delivery require a new skillset for health professionals; management competencies in hospitals and accepting
Journal of Healthcare Leadership downloaded from https://www.dovepress.com/ by on 15-Apr-2021

therefore, a novel managerial approach is needed to lead management as a recognized profession are constantly
and manage such transition and consolidation.8,9 Such reinforced.20,21 However, efforts to develop competent
changes inevitably impact on how healthcare managers health-care managers and leaders have proven insufficient
work and the competencies required to make their work without a clear focus and direction.20,22,23 Such deficiency
effective.7,10,11 is more prominent in the under-resourced and less devel-
Since the late1980s, there have been profound changes oped countries such as Iran.
in the health system in Iran. More significant transforma- International literature has confirmed the existence of
tion has been expected after the launch of the Health core leadership and management competencies for health
Sector Evolution Plan in 2014 setting the reform direction service managers24,25 with a number of proposed manage-
for the Iranian health system which included a hospital- ment competency frameworks. Such efforts can be used to
oriented transformation of the health service in order to benefits healthcare systems in different countries and con-
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address the substantial increase in healthcare costs over the text as a general guide to setting the training and develop-
past decades and improve the accessibility, efficiency and ment direction for healthcare managers.
quality of hospital services.12 The Iranian healthcare sys- The aim of the paper is to present and discuss the
tem spends between 55% and 80% of its healthcare budget findings of a systematic literature review aimed at answer-
on hospitals.13–15 ing the following questions:
Iranian hospital management positions are unregulated
with no specific registration or credentialing requirements. 1. What are the core leadership and management com-
Competency requirements for health managers have not petencies, which have been consistently recognised
been clearly established providing limited guidance to the as required by health service managers?
design of formal and informal training and development 2. What are the behavioral items that can be used to
programs. Although Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate level demonstrate/measure each of the core competencies?
degrees with a specialization in healthcare management/
health administration are on offer together with two infor- It is expected that the findings of the study can be used to
mal training programs offered by the MOHME and guide the improvement of current health administration
a private institution around the country, there is no evi- training curriculum in Iranian Universities and guide the
dence that graduates or participants have acquired the recruitment and provision of professional development for
necessary skills and competences for management. This existing Iranian hospital managers.
is largely a result of the unclear focus on management
competency development by informal and formal training.
Managers are not often selected on the basis of their Methods
capacity and competency, predominantly in the public Study Method
sector.5,16,17 We conducted a systematic review of literature published
The review of the Bachelor and Master programs in between year 2000 and 2020 focused on leadership and
healthcare management/health administration confirms the management competencies for hospital managers in
ad hoc design adopted for developing the teaching and the second half of 2019. This publication period was
training curriculum without a universal guiding compe- chosen because it signalled the significant development
tency framework.5,17 Recent studies indicate a huge diver- in the understanding of leadership and management com-
sity in terms of overall focus and content requirements petency in the health sectors.11 Papers were selected and
amongst the Iranian formal and informal educational pro- included according to the Preferred Reporting Items for
grams in health service management and a lack of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA).26

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Study Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria 1. Are there clear research questions?
Inclusion Criteria 2. Do the collected data allow addressing the research
The following inclusion criteria were used as a guide for questions?
searching and screening the articles: 1) papers were pub-
lished between 2000 and 2020; 2) articles were published Each included study was then rated in the appropriate
in the English language; 3) empirical/original studies category of criteria as either “yes”, “no” or “can’t tell”.
focusing on the identification and development of leader- While calculation of an overall score is discouraged, the
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ship or management competencies in hospitals. MMAT provides a more detailed presentation of the rat-
ings of each criterion to better inform the quality of
Exclusion Criteria included studies (Appendix 2).
Publications that did not go through a peer-review process
and articles that did not present results of empirical studies
such as book reviews, commentaries and opinion articles Study Selection Process and Data
were excluded from the analysis. Extraction
After conducting the search, the retrieved papers were
Search Strategy and Data Sources imported into the EndNote software (V.X8), and duplicate
Four databases were searched, including PubMed, Web of papers deleted. Two authors (EK, MAZ) performed the
Science (ISI), Emerald, and Scopus. These databases were initial screening of article titles and abstracts for their rele-
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chosen because the majority of the studies focusing on vance to determine articles that warranted full-text reading.
health services and health service management research After screening the studies, the data were extracted in order
are indexed in these databases. The references used in the to meet the research objectives and questions. To this end,
journal articles included in the final analysis were also a data extraction form was initially designed and tested on
screened to identify relevant studies. But the screening of five randomly selected papers. The form was designed and
the references did not result in new articles to be included. completed for each article in MS Excel software. Two
Keywords were searched in title and abstract of papers via reviewers (EK, MAZ) independently extracted the following
an advanced search in databases. The following keywords/ information: the surname of the first author, year, country of
combination of keywords was used to guide the search: origin, type of study, types of participant, settings, data
hospital manager* OR hospital management OR hospital collection methods and main findings. At this stage, one of
leadership OR healthcare leadership OR health service the authors extracted the data from the selected articles, and
manager* OR health manager* OR healthcare manager*in the second author examined the data. When there were
Title and Abstract AND (skill* OR competenc* in Title
disagreements between reviewers in the paper review and
and Abstract (see Appendix 1)).
selection process, a third reviewer (AJ) was involved to
make a final decision.
Study Quality Assessment
The quality of selected papers was assessed using the
mixed methods appraisal tool (MMAT).27 The MMAT is Data Synthesis
effective as it is designed to appraise the most common Three review authors (ZL, EK and MAZ) independently
types of empirical studies including qualitative, quantita- synthesized the data which was analyzed using the best-fit
tive and mixed-methods studies.28 The MMAT is based on framework synthesis method to identify similarities and
constructionist theory and has already been used by more differences between the literature and the selected model
than 100 systematic mixed study reviews (http://mixed that details of the studies would map against.29,30 Based on
methodsappraisaltoolpublic.pbworks.com/). Two of the the best-fit method, the selected framework might change
review authors (EK, MAZ) independently appraised the during the research and data collection, whereby a new
included studies based on MMAT. When there were dis- conceptual framework could be generated. Under this
agreements between reviewers in the study quality assess- method, both deductive and inductive approaches were
ments, this was resolved by a third reviewer (MGH). therefore used for data analysis.31
The assessment process started by responding to the During this process, the papers that best met the topic
following two screening questions. requirements were selected. Competencies/skills identified in

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the studies were mapped against the themes and sub-themes 4. Communications – interpersonal, communication
of the selected management competency model (MCAP). qualities and relationship management;
The specific study process was guided by the understand- 5. Leadership – leading people and organisation, and
ing of the relationship between tasks and competencies 6. Change – enabling and managing change.
(Figure 1), as detailed in Liang’s study on the impact of health
reform on the competency requirements of NSW senior health We used the MCAP Framework because it is the most
executives conducted in 2004.19 In practice, the confirmation recent and fully validated framework for health service
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of major tasks of managers (the top of the pyramid) can guide managers33 and the framework includes behavioral items
the identification of core competencies required in order to that can measure each of the core leadership and manage-
perform these tasks effectively. Each competency consists of ment competencies. Using the best-fit method, it was
a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that were expected that the mapping of the identified competencies/
essential for the demonstration of the competency. skill/behavioral items from the studies against the selected
Following the study conducted in NSW, Liang and MCAP framework may lead to the identification of com-
colleagues completed another study between 2011 and petencies/skills/behavioral items that did not fit into the
2015 to identify the core competencies required for health MCAP framework (Table 1). As a result, a revised man-
services managers in Australia together with detailed agement competency framework might emerge.
behavioral items that could measure each of the compe- Competencies and behavioral items were initially coded
tencies. As a result, a management competency frame- as semantic units. In the first stage, competencies and
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work – the MCAP framework – was developed and behavioral items related to the dimensions of the initial
validated.32–34 In the present study, the MCAP framework model were inserted deductively through explicit analysis.
The research team contacted authors of the MCAP
was selected as the primary framework for grouping,
framework to obtain details of the behavioral items for
comparing and contrasting competencies of health services
each competency and sub-themes in grouping the beha-
managers. All competencies extracted from selected stu-
vioral items for each of the competencies. Details of the
dies were compared and regrouped into the following six
core management competencies as included in the MCAP
Table 1 MCAP Competencies and Sub-Themes34
MCAP Sub-Themes
1. Evidence – evidence-informed decision-making; Competencies

2. Resources – operations, administration and resource Evidence 1-Evidence appraisal

management; 2-Evidence application and decision making
3. Knowledge – knowledge of healthcare environment 3-Evaluation of decision

and the organisation Resources 1-Staff management

2-Financial management
3-Organisation management

Knowledge 1-Knowledge of healthcare environment

2-Knowledge of organisation
3-Application of knowledge in legal and quality

Communications 1-Relationship management and teamwork

3-Personal quality

Leadership 1-Leading people and teams

2-Leading organisation
3-Leader quality

Change 1-Change preparation

2-Change implementation and evaluation
Figure 1 The pyramidal relationship between tasks, roles and competencies 3-Leader quality in change
(adapted from Liang et al 2013).32

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subthemes for each of the six competencies are listed in in Australia,32,34 two in South Africa,41,42 and one study43
Table 1. The sub-themes and relevant grouping of the in Finland.
behavioral items are included in Appendix 3. All of the studies identified included hospital managers
Stage one: the purpose of this stage was to confirm as part of their study population such as chief executive
whether competencies identified in the selected studies officers/heads of the hospital, chief operating officers,
could be included in the existing MCAP framework. At nursing managers, finance managers, and human resources
this stage, each competency identified including its managers. From a methodological standpoint, five studies
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description (some cases not called behavioral items) was utilised a qualitative method, four studies included mixed-
compared with the relevant competencies in the MCAP methods and three investigations used quantitative descrip-
framework. The reviewing of the behavioral items simul- tive methods. The characteristics of the studies included
taneously was an important step as the name of the com- are shown in Table 2.
petencies may have differed, but the behavioral items or All the selected studies were evaluated for quality to
descriptions included were compatible with the MCAP confirm their inclusion for analysis. The qualitative studies
competencies. In such cases, they should be included as met the tool assessment requirements. Among the mixed-
part of the MCAP framework, rather than being treated as methods studies, two of them did not state sufficient logic
newly identified competencies. In the case that competen- of utilizing this method. None of the cross-sectional stu-
cies fitted into the MCAP framework, but with additional dies mentioned the sampling methods. Using the MMAT
behavioral items identified from other studies, these items tool, the quality of the studies was evaluated (see
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would be included in the existing competencies in the Appendix 2: Tables A1–3).

revised framework. The analysis of the 12 studies confirmed that the term
Stage two: In the second stage, any competencies that competency had not been applied consistently to all stu-
were not included in the MCAP framework were classified dies and not all competencies identified in the studies
inductively through an open coding method. At this stage, included detailed descriptions of the behavioral items
competencies together with their associated behaviors used to measure them consistently. Instead, knowledge,
identified in the recent studies that were not been included skills, behaviors and competencies were used interchange-
in the MCAP framework were confirmed and included in ably in some of the studies. Without changing their mean-
the revised framework to reflect the most recent findings ing and what they represented, all these items were
of leadership and management competency requirements carefully considered and entered into the last column of
for health service managers. The above two phases were Appendix 3 according to their relevance to the subthemes
completed and cross-checked by the first two named of the MCAP framework. These items were then com-
authors to ensure accuracy and consistency. Finally, the pared carefully with the behavioral items from the
findings of these two stages were put together and a new MCAP framework included in column three. The authors
framework was created. of the MCAP framework were contacted to cross-check
the accuracy of the step.
Results The completion of the above steps confirmed that in
In the initial search, 5261 articles were found in the four addition to the MCAP core competencies and associating
selected databases by keyword search as explained earlier. behavioral items, the competency of “professionalism” is
The text of 79 studies was read in full and finally, 12 studies to be included in the new global competency framework
(details included in Table 2) were selected based on the that can be used to guide health service management
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Figure 2 shows the process training and development in different healthcare context.
of searching and selecting studies and the total number of Appendix 3 provides details of the MCAP competen-
studies/papers included at each step of the review. cies and behavioral items (grouped into sub-themes), and
all items (including non-behavioral items) identified in
Characteristics of the Selected Studies other studies. Appendix 3 mentioned above provides
All studies were published between 2003 and 2019. Five a summative view of the MCAP behavioral items that
studies16,35-38 were conducted in Asia (Iran, China, had not been fully covered or partially covered by other
Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam), six studies were com- studies, the items identified from non-MCAP studies that
pleted in four different countries: two in the USA,39,40 two cannot be found within the MCAP framework, and also

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Table 2 Characteristics of Included Studies (Listed in the Reverse Order of the Year of Publications)
Author, Country Type of Study Data Collection Method Setting Number of
Year Participants Design Competencies

Gunawan Indonesia First-line nurse Mixed Integrative review, interviews Public hospitals 7 Core
et al 201938 managers methods with experts and survey competencies and
43 behavioral items

Liang et al Australia Health service Mixed Position description analysis Hospitals and 6 Core
Journal of Healthcare Leadership downloaded from https://www.dovepress.com/ by on 15-Apr-2021

201834 managers methods (PDA), focus group discussions Community competencies and
and online surveys health services 79 behavioral items

Van Tuong & Vietnam Hospital managers Mixed PDA, survey Public hospitals 12 Core
Thanh, methods competencies and
201736 74 behavioral items

Barati et al Iran Hospital managers Qualitative Interviews and focus group Public hospitals 8 Competencies
201616 discussions

Luo et al China Nurse managers Qualitative In-depth interviews Hospitals 19 Competencies


Kantanen Finland Nurse managers Quantitative Literature review, expert panel Hospitals 12 Competencies
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et al 201543 descriptive and survey

Liang et al Australia Hospital managers at Mixed PDA, Focus group discussions and Hospitals 6 Competencies
201332 the middle and methods online survey
senior levels

Wongprasit, Thailand Hospital directors Qualitative In-depth interview Private hospitals 6 Competencies
201337 and 26 behavioral

Pillay, 201042 South Senior nursing Quantitative Review and survey Public and 7 Competencies
Africa managers descriptive private hospitals and 51 behavioral
Pillay, 2008 South Hospital managers Quantitative Review and survey Public and 5 Competencies
Africa descriptive private hospitals and 39 behavioral

Sherman USA Nurse managers Qualitative Face-to-face interviews Hospitals 6 Competencies

et al 200740

Connelly USA Charge nurses Qualitative Interviews Hospitals 4 Competencies

et al 200339 and 54 behavioral

items that may considered to be added to an additional been adopted by small number of health service manage-
competency: Professionalism. ment training programs mainly in the US, UK and few
European countries and more recently in Australia.33
Discussion However, the systematic literature review was able to
In the past 20 years, only a handful of studies have been substantiate the core competencies required by health
conducted to understand the competency requirements of service managers. These inclusive competencies can be
health service managers. This may be partially due to the validated and used in countries yet to develop their own
fact that health service management competency is management competency framework to guide training
a new and an emerging field of study,32 and the concept and developing their health service management work-
of competency-based education and training has only force. However, it is worth noting that leadership and

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Figure 2 The process of studies selection.

management competencies are context sensitive; compe- The mapping of the competencies identified in the
tencies and their associated behavioral items identified in studies conducted over the past 20 years using
the studies conducted in one healthcare context or coun- the MCAP framework and associated behavioral items as
try may not be entirely applicable to other contexts.33 the guiding framework confirms the following inclusive
For example, behavioral items in each of the competen- competency framework (Figure 3) for health service man-
cies may not be equally important to hospital managers agers which will be validated in the Iranian healthcare
in Australia and Iran. In addition, behavioral items in context in the next step of the research.
each of the competencies may not be equally important The six core competencies that have been included in the
between different management levels and types of man- MCAP framework as detailed earlier in the paper have been
agement positions. For example, behavioral items that well discussed in the literature and agreed by recent studies.
are important to executive directors of hospitals may not Hence, there is no doubt of their importance to be included
be seen as equally important to directors of nursing if the as core competencies for health service managers to acquire
core tasks they need to perform are different (refer to in order to perform their managerial responsibilities
Figure 1 and explanation earlier). effectively.33,44,45 Although the MCAP framework includes

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that competency-based education and training for health

services managers be established and adopted.45
The proposed framework together with a specific
assessment process can be used for promoting, and mon-
itoring and evaluating the competence of health service
managers, guiding the design of position descriptions,
recruitment, and assessing the competency gaps, hence
Journal of Healthcare Leadership downloaded from https://www.dovepress.com/ by on 15-Apr-2021

the training needs of managers.49,50 In addition, this

model can serve as a benchmark to educate and empower
managers in healthcare organizations. In the short term,
considering the importance of competency-based educa-
tion in developing health service managers and workforce
development, the identification and development of the
management competency framework can not only improve
the relevance of the existing informal and formal training
to health service managers in meeting the management
workforce needs of the healthcare industry, but also con-
tribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of health service
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Figure 3 Final generated model of management and leadership competence for

hospital managers.
delivery. In the longer term, the framework reflects on the
competency requirements of the overall health service
management workforce providing guidance to developing
behavioral items associated with the competency of profes-
system and organization-wide strategies in improving the
sionalism, the systematic literature review and mapping
overall workforce competency and preparing the future
confirmed the necessity of including professionalism as
workforce in meeting the constant challenges and changes
a separate competency for health service managers.
facing health systems.
Professionalism is defined as

the ability to align personal and organizational conduct

with ethical and professional standards that include
The paper has presented the findings of a systematic
a responsibility to the patient and community, a service
literature review of health service management compe-
orientation, and a commitment to lifelong learning and
improvement.46 tency studies and discussed the process and results of
the leadership and management competency mapping
Nowadays, healthcare organizations especially hospitals using the validated MCAP framework as the basis. As
have adopted a patient-centred approach. For patients to a result, an inclusive management competency frame-
receive quality service, healthcare providers need to main- work consisting of seven core leadership and manage-
tain high professional and ethical standards and keep up ment competencies is proposed. Although the proposed
with the most up-to-date knowledge and information. The framework does not clearly differentiate the variation of
objective is to monitor and maintain the quality and stan- required competence level between sectors, management
dards in the performance of managers.10 Therefore, pro- levels and positions, it provides a very useful guide for
fessionalism requires development in education and revising and developing the current healthcare manage-
training in healthcare services.10,32,34,46,47 ment training and development curriculum and to select
Managers can access managerial professional develop- and recruit candidates appropriate to different manage-
ment through a variety of ways. There are a number of ment roles in the healthcare settings. In sum, the devel-
useful mechanisms to achieve it including formal educa- opment of leadership and management competencies
tion at universities in the field of management; in-service may strategically and systematically improve general
training; in-house use of mentors and study groups; and organizational performance and essential managerial
offsite intensive training, seminars and conferences.48 To functions and will guide developing and preparing and
facilitate managerial development, it has been suggested competent managers and leaders.

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