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Rethinking AI to navigate post Covid impacts on business

 The companies seeing significant value from AI are continuing to

invest in it during the pandemic.
 Most organizations have increased investment in AI in each major
business function in response to the pandemic.

COVID-19 pandemic has not only disrupted the way we work but also
brings drastic changes in the way we live. Be it a startup or an established
enterprise, no industry sector has remained resilient against a massive
transformation the pandemic has brought.
In the current COVID-19 emergency,

 Vast sectors of the economy are quickly reshaped by covid, AI can

help companies understand how they need to pivot to stay relevant
and profitable.
 most significant use cases are going to centre on scenario planning,
hypothesis testing and assumption testing.
 Static thinking ways of businesses to approaches that focus on how
we adjust to change.
 AI can help to improve the ability to sense the changes and respond
quickly. For example, in a sales optimization use case, a business
might at first decide to make massive cuts across the board in
resourcing in response to the downturn. But that could very well be
the wrong decision. AI could help do complex scenario planning to
figure out what the optimal resource reallocations are. These
recommendations could be pushed out to the sales team, who in turn
can help update the model with on-the-ground observations.
 For any use case, getting end-user feedback is crucial in uncertain
times, because end users will know things that haven't surfaced in
the data yet.
 Instead of spending a lot of effort to get one predictive model perfect,
enterprises will have to create a portfolio of models that covers a
wide range of potential business realities.
 Without AI business value, projects fail-If there is no value for the
user or the company, you won't get funded.
 AI reshapes old processes to increase value-Enterprises in most
industries still have legacy processes that have yet to be transformed
by AI. Rather than scrap these processes entirely and start with a
new process built around AI, some organizations are adding AI on
top what is already in place.

 For ex, when it comes to implementing image analytics using AI and

ML, CCTV cameras are up for image analysis as Computer Vision
Technology domain of AI will help developers build innovative
applications. CCTV cameras, based on this technology, will be used
vigorously for monitoring, surveillance, and security.
Some of the obvious use cases of the CCTV cameras based on CVT

 Social distancing and crowd monitoring

 PPE violations monitoring (People who do not wear the mask in the
public places)

 Detection of hot spots for virus spread

 Effective access control mechanisms with attendance systems

 Quick and easy control on user access through facial recognition


 Measurement and monitoring of human body temperature

It assists the authorities to curb the spread of the virus by providing real-
time data. It is possible to impose strict control on possible hot spots and
the government can identify the infected individuals quickly. CVT-based
applications are easy to install and use.

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