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“Key technological trends that will redefine

businesses over the next 10 years”

Submitted By
Subhankar Pal

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Research Problem ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Literature review........................................................................................................................................... 5
Key Technological Trends ............................................................................................................................. 6
Trend #1 .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Trend #2 .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Trend #3 .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Trend #4 .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Trend #5 .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Data Collection .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Data Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Visual Data .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Key Technological Trends that’ll redfine business over the next Ten years ............................................... 10
Trend #1: AI Engineering ........................................................................................................................ 10
Trend #2: AI Security .............................................................................................................................. 12
Trend #3: Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge .......................................................................................... 15
Trend #4: The Cloud Revolution ............................................................................................................ 16
Trend #5: 5G mm Wave Connectivity .................................................................................................... 17
Trend #6: Nano Technology ................................................................................................................... 18
Trend #7: Robotics.................................................................................................................................. 22
Trend #8: Privacy-Enhancing Computation ........................................................................................... 23
Trend #9: Internet of Behaviors (IoB) .................................................................................................... 24
Trend #10: Hyper-Automation ............................................................................................................... 26
.................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 27
Key Takeaways ........................................................................................................................................ 28
References .................................................................................................................................................. 29


Staying ahead of the curve in today's crowded market has become essential. The COVID-19 crisis
has caused companies to adapt to a new business model, not by choice, but as required.
Leveraging technology can help them unlock breakthrough innovations. The last few years have
changed the world and will continue to do so in the future. New technologies such as artificial
intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, and data analysis have already influenced people's
Even though people are embedding technology into their lives more than ever before,
organizations’ attempts to meet their needs and expectations can fall short. As companies enter
the decade of delivering on their digital promises, a new mindset and approach is required.
So, as we head into 2021, what impact will these technologies have on our daily lives and work?


While some people have referred to the current competitive environment as a technological lash
or a backlash against technology, that term does not recognize the extent to which society is
using and benefiting from technology. Rather, it is a technological conflict, a conflict between
business models and technology, that is inconsistent with people's needs and expectations.
Of more than 6,000 business and IT executives worldwide surveyed for the report, 83% know
that technology has become an inextricable part of the human experience. As part of this year's
research, 2000 consumers were also surveyed: 80% of whom expect their relationship with
technology to be more or significantly more prominent in the next ten years.
“Dazzled by the promise of technology, many organizations created digital products and services
just because they could, without fully considering the human, organizational and societal
consequences,” said Paul Daugherty, Accenture’s chief technology & innovation officer.

“Today we’re seeing a tech-clash caused by the tension between consumer expectations, the
potential of technology, and business ambitions — and are now at an important leadership
inflection point.

“We must shift our mindset from ‘just because’ to ‘trust because’ — re-examining our
fundamental business and technology models and creating a new basis for competition and
Hence, we must re-strategize to form better business models and have a better idea on what
technological trends, the future foundations of a successful business model must depend over
the next ten years. Throughout this research article we’ll discuss about the previous research
conducted on the similar topic and also expand our data set to build the foundations of this


Accenture’s TECHVISION’2020 “WE, THE POST-DIGITAL PEOPLE. Can your enterprise survive the
tech-clash?” is selected for the literature review of this research article. The previous research
was conducted among 6000 business and IT executives Worldwide. It was conducted in the year
2020, the year amidst COVID-19 virus.
The research revolved around the fact: People’s love for technology has let businesses weave it
and themselves into our lives, transforming the way we work, live and interact with the world.
But that unconditional love is starting to fray, and it’s increasingly clear that the approaches
companies took to reach this point won’t take them any further.
Even as people’s expectations for their future with technology continue to grow, many
enterprises’ attempts to deliver on those expectations are being rejected. Companies need to
build a new path forward, developing new models that bring a human focus.
Imagine a world with seamless, secure and personalized healthcare. Wearables give doctors
instant access to patients’ real-time and past vital signs. Digital healthcare records automatically
incorporate results and notes from different providers, with no delayed requests for records or
decisions made on incomplete information. All the while, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered
machines use these records to make preventative recommendations.
Companies already aspire to this type of human-centered experience. But even though the
technology exists to build it, implementation remains out of reach. Models that companies have
been relying on for decades are becoming roadblocks. Closed ecosystem models mean different
levels of technology access and different standards, creating obstacles to smooth experiences.
Application-centered data models create fragmented, even conflicting, data about patients,
while innumerable go-betweens, regulators and gatekeepers can often add friction—not value—
to the experience. Meanwhile, concerns about security, privacy and ethical issues keep patients
and providers alike wary of new technological solutions.

Existing Models Do Not Work:

According to the report, the continuation of existing models not only runs the risk to irritate
customers or lay off employees but also could permanently limit the potential for future
innovation and growth.
But technical conflict is a challenge that can be resolved. The report identifies five key trends
businesses need to address over the next three years to defuse tech clashes and realize new
forms of business value, some of which are driven by closer, more trusting relationships with


Now let’s have a look at the key technological trends obtained from their research.

Trend #1 Trend #3 Trend #5

The I in Experience AI and Me The Dilemma of Smart Things

Helping people choose their Take a new approach that Overcome the “beta burden”
own adventure. Redesign uses artificial intelligence to
digital experiences with new bring out the full power of Address the new reality of
models that amplify personal people. Move beyond product ownership in the era
agency. Turn passive deploying AI for automation of “forever beta.” Transform
audiences into active alone and push into the new pain points into an
participants by transforming frontier of co-creation opportunity to create an
one-way experiences into between people and unprecedented level of
true collaborations. machines. business-customer
Trend #2 Trend #4

Robots in the Wild Innovation DNA

Growing the enterprise’s Create an engine for

reach and responsibility. continuous innovation.

Build new models of Tap into the unprecedented

interaction and impact as scale of disruptive technology
robotics move beyond the available today. Build the
walls of the enterprise. capabilities and ecosystem
Companies in every industry partnerships necessary to
will unlock new opportunities assemble the organization’s
by introducing robots to the unique innovation DNA.
next frontier: the open world.


A survey was conducted among a group of 2000 IT executives with a wide age group using google
forms. The form included their name, email, age group and the key technological trends they
think, can redefine business over the next ten years.
The options given as the key technological trends were:
 Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge
 The Cloud Revolution
 AI Engineering
 MLOps: Industrialized AI
 Cryptocurrency and Practical Blockchain
 Privacy-Enhancing Computation
 Internet of Behaviors (IoB)
 Quantum Computing
 Hyper-automation
 Cloud Native Applications
 Intrinsic Security
 5G mm Wave Connectivity
 Multi-experience
 Democratization of Technology
 Human Augmentation
 Transparency and Traceability of Data Flow
 AI security
 Big Data
 Aerospace Technology
 VR
 Nano Technology
 Robotics

The attendees were given the option to choose any number of options as they deemed fit.
Ranging from AI Engineering to Nano Technology to Cryptocurrency and Blockchain, it was a huge
section to choose from. Human Augmentation and VR were also added although they seem to
be comparatively newer technologies which haven’t come off age as of yet. The survey form was
circulated in colleges such as University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata, Techno India
University, BP Poddar Institute of Management and Technology and serviced based companies
such as Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys.


The survey was conducted among people of different age groups. We had a category for the age
of 13–17-year-old high school students, 18–30-year-old college students and freshers, 31–50-
year-old senior developers, and 50+ year old retired professionals. Out of which college students
and freshers occupied a whooping 66.2% of whole audience, and senior developers occupied
33.7% of the audiences. Retired professionals occupied only 0.1% of total audience. Now let’s
have look at the data:

From this data, it is clearly visible that the key technological trends matter mostly for the college
students, freshers or junior developers and the senior developers. For retired professionals, the
technology they seem to work upon seems to work okay for them. But a sincere urge to dive
deep into latest technological trends was surely to be seen in the college students and the senior
developers. They seem to understand the need for a change in the technological trends to
redefine business.


Now let’s have a look at key technological trends people think, would redefine business over the
next 10 years.

As we can see in the above bar graph, the field having the highest poll is AI Engineering, followed
by AI Security, IoT, Cloud Computing, Privacy Enhanced Computation, Nano Technology, Robotics
and 5G Connectivity. We’ve decided to include top 10 key technological trends that would
redefine business. From the next page we shall dive deep into the key technological trends.


Trend #1: AI Engineering

AI engineering makes AI part of the mainstream DevOps process instead of a series of specialized
and isolated projects. Unlike data engineers, AI engineers don't write code to create scalable data
pipelines, but rather efficiently extract data from a variety of sources. Build and test your machine
learning models and deploy those models using embedded code or API calls to build AI-infused
applications. Investing in an AI engineering strategy will greatly improve the performance,
scalability, interpretability, and reliability of AI models while providing the AI models with the full
value of the AI investment.
According to LinkedIn's 2020 Emerging Jobs Report, the demand for “artificial intelligence
specialists” (comprised of some related roles) has grown 74 percent in the past four years. With
more companies than ever (even those outside of technology) relying on artificial intelligence
tasks as part of their daily business, the demand for professionals with this skill will only increase.
In our annual machine learning state-of-the-art report for companies. In 2020, we found that the
number of data science workers is relatively small, but the demand for these types of skills is
great and growing exponentially.

What is an AI engineer?
An artificial intelligence engineer is a person who uses traditional machine learning techniques
such as natural language processing and neural networks to create models that support AI-based
The types of applications created by AI engineers include:
 Context-based advertising for mood analysis
 Language translation
 Visual identification or perception

What does it take to be an artificial intelligence engineer?

AI engineering is a relatively new field and those currently holding this degree come from a
variety of backgrounds. previous technical roles and often have college or graduate degrees in
fields that are required for those jobs. These include:
 Computer Science
 Statistics
 Applied Mathematics
 Linguistics
 Cognitive Science
Most of the above titles have some relevance to artificial intelligence and machine learning

The skills that an artificial intelligence engineer should master are programming and math /
statistics. AI, and specifically machine learning, are Python and R. Any aspiring artificial
intelligence engineer should at least be familiar with these two languages and their most
commonly used libraries and packages. Machine learning models are based on mathematical
concepts such as statistics and probability. You will also need to have a firm grasp of concepts
such as statistical significance when determining the validity and accuracy of your models.

Soft Skills:
AI Engineers do not work in a vacuum. So, while technical skills will be what you need for
modeling, you will also need the following soft skills to get your ideas across the entire
Creativity: AI engineers should always be on the lookout for tasks that humans do inefficiently
and machines might. You need to be aware of new AI applications inside and outside your
industry and consider whether they could be used in your business. Also, you shouldn't be afraid
to try out-of-the-box ideas. - It is important to remember that your role as an artificial intelligence

engineer is intended to provide value to your company. You can't provide value if you don't truly
understand your business interests and needs. from a strategic and tactical level.
A great AI app doesn't mean much if it's not relevant to your business or can't improve business
operations in any way. You need to understand your company's business model, who the target
customers and goals are, and whether it has long-term or short-term product plans.
Communication - In the role of an AI engineer, you have the ability to work with groups across
your organization, and you do must be able to speak their language. For example, for a project
you need to:
 Discuss your requirements with data engineers so they can provide you with the right
data sources.
 Explain how the AI application you have developed will save costs or generate more sales
in the long term.
 Work with marketing to develop customer-centric assurances that explain the value of a
new application.
Prototyping - your ideas are not necessarily going to be perfect on the first attempt. Success
depends on your ability to quickly test and change models until you find something that works.

Trend #2: AI Security

Advanced technologies such as hyper-automation are already showing how real digital
transformation is changing in the business world. However, these technologies also create
security holes through potential new points of attack. Future AI security will have three key

1) Protection of AI-based systems, secured AI training data and trained pipelines and models for
machine learning;
2) Leverage AI to improve security defenses and leverage machine learning to understand
patterns, detect attacks, and automate parts of cybersecurity processes;
3) Anticipate the negative use of AI by attackers - identify these attacks and defend against them.
AI security refers to tools and techniques that leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to autonomously
identify and / or respond to potential cyber threats based on similar or prior activity.

What is AI security?
Smart things on their own without human guidance. As such, AI security involves leveraging AI to
identify and stop cyber threats with less human intervention than is typically expected or needed
with traditional security approaches.
AI security tools are often used to identify "good" versus "bad" by comparing the behaviors of
entities in one environment with those of a similar environment, this process allows the system
to learn and automatically mark changes. Often called unsupervised learning or "life pattern"
learning, this method results in large numbers of false positives and negatives. Most advanced AI
security applications can go beyond simply identifying good or bad behaviors. analyzing large
amounts of information and helping to reconstruct related activity that could indicate suspicious
behavior. Thus, the security of artificial intelligence behaves in a similar way to that of the best
and most capable human analyst.
According to a survey by the Capgemini Research Institute 69 percent of companies believe that
AI is necessary to respond to cyberattacks.

Common Usage and Adoption

AI security tools work to discover, predict, justify, act, and learn about potential cybersecurity
threats, without needing much human intervention. Common AI security tool capabilities
“Learning” based on past behavior to make quick, actionable context and insights when
presented with new or unknown information/behaviors. Making logical, inferred conclusions
based on potential incomplete subsets of data. Presenting multiple solutions to a known problem
to empower security teams to select the best path towards remediation.

Why Does AI Security Matter?

According to Gartner, AI security is a 2020 technology trend to watch. Here are a few reasons
why AI security will continue to matter moving forward:

AI Security Augments the Shrinking Cyber Workforce
Resourcing has historically been a challenge in many SOCs. When it comes to manpower alone,
the cybersecurity industry’s projected talent gap is expected to see 3.5 million unfilled jobs by
2021. While some argue that AI machines can or will fill this gap, a more scalable solution is to
adopt AI security tools that augment the workflows of existing employees. This can greatly free
up sparse resources by cutting down on time needed for threat hunting and alert triage or
correlation, for example. Cybersecurity workers are then able to focus on other important tasks
that cannot be automated through AI.

AI Security Helps Save Time Hunting for Threats

In addition to the growing talent gap, it’s clear that current security analysts often struggle to
find the time needed to detect new threats. Respondents to a recent SANS Institute SOC survey
admitted to relying on time- and resource-intensive methods for threat hunting, which often
results in alert fatigue. The consequences of which can be dire:
 73 percent reported a single alert investigation can take hours or even days
 53 percent said they use three or more data sources to get to the bottom of an
 54 percent said critical alerts go completely uninvestigated
 30 percent of their alerts that have been prioritized never get investigated
In part, this can be attributed to the fact that most event correlation is still being conducted
manually within SIEM and big data products. Conversely, AI security tools are inherently capable
of correlating events and triaging them, which again cuts down on the time needed for incident
response and remediation.
The Capgemini Research Institute’s recent cybersecurity with AI report further supports this idea,
with 64 percent of respondents stating that AI lowers the cost to detect and respond to breaches
and reduces the overall time taken to detect threats and breaches up to 12 percent.

Potential AI Security Disadvantages:

AI Security is Not a Silver Bullet
The cybersecurity industry is infamous for latching on to methodologies as silver bullet solutions,
rather than considering the most useful applications. This has been the case for AI security tools,
with some cybersecurity pros considering AI security to be the end-all/be-all for threat detection.
An over-reliance on AI for poorly matched use cases – like fully replacing cybersecurity workers,
for example – only burdens the enterprise with unnecessary risk, and should be avoided.

Trend #3: Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge

IoT and Edge are fast becoming the most powerful superpowers in the technology world.
Predictions are for billions of terminals to be deployed as digital transformation takes hold in
various industries. Even in India, we are seeing deployments to large-scale emerging in very
different use cases Smart cities, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, smart surveillance,
medical applications and many more. IOT / Edge is a reality and we will see this gradually
The construction, execution, management and security of such widespread IOT / Edge
implementations will grow. in complexity with multiple endpoints. And it can't be done without
integrating AI and ML into the IoT platform. In the coming years, we will see more AI-powered
IoT deployments across industries.
Edge computing is a computing topology in which the processing of information and the
collection and delivery of content are placed closer to the sources, repositories, and consumers
of this information, which reduces latency and allows a certain level of autonomy in these
perimeter devices. Edge Computing was born out of the need for IoT systems to offer
disconnected or distributed capabilities in the world of integrated IoT. With increasingly
sophisticated and specialized computing resources and more data storage. Complex edge
devices, including robots, drones, autonomous vehicles and operating systems will accelerate
this change.” This will broaden the role of devices as the foundation for smart spaces and bring
key applications and services closer to the people and devices that they use them.

Trend #4: The Cloud Revolution

The aggressive move toward cloud infrastructures will create huge opportunities for cloud
providers, which will also lead to cloud-native applications, significantly generating revenue and
business value for the cloud provider. an annual growth rate of 35%, as the cloud continues to
occupy a central place in the recovery from the pandemic.
The cloud is shifting due to the distributed cloud. Most have viewed the cloud as being location-
independent - it's just out there. It's up there somewhere. But now, with the distributed cloud,
the physical location where these data centers are located is becoming increasingly important.
The solution of regulatory problems and latency problems and the like is becoming more and
more important.
The cloud is now expanding its territory and becoming a distributed cloud, i.e. the distribution of
public cloud services to different locations, while the original public cloud provider is responsible
for the operation, takes over the administration, updating and further development of the
services. This represents a significant shift from the centralized model of most public cloud
services and will usher in a new era in cloud computing.

Trend #5: 5G mm Wave Connectivity

5G will be a crucial step for the telecommunications sector. GSMA Intelligence predicts that there
will be more than 50 5G networks worldwide by 2021 and more than 1.3B 5G connections by
2025, covering 40% of the world's population.
From Smart Cities for Connected Healthcare for More Security. There are countless use cases for
5G. Of course, delivering modern applications and services requires an agile and scalable
telecommunications cloud and a multi-cloud strategy that allows you to unify and connect your
network and IT environments. As the network grows, AI will be the mechanism to manage and
simplify the complexity that inevitably results from myriad endpoints and unprecedented
amounts of data.

What is mmWave Wireless?

This technology report looks at the emergence of new 5G New Radio (5G NR or just 5G) standards
for cellular networks and the potential to enable a complete transformation of wireless
communications. The spectrum for 5G services does not only cover bands below 6 GHz, including
the bands currently used for 4G LTE networks, but also extends to much higher frequency bands
that were previously not considered for mobile communication. It is about the use of frequency
bands in the range from 24 GHz to 100 GHz, called Millimeter Wave (mmWave), which brings
new challenges and advantages to 5G networks.
The main focus of this technology letter is the emergence of mmWave Wireless as part of the 5G
revolution. The spectrum available for mmWave, the bandwidths supported, and how antenna
technologies work Together, we consider several deployment scenarios in which 5G mmWave
networks begin to create an opportunity to provide end users with multiple gigabit data rates
and impact for daily wireless communication.

The 5G mmWave Spectrum

The incredible demand for wireless data bandwidth shows no signs of slowing for the foreseeable
future. At the same time, the mobile data experience for users is growing and evolving, placing
increasing strain on the network using the available radio spectrum. In light of this projected
growth, the cellular industry was looking for other frequency bands that could potentially be used
to develop new 5G wireless technologies. The high frequency bands in the spectrum above 24
GHz should support large bandwidths and high data rates, ideal for increasing the capacity of
wireless networks. These high frequency bands are often referred to as "mmWave" because of
the short wavelengths that can be measured in millimeters. Although the mmWave bands extend
up to 300 GHz, the 24 GHz to 100 GHz bands are expected to be used for 5 G. The mmWave bands
up to 100 GHz are used, able to support bandwidths up to 2 GHz without having to pool bands
together for higher data throughput.
Looking at the mmWave bands available in the US is a good example of the spectrum That may
be used for 5G networks Advances in providing more spectrum for 5G and have signaled that
more licensed bands are being opened up for use.

Trend #6: Nano Technology

What is nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is a research and innovation field that deals with the construction of “things” -
in general, materials and devices - on the scale of atoms and molecules. A nanometer is a billionth
of a meter: ten times the diameter of a hydrogen. The average diameter of a human hair is 80,000
nanometers. At such standards the usual rules of physics and chemistry no longer apply. For
example, material properties such as color, strength, conductivity and reactivity can differ
significantly between the nanoscale and the macro. Carbon nanotubes are 100 times stronger
than steel, but six times lighter.

What can nanotechnology do? It should be able to massively increase production in
manufacturing at significantly reduced costs. Nanotechnology products will be smaller, cheaper,
lighter and yet more functional and require less energy and fewer raw materials to manufacture,
claim nanotechnology proponents.

What do the experts say about nanotechnology?

In June 1999 Richard Smalley, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, addressed the US Science Committee
on the benefits of nanotechnology: "The effects of nanotechnology on the health, wealth and life
of people," he said, "will be at least the combined influences of microelectronics, medical Imaging
and computers match. Aided engineering and man-made polymers were developed in this
century. "

Concerns about potential human and environmental health concerns

However, others are just as wary as Smalley is enthusiastic. Eric Drexler, the scientist who coined
the term nanotechnology, warned of extreme developments: "powerful, extremely dangerous
technologies". In his book, Engines of Creation, Drexler envisioned the formation of self-
replicating molecules. Although this theory has been largely discredited by researchers in the
field, many concerns remain about the effects of nanotechnology on human and environmental
health, as well as the effects of the new industry insist on the north-south divide. Activists fear
that the science and development of nanotechnology will advance faster than policy makers can
develop appropriate regulatory measures. They say that an informed debate needs to take place
to determine the balance between risks and benefits.

The global market for nanotechnology products
Given the promise of nanotechnology, the race is on to harness and capitalize on its potential
Many governments believe that nanotechnology will bring a new era of productivity and wealth,
and this is reflected in the way in which public investment in nanotechnology research and
development has increased over the last decade. In 2002, Japan spent $ 750 million a year on the
field, a six-fold increase from 1997.

Estimates of the value of the global nanotechnology market

The US National Science Foundation predicts that the global market for products based on
nanotechnology will exceed a trillion dollars in 15 years. Paul Miller, principal investigator for the
British policy research organization Demos, said in 2002 that "already, about a third of the
research budgets of the largest science-based companies in the United States are being spent on
nanotechnology." while the budget of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative increased from
116 million in 1997 to US $ 849 million requested in 2004.

What about nanotechnology in the developing world?

In the developing world, Brazil, Chile, China, India, the Philippines, South Korea, South Africa and
Thailand have demonstrated their commitment to nanotechnology by establishing governments
Researchers at the Joint Center for Bioethics at the University of Toronto have classified these
countries such as `` pioneers '' (China, South Korea, India) and `` middle ground '' players
(Thailand, Philippines, South Africa, Brazil, Chile). Furthermore, Argentina and Mexico are ``
promising '': although They have research groups studying nanotechnology, their governments
have yet to organize specific funds.

Nanotechnology in Thailand and China

In May 2004, the Thai government announced plans to use nanotechnology in one percent of all
consumer products by 2013. By then, a market value of 13 trillion baht (more than 320 billion US
dollars at current exchange rates) is forecast. Thailand has wholeheartedly embraced
nanotechnology, and its development is an important commitment by the Thai government.
Similarly, in May 2004, China announced that nanotechnology was central to its long-term
national science and technology plan.

What are the potential benefits for developing countries?

Nanotechnology promises new solutions to problems that hinder the development of poor
countries, particularly those relating to health and hygiene, food security and the environment.

In its 2005 report, titled Innovation: Applying Knowledge In Development, the UN Millennium
Project Task Force on Science, Technology and Innovation wrote that "Nanotechnology is likely
to be particularly important in developing countries because it involves little work, land or
Maintenance requires, is highly productive and inexpensive, and only requires modest amounts
of materials and energy ".

Effects of nanotechnology on health and hygiene

Nanotechnology is already useful as a tool in health research. In January 2005, researchers at the
US Massachusetts Institute of Technology used "optical tweezers" - pairs of tiny glass beads
brought together or moved apart with laser beams - to study the elasticity of red blooms or cells
infected with the malaria parasite (see Tiny Tools Against Malaria). The technology is helping
researchers better understand how malaria spreads in the body.
How nanotechnology could improve drug delivery40a4But nanotechnology could one day also
lead to cheaper and more reliable systems. For example, materials built on the nanoscale can
provide encapsulation systems that can Protect and secrete enclosed drugs slowly and in a
controlled manner. This could be a valuable solution in countries where there are insufficient
storage facilities, distribution networks and for patients with complex medication regimens who
cannot afford the time or money to travel long distances for a medical visit.

Nanoscale filters for improved water treatment systems

Filters that are in the Nanoscale structures promise better water treatment systems that are
cheap to manufacture, durable and can be cleaned. Other similar technologies could absorb or
neutralize toxic substances like arsenic that are poisoning the water table in many countries
including India and Bangladesh.

Food and safety

Using nanosensors for plants and nanoparticles in fertilizers
Tiny sensors provide the ability to monitor pathogens on plants and farm animals Crop
productivity. In addition, nanoparticles could increase the efficiency of fertilizers. However, Swiss
insurance company SwissRe warned in a 2004 report that it could also increase the ability of
potentially toxic substances like fertilizers to penetrate deep layers of fertilizer soil and travel
greater distances.

Trend #7: Robotics

Robots can become superior to human beings with the development of artificial

From the automobile and aerospace industries to electronics and medical providers, the majority
of robots or robotic-like devices today operate in manufacturing. Robots have come into the
world of manufacturing and remains a crucial field of interest for manufacturers. Robotics and
automation are, for good reason, a crucial way to understand the kind of productivity companies
need to succeed in today’s increasingly digital workplace.
According to Robo Global, “The brutal combination of a global downturn in capital spending in
2019, followed almost immediately by the shockwaves of the pandemic in 2020, hit automotive
and electronics—the two largest industries that rely on robotics and automation—hard. Heading
into the new year, we expect the factory robotics market to accelerate strongly in 2021.”
He further says, “By the end of 2021, we expect the installed base of factory robots to exceed 3.2
million units—double the level in 2015, and still a tiny fraction of the human workforce of 360
million in manufacturing. As this recovery continues, we expect to see significant upside and
double-digit growth over the next five years, driven by technological advances, the digitization of
production systems, an increase in worker shortages, and a significant boost from post-COVID-
19 adjustments.”

Increase in demand for collaborative robots
Collaborative robots enable individuals and robots in open or non-cared environments to work
together effectively. It is possible to include a human operator and a robot in the same device
together by using collaborative robots. To maintain security, these robots are designed in such a
way that there is no risk of harm and destruction.
In the entire robot industry, the growth rate of collaborative robots has not been hit very hard.
This is because these robots can be used easily to boost their appeal during the pandemic.
Another explanation of why collaborative robot sale have remained strong is that the industries
that purchase these robots have not been put in the same category as those that purchase
traditional robots.

Electronics sector increasing automation

For many years, the automotive industry has become the main purchaser of robots for
manufacturing activities. However, we will witness a paradigm shift. It has been observed that
the growth of the electronics industry in industrial robotics is now higher than that of the
automotive industry. For now, considering the increase in narrow profit margins, robot
automation in the coming years is expected to become a lucrative concept for the technology
sector with customization becoming a trend in this field.

Disruptions of the supply chain would not impede robot developers

Although issues in supply chains have slammed some industrial markets, the robot industry has
largely escaped supply problems. Companies have been steadily integrating robotics into their
practices over the last few years to help them achieve a competitive edge.
The future of robotics is mere conjecture, but a foregone conclusion based on developments in
recent years is the relentless technological advances. Robots would undoubtedly impact various
aspects of people’s lives, and scientists and philosophers are discussing the future of the human
race. Robots can become superior to human beings with the development of artificial
intelligence. The robots will be there regardless of the future.

Trend #8: Privacy-Enhancing Computation

Calculations that improve data protection allow companies to collaborate on research regionally
and with competitors securely without compromising confidentiality. This approach was
specifically designed to address the growing need to share data while maintaining privacy or
security. This trend encompasses three technologies that protect data while it is in use.

"This trend enables organizations to collaborate on research securely across regions and with
competitors without sacrificing confidentiality. This approach is designed specifically for the
increasing need to share data while maintaining privacy or security."
In today's world, where remote collaboration is the new norm, privacy-enhancing computing is
more important than ever to unleash the full potential of data.

Trend #9: Internet of Behaviors (IoB)

According to Gartner, the Internet of Behaviors (IoB) has ethical and societal implications relying
on the goals and outcomes of individual uses. It can glean, combine and process data from
different sources such as commercial customer data, citizen data processed by public-sector and
government agencies, social media, public domain deployments of facial recognition, and
location tracking.

What is the Internet of Behavior (IoB)?
Many cited 2012 as the opening date of IoB when psychology professor Gothe Nyman described
the possibility of obtaining detailed data on customers’ use and behavior as they interact with
the Internet of Things (IoT). But the idea of analyzing data received from consumers for business
purposes is not new. As we have done research on consumer behavior and habits in the past, we
now have an automated ecosystem of analytic processes that track, collect, and attempt to
interpret the vast amounts of data we generate through our online and Internet activities.
The IoB concept seeks to address how to understand data properly and apply that understanding
to create and promote new products – from a human psychology perspective.
“The Internet of Behavior collects the digital dust of people’s lives from a variety of sources, and
public or private organizations can use this information to influence behavior.”
says Gartner.

Let’s look at the web platform example when a user interacts with it from a laptop, and another
time from his smartphone. The data will differ in how the user interacts with the resource,
namely which buttons he clicks, how he moves around the page. Thanks to this approach, it
becomes clear the path that leads to the sale. Everything we have listed is all the data that can
be collected using analytics, and this is what makes up the Big Data concept.
Well, let’s say we collected this data, but what next? And then IoB comes into play.
IoB is a process where user data is analyzed in terms of behavioral psychology. Based on this
analysis, new approaches to the development of user experience (UX), search experience
optimization (SXO), and end products and companies’ services and how to promote them are

Trend #10: Hyper-Automation

As recent years have seen incredible growth in hyperautomation, it is a key strategic trend for
2021. The transition to robotic process automation and the increased use of this tech among
businesses should drive innovation in the automation space and continue to provide enterprises
value through time savings, the efficiency gained, and scalability. Hyperautomation is the next
level in the field of automation. Rather than referring to one single, out of the box technology or
tool, it focuses on adding more intelligence and applying a broader set of tools than traditionally
established automation solutions.

Hyper-automation elevates task automation to the next level. It is the application of advanced
technologies like Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) to automate processes
(not just tasks) in ways that are significantly more impactful than that of traditional automation
capabilities. It’s the combination of multiple machine learning, packaged software and
automation tools to deliver work. Hyper-automation requires a combination of tools to help
support replicating pieces of where the human is involved in a task. This trend kicked off with
robotic process automation (RPA) but will see growth with the combination of process
intelligence, content intelligence, AI, OCR and other innovative technology.


In February 2021, I surveyed 2,000 people in India with respondents representing different age
and demographic groups. The survey asked consumers about their viewpoints and use of
technology in their daily lives, including voice assistants, robots and connected products. The
survey form was circulated is colleges such as:
1) University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata (UEMK)
2) B.P. Poddar Institute of Management and Technology (BPPIMT)
3) Techno India Saltlake
4) Techno India University
5) Amity
6) Kalinga Institute of Information Technology (KiiT)
7) Hindu University, Delhi
And companies such as:
1) Tata Consultancy Services, Kolkata
2) Infosys, Bhubuneshwar

Key Takeaways
• AI Infused Engineering and its implementation in the field of Security is clearly the need of
the hour, and will definitely redefine business over the next decade.
• Cloud Computing and its revolutionary effect has come a long way through, so much so that
it has now become mandate in every tech/non-tech company. Its applications are enormous
and will to grow even more.
• Automation has become a cliché now, hence we are now moving towards an age of Hyper-

As developments over the past few years have shown, we are at a time of unprecedented
technological growth where there are no signs of slowing down. This has created disruptions and
disruptions on a large scale as the impact of new, cutting-edge technologies gradually increases
to improve. If not, newer and more consumer-friendly options are chosen by the customer.

• What can we expect in the coming years?

“Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable
and the unpredictable.” — George S. Patton Jr.

Given the financial sector, which was first disrupted by blockchain technology, it could be argued
that a great way to drive progress would be to form consortia. The bottling of resources - whether
material, intellectual or otherwise - will lead to potential for progress while diversifying risk. By
working together, companies can set industry-wide standards, collaborate on proof-of-concepts
and assist with developments for the mutual benefit of all parties involved. There are downsides,
however. This means that major projects can suffer delays in reaching consensus on the approach
and direction of research and development. Smaller companies may not have the resources of
consortia, but they can usually move faster than their larger counterparts. Of course, consortia
can always involve or work with smaller companies like startups, but in both cases the
collaboration tends to encourage larger developments in the long run. With this approach, the
tendency for companies to be secret and competitive is a disadvantage as opportunities may be
With this I conclude my list of key technological trends that would redefine business over the
next 10 years.

1) AI Security Definition & Examples | Awake Security
2) Key technology trends that will redefine businesses over the next three years - Help Net Security
3) Top Technology Trends That Will Redefine Businesses in 2021 (
4) 5 Technologies that will shape our world over the next five years, IT News, ET CIO
5) Top 10 Technology Trends for 2020 | by Ryan M. Raiker, MBA | Towards Data Science
6) The Emergence of 5G mmWave – Accton Technology
7) What is Nanotechnology and What Can It Do? (
8) Robotics in 2021: Progress and Development (
9) Privacy-Enhancing Computation: Data Protection Technologies (
10) What is the Internet of Behavior And Why is it Important for Business? (


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