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A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Sl. No. Titles Page No.
I Chapter 1
 Executive summary 1
 Statement of the problem & objectives 2

 Purpose of the Study 3

 Scope of the study

 Limitations of the study
II Chapter 2
 Purpose & need of insurance 4 6
 Industry profile 11

 IRDA 29
 Organization Profile
 Board of directors
 Work flow
 Organization Chart
 Swot analysis
 Research methodology
 Measuring tools

III Chapter 3
 Analysis and interpretation 57
 Findings 82

 Suggestions 83
 Conclusion

IV Chapter 4
Annexure 85
 Bibliography 89
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Executive summary

The main aims of the investor is to minimize the risk involved in investment & maximize
return and today there are number of options available to investor like Post office
investment, bank deposit, Real estate, debentures, Government securities, stock market,
insurance & gold etc. Among these, ULIP introduced by the insurance companies is the
option which require less capital & give the benefit of Professional Management &
suitable for all especially to the persons who do not have time to watch the market

ICICI Prudential commenced on January 20th 2002. The Hubli branch however was
established in Feb 2004. The branch office has mainly 2 departments i.e.; Operations and
Sales. The branch office looks after the business from various serviceable locations, still
in pipeline of expansion to cover some parts of North Karnataka.

ULIP came into play in the 1960s and became very popular in Western Europe and
Americas. In India also it has become popular. Today ULIP contribute 80% of the
premium collected by the insurance company.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


“To know the factors that affects the investment decisions of individual investor while
investing in ULIPs”

“A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs at ICICI
prudential life insurance co ltd HUBLI branch”.


• To study the investor perception regarding investment in ULIPs
• To study the service of ICICI pru life.
• To study the current ULIPs performance.
• To find most considerable ULIP.
• To study the investment decisions of different social class people (in terms of
age group, education, income level etc.
• To know the factors that influence investors while taking investment
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Purpose of the Study

The big question mark in front of every investor is where to invest money to get real
income. There are so many options available to them but it is very difficult to choose
among them, as every option has it’s own merits & demerits. Investor has to be fully
aware of all these options & he should be in a position to choose which one is suitable for
him on the basis of his risk, investment objective and expected return etc. Option that is
suitable for one person may not suit other person’s requirement. This process of choosing
suitable product take long time, the best way for the person who has no time & expertise
in selecting investment avenue can go for ULIP.

Scope of the study:

The research was undertaken to gather information from the respondent to know
exactly how many people aware of ULIPs in Hubli city and the study is restricted within
the city.

The reasons for confining the scope of the research in Hubli were.
1) One of the fast growing city in Karnataka and represents huge market for scope
with more than 90 lakhs people.
2) Hubli is one of the commercial areas.
3) It is a place where the small and large industries are located .with the more
increase population and there style more people are conscious about their lives

Limitations of the study:

• The time was not enough to study the vast and growing life insurance sector in
Hubli city.
• The study and the survey were conducted in hubli city only.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


Life insurance is a contract providing for a payment of a sum of money to the person
assured or failing him to the person entitled to receive the same on the happening of
certain event. Uncertainty of death is inherent in human life. It is this risk, which gives
rise to the necessity for some form of protection against the financial loss arising from
death. Insurance substitutes this uncertainty by certainty. The objective of insurance is
normally to provide:
a. Family protection and
b. Provision for old age.


Conceptually, the mechanism of insurance is very simple, people who are exposed to the
same risks come together and agree that, if any one of the members suffers a loss, the
others will share the loss and make good to the person who lost.

A human life is also an income generating asset. This asset also can be lost through
unexpectedly early death or made non-functional through sickness and disabilities caused
by accidents. Accidents may or may not happen. Death will happen, but timing is
uncertain. If it happens around the time of one’s retirement, when it could be expected
that the income will normally cease, the person concerned could have made some
arrangements to meet the continuing needs. But if it happens much earlier when the
alternate arrangements to meet the continuing needs are not in place, insurance is
necessary to help those dependent on the income.

The risk only means that there is a possibility of loss or damage. It may or may not
happen. There has to be an uncertainly about the risk. Insurance is done against the
contingency that it may happen. Insurance is relevant only if there are uncertainties. If
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

there is no uncertainty about the occurrence of an event, it cannot be insured against.

Insurance does not protect the asset. It does not prevent its loss due to the peril.

The peril cannot be avoided through insurance. The peril can sometimes be avoided
through better safety and damage control management. Insurance only tries to reduce the
impact of the risk on the owner of the asset and those who depend on that asset. It may
not fully compensate the losses. Only economic or financial losses can be compensated.
Satisfaction of economic need requires generation of income from some source. If the
property, which is the source of such income, were lost fully or partially, permanently or
temporarily, the income too would stop. The purpose of insurance is to safeguard against
such misfortunes any, who are exposed to the same risk but saved from the misfortune.
Thus the essence of insurance is to share losses and substitute certainty.

There are certain basic principles, which make it possible for insurance to remain
popular, and a fair arrangement. The first is the fact that people are exposed to risks and
that the consequences of such risk are difficult for any one individual to bear. It becomes
bearable when the community shares the burden.

The second is that no one person should be in a position to make the risk happen. In other
words, none in the group should set fire to his assets taking unfair advantage of an
arrangement put into place to protect people from the risks they are exposed to.

A thriving insurance sector is of vital importance to every modern economy. First

because it encourages the savings habit, second because it provides a safety net to rural
and urban enterprises and productive individuals. And perhaps most importantly it
generates long term inventible funds for infrastructure building. The nature of the
insurance business is such that the cash inflow of insurance companies is constant while
the payout is deferred and contingency related.

The IRDA bill provides for the establishment of an authority to protect the interest of the
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

holders of insurance policies, to regulate, promote and insure orderly growth of the
insurance industry and amend the insurance Act 1938, the life Insurance Act, 1956 and
the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972. the bill allows foreign equity
stake in domestic private insurance companies to a maximum of 26 per cent of the total
paid-up capital and seeks to provide statutory status to the insurance regulator.

Why life insurance?

Life Insurance cover is essential for it provides the following benefits:
• A lump sum payment to the nominees at the time of the death of the policy
• A regular payment to the nominees in the event of the death of the policy holder.
• Tax benefits, as premiums paid reduce the liability of tax.
• Relieves economic hardships in the family on the uneventful death of the sole
Income holder.
• Inculcates the habit of saving.


The need for life insurance comes from the need to safeguard our family. If you care for
your family's needs you will definitely consider insurance. Today insurance has become
even more important due to the disintegration of the prevalent joint family system, a
system in which a number of generations co-existed in harmony, a system in which a
sense of financial security was always there as there were more earning members.


Insurance is in a manner of speaking the last frontier in the financial sector to open. it is
also a sector which will lead to benefits across the full spectrum, from the individual who
will now have wider choices, to the economy which will see increased savings, to the
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

infrastructure sector which can look forward to long term funding being available. variety
is the spice of life, unless you are in insurance business. Traditionally, the most
successful insurance firms generally take on the least risk. However, factors such as
deregulation, globalization, and the internet are shaking up the industry.


1). LIFE insurance

2.) NON-LIFE insurance

1. LIFE insurance

This type of insurance covers life of individuals that is protection against





i) Term insurance plans:

Pure life covers where policy holder pays for the risk cover and do not expect to receive
anything else in return. Term insurance is now available in India. Opting for such policy
will improve the efficiency of the policy premium and enable policy holder for a bigger
risk cover for the same cost. These are term insurance plans without interest.

ii) Whole life insurance plans:

Whole life policies require the policy holder to pay premium throughout his/her life and
cover risk for the whole life. The policies without profits are cheaper.

iii) Endowment insurance plan:
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Endowment policies are costliest and among this group, money back policies involve
paying highest premium. They give customers maturity benefits (normally, sum assured)
and additional profits by way of bonus, guaranteed additions, loyalty bonus, etc. money
back policies also provide partial payment back to the insured person at pre-set time

2. Non-Life insurance

This type of insurance covers material assets that is protection against

• Theft

• Fire

• Loss In Transit

• Accidents

• Illness in case of Livestock



When we buy an individual policy, we choose the company, the plan, and the
benefits and features that are right for us and our family .We might be able to buy the
policy from the same agent or company or company representative who sells us property
and liability.

Insurance for your home, automobile or business and although you won’t qualify
for any discount by buying your life insurance and other insurance from the same
representative, working with a single advisor for all your insurance needs can make your
financial life simpler.

Individual policies are typically sold through insurance agents or brokers .If you buy
policy through an agents or brokers .If you buy a policy through an agent or broker, you
will pay a commission, also called as “ load “ that is built into the premium rate.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Brief Review of Scenario – Insurance

Insurance in India started without any Regulation in Nineteenth century.

It was story of a typical colonial era. A few British companies dominated
the market mostly in large urban centers.
Insurance was nationalized mainly on 3 counts First, Indian lives were not insured.
Second, even if they were insured, they were treated as substandard lives and extra
premium was charged. Third, there were gross irregularities in the functioning of Life
insurance was nationalized in the year 1956, and then general insurance was nationalized
in the year 1972. In 1999, the private insurance companies were allowed back again into
insurance sector with maximum cap of 26 percent foreign holding.

• 1818 The British introduce to India, with the establishment of the Oriental Life
Insurance company in Calcutta.
• 1850 Non life insurance debuts, with Triton Insurance Company.
• 1870 Bombay Mutual life Assurance Society is the first Indian-owned life insurer
• 1907 Indian mercantile Insurance is the first Indian non-life insurer.
• 1912 The Indian life assurance companies’ act enacted to regulate the life
insurance business.
• 1938 The insurance act, which forms the basis for most current insurance laws,
replaces earlier act.
• 1956 Life insurance nationalized, government takes over 245 Indian and foreign
insurers and provident societies.
• 1956 Government sets up LIC
• 1972 Non life insurance nationalized, GIC set up.
• 1993 Malhotra committee, headed by former RBI governor R.N.Malhotra, set up
to draw up a blue print for insurance sector reforms.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

• 1994 malhotra Committee recommends re-entry of private players, autonomy to

PSU insurers.
• 1997 Insurance regulator IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority) set up.
• 2000 IRDA starts giving licensed to private insurers
• 2001 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance came into the market to sell a policy.
• 2002 Banks were allowed to sell insurance plans, as TPAs enter the scene,
insurers start settling non-life claims in the cashless mode.

Insurance in India has its history dating back until 1818, when Oriental Life Insurance
Company was started by Anita Bhavsar in Kolkata to cater to the needs of European
community. The pre-independent era in India saw discrimination among the life of
foreigners and Indians with higher premiums being charged for the latter. In 1870,
Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society became the first Indian insurance company
covering Indian lives at normal rates.
At the dawn of the twentieth century, many insurance companies were founded. In the
year 1912, the Life Insurance Companies Act and the Provident Fund Act were passed to
regulate the insurance business. The Life Insurance Companies Act, 1912 made it
necessary that the premium-rate tables and periodical valuations of companies should be
certified by an actuary. However, the disparage still existed as discrimination between
Indian and foreign companies. The oldest existing insurance company in India is the
National Insurance Company Ltd., which was founded in 1906. It is in business. Before
that, the industry consisted of only two state insurers: Life Insurers (Life Insurance
Corporation of India, LIC) and General Insurers (General Insurance Corporation of India,
GIC). GIC had four subsidiary companies.
With effect from December 2000, these subsidiaries have been de-linked from the parent
company and were set up as independent insurance companies: Oriental Insurance
Company Limited, New India Assurance Company Limited, National Insurance
Company Limited and United India Insurance Company Limited.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Currently, in India only two million people (0.2 % of the total population of 1 billion) are
covered under Mediclaim, whereas in developed nations like USA about 75 % of the total
population is covered under some insurance scheme. With more and more private
companies in the sector, the situation may change soon.

The insurance sector went through a full circle of phases from being unregulated to
completely regulated and then currently being partly deregulated. It is governed by a
number of acts.
The Insurance Act of 1938 was the first legislation governing all forms of insurance to
provide strict state control over insurance business.
Life insurance in India was completely nationalized on January 19, 1956, through the
Life Insurance Corporation Act. All 245 insurance companies operating in the country
were merged into one entity, the Life Insurance Corporation of India
The General Insurance Business Act of 1972 was enacted to nationalize the about 100
general insurance companies and subsequently merging them into four companies. All
the companies were amalgamated into National Insurance, New India Assurance,
Oriental Insurance and United India Insurance, which were headquartered in each of the
four metropolitan cities.
Until 1999, there were not any private insurance companies in India. The government
then introduced the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act in 1999,
thereby de-regulating the insurance sector and allowing private companies. Furthermore,
foreign investment was also allowed and capped at 26% holding in the Indian insurance

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA):

Reforms in the Insurance sector were initiated with the passage of the IRDA Bill in
Parliament in December 1999. The IRDA since its incorporation as a statutory body in
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

April 2000 has fastidiously stuck to its schedule of framing regulations and registering
the private sector insurance companies.

The other decisions taken simultaneously to provide the supporting systems to the
insurance sector and in particular the life insurance companies were the launch of the
IRDA’s online service for issue and renewal of licenses to agents.

The approval of institutions for imparting training to agents has also ensured that the
insurance companies would have a trained workforce of insurance agents in place to sell
their products, which are expected to be introduced by early next year.

Since being set up as an independent statutory body the IRDA has put in a framework of
globally compatible regulations. In the private sector 12 life insurance and 6 general
insurance companies have been registered.


To protect the interests of the policyholders, to regulate, promote and ensure orderly
growth of the insurance industry and for matters connected therewith or incidental

How do you get License to sell life insurance?

• Documentation Requirements
• Training
• Examination Process
• Code & License

Documents Required

• Application form + IRDA form

• Exam Form
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

• Demand Draft of Rs 1000

• 6 Passport Size Photographs
• Age Proof
• Latest Address proof
• Education Proof
• Pan Card copy (if Pan No. mentioned)
• Signed Agreement


IRDA mandates the individual applying for a license to sell life Insurance must go
through training.

The specifications are:

100 Hours of Training in IRDA certified Institutes Manual/Online Training


• Examination scheduled will be Online.

• Exam Results obtained are entered into AMS by DOPS for Licensing.


India has an enormous middle-class that can afford to buy life, health, and
disability and pension plan products. The low level of penetration of life insurance in
India compared to other developed nations can be judged by a comparison of per capita
life premium. Clearly, there is considerable scope to raise per capita life premium if the
market is effectively tapped.

India has traditionally been a high savings oriented country - often described as being on
par with the thrifty Japan. Insurance sector in the USA is as big in size as the banking
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

industry there. This gives us an idea of how important the sector is. Insurance sector
channelises the savings of the people to long term investments. In India where
infrastructure is said to be of critical importance, this sector will bring the nations own
money for the nation. This has made the sector the hottest one in India after IT. With
social security and security to the public at large being the agenda for opening the sector,
the role of the regulator becomes all the more serious and one that would be carefully
watched at every step.

The Insurance Regulatory and Development bill is now an Act. With this India is now the
cynosure of all the global insurance players. Numerous players, both Indian and foreign,
have announced their intention to start their insurance shops in India. IRDA, under the
chairmanship of Mr. Rangachary, opened the window for applying licenses in India. One
of the main differences between the developed economies and the emerging economies is
that insurance products are bought in the former while these are sold in latter. Focus of
insurance industry is changing towards providing a mix of both protection/risk over and
long-term investment opportunities.

Historical Perspective

• Prior to 1956 -242 companies operating

• 1956 -Nationalization- LIC monopoly player -Government control
• 2001 -Opened up sector

Contribution to Indian Economy

• Life Insurance is the only sector which garners long term savings.
• Spread of financial services in rural areas and amongst socially less privileged.
• Long term funds for infrastructure.
• Strong positive correlation between development of capital markets and
insurance/pension structure.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

• Employment generation.


Fiscal Reforms
There is no denying that a thriving insurance industry is critical for every modern
economy. It is, therefore, not surprising that when the government initiated the reforms
process in the early 90s, it decided that dismantling the physical barriers for growth that
emerged in the “License-Permit Raj” though desirable and necessary would not alone
promote growth unless accompanied by fiscal reforms and a thorough revamping of the
financial sector. While in the early period of reforms the government removed many of
the licensing requirements thus giving freedom to the industry to decide on when, where
and how much to invest, a process of fiscal consolidation and reforms in the tax structure
was initiated to make the Indian industry compete effectively with the external
markets. The tax reforms had to be carefully timed so that industry which was insulated
from outside competition for a long period had enough time and resources to withstand
competition from multinationals. The reforms in the financial sector are an integral part
of the whole reforms process and unless there is major break through in this area, a
sustained growth of the economy is not feasible.

Financial Sector Reforms

The main engines of growth in any economy are (i) a thriving banking industry providing
timely and adequate credit (ii) a buoyant stock market where capital is easily accessed
and (iii) a dynamic insurance industry that covers risks giving the entrepreneur the ability
to experiment and take risks without which there cannot be just rewards.

The reforms in the Banking sector were primarily aimed at giving the freedom to the
Banks to determine the interest rates based on the risk profile of the customer. The
freeing of the interest rates coupled with other structural reforms were expected to build a
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

strong and resilient banking system. As a result of the reforms initiated in the 90s the
banking system acquired strength, vibrancy and efficiency and the Indian Banks are now
able to effectively compete with their global counterparts. There has been a notable
improvement in the financial health of the banks in terms of capital adequacy,
profitability and asset quality. As regards stock market, the controller of capital issues
was replaced by SEBI, an independent regulator and we have been witnessing for the last
few years increased confidence in the market by the domestic as well as international
investors. The flow of funds into the stock market is the greatest testimony to the
confidence the individuals and corporate repose in the Indian stock market.

Insurance Reforms

It may be recalled that while the reforms in various sectors of the economy were either
welcomed or considered essential to overcome a crisis, there was considerable debate on
the need for reforms in insurance industry. There were many who maintained that since
insurance contracts between insurers and the insured involve special fiduciary
obligations, it is better if those obligations are guaranteed by the State ownership of
insurance companies. It was argued that insurance industry was nationalized on the
grounds that (i) the State would be in a better position to apply the massive resources
generated through insurance for nation building activities; (ii) the insurance companies
were urban centric and the vast majority of the population that live in the rural areas were
denied the benefit of insurance and the State would have the means and the motivation to
reach out to this section of the population and (iii) the governance standards in some of
the companies were low and that there was a threat of insolvency. The votaries of status
quo argued that these considerations were still valid and there was no need for effecting
any changes.

Those who favored change pointed out that there was a wide gap in terms of market
potential and its exploitation by the nationalized industry, the consumer did not benefit in
the absence of competition in terms of wider choice and competitive pricing and that the
reach of the nationalized companies was limited, the range of products offered restricted
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

and the service to the consumers inadequate. It was felt in 1990s that the scale of
economic activity attained in the mid-eighties and the momentum generated through the
reforms process in other sectors of the economy cannot be sustained by state controlled
insurance industry and that insurance penetration and enlargement of the market can be
accomplished only when a large number of companies compete with each other. It was
also realized that the objectives of nationalization of the industry could largely be
accomplished through appropriate regulatory measures and a state monopoly was no
longer necessary.

The champions of change finally prevailed and the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority Act was notified in April 2000. It took a long time and a great
deal of perseverance on the part of the government to bring about reforms in insurance

Entry of Private Insurers

While the long debates in the 90s; and the twists and turns that surrounded the opening up
of the sector for private participation had at times thrown up serious concerns about the
implementation of insurance reforms in this country, once the legislation was put
through, the actual process of inducting private players into the market had gone off
smoothly. I do not think there is any other sector in this country where the transition from
state monopoly to free market has been as hassle free as that of the insurance sector.

The transition was smooth partly due to the continuity provided by the office of the
interim Regulator through those turbulent 4 years (1996 to 1999) between the creation of
the office and the passing of the IRDA Bill by the Parliament. This office was able to
appreciate the concerns of the Government, the Parliament and the private investors and
harmonize these various view points while framing the Regulations. They also had time
to study the various models obtaining in the world for regulation of the industry and
identify what suited the needs of our country.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Supervision and regulation of insurance is a relatively new experience in India. It is the

job of the Regulator to ensure that the insurers have, at any point of time, sufficient
resources to meet the liabilities and that all customers are treated in an equitable
manner. When the state enterprises controlled the entire industry, the safety of the
policyholders’ funds was ensured through state guarantee while the fair dealings with the
customers was achieved through parliamentary oversight of the state enterprises. The
opening of the sector for private participation naturally raised issues about ensuring
solvency of the companies and fair treatment to the insured. The Regulations framed by
the Authority deal with both the issues in a comprehensive way. The former is addressed
by stipulating a high level of capital requirement for entry into the field and rigorous
enforcement of the solvency requirements, while the latter is covered by the regulations
put in place for protection of policyholder interests.

The Authority was keen that only companies with a sound financial background enter
insurance industry and, therefore, stipulated a high solvency margin in addition to high
entry capital requirements. The high initial capital requirements and the 26% cap on
Foreign Direct Investment had, in no way, deterred the Indian enterprises and the major
foreign insurance companies from collaborating to form the Indian Insurance
companies. The industry has so far witnessed the entry of 15 new private companies in
the life segment and 8 in the non-life segment. In addition, two insurers have been
granted license to operate exclusively in the health sector. Of the private insurers who
commenced operations in the country other than one insurer each in life and non life
segment, all others have set up businesses in collaboration with a foreign partner. In case
of one life insurer, where both the foreign and the Indian partner quit from the Indian
insurance company in the year 2005, the entire equity stake has been picked up by an
Indian entity. Thus, as on date, 21 insurance companies in the private sector are operating
in the country in collaboration with established foreign insurance companies from across
the globe.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

The insurance sector was opened up for private participation on the ground that in spite
of enormous contributions made by the public sector to expand the coverage and spread
awareness about insurance, the interests of the consumers would be better served if there
is competition among the insurers. It was also recognized that the country has a vast
potential waiting to be tapped and this can be done only when we have a large number of
companies spreading their wings across the country and offering a variety of products
catering to the demands of different sections of the population. It was also felt that
competition would generate a healthy attitude towards redressal of consumer grievances
and improve the quality of service. We have now seven years of experience of public and
private sector operating together and it is, perhaps, time to see whether the expectations
are fulfilled.

Growth of Premium

A remarkable feature of the post liberalization landscape is the unprecedented growth in

the premium. The growth is significant in life insurance. The first year premium collected
by the insurers in the year 2006-07 was Rs.75,400 crs compared to Rs.6560 crs in the
year 1999-2000, the year prior to the opening up of the sector for private
participation. This represents a compound annual growth rate of nearly 42% and an
average annual growth rate of 131%. If we take a corresponding period of 7 years prior to
the liberation the first year premium increased from Rs.2375 crs in 1992-93 to Rs.6560
crs in 1999-2000, a compound Annual growth rate of 16%. A significant feature of this
impressive growth in the post reform period is the contribution made by the LIC to the
growth. The compound annual growth rate in the case of LIC was 36% in the post reform
period while it was only 16% in the period prior to reforms. What has prompted the LIC
to significantly increase its performance level? Obviously competition has spurred the
organization to gear itself up and exploit its vast workforce spread across the country to
garner more premiums.

In spite of this impressive growth by the public sector insurer, the private sector
companies have managed to gain a market share of 26% by the year 2006-07. That they
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

have been able to make such a significant inroad into the market dominated by the LIC is
a great testimony to the leadership of the captains of private industry. The happy feature,
however, is that their market share had not been gained at the expense of LIC but has
come out of the enlarged insurance market. The credit for the enlargement of the market
should legitimately go to the private sector which had identified new markets that were
hitherto unexplored by the LIC. That the LIC had later followed the lead of the private
sector speaks volumes about the contribution made by the liberalization process to the
enlargement of the market.

Insurance Penetration

The opening of the sector has, as earlier pointed out, led to unprecedented increase in
coverage, especially in the life segment and it has impacted the level of insurance
penetration which has witnessed a surge in the last two years. While insurance
penetration was 1.93% in 1999 it rose to 4.8% in the year 2006. It has thus more than
doubled in 7 years. While the increase is impressive in the case of life, where it increased
from 1.39% to 4.1%, it remained stagnant at nearly 0.6% in the case of non-life. The
increased economic activity coupled with recent reforms in general insurance market,
would certainly help expand the market in the years to come.

Insurance Density

In the area of insurance density, significant contribution has been made by the private
sector. We had the problem of not only absence of risk protection through insurance but
also a considerable amount of under insurance. During the pre-liberalization era, the
nationalized companies were unable to target niche markets and were content to sell a
large number of low ticket items spread over the whole country. The private sector has,
on the contrary, started looking at the requirements of various segments of the
population, and introduced need based selling through excellent counseling. It is not
uncommon to see the CEOs of insurance companies personally making presentations to
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

the heads of industrial and service sector companies and advising them on what products
are best suited to their employees. The product development has also benefited through
these interactions as the insurance chiefs could profitably use their feedback to evolve
new products. Through this process they were able to minimize at least to some extent,
the problem of under insurance. We see a significant increase in the size of the
policies. While the average size of the policy before opening up was around Rs.50,000/-
it has now gone up to Rs.1 lakh in the case of L.I.C. In the case of private insurers, the
average size is Rs.2.50 lakhs. The insurance density which was $10 in the year 1999 has
gone up to $33.2 in 2006.

Product Development

The opening up has augured well for the consumer who has now access to a wide range
of new products. Particularly, unit linked products have attracted the attention of the
insured. While this is a product for the discerning public, there seems to be appetite for
this product from all sections. Availability of riders, particularly health riders, has been a
positive development. In the non-life segment crop insurance based on rainfall and
temperature, experiments in health insurance, Directors and Officers liability covers have
made their entry and have come to stay. The removal of tariffs will give a further boost to
development of tailor made products in the years to come.

Agents Training

The expanding market demands a large agency force. The insurers have, therefore, been
recruiting agency force on a continuous basis. Presently there are more than 20 lakh
individual agents and nearly 5000 Corporate Agents. In order to introduce an element of
professionalism in the insurance intermediaries elaborate training and testing
arrangements were introduced by the Authority. The demand for tied agency force has
led to a situation where the resources of the institutes providing training have been
stretched. The inspections by the Authority of these institutes have revealed a number of
areas where improvements were called for. It was noticed that some of the institutes
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

did not have the infrastructure to conduct classes and the faculty was drawn on an ad hoc
basis and the courses conducted in a short span as a result of which many of the agents
did not receive adequate training. It was also noticed that the licensed training institutes
allowed franchisees to conduct training on their behalf which was irregular. The insurers,
in their anxiety to recruit agents, did not pay any attention to the type of training
imparted. The Authority had, during 2004, streamlined the system of training and
impressed upon the insurers the need for greater attention being paid to the training of
their agency force. The revised guidelines were issued after extensive consultations with
the stakeholders and it is hoped that this effort would result in improving the quality of
the agency force. The Authority is keen that the agency force should be properly
equipped as the insurance products are no longer simple and the agent should be able to
assess the requirements and advise on the appropriate policy.

It would not be out of place to mention here the importance of the field force being
adequately trained. Being the person on the spot as a representative of the insurer, it is
essential that the agent recognizes and understands the need of the prospect. Having
identified the need, it is his duty to ensure a need-based selling. In the absence of a need-
based selling, the contracts are not likely to last long and the policyholder looks for the
earliest opportunity to quit. The large attrition rate in the contracts bears silent testimony
to this fact. In this regard, another important factor that comes to my mind is the
unhealthy and illegal practice of paying rebates to solicit business. Sec. 41 of the
Insurance Act, 1938 strictly prohibits rebating for procuring business. Apart from the
statutory imposition, the practice also is generally responsible for the poor retention
ratios. Although the retention ratios of insurance companies have been progressively
showing improvement, a great deal needs to be done in this area. A well-trained agent,
fulfilling his role as the primary underwriter, can contribute a great deal in the
accomplishment of this task.

Corporate Agents
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

The opening of the sector is accompanied by entry of new set of intermediaries in the
insurance market. The institution of corporate agents was a new experiment started by the
Authority to facilitate sale of insurance policies through existing institutions which are in
contact with a large section of the population in the discharge of their normal activities.
The Corporate Agent model is expected to bring down costs of procurement of business
substantially to the insurance company while benefiting the corporate with fee based
income which improves its revenue stream. The insured himself, should feel comfortable
with this model as he would be dealing with an Institution that is familiar to him. In parts
of Europe the Bancassurance model has worked well and the experience of the three
parties to the transaction, namely, the Bank, the insurance company and the customer has
been positive. You would notice in India too the insurers are keen to have working
arrangements with Banks so that they have access to their databank which is a valuable
resource for the insurer to build his customer base. I am confident that in the years to
come Bancassurance would be a critical intermediary in the spread of insurance in the

The introduction of brokers in the Indian insurance industry in the liberalized scenario is
another significant development. Brokers act as representatives of the policyholders
although they are paid by the insurers. As a result, they are expected to bring better
service to the clients in several areas like:
• Monitoring the insurance market, the credibility of the players and the quality of
services they render.
• Analyzing the various products available in the market and assist the clients in
choosing the products that suit their requirement.
• Helping the client in the completion of the proposals, conclusion of the contract
and render subsequent service, if any
• Assisting the client in the settlement of claims.

Insurance Education and Research
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

One of the spin-offs of liberalization of the insurance sector has been rise in demand for
insurance education, training and research. The Insurance Institute of India’s role appears
to have been confined to professional examinations conducted by it. The course is a
recognized qualification for professional competence in the area of insurance. What was
perhaps ignored is the need to innovate by way of introduction of new subjects in tune
with the demand and expectations of an evolving market after a thorough review of the
existing course curriculum. Examples of such subjects include Health Insurance, Unit
Linked Insurance, Micro insurance, tapping of alternate channels of distribution, ALM
(Asset Liability Management) related issues and re-visiting the insurance regulations in
the context of the evolving economic environment. The market realities dictate that these
areas are dealt with in greater detail. The various stakeholders need to be receptive to the
changing ground realities to be in a position to meet the challenges.

Similarly research in insurance remains a neglected area and there is need for a concerted
effort to develop and define areas of focus for research in tune with the requirements of
the industry. Without a research focus no institute can expect to make tangible gains in
the near future in terms of value addition and meeting the expectations of its members
and the industry at large. Experiences of the other economies and particularly the
emerging economies are particularly relevant in this context.

Rural and Social Focus

During the debate on opening of the insurance sector, concern was expressed in some
sections that the competition generated with the entry of private insurers would result in
all the insurers including the public sector insurers to chase the niche markets in the
relatively well off regions and their activities would, therefore, be mostly urban centric
and they would ignore the rural markets and the weaker sections of the society.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

It was indicated that when the state has monopoly of the sector the public sector
companies were being used as instruments of state for implementing welfare schemes
benefiting the rural masses and the vulnerable sections. These companies were able to
carry out the mandate given by the government even if it meant that they had to suffer
some losses, because the tariff allowed them enough margin in other segments to cover
these losses. This situation would alter with entry of private players and removal of
tariffs. The cushion enjoyed by the PSUs would disappear and they have to compete with
private sector for business and they would then be unable to take on any additional load
imposed by the government by way of obligations to the poor. It was then argued by
many academicians that all business relating to rural areas and weaker sections need not
be loss making and all insurers should have the obligation to serve the rural areas and
weaker sections. The Insurance Act was, therefore, amended authorizing the Regulator to
lay down certain obligations on the insurers towards rural areas and weaker sections.

The Authority notified the regulations on obligations of insurers towards the rural and
social sectors in the year 2000. The definition of rural area is in accordance with the one
provided by the Census of India. It is mandatory for all insurers to comply with the rural
and social sector obligations which are linked to the year of commencement of operations
of the respective company.

Concerns and expectations

The Insurance industry has, in the last 7 years, grown enormously. Global players are
interested in the market and are anxious to come to India. There is a vast untapped
potential with a major portion of the savings parked in Banking sector. Part of those
savings can easily migrate to insurance. While the Authority is happy about the positive
developments in the sector, there are still some concerns in certain areas.

Advantages of investing in ULIP:
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

ULIPs have been selling like proverbial `hot cakes' in the recent past and they are likely
to continue to outsell their plain vanilla counterparts going ahead. So what is it that
makes ULIPs so attractive to the individual is, as follows

1. Insurace cover plus savings: ULIP serve the purpose of providing life insurance
combined with savings at market-linked returns. To that extent, ULIPs can be termed as a
two-in-one plan in terms of giving an individual the twin benefits of life insurance plus
savings. This is unlike comparable instruments like a mutual fund for instance, which
does not offer a life cover.

2. Multiple investment options: ULIP offer a lot more variety than traditional life
insurance plans. So there are multiple options at the individual's disposal. . ULIPs
generally come in three broad variants:

 Aggressive ULIPs (which can typically invest 80%-100% in equities, balance in


 Balanced ULIPs (can typically invest around 40%-60% in equities)

 Conservative ULIPs (can typically invest up to 20% in equities)

Although this is how the ULIP options are generally designed, the exact debt/equity
allocations may vary across insurance companies. Individuals can opt for a variant based
on their risk profile. For example, a 30-Yr old individual looking at buying a life
insurance plan that also helps him build a corpus for retirement can consider investing in
the Balanced or even the Aggressive ULIP. Likewise, a risk-averse individual who is not
comfortable with a high equity allocation can opt for the Conservative ULIP.

3. Flexibility: Mutual Funds also offer hybrid/balanced schemes that allow an individual
to select a plan according to his risk profile. The difference lies in the flexibility that
ULIPs afford the individual. Individuals can switch between the ULIP variants outlined
above to capitalize on investment opportunities across the equity and debt markets. Some
insurance companies allow a certain number of `free' switches. This is an important
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

feature that allows the informed individual/investor to benefit from the vagaries of
stock/debt markets. For instance, when stock markets were on the brink of 7,000 points
(Sensex), the informed investor could have shifted his assets from an Aggressive ULIP to
a low-risk Conservative ULIP.

Switching also helps individuals on another front. They can shift from an Aggressive to a
Balanced or a Conservative ULIP as they approach retirement. This is a reflection of the
change in their risk appetite, as they grow older.

4. Works like an SIP: Rupee cost-averaging is another important benefit associated with
ULIPs. With an SIP, individuals invest their monies regularly over time intervals of a
month/quarter and don't have to worry about `timing' the stock markets. As a matter of
fact, even the annual premium in a ULIP works on the rupee cost-averaging principle. An
added benefit with ULIPs is that individuals can also invest a one-time amount in the
ULIP either to benefit from opportunities in the stock markets or if they have an
investible surplus in a particular year that they wish to put aside for the future.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

The chart below shows how ULIP can meet multiple needs at different life stages.

Integrated Financial Planning

Starting a job, Recently married, Married, with

Single individual no kids kids

Your Low protection, Reasonable Higher protection,

Need high asset creation protection, still still high on asset

and accumulation high on asset creation but

creation steadier options,

increase savings for

Flexibility Choose low death Increase death Increase death

benefit, choose benefit, choose benefit, choose

growth/balanced growth/balanced balanced option for

option for asset option for asset asset creation.

creation creation Choose riders for


protection. Use top-

ups to increase

your accumulation
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Kids going to Higher studies for child, Children independent, nearing

school, college marriage the golden years

Higher Protection, Lump sum money for Safe accumulation for the golden

high on asset education, marriage. Facility to yrs.Considerably lower life

creation but stop premium for 2-3 yrs for insurance as the dependencies

steadier options, these extra expenses have decreased

liquidity for

education expenses
Withdrawal from Withdrawal from the account Decrease the death benefit-

the account for the for higher education/marriage reduce it to the minimum

education expenses expenses of the child. Premium possible. Choose the income

of the child holiday-to stop premium for a investment option. Top-ups form

period without lapsing the the accumulation (with reduced

policy expenses) for the golden yrs cash


Because of their flexibility to adjust to different life stage needs, ULIPs fit in very well

with financial planning efforts.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


Background and Inception of the company

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited (‘the Company’) a joint venture
Between ICICI Bank Limited and Prudential plc of UK was incorporated on July
20, 2000 as a company under the Companies Act, 1956 (‘the Act’). The Company
is licensed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (‘IRDA’) for
carrying life insurance business in India.

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI Bank, a
premier financial powerhouse and Prudential plc, a leading international financial
services group headquartered in the United Kingdom (UK). The company brings together
the local market expertise and financial strength of ICICI Bank and Prudential’s
International life insurance experience. The company was granted a certificate of
Registration by the IRDA on November 24, 2000 and eighteen days later, issued its first
policy on December 12. ICICI Prudential was amongst the first private sector insurance
companies to begin operations in December 2000 after receiving approval from Insurance
Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA).

From its early days, ICICI Prudential seemed to have the wherewithal for a large-scale
business. By March 31, 2002, a little over a year since its launch, the company had issued
100,000 policies translating into premium income of approximately Rs. 1,200 million on
a sum assured of over Rs.23 billion. When the company began its operations, the need
was to build a brand that was relatable to, symbolized trust and was easily recognized and
understood. It launched a corporate campaign ICICI Prudential also made using the
theme of ‘Sindoor’ to epitomize protection, trust, togetherness and all that is Indian;
endearing itself to the masses. The success of the campaign, ‘the calling card of the
company’ saw the brand awareness scores almost at par with its 40 year old competitor.
The theme of protection was also extended to subsequent product and category specific
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Campaigns –from child plans to retirement solutions –which highlight how the company
will be with its customers at every step of life.

From day one, the company has unflinchingly focused on being mass-market player,
developing products, creating a distribution network and deploying resources that would
further its goal. Apart from ramping up thoroughly training its advisors, the company has
twelve ‘Bancassurance’ partners –the largest in the country. It swiftly revised and added
to its initial range of products, pioneering market-linked products and pension plans, to
offer customers the most flexible life insurance policies in the country. In February 2004,
ICICI Prudential increased its capital base by Rs. 500 million, its ninth capital hike,
bringing the total paid –up equity capital to Rs. 6,750 million. With the authorized capital
of the company standing at Rs. 12 billion, ICICI Prudential continues to have the highest
capital base amongst all life insurers in the country. The challenge ICICI Prudential now
faces is to retain its top-notch position and continue to deliver the finest life insurance
and pension solutions to its ever-growing customer base.

ICICI Prudential’s equity base stands at Rs. 1185 crore with ICICI Bank and Prudential
plc holding 74% and 26% stake respectively. For the year ended March 31, 2006, the
company garnered Rs.2, 412 crore of weighted new business premium and wrote 837,963
policies. The sum assured in force stands at Rs.45, 888 crore. The company has a
network of over 72,000 advisors; as well as 9 bancasurance partners and over 200
corporate agent and broker tie-ups.

ICICI Prudential is also the only private life insurer in India to receive a National Insurer
Financial Strength rating of AAA (Ind) from Fitch ratings. The AAA rating is the highest
credit rating, and is a clear assurance of ICICI Prudential’s ability to meet its obligations
to customers at the time of maturity or claims. For the past five years, ICICI Prudential
has retained its position as the No.1 private insurer in the country, with a wide range of
flexible products that meet the needs of the Indian customer at every step in life.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Beginning operations in December 2000, ICICI Prudential’s success has been meteoric,
becoming the number one private life insurer within months of launch. Today, it has one
of the largest distribution networks amongst private life insurers in India, with branches
in 54 cities. The total number of policies issued stands at more than 780,000 with a total
sum assured in excess of Rs.160 billion.

ICICI Prudential closed the financial year ended march 31, 2004 with a total received
premium income of Rs. 9.9 billion; up 135% last years total premium income of Rs.4.20
billion. New business premium income shows a 106% growth at Rs. 7.5 billion, driven
mainly by the company’s range of unique unit-linked policies and pension plans. The
company’s retail market share amongst private companies stood at 36%, making it clear
leader in the segment. To add to its achievements, in the year 2003/04 it was adjudged
Most Trusted Private Life Insurer (Economic Times ‘Most Trusted Brand Survey’ by AC
Nielsen ORG-MARG). It was also conferred the ‘Outlook Money-Best Life Insurer’
award for the second year running. The company is also proud to have won Silver at
EFFIES 2003 for its ‘Retire from work, not life’ campaign. Notably, ICICI Prudential
was also short-listed to the final round for its ‘Sindoor campaign in EFFIES 2002.

ICICI Prudential’s success is rooted in its philosophy to always offer the customer a
choice. This has been the driving force behind its multi-channel distribution strategy,
which includes advisors, banks, direct marketing and corporate agents. In fact, ICICI
Prudential was the first life insurer to invest in multiple channels and offer the customer
choice and access; thus reducing dependency on any one channel, great strides in the
retirement solutions and pensions market.

The Company’s penetration of the retirement market was driven by the focused approach
towards creating awareness through sustained campaign; ‘Retire from work, not life’.
Within six months, the campaign rewarded ICICI Prudential with an increased share of
23% of the total pensions market and 78% amongst private players.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


It will be the endeavor of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. to

promote a safe, secure, congenial and productive work environment where staff members
will deliver their best without any inhibition, threat or fear. The Company will not
tolerate verbal or physical conduct by any staff member that harasses, disrupts, or
interferes with another’s work performance or that which creates an intimidating,
offensive, or hostile environment.

The Company will actively communicate its policy on Workplace

Harassment to all staff members to spread awareness and thereby, attempt to prevent
incidence of such harassment. In the unlikely event of such an occurrence, the Company
will initiate prompt and strong disciplinary action in line with the stated Policy.



ICICI Bank is India’s second –largest bank with total assets of about Rs 112,024 crore
and a network of about 450 branches and offices and about 1750ATMs. It offers a wide
range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retail customers
through a variety of delivery channels and through its specialized subsidiaries and
affiliates in the areas of investments banking, life and non–life insurance, venture capital,
asset management and information technology. ICICI bank posted a net profit of Rs1,637
crore for the year ended March 31,2004 .ICICI Bank’s equity shares are listed in India on
stock exchanges at Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and vadodare, the stock Exchange, Mumbai
and the National Stock Exchange of India limited and its American Depositary
Receipts(ADRs) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange(NYSE).
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


Established in London in 1848, Prudential plc, through its businesses in the UK and
Europe, the US and Asia, Provides retail financial services products and services to
more then 16 million customers, policyholder and unit holders worldwide. As of June 30,
2004, the company had over US$300 billion in funds under management. Prudential has
brought to market an integrated range of financial services products that now includes life
assurance, pensions, mutual funds, banking, investment management and general
insurance, In Asia, prudential is the leading European life insurance company with a vast
network of 24 life and mutual fund operations in twelve countries-China, Hong Kong,
India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand
and Vietnam.



ICICI Prudential has one of the largest distribution networks amongst private life
insures in India, having commenced operations in 69 cities and towns in India. That are
Agra, Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Allahabad, Amristar, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Barely,
Bhatinda, Bhopal, Bhubhaneshwar, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore,
Dehradun, Durgapur, Faridabad, Goa, Guntur, Gurgaon, Guwahati, Gwalior, Hyderabad,
Hubli, Indore, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Kota,cochin Kottayam, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Madurai,
Mangalore, Meerut, Mumbai, Mysore, Nagpur, Nasik, Noida, New Delhi, Patiala, Pune,
Raipur, Rajkot, Ranchi, Rourkela, Salem, Siliguri, Surat, Thane, Thrissur, Trichy,
Trivandrum, Udaipur, Vadodara, Vapi, Varanasi, Vashi, Vijayavada and Vizag.

The company has seven bank assurance ties – ups, having agreements with ICICI Bank,
South Indian Bank, Bank of India, Lord Krishna Bank and some co-operative Banks, as
well as 160 corporate agents and brokers. It has also tied up with organizations like Dhan
for distribution of Salaam Zindagi, a policy for the socially and economically
underprivileged sections of society.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

ICICI prudential has recruited and trained about 50,000 insurance advisors to interface
with and advice customers. Further, It leverages its state–of-the–art IT infrastructure to
provide superior quality of service to customers.

The insurance sector was monopoly of L.I.C. for the past 4 decades. So liberalization has
assured a new era of competition in this sector. Liberalization will bring about strong
marketing of policies by rival firms, which is expected to benefit the customers through a
wider range of products and better services. Insurance is a kind of product that is rarely
bought by the customers and in most cases they are sold to them, so it is essential for the
insurance company to market their products rightly and make people aware of it. Very
soon the market will be flooded with large number of products by a large number of
insurers operating in the Indian market. The potential for growth in the Indian market can
be gauged by the fact that the Indian Insurance Market registered the highest growth in
the Asian region even though India’s share of global insurance market is less than 0.5%
(1998). The private players know that market penetration is low and the potential to
exploit is high.

Some of the other factors that make the Indian Market lucrative are that the Insurance
premier per capita in India is very low and the presence of a very large middle class. The
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has projected a growth of Life Insurance premium
from Rs.350 Billion to Rs.1400 billion by 2009. The existing level of awareness of
consumers for insurance products is very low. It is so because only 62% of the Indian
population is educated and less than 10% are well educated. Even the educated
consumers are ignorant about the various products of insurance. Hence it is necessary that
all the insurance company should undertake the extensive plan for educating the
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI Bank, a
premier financial powerhouse and prudential plc, a leading international financial
services group headquartered in the United Kingdom. ICICI Prudential was amongst the
first private sector insurance companies to begin operations in December 2000 after
Receiving approval from IRDA.ICICI Prudential’s equity base stands at Rs.8.25 billion
with ICICI Bank and Prudential holding 74% and 26% stake respectively. In the half year
ended September 30, 2004 the company garnered Rs 498 Crore of new business premium
for a total sum assured of over Rs 23,000 Crore and had over 1 million policies. The
company has a network of over 40,000 advisors; as well as 7 banc assurance tie-ups.
Today, ICICI Prudential has emerged as the No. 1 private life insurer in the country, with
a wide range of flexible products that meet the needs of the Indian customer at every step
in life.


ICICI Prudential has recruited and trained over 83,000 insurance agents to interface with
and advise customers and has the highest number amongst private life insurers on the
Renowned Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). Further, it leverages its state-of-the-art
IT infrastructure to provide superior quality of service to customers.

Consumer Education

ICICI Prudential has taken the lead in educating the market including seminars on
financial planning and retirement planning
Rural awareness: Gram Sabhas, e-Choupals, Project Shakti, Speaking regional languages
FINSITE - nearly 2000 people have enrolled in the program Newsletters - claims, funds
and group.
ICICI Prudential covers all types of consumers across their life stages, thus ensuring
cover for their entire associated goal based savings
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Only insurance company to include a key feature document of the policy to the policy
• Disclosure of portfolio in the quarterly newsletter
• Unit statement
• Daily NAV

Customer Centric

ICICI Prudential was the first company in the insurance space to decrease commissions
in a bid to increase overall customer value.
Senior management team visits customers to get their feedback on their policy
and service experience (30 visits a month and 300 in a year).
ICICI Prudential has the widest bouquet of need based products.

Service Delivery

ICICI Prudential has rigorous Six Sigma processes in place. Projects have been
undertaken in several customer-facing processes such as policy issuance, medical
process, premium ratings, etc.
Policy Issuance All policies issued within 10 working days.
Jet - 2003 sigma level was 1.9, currently it is 3.25.
Medical Process 1.9 in 2003 to 3 sigma now
Rating of Premiums Counteroffer acceptances up from 15% (Oct 2002) to 60%
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs



The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Board comprises reputed
people from the finance industry both from India and abroad.

Ms.Chanda.D.Kochhar, Chairperson
Mr.N.S.Kannan, Director
Mr.K.Ramkumar, Director
Mr.Barry.Stowe, Director
Mr.Adrian.O’Connor, Director
Mr.Keki.Dadiseth, Independent Director
Prof.Marti.G.Subrahmanyam, Independent Director
Ms.Rama.Bijapurkar, Independent Director
Mr.Vinod.Kumar.Dhall, Independent Director
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan, Managing Director & CEO
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Management Team

The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Management team comprises
reputed people from the finance industry both from India and abroad.

Ms.AnitaPai, ExecutiveVice President - Customer Service, Technology & Marketing
Mr. Puneet Nanda, Executive Vice President

The company has its Registered Office at Mumbai

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited

ICICI Prulife Towers, 1089, Appasaheb Marathe Marg,

Prabhadevi, Mumbai- 400025, India.




We cover you at every step in life

(Suraksha Zindagi ke har kadam par, as interpreted in Hindi).

ICICI Prudential was positioned as an enabler of protection relevant to the needs of the

life stage.


To make ICICI Prudential the dominant Life and Pensions player built on trust by world-

class people and service.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

This we hope to achieve by:

• Understanding the needs of customers and offering them superior products and


• Leveraging technology to service customers quickly, efficiently and conveniently

• Developing and implementing superior risk management and investment

strategies to offer sustainable and stable returns to our policyholders

• Providing an enabling environment to foster growth and learning for our


• And above all, building transparency in all our dealings.

The success of the company will be founded in its unflinching commitment to 5 core

values -- Integrity, Customer First, Boundary less, Ownership and Passion. Each of the

values describe what the company stands for, the qualities of our people and the way we



ICICI Prudential is committed to provide insurance solutions and services that meet or

exceed the requirements of the clients. We shall strive to enhance customer satisfaction

through continual improvement of processes and by improving the competence of our



The success of the company will be founded in its unflinching commitment to 5

• Customer First

• Bounder less

• Ownership
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

• Passion

• Integrity

We do believe that we are on the threshold of an existing new opportunity, where we can
play a significant role in redefine and reshaping the sector. Given the quality of our
parentage and the commitment of our team, there are no limits to our growth.


The bank has got ISO certification ISO 9001 2000

“Bank of the Year Award for India” by The Banker

“Best Bank in India” by Euro (2005)

Best Bank in India" by Euro.

"Best Bank" by Business India (2004)

Prudential UK awarded “Best Pension Provider”

What Investment magazine (2004)

“Most Competitive Annuity Provider of the Year”

Money facts (2004 & 2003)

The first Financial Services Company to get the status of Super Brand

Half-million policy milestone – November 2003

Rs 1000 cr premium income milestone – December 2003

1 million-policy milestone – September 2004

More than 5000 Cr. in Funds under management – Sept 2005

5 Years of leadership among Private Life Insurers – Dec 2005
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


ICICI Prudential was voted the No.1 Company in a list of China’s top five insurance
companies with the greatest potential for growth and development at the 2004 World
Financial Laboratory Annual Awards.

ICICI Prudential Life was named ‘Best Life Insurer’ at the Outlook Money Awards
2003-2004. This was the second consecutive year that ICICI Pru won this award.
Prudential ICICI Asset Management and ICICI Prudential Life are among the top 50
most trusted services brands in India according to an independent survey by A.C. Nielsen
during 2003.

For the second successive year, Prudential Vietnam was awarded the Golden Dragon
Prize in 2003 – an annual award honoring the strongest foreign companies in Vietnam.

At the Yahoo! Emotive Brand Awards 2003-2004 Prudential was voted as one of the
most appealing and emotive brands by Hong Kong Internet users, which highlights the
strong public recognition of Prudential as a caring and listening company.

PCA LIFE (Korea) received the Global Marketing Grand Prix (Overseas Company)
Award for the successful launch of their PCA Platinum Annuity.

PCA Life (Taiwan) was named as one of the five ‘most reputable’ life insurance
companies in Taiwan for 2003 by Commonwealth magazine.

At the Investment Fund Awards 2003, the Prudential Singapore “PRUlink Singapore
Managed Fund” won the 10-year Special Award for the highest absolute return over 10
years in the Singapore authorized Investment-Linked Products category.

PCA Securities Investment Trust’s Hi-Tech Fund was recognized by Standard & Poor’s
Taiwan Investment Funds Awards 2003 as the Best Performing Fund in the ‘Three-year
Taiwan TMT (Technology Media Telecommunication)’ category.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


a) LIC -Fully owned by Government.

b) Postal Life Insurance.

Private Players -
a) Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
b) Birla Sun Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
c) HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
d) ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
e) ING Vysya Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
f) Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
g) MetLife India Insurance Co. Pvt. Ltd.
h) Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
i) SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
j) TATA AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd
k) AMP Sanmar Assurance Co. Ltd.
l) Aviva Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
m) Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
n) Shriram Sunlam.
o) PNB Life Insurance.
p) Reliance Life Insurance.
q) Axa Bharti Enterprises.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


Actuary is a group of mathematician who making insurance product, and these are
the people analyses customers’ requirement and also follows Government policies and
regulation etc. They are well aware about what customers looking for… They are
creating initial insurance product.

Under writers
After making initial insurance product actuaries forward this initial product to under
writers, these people are the real risk-taking people who make initial insurance product
into final product. After under writing final insurance product move to marketing

Market Developers
These people taking care of further development of product. They will deals with
distribution and promotion activities. Then the product will move to sales people who
directly contact with customers.

Sales people
Sales people are the people directly contact with customers. Its ability of sales
people to give clear idea regarding the new product to the customers. Insurance company
contact with customers through sales persons.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Work flow structure:






A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs



ICICI Prudential Life Insurance offers a range of innovative, customer-centric

products that meet the needs of customers at every life stage. Its products can be

enhanced with up to 5 riders, to create a customized solution for each policyholder.


 Secure Plus is a transparent and feature-packed savings plan that offers 3 levels

of protection.

 Cash Plus is a transparent, feature-packed savings plan that offers 3 levels of

protection as well as liquidity options.

 Save ’n’ Protect is a traditional endowment savings plan that offers life

protection along with adequate returns.

 Cash Back is an anticipated endowment policy ideal for meeting milestone

expenses like a child’s marriage, expenses for a child’s higher education or

purchase of an asset.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

 Life Time & Life Time II offer customers the flexibility and control to

customize the policy to meet the changing needs at different life stages. Each

offer 4 fund options Preserver, Protector, Balancer and Maximiser.

 Life Link II is a single premium Market Linked Insurance Plan which combines

life insurance cover with the opportunity to stay invested in the stock market.

 Premier Life is a limited premium paying plan that offers customers life

insurance cover till the age of 75.

 Invest Shield Life is a Market Linked plan that provides capital guarantee on the

invested premiums and declared bonus interest.

 Invest Shield Cash is a Market Linked plan that provides capital guarantee on

the invested premiums and declared bonus interest along with flexible liquidity


 Invest Shield Gold is a Market Linked plan that provides capital guarantee on

the invested premiums and declared bonus interest along with limited premium

payment terms.


 Life Guard is a protection plan, which offers life cover at very low cost. It is

available in 3 options? level term assurance, level term assurance with return of

premium and single premium.

 Home Assure is a mortgage reducing term assurance plan designed specifically

to help customers cover their home loans in a simple and cost-effective manner.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

 Smart Kid education plans provide guaranteed educational benefits to a child

along with life insurance cover for the parent who purchases the policy. The

policy is designed to provide money at important milestones in the child’s life.

Smart Kid plans are also available in unit-linked form ? both single premium and

regular premium.


 ForeverLife is a retirement product targeted at individuals in their thirties.

 SecurePlus Pension is a flexible pension plan that allows one to select between 3

levels of cover.


 Lifetime Pension IIis a regular premium market-linked pension plan

 Life Link Pension II is a single premium market-linked pension plan.

 Invest Shield Pension is a regular premium pension plan with a capital guarantee

on the investible premium and declared bonuses.

 Golden Years: is a limited premium paying retirement solution that offers tax

benefits up to Rs 100,000 u/s 80C, with flexibility in both the accumulation and

payout stages.

ICICI Prudential also launched “Salaam Zindagi”, a social sector group insurance policy

targeted at the economically underprivileged sections of the society.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

 Health Assure: Is a regular premium plan which provides l ong term cover

against 6 critical illnesses by providing policyholder with financial assistance,

irrespective of the actual medical expenses.

 Health Assure Plus: Is a regular premium plan which provides long term cover

against 6 critical illnesses by providing financial assistance, irrespective of actual

medical expenses, as well as an equivalent life insurance cover


ICICI Prudential also offers Group Insurance Solutions for companies seeking to enhance

benefits to their employees.

 ICICI Pru Group Gratuity Plan: ICICI Pru’s group gratuity plan helps

employers fund their statutory gratuity obligation in a scientific manner. The plan

can also be customized to structure schemes that can provide benefits beyond the

statutory obligations.

 ICICI Pru Group Superannuation Plan: ICICI Pru offers a flexible defined

contribution superannuation scheme to provide a retirement kitty for each member

of the group. Employees have the option of choosing from various annuity

options or opting for a partial commutation of the annuity at the time of


 ICICI Pru Group Term Plan: ICICI Pru’s flexible group term solution helps

provide affordable cover to members of a group. The cover could be uniform or
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

based on designation/rank or a multiple of salary. The benefit under the policy is

paid to the beneficiary nominated by the member on his/her death.


ICICI Prudential Life offers flexible riders, which can be added to the basic policy at a

marginal cost, depending on the specific needs of the customer.

 Accident & disability benefit: If death occurs as the result of an accident during

the term of the policy, the beneficiary receives an additional amount equal to the

rider sum assured under the policy. If the death occurs while traveling in an

authorized mass transport vehicle, the beneficiary will be entitled to twice the sum

assured as additional benefit.

 Accident Benefit: This rider option pays the sum assured under the rider on death

due to accident.

 Critical Illness Benefit: protects the insured against financial loss in the event of

9 specified critical illnesses. Benefits are payable to the insured for medical

expenses prior to death.

 Income Benefit: This rider pays the 10% of the sum assured to the nominee every

year, till maturity, in the event of the death of the life assured. It is available on

Smart Kid, Secure Plus and Cash Plus

 Waiver of Premium: In case of total and permanent disability due to an accident,

the premiums are waived till maturity. This rider is available with Secure Plus and

Cash Plus.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

The Structure

The structure of the organization represents the hierarchy of the organization. It

represents the reporting system of the organization. Thus, organization structure is the
pattern of relationships among various activities and positions. From the structure or
organ gram of the organization we can have a clear picture of the responsibility of the
personnel working in the organization. It refers to the differentiation and integration of
activities and authority, role and relationships in the organization. Hence organization
structure is the basic framework within which the manager’s decision-making behavior
takes place.

In ICICI Prudential Life Insurance the structure of the organization represents the
hierarchy of the organization.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


Tied Agency

Tied Agency is the largest distribution channel of ICICI Prudential, comprising a large
advisor force that targets various customer segments. The strength of tied agency lies in
an aggressive strategy of expanding and procuring quality business. With focus on sales
& people development, tied agency has emerged as a robust, predictable and sustainable
business model.

Bancassurance and Alliances

ICICI Prudential was a pioneer in offering life insurance solutions through banks and
alliances. Within a short span of two years, and with nearly a large number of partners,
B & A has emerged as a vital component of the company’s sales and distribution
strategy, contributing to approximately one third of company’s total business.
The business philosophy at B&A is to leverage distribution synergies with our partners
and add value to its customers as well as the partners. Flexibility, adaptation and
experimenting with new ideas are the hallmarks of this channel.

Customer Service and Operations

The Operations department oils the work processes between the customer and the
company to ensure consistent and quality service to the customer. To streamline the
operations, the Operations department interfaces between the clients and the agents, the
branches and the underwriters, and manages work processes.
The Vision at Customer Service is to deliver ‘World Class Service’ at every opportunity.
Units such as the 9 to 9 contact centre, Outbound Call Centre, Customer Care and Query
Resolution Unit are all committed to providing effective solutions to over lakhs of
customers across the country.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Information Technology

The Information Technology function at ICICI Prudential is committed to enable

business through the use of technology. It is segmented into 4 groups to enable highest
levels of delivery to the customers: Life Asia Solutions Group that provides flexibility in
designing better product offerings to end-users, the Solutions Group- Web that provides
real-time information to customers and is responsible for customer relationship
management, IT Architecture & Corporate Solutions Group is in charge of developing
and maintaining a blueprint for the IT architecture for the enterprise as a whole. This
team works as an in house R&D Solution Group, exploring new technological initiatives
and also caters to information needs of corporate functions in the organization. IT
Infrastructure group is responsible for providing hardware, software, network services to
the whole organization. This group runs the 'Digital Nervous System' of the Enterprise at
the highest levels of efficiency and provide robust, scalable and highly available platform
for deployment of business application.


The Marketing function at ICICI Pru covers an array of activities - brand and media
management, channel support, direct marketing and corporate communications. The
Brand and Communications team is in charge of advertising, consumer research, media
planning & buying and Public Relations; that helps develop and nurture ICICI
Prudential's corporate identity while effectively communicating its varied product
offerings to the customer. Channel marketing provides support to the sales force by
streamlining the design and development of collaterals and sales tools across distribution
channels. The Direct marketing team was set up to generate high quality leads for
profitable business. The team achieves this through target database acquisition and
communicating customized product information through e-mailers, telemarketing and
innovative direct mailers.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


Finance function in ICICI Prudential is committed to create an infrastructure that is

aligned to shareholder expectations. Finance basically comprises of four functions. .
Corporate Planning and MIS provide feedback on business strategies. This includes
driving the budgeting process, providing strategic inputs for decision-making and
management reporting and analysis. The Accounts function includes preparation and
maintenance of financial records, funds management, and expense processing and
treasury operations. Compliance ensures that every action is within the regulatory
framework. This includes reviewing compliance requirements and supporting the ethical
framework of ICICI Pru life. Internal audit provides assurance to the management over
the organizations' control framework and includes process risk management, information
security assessment and business continuity assessment.

Human Resource

The people strategy of ICICI Prudential is “To build a committed team with a culture of
innovation, learning and growth. The Human Resource Function at ICICI Prudential
drives the people strategy of the business. With its initial focus on operational excellence
to deliver benefits and services to staff members, HR is now committed to building
capability through state of the art processes. A robust performance management system,
compensation system and a segmented training architecture enable it to deliver value to
the organization.

Business Excellence

The Business Excellence function is committed to building a quality mindset across the
organization. ICICI Prudential is the first organization in the Insurance Industry that has
adopted the Six Sigma Methodology for process efficiency and measurement. The team
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

is also driving the Malcolm Baldrige framework across the organization, an intervention
that examines management of key inputs for Business Excellence.


• Wide variety of products offered by the company
• High quality service delivered by the company
• Wide spread distribution network has helped to increase its operations
• Dedicated staff and advisors of the company has helped the company to issue
highest numbers of policies and thereby achieve No. 1 place amongst private
• Advertisement campaigns of the company to create awareness among people as
been successful and also become one of the biggest strength of the company.

• The product offered is little expensive compared to LIC and cannot be afforded
by lower income group.
• The operation of the company is limited to major cities and towns.

• Company can extend its operation to rural and sub-urban areas by developing
products which suit their needs.
• Since most of the insurable population in our country is unaware of the life
insurance, therefore the company can undertake aggressive marketing and
thereby tap this uninsurable segment.
• Stiff competition from LIC and other private players like Birla Sun life, HDFC std
life etc
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

• Anticipated tax rates will have a direct impact on the demand of the Insurance.


“A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to UNIT LINKED
INSURANCE PLANS at ICICI prudential life insurance co ltd HUBLI branch”


a. Primary Data Collection: Primary data has been collected for the study
With the aid of questionnaire.
b. Secondary Data Collection: Secondary data has been collected from
Website and Brochures
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Sampling Method: Random Selection

Sample Size: 100

The survey has been conducted in the Hubli city.


SPSS Software used for measuring the response is in terms of percentage method using
graphical charts like Bar graphs and Pie charts.


Frequency 1

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid male 94 94.0 94.0 94.0
female 6 6.0 6.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs




The above table indicates that among 100 respondents 94% are male respondents and
only 6% are female respondents.

From the survey we came to know that maximum numbers of respondents are male. Very
few respondents are female.

Frequency 2


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 15-25 27 27.0 27.0 27.0
26-45 71 71.0 71.0 98.0
46-55 1 1.0 1.0 99.0
56-65 1 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs






The above chart indicates that out of 100 respondents 27% of respondents fall under the
age group of 15-25, 71% of respondents fall under the age group of 26-45, only 1% are
fall under age group 46-55 and another 1% of respondent fall under the age group of

From the survey we come to know that most of the respondents are between the age
group of 26-45.
Frequency 3
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid salaried govt employee 16 16.0 16.0 16.0
salaried pvt employee 57 57.0 57.0 73.0
business man 13 13.0 13.0 86.0
professional 4 4.0 4.0 90.0
retired and others 10 10.0 10.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

retired and others


business man
salaried govt employ

salaried pvt employe

The above table shows out of 100 respondents 16% of are govt employees, 57% of are
pvt employees, 13% of respondents are businessmen’s, only 4% of respondents are
professionals and 10% of respondents are retired and others.

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondents are salaried private
employee and the remaining are govt, professionals, and businessmen’s.
Frequency 4
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid below 2,00,000 95 95.0 95.0 95.0
2,00,000-5,00,000 4 4.0 4.0 99.0
above 5,00,000 1 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0


above 5,00,000


below 2,00,000

The above table indicates that out of 100 respondents 95% of respondents income level
is below 2,00,000 , 4% of respondents income level is between 2,00,000-5,00,000 and
only 1% of respondents income level is above 5,00,000.

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondent’s income level is below
200000 and only one respondent income level is greater than 500000.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Frequency 5

are you aware of unit linked insurance plans?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid yes 96 96.0 96.0 96.0
no 4 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

are you aware of unit linked insurance plans?







yes no

are you aware of unit linked insurance plans?

The above table shows that out of 100 respondents 96% of respondents are aware of
ULIP and 4% are not aware.

From survey we came to know that awareness level of ULIP is more among the
respondents and least respondents unaware.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Frequency 6

how are you made aware of about new ulips?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
advertisement 38 38.0 38.0 42.0
family and friends 32 32.0 32.0 74.0
advisers 7 7.0 7.0 81.0
internet 19 19.0 19.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

how are you made aware of about new ulips?






advertisement advisers
family and friends internet

how are you made aware of about new ulips?

This above chart shows that 38% of the respondents aware of ULIP through
advertisements. 32% of the respondents are getting awareness through family and friends,
7% of the respondents are aware through advisers & 19% of the respondents are aware
from the internet.

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondents aware of ULIPs through
advertisements Because of insurance co. are creating more awareness through Media’s
ex. Magazines, News papers & TV etc. and least percent of respondents getting
awareness through advisors.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Frequency 7

are you interested investing money on ulip?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
yes 87 87.0 87.0 91.0
no 9 9.0 9.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

are you interested investing money on ulip?






yes no

are you interested investing money on ulip?

This above chart shows that 87% of respondent’s interested investment in ULIP, 9% of
respondents don’t want to invest in ULIP and 4% of the respondents not responded.

From the survey we came to that most of the respondents are interested to invest the
money on ULIPs. And only least respondents not interested.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Frequency 8

where you want to invest your money?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
icici pru 35 35.0 35.0 39.0
bajaj allianz 9 9.0 9.0 48.0
LIC 50 50.0 50.0 98.0
aviva life insurance 2 2.0 2.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

where you want to invest your money?







icici pru bajaj allianz LIC aviva lif e insurance

where you want to invest your money?

The above table shows out of 100 respondents 50% respondents wants to invest in LIC,
35% respondents wants to invest in ICICI PRU, 9 % in BAJAJ ALLIANZ, only 2% in
AVIVA life and 4% are non respondents.

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondents want to invest in LIC and
rest are in the other co.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

Frequency 9
what made you to go for that company?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
brand name 37 37.0 37.0 41.0
service 18 18.0 18.0 59.0
customer relationship 30 30.0 30.0 89.0
better policy option 11 11.0 11.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

what made you to go for that company?





brand name customer relationshi
service better policy option

what made you to go for that company?


The above table shows that out of 100 respondents 37% of respondents wants invest in
the company for Brand name,18% respondents wants to invest for the service provided,
30% wants to invest for the customer relationship the company maintains. 11% of
respondents want to invest for the better policy options available, and 4% have not

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondents considering brand name
while investing and least percent of respondents consider better policy option while
Frequency 10

did you ever invested in icici pru?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
yes 19 19.0 19.0 23.0
no 77 77.0 77.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

did you ever invested in icici pru?






yes no

did you ever invested in icici pru?

The above table shows that out of 100 respondents 19 % of the respondents have invested
in ICICI pru and 77 % respondents have not invested and 4% are not responded.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondents have not invested ICICI
pru and very least are invested in ICICI pru.

Frequency 11

if yes then which policy do you own of icici pru?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 81 81.0 81.0 81.0
savings solution 3 3.0 3.0 84.0
childrens solution 8 8.0 8.0 92.0
market linked solution 7 7.0 7.0 99.0
retirement solution 1 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

if yes then which policy do you own of icici pru?






savings solution market linked soluti
childrens solution retirement solution

if yes then which policy do you own of icici pru?

The above table shows 3% of respondent own savings solution policies, 8% of
respondents own child solution policies, 7% of respondents own market linked solutions,
only 1% of the respondent own retirement solution, and 81% not responded.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most respondents own child plans and very least
are own retirement solutions.

Frequency 12

how much is the premium?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 81 81.0 81.0 81.0
below 12,000 4 4.0 4.0 85.0
12,000-19999 9 9.0 9.0 94.0
20,000-50,000 6 6.0 6.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

how much is the premium?






below 12,000 12,000-19999 20,000-50,000

how much is the premium?

In this chart we conclude that 4% of the respondents are invested below 12000. 9% have
invested between 12000- 19999 and 6% have invested between 20000-50000. These all
are high risk takers. 81% of the clients have not responded.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondents are having the premiums
between 12000-19000. Least is having below 12000 premiums.

Frequency 13

how would you rate the services of icici pru?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 81 81.0 81.0 81.0
very good 5 5.0 5.0 86.0
good 12 12.0 12.0 98.0
average 1 1.0 1.0 99.0
very bad 1 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

how would you rate the services of icici pru?






very good good average very bad

how would you rate the services of icici pru?

From the above table out of 100 respondents 5% of customer has rated ICICI PRU as
very good, 12% says good and 1% have rated as average, and only 1% rated very bad.
81% not responded.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most of respondents rated good for the service
provided by ICICI pru. And least respondents rated very bad.

Frequency 14

how many members in your family have an icici pru policy?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 81 81.0 81.0 81.0
everyone 7 7.0 7.0 88.0
employed individuals 5 5.0 5.0 93.0
only children 3 3.0 3.0 96.0
self 4 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

how many members in your family have an icici pru policy?






everyone only children
employed individuals self

how many members in your family have an icici pru policy?

From the above table 7% respondents say’s all are having the policies, 5% employed
individuals, 3% are only child policies, 4% say’s self and 81% have not responded.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most respondents said all the family members
having ICICI pru policies. And least is said having only child policies.

Frequency 15

how would you rate the offers and promotional activities of icici pru?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 81 81.0 81.0 81.0
very good 4 4.0 4.0 85.0
good 10 10.0 10.0 95.0
average 5 5.0 5.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

how would you rate the offers and promotional activities of icici pru?





very good good average

how would you rate the offers and promotional activities of icici pru?

From the above table 4% respondents rated very good, 10% rated good, 5% as average,
and 81% have not responded.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondents rated good for the offers
and promotional activities of ICICI pru.

Frequency 16

how do you recognize ulip as investment avenue?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 10 10.0 10.0 10.0
exelent 38 38.0 38.0 48.0
satisfactory 34 34.0 34.0 82.0
good 17 17.0 17.0 99.0
poor 1 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

how do you recognize ulip as investment avenue?






exelent satisfactory good poor

how do you recognize ulip as investment avenue?

The above table shows that out of 100 respondents17% respondents recognize it as good,
10% clients are not preferred, 34% satisfied and 38% clients recognize it as excellent and
1% as poor.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

In order to know the customers, were asked how they recognize ULIP as investment
avenue. It was found that most of the respondents recognized excellent and only least
have recognized as poor.

Frequency 17

what factor do you consider while investing in ulip?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 13 13.0 13.0 13.0
higher returns 28 28.0 28.0 41.0
liquidity 14 14.0 14.0 55.0
life cover 14 14.0 14.0 69.0
all the above 31 31.0 31.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

what factor do you consider while investing in ulip?





higher returns liquidity life cover all the above

what factor do you consider while investing in ulip?

Here 28% of the respondents consider high returns, 14% of the respondents consider
liquidity and life cover, and 31% of the respondent considers all above factor and 13%
are not responded.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondent considers higher returns,
liquidity and life cover all together and least considers life cover factor while investing.

Frequency 18

what is the reson for not investing?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 19 19.0 19.0 19.0
uncertainty 26 26.0 26.0 45.0
high cost 27 27.0 27.0 72.0
not interested
21 21.0 21.0 93.0
in investment
others 7 7.0 7.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

what is the reson for not investing?




uncertainty not interested in in
high cost others

what is the reson for not investing?

From the above table out of 100 respondents 26% of the respondents are uncertain to
invest. 27% of the respondents think it is high cost and 21% of them are not interested in
investments, 7% of respondent says other and 19% are non respondents.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know respondents thinks that ICICI charging high cost and
least are in the category of others.

Frequency 19

according to you which ulip is most preferable for investing?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 7 7.0 7.0 7.0
child plans 41 41.0 41.0 48.0
pension plans 47 47.0 47.0 95.0
health plans 4 4.0 4.0 99.0
ohers 1 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

according to you which ulip is most preferable for investing?






child plans health plans
pension plans ohers

according to you which ulip is most preferable for investing?

In this order 41% of the respondents preferred child plans, 47% preferred pension plans,
4% preferred health plans, 1% say others and 7% are not responded.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most of respondents preferred pension plans and
least have preferred others.

Frequency 20

what was your experiance having investing in ulips?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 81 81.0 81.0 81.0
gained profit 15 15.0 15.0 96.0
neither profit nor loss 4 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

what was your experiance having investing in ulips?






gained profit neither profit nor l

what was your experiance having investing in ulips?

When customers were asked experience having invested in ULIP, it was found that 4%
clients said that neither profit nor loss and 15% clients said profit. So it means that clients
are getting profit from investment. Finally it shows that ULIP is performing Good.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From survey we found that most of investors have gained profit and least of that gained
either profit or loss.

Frequency 21

what is your opinion upon current ulip performance?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 11 11.0 11.0 11.0
exellent 29 29.0 29.0 40.0
good 56 56.0 56.0 96.0
better 4 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

what is your opinion upon current ulip performance?







exellent good better

what is your opinion upon current ulip performance?

Here 4% of respondent agreed that its performing Better and 56% of respondent agreed
that its performing Good and 29% respondent said excellent respectively. And 11% are
not responded.

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we came to know that most of the respondent opinion upon performance
of ULIP is good and least of that have the better opinion.

Frequency 22

you allways take the help of a advisor while investing in ulips?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 16 16.0 16.0 16.0
strongly agree 22 22.0 22.0 38.0
agree 43 43.0 43.0 81.0
iether agree nor disagre 10 10.0 10.0 91.0
disagree 7 7.0 7.0 98.0
strongly disagree 2 2.0 2.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

you allways take the help of a advisor while investing in ulips?






strongly agree iether agree nor dis strongly disagree
agree disagree

you allways take the help of a advisor while investing in ulips?

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the above table 22% are strongly agree, 43% are agree with above, 10% says either
agree nor disagree, 7% are disagree and only 2% are strongly disagree, 16% have not


From survey we came to know most of the respondents agrees that they will take the help
of advisor while investing in ULIPs and least have strongly disagreed.

Frequency 23

do you have any plan of investing in near future?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 7 7.0 7.0 7.0
yes 60 60.0 60.0 67.0
no 33 33.0 33.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

do you have any plan of investing in near future?








yes no

do you have any plan of investing in near future?

From the above table 60% of respondents plan to invest in ULIP and 33% do not plan to
invest, 7% have not responded.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

From the survey we found most of the respondents planning to invest in near future and
least are not interested in investing in future.

Frequency 24

when do you plan to invest?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 36 36.0 36.0 36.0
right now 22 22.0 22.0 58.0
after one month 11 11.0 11.0 69.0
after six month 31 31.0 31.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

when do you plan to invest?





right now after one month after six month

when do you plan to invest?

From the above table 22% of respondents plan to invest right now, 11% after a month
and 7% plan to invest after six months and 36% have not responded.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


From the survey we found that most of the respondents investing after six months. And
least is said after a month.

Frequency 25

how likely are you to recommend investment in ulip to your friend?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 6 6.0 6.0 6.0
definitely will recommend 78 78.0 78.0 84.0
might not recommend 16 16.0 16.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

how likely are you to recommend investment in ulip to your friend?






def initely w ill reco might not recommend

how likely are you to recommend investment in ulip to your friend?

A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

The above table indicates that 78 % of the respondents definitely will recommend about
the investment in ULIP. 16 % of the respondents might or might not recommend. 6%
have not responded.


From the survey we found that most will recommend to their friends least might not


• Most of the respondents are having below 2,00,000 income

• Awareness level of ULIP is good among the respondents.
• Most of the respondents aware of ULIP through advertisements. Because of
insurance co. are creating more awareness through Media’s ex. Magazines, News
papers & TV etc. rest of are getting awareness through family and friends.
• Most of the respondents interested to investment in ULIP
• Maximum respondents wants to invest in LIC
• Most of respondents considers brand name while investing.
• Maximum no of respondents have not invested in ICICI.
• Most of the respondent invested in ICICI child plans.
• Most of the customers have the premiums below 20,000
• Most of the respondents rated the service of ICICI as good
• Most respondents say’s in there family all are having the ICICI policies
• Most customers rated good for ICICI pru’s offers and promotional activities.
• Maximum respondents recognize ULIP as investment Avenue
• Most of the respondent considers all the factors like higher returns, liquidity and
life cover.
• Maximum respondents think ICICI charging high cost.
• Most people preferred pension plan for investing.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

• Most of customers gained profit by investing in ULIP.

• Most of the respondent’s opinion upon current ULIP performance is good.
• Maximum number of respondents said they take the help of advisor while
• Most of the respondents plan to invest in ULIP.
• Maximum respondents plan to invest after six months.
• Maximum respondents say’s they will definitely recommend about the investment
in ULIP to his friends.


• Most of the peoples are middle class peoples so the new products have to be
launched according to which that suits there income.
• Most of the investors consider brand name so the ICICI should increase there
service quality ex: post sale services, customer relationship. To continue as a
leader in private insurance co.
• Maximum number of people takes the help of advisor while investing in ULIP
so the company has to provide proper training for the advisors to plan the
investments according to the needs of the customers.
• The insurance sector is still having the untapped market and LIC is the leader
in the sector so the ICICI should have to take step forward to know what are
the individual’s investment decisions, according to their perceptions,
preferences and income levels.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


The study aimed at identifying investor decisions with regard to ULIPs, so I have
concluded that majority of the respondents are satisfied with ULIPs performance and they
are having good investment decisions. Hence ICICI pru has great potential market in
HUBLI to make an aware about ULIP’s.
This study has basically helped to know how Unit Linked Insurance Plans are working
and how they differ. After comparing investment decisions of individuals it can be
concluded that most of investors go with the brand names and where there is low initial
charges are incurred.
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs



Sir/ Madam,

Note: Please tick (√) in the appropriate box.

Respondent profile



GENDER: Male Female

AGE: 15-25 25-45 45-55 55-65

OCCUPATION: Salaried Govt employee Salaried Pvt Employee

Business man Professional

Retired and others
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

INCOME (annual): Below Rs. 2, 00,000

Rs.200000 to Rs. 5, 00,000
Above Rs.5, 00,000

1. Are you aware of unit linked insurance plan (ULIP)?

a. Yes b. No

2. How are you made aware of about new ULIPs?

a. Advertisement b. Family & Friends c. advisors
d. Internet
3. Are you interested investing money on unit-linked insurance plan
a. Yes b. no (if no, go to Q. 6)
4. Where you want to invest your money?
a. ICICI prudential b. Bajaj Allianz
c. LIC d. Aviva Life insurance
e. Others………………………….
5. What made you to go for that company?
a. Brand Name b. service
c. Customer relationship d. Better policy option
e. Others (specify)
6. If no
Give reason……………………………………………………………….
7. Did you ever invested in ICICI PRUDENTIAL life Insurance? (If no go to Q.15)
a. Yes b. No
8. If ‘yes’, then which policy do you own of ICICI pru?
a. Savings solution b. Protection solution
c. Children solution d. Marked-linked solution
e. Retirement solution
9. How much is the premium….?
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

a. below 12,000 b. 12000 to 20000

c. 20000 to 50000 d. more than 50000

10. How would you rate the services of ICICI prudential life insurance?

Very good good average bad very bad

11. How many members in your family have an ICICI Prudential life insurance policy?
a. Everyone b. Employed individuals
c. Only children d. Self
12. How would you rate the offers and promotional activities of ICICI pru?

Very good good average bad very bad

13. How do you recognize ULIP as Investment Avenue?
a. Excellent b. satisfactory c. Good d. Poor
14. What factor do you consider while investing in ULIP?
a. Higher Returns b. Liquidity
c. Life covers d. All the above
15. What is the reason for not investing?
a. Uncertainty b. High cost
c. Not interested in investment d. Others
16. According to you which ULIP is most preferable for investing?
a. child plans b. pension plans c. health plans
d. Other specify…………………………

17. What was your experience having investing in ULIPs?

a. Gained profit b. Neither profit nor loss c. Gained loss

18. What is your opinion upon current ULIP performance?

a. Excellent b. Good c. Better d. Poor
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs

19. You always take the help of a advisor while investing in ULIPs.

Strongly agree agree either agree/nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

20. Do you have any plan of investing in near future? (If no go to Q. 22)
a. Yes b. No
21. When do you plan to invest?
a. right now b. after one month
c. After six months
22. How likely are you to recommend investment in ULIP to your friend?
a. Definitely will recommend
b. Might not recommends
A study of investment decisions of individual investor with regard to ULIPs


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