Present Past Thirsty Crow (AutoRecovered)

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Present (Now/every time) - Past (last time/ yesterday)

1. Fly Flew
2. (Be ) am Was
2.(Be) is Was
2. (Be) are Were
3. Start feeling Started feeling
4. Look Looked
5. Can’t see Couldn’t see
6. Need Needed
7. Find Found
8. Fly away Flew away
9. Can’t reach Couldn’t reach
10. Think of Thought of
11. Pick up Picked up
12. Put Put
13. Do Did
14. Come up Came up
15. Drink Drank
16. See Saw

Once on a summer afternoon, a wise crow …………………high

up in the sky. (fly)
It ………… a very hot day. (Be)
Soon, the crow ………….. ……………… thirsty.(Start/feeling)
It ……………………. here and there but ……………. Water
anywhere. (look) ( can’t see )
It desperately …………………. some water to drink. (need)
It ……………… ……………………water everywhere on the
ground. ( start / look for )
Fortunately , it ………………… a clay pot on the ground. (find )
Immediately , it ……………….. down to the pot. (fly)
Unfortunately , there ………………. very little water in the pot.
Its short beak …………… ……………… the water deep down in
the pot. (can’t /reach)
Fortunately, there …………….. some stones lying around the
pot. (Be)
The wise crow ……………………… a brilliant plan. (think of)
It …………………. some stones in its beak and ………. them in
the pot. ( pick up) (put)
The wise crow …………………… that several times until the
level of water ………………………………….. (do) (come up)
Then it ………………………………. the water and
…………………………… happily. (drink) ( fly away )

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