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PUBLIC (ELECTIONS.1) DEPARTMENT, ‘SECRETARIAT, CHENNAI-600 008. Letter No.18030/Ele-1/2021-1, Dated: 03.08.2021. From ‘Thiru. Satyabrata Sahoo, LA.S., Chief Electoral Officer & Principal Secretary to Government To All the District Election Officers (w:¢) Sir/Madam, Sub: Electoral Rolls - Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls with reference to 01.01.2022 as the qualifying date - Commission's Instructions — Communicated ~ Regarding. Ref: From the Senior Principal Secretary, Hiection Commission of India, Letter No.23/2021-ERS (Vol-I}, Dated: 03.08.2021, Lam directed to invite attention to the reference cited (copy enclosed), wherein the Election Commission of India has stated that the Commission hhas directed to undertake Special Summary Revision of Photo E:ectoral Rolls, with reference to 01.01.2022 as the qualifying date, as per the following sehedule:- aL ‘Activity Period No. Pre-Revision activities 1] i Removal ofall DSEs/multiple entries, logical errors etc, 09.08.2021 i, H2H verification through Booth Level Officers (Monday) «0 on of 31.10.2021 lil, Proper formation of ore sections; and fv, Rationalization of polling stations = "Revision Activities — — Publication of Integrated draft ‘On 01.11.2031 electoral roll (Mond ~ | Period for filing claims @& | 01.1 1.acai objections (fonday) ‘0 30.11.2021, (Tuesday) | Special campaign dates Two Saturdays and Sundays within dims an ucts perkd fo be ecuibed "ty Chet Exctral ote! (i've intimated toa Distt | ction Ofcrs ate) |S | Disposal of claims and objections | By 20.12.2021 Wonday Final publication of electoral roll | By 05.01.2022 (Wednesd Pu y (Wednesday) 2. In this connection, 1 am directed to state that while carrying out the Pre-revision and Revision activities adequate precautionary measures for COVID-19 and safety guideline prescribed by the department of Health and Family Welfare should be strictly followed by you and your team of officials. 3. 1 am, therefore, to request you to adhere to the Commission's instructions elaborated in its letter on the various aspects related to the Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls, 2022. Yours faithfully, 0 ot for Chief Electoral Cfficer & Principal Secretary to Government. copy to: Shri. Narendra N. Butolia, Senior. Principal Secretary, Election Commission of India, Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Dethi-110 001. All Sections, Public (Blections) Department, ‘Chennai-600 009, ‘The System Manager, Public (Elections) Department, Secretariat, Chennai-600 009, By E-mailSpeed Post ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA [NIRVACHAN SADAN, ASHOKA ROAD, NEW DELI 10001 ‘No23/2021-ERS (Vol-M}) ised: 3 August 2021 To, “The CEOs ofall States & UTS (except UT of Tamu Kashi) Subject: Programe of Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Ros with reference to (01.01.2022 asthe qualifying dae regarding. Refrenoe:- (1) Leter No, 282020-ERS, dated 05.11.2020, (@) LaterNo, 23/2018-ERS (Vol-II, aed 29.11.2019, (@) Later No, 29/LETECUFUNCIERDIER/2018-, dated 25.09.2018, (@) Letter No, 2/LETIECUFUNC/ERD-ER/2019, dated 14.02.2018, ni {) _LeterNo, 23/NST/2020-ERS, dated 30.07.2020. (© Manual on Blecoral Rolls, 2016, nd “Manual on Polling Staton, 2020 Sida, 1am directed to sate thatthe Commission fs dreted to undertake Spcil Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls with refrence to 01.01.2022, a8 the qualifying date, call the StiewTs (except UT of lama and Kashi as pete folowing scedule:- Fie Reva ie Ja Ramana oa OSE es, gal eros 8, | OOS OAT (andy i) HOH verfeton hough BLOs 31102001 Suny) i) Proper oemation of ston and fw) Raionatizaon of poling sions Revi Asis ston of rtp da elo lh ‘1.112021 (ond) 3, | Period fling lis & objetins 01.11.2001 (Monta 30.11.2001 Tues “| Sposa empsipn de As sugested by CEOS 5. Digs af suns nd ajectons y20.122021 (Mond 6 Fil pubiton of etn ll By 05:1.2022 (Wades) 2 CEO may request change inthe schedule, iF required, wit fll justistion within seven days from the date of issue ofthis eter. 3. Prevevision activities: - CEOs shall easure that all rerevision activ, vie, removal of [DSEsimitple ens te, estionalization of poling stations (having electors move than 1S00 except (Gos, Manipur, Punjob, Una Pradesh and Usaachand where the init of numberof electors per pling station has been restricted t0 1200), proper formation of sexton, control tale updations etc ee ‘completed in time bound manner before draft publication as pe he schedule Al pending forms (6,68, 7,8 & 8A) wil be necesuily disposed of before daft pubis. Further, BLO shall vis poling station and wse mobile loestor tol of “Gara App. Location of polling sation i latte & longitudes wil be captured in Garuda App. Photos of Polling Station and AME shal als be eaptared inthe mtile App. 4 Preparation of integrated draft roll: A the ime of publication of def rol for SSR, 202, the final roll of SSR-2021, plus supplements prepared during continuous updator thereafter will be rage 1082 incegzted and amalgamated after removing all deletion and clubbing familar menbers tages. Part wise supplements of additions, deletions and coretons made during the period of eantinousupdation sll be prepared and kept in record for future relerence, However, it shall not ke shared with any politcal party o uploaded on website. 5. Disposal of claims and ebjections:- After completing pre-revson actives CEO will sead reqwiite information in Formats 1-6 related to draft publication of electoral roll along with ‘ommentoxplanstory note tothe Commission well before the dat publication Liss of claims and ‘objeton shal be exhibited on notice bands inthe respective office of EROs,pllng stations and on ‘the CEO's website, Such lists should alo be shared wits poleal patties. Discs of elins and bjetons shall be done nly afer seven cles day” period hasbeen passed fer fulton of such sit 6 Supervision and Checks by SupervisoAEROWEROs:- The Commission has devised following mechasism for supervision and vetifetion ~ BLO Supervisor shall veity 5% of BLO's wok, AERO shall verify 1% of BLO's wot in addition o field checking of households with more than TW electors ebnocmal gender ai, andthe first 20 poling stions with ighest numberof editions or eleons). ERO shall verify 10% of the forms disposed by each of AEROs, in ation to Feld ‘yetfistion wherever felt nscestary. The DEO shall submit» scrutiny report and deta ication in rs (Cin the dsrst where deletion and adi is 1% higher dhan istrict averaze or deletion and addon is more than 3% in any AC, CEO shal int give his justieatons for this inhi report tothe Commission. The DEOs and CEO stall relly monitor the (quay of work done by field officers and EROSAEROs and take coretve measures wherever required 7. Flagging of marked electors and PwD elector allthe PWDs electors shouldbe done in electoral database. ‘Meeting with Political Parties: - All DEOs and CEO sll have regular metings with political putes and request sir coopestion in revision process by apoining Booth Level Agets (BLAS, The copies of draft and fina cll wil be shared with recognized politcal patie, as per the existing provision. 9, Publicity: - Adequate publicity and awareness rive shall be ensured by DEOs an CEO through ‘ellecive SVEEP evots Regular press mest amy alo be organized. Voter Helnline Mobile App for nln iting of application should be extensively popularized through colege ambssidors, ‘versements ia cnemm theaters, cele TV et 10. Preparation of integrated final roll - As pr the existing instution, the fl ol wil aso be «singe interitedone, hough without disturbing the St. No of elects. 11, The CEO shal send formal request longwith Format I-8 and an explanatory memorandenote for price writen clearance ofthe Comission for final publication ofthe electoral lls atleast $ days bene the date of ina publication. 12. AILDEOSEROs shal be dlireted tote immediate necessry action sper the schedule oat Yours faith, Appoopsit ageing of Wake electors and oxdfufpza f. BuTOLIA)

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