August Daily Report 4

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1 Daily Report

Date: 5 August 2021

1.1 Task: Electrode Casing Safety Issues

1) There is risk of electrocution if contact is done on a ground metal object and as such
fibre gratings are used to avoid such contact
2) There is risk of fire if welding the sparks get into contact with hydraulic oil on the
hydraulic cylinder and as such rubber pads and fibre blankets are used to cover any
spaces that expose the cylinder
3) Fumes from the furnace can cause irritations and as such it is advisable to vacate the
room during blow backs and tapping
4) It is encouraged to avoid looking directly on the light produced during welding
5) Make sure welding equipment does not come in contact with metal grounded objects

1.1.2 Procedure and Noted Information

1) Electrode number 1 was due for casing addition. The electrode casing is hoisted by a
crane to the casing site and the bottom transportation stiffener crosses are cut by the
welding machine.
2) The casing is then made to fit on to the underlying casing with the edges sitting on a
corner joint
3) The casing is then tuck with some welds to fix it in place
4) The casing is the bolted with 8.8 grade medium carbon steel bolts
5) The bolts are then welded to ensure they remain fixed
6) The type of joint used between the casings is a butt joint and the welding process
takes roughly 2 hours
7) The maximum casing height of casing before addition is 800mm and the thickness of
the shell is 2mm. Any height below this will make it difficult for casing addition using
the welding tools.
8) On average the casings get used on a rate of 200mm per day however electrode 2
moves faster due to tapping on taphole 1

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