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TECHNICAL QUESTIONS FOR Dotnet (2years’ Experience)

1. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface in .NET?

2. What is the meaning of AutoPostBack in .NET?
3. What are the parameters that control connection pooling behaviors in
4. What are the requirements needed for connection pooling?
5. How many elements can a tuple hold in .NET?
6. Differentiate between the user control and the custom control in the .NET
7. What is the meaning of role-based security in .NET?
8. Can themes be applied to ASP.NET applications?
9. What are some of the templates that are present in Repeater control?
10. How is the status of a DataReader checked in .NET?
11. What do you mean by cross-page posting?
12. What is the use of MIME in .NET?
13. What are the types of cookies available in ASP.NET?
14. What are some of the security controls present in ASP.NET?
15. What is the order of the events that take place in a page life cycle?
16. Why are you applying for the .NET Developer role in our company?
17. Can you rate yourself on a scale of 1–10 depending on your proficiency in
18. Has your college degree helped you with .NET development in any way?
19. What skills should a successful .NET Developer possess?
20. Have you earned any sort of certification to boost your opportunities as a
.NET Developer?
21. What is the managed and unmanaged code in .net?.
22. What are the memory-mapped files?.

23. Explain GridView control in ASP.NET?

24. What is the difference between ASP.NET Web API and WCF?

25. What are the defining traits of an object-oriented language?


26. What is a CLS (Common Language Specification)?

27. How can we apply themes in ASP.NET application?

28. Which method do you use to enforce garbage collection in .NET?

29. What are the different types of indexes in .Net?


30. How can you identify that the page is posted back?

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