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Technical Interview Questions For 1 year Experience

1. What is Difference between Manual and Automation Testing?

2. What is the difference between SDET, Test Engineer, and Developer

3. What are the best practices for writing test cases?

4. What is configuration management?

5. Name some popular configuration management tools?

6. What if the software is so buggy it can’t really be tested at all?

7. What are Quality Assurance and Quality Control?

8. What is Verification in software testing?

9. What is Validation in software testing?

10. What is Static Testing?

11. What is Dynamic Testing?

12. What is White Box Testing?

13. What is Black Box Testing?

14. What is Grey Box Testing?

15. What is Positive and Negative Testing?

16. What is Test Strategy?

17. What is Test Plan and contents available in a Test Plan?

21. What is Test Bed?

22. What is Test Environment?

23. What is Test Data?

24. What is Test Harness?

25. What is Test Closure?

26. What are the tasks of Test Closure activities in Software Testing?

27. What is test coverage?

28. What is Code coverage?

29. List out Test Deliverables?

30. What are the most common components of a defect report?

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