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Statement of Originality

Course: Academic Writing

Item of Assessment Attached here: Major Assignment

Student Name:………………………….

Student ID:………………………………

I have read and understood the As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University, Faculty of Teaching and Educational
Sciences, English Education study program policy on academic misconduct and plagiarism. I am aware of
the following:

•The view taken by the Lecturer and Head of English Education Study Program is that failure to
acknowledge or inadequate acknowledging the work of another will result in a student receiving an
official written warning and a mark of 0 for that piece of work.

•If the plagiarism case is regarded by the Head of Faculty as substantial (for example a significant failure
to acknowledge a source) it will be forwarded to the Dean of Faculty and LPJM (Quality Assurance
Board of UIA)

.• English Education Study Program have introduced a database of those students who have been reported
to the Dean and LPJM for plagiarism and the penalty that was imposed and that repeat offenders
(regardless as to the extent of the plagiarism) will be automatically referred to the Academic Advisor,
Dean and LPJM.

I confirm that the work contained in the attached item of assessment is entirely my own work except
where I have specifically acknowledged another’s work and the source of that other’s work.


Please note submission of this declaration is a requirement for all pieces of written coursework
assessment and marks may be withheld for failure to submit a completed declaration.


Name: Rega Estika Dinda Safitri

Nim: 2520190025


CRISIS” and I found one of chapters I found interesting to discuss. It is chapter 10 in entitled
PLATFORMS” Written by Eka Rizki Amalia, M.Pd. She is an expert lecturer in his field, it is evident
from his teaching experience. She has been teaching English in junior and senior high school from 2010
until 2013, and then in teach at Poltekkes Surabaya and IKHAC Mojokerto in 2016 and in 2020 she’s also
teaching UIN Surabaya. Looking from her profile, She was lecturer who exploring methods of learning
using technology.

This is some little of inferences of her chapter, In this chapter she explain when she teaching in
Midwifery Academy and State Islamic University of Surabaya. In Midwifery Academy she taught two
classes and each class consisted of 38 and 40 students. In Midwifery Academy just use Google Classroom
(here a stand for GC) as an online learning platform. The reason is flexible and easy to use. Accessing
them anywhere and at any time, the design is simple and easily shaped, providing features for sharing and
sending the kinds of works in the form of Microsoft word, audio, and video files. She also taught the
intensive course of English in the State Islamic University of Surabaya platform to use is English
Discoveries (ED), a platform developed by Edusoft, a branch of the Global EIS division managing
TOEFL, TOEIC, GRE, and other test subjects. The learning features in ED are varied. Learning in
practice materials, practices and quizzes are given in the four language skills of listening, speaking,
reading and writing, as well as other lang's components such as grammar and vocabulary building. ED is
very easy to use and accommodate a student's needs. Students can study on their own at all times and as
often as they would like. There's no time limit on accessing ED. Everything satisfactory about ED, except
the absence of the forum discussion. Later, she offered her students to use the zoom platform for
discussion sessions.

This chapter contains good reading to read, especially for teachers who will implement or are still
confused about choosing an online learning platform for their students. And also for myself because I as a
prospective teacher reading this chapter is enough to help me get information about current learning
platforms. She tells several learning platforms that were used in the author's two teaching places, namely
the Midwifery Academy and State Islamic University of Surabaya, and in that chapter the author wrote in
detail what techniques, online learning platforms he used in teaching and added them again. Including the
advantages and disadvantages of the application or platform, which can be our consideration for using the
application or platform.

I think, when teaching at a midwifery academy it is not enough just to use the Goggle Classroom,
because as the author said, it cannot fulfill or accommodate online learning. So in my opinion it is better
to use the Google Meet, Zoom Meeting, Cisco Webex Meetings or another platform, that can be used for
virtual meetings can provide a video call feature for many people so that it can be said to be sufficient to
at least make interactions like those carried out in the classroom (the teacher can directly respond to
student assignments, such as when presenting material after that the teacher can judge how clever the
student is in delivering the material to friends.

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