Quarter 4 - Module 9 Settings, Processes, Methods and Tools in Social Work

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Quarter 4 – Module 9

Settings, Processes, Methods

and tools in Social Work
Lesson (HUMSS_DIASS12-Ig-27)



Every part of this module contains activities that will help you in developing your
cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills.
In this module, you are expected to:
1. Illustrate the different processes and methods involved in undertaking social work

Topic: Processes, Methods and Tools in Social Work

What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

About processes, methods About processes, methods About processes, methods
and tools in social work and tools in social work and tools in social work

Guide Questions:
1. From the illustration shown above what are your ideas about processes and methods in social
2. What Social work services offered in your barangay or municipality?

In previous chapter you had learned the settings, processes, methods and tools in
counseling. The methods and processes on how counselors offer social works and services in the
community are being tacked in this module. Further, Illustrations showing processes and methods
in the social field of services are shown to fully understand the concept in the undertakings of the
social work.


“The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human
relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being “defined
by the policy, Ethics and Human Rights Committee of the British Association of Social Workers (2012).
1.1Private Sector Setting
Part of the economy, sometimes referred to as the citizen sector, which is run by private individuals
or groups, usually as a means of enterprise for profit, and is not controlled by the Stat
1.2 Private Sector Setting
Part of the economy, sometimes referred to as the citizen sector, which is run by private individuals
or groups, usually as a means of enterprise for profit, and is not controlled by the Stat
1.3 Civil Society Setting
The term Civil Society is used to collectively refer to the voluntary organizations corporate bodies,
socially active groups, and firms working in each society. Civil Society works for discharging several
economic, social, cultural, moral and other responsibilities which fall in the domain of private activities. It,
however, serves the public purpose of securing general welfare and development
1.4 School Setting
School social workers play a critical role in schools and educational settings. Social workers working
within school systems provide services to students to enhance their emotional well-being and improve their
academic performance. School social workers are usually employed by the school district or an agency that
is contracted with the school district to provide services. School social workers are often called on to help
students, families, and teachers address problems such as truancy, social withdrawal, over aggressive
behaviors, rebelliousness, and the effects of special physical, emotional, or economic problems
(Mendoza: 2002)

1.1 Beginning
a. Assessment
A. Analysis and interpretation to reach an understanding of the client.
b. Planning
The link between assessment and intervention and its process translate the content of
assessment into a goal statement that describes the desired results and is concerned with
identifying the means to reach the goals. It allows the worker with the participation of the client,
state his/her problems to give solutions.

1.2 Middle
a. Intervention of Implementation plan
Concerned with the action that would solve the clients problems includes, series of activities that the
client and worker will undertake following an agreement.
1.3 Ending
a. Evaluation
Continuous processWhat are your information
of gathering findings and opinions
which canbased on facts:in undergoing assessment of
be utilized
objectives intervention plans. It can be done in two levels: (1) on the level of direct practice with
the clients: and (2) on the level of program implementation
b. Termination
terms used in relation to the termination of the client-worker relationship-transfer and referral.
-Transfer-process by which a client is referred by his or her social work to another worker.
-Referral is the act of directing a client to another worker/agency because the service that
the client needs is beyond the present agency workers competence


1.1 Social Welfare Administration

The administration of public and private social agencies and organized to achieved the full effect the
services for which they have been established
Management of social agencies that is oriented to aid people more efficiently. This can be
categorized into: planning, organizing staffing, directing, coordination, reporting and

1.2 Social Work Research

Involves a critical inquiry and the scientific testing of the validity of social work organizations,
function, and methods in order to verify, generalized, extend social work knowledge and skill.
1.3 Secondary Social Work Methods
Social Action/Social Reform
An organized effort with the aim of securing social progress and solving mass social problems
by influencing legislation or the administration of social services.
1.4 Community Organization
A process by which community identifies the needs or objectives: rank these needs: finds
the internal or external resources: takes actions and develops cooperative and collaborative
attitudes and practices in the community.
1.5 Social Group
A process and methods through which group life is affected by a worker who consciously
guides the interaction process toward the accomplishment of goals.
1.6 Casework Techniques
Hollis(1949-1964) identified the four major casework process:
-Environmental Modification-the steps taken by caseworker to change the environment of the
clients favor through the direct action of the worker
-Clarification-directed toward increasing the egos ability to see external realities more clearly to
understand the client’s own feeling and behavior.
-Psychological support-demonstrated through caseworker’s acceptance, confidence and interest
in the client to freely express their feelings and thoughts.
-Insight Development-the current passes experiences must be relieved in the therapeutic
atmosphere in order to bring irrationalities clearly into the surface and they can be recognized from the
safety of the treatment situation to the real life.
1.7 Traditional Method
Social Casework
A helping processes that consist of a variety of activities that may include the giving of material assistance,
referrals to another community facilities, rendering emotional and psychological sup[port , making
suggestions , advising, working out with their consideration and better understanding of the casual
connections between their present attitudes and mode of adjustment with their past experiences.


Let us remember!

1. Conducting needs assessment for individuals, groups, organizations and communities, careful
planning is important to social work.
2. Community needs process of evaluation to identify the strength and resources available in the
community to meet the needs of children and families.
3. Methods of social services provides framework for developing and identifying services and
solutions and support to the problems of the community.
4. Before social services, planning is important like gathering data’s to know what the problems of
the community are.
5. Evaluating tends to focus on tracking progress at the higher level objectives of the logical
framework which are the outcomes.
6. Social work provides solutions towards efficiency and effectiveness of rendering social services to
the clientele.

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TEST 1: Matching Type

Directions: Match the items in column A with items in column B. Write the answers in your notebook.


1. Collectively refer to the voluntary a. Government Sector Setting

organizations corporate bodies, socially active
groups, and firms working in each society
b. Private Sector Setting
2. social workers that are often called on to help
students, families, and teachers address
problems such as social withdrawal ,over c. Civil Society Setting
aggressive behaviors, rebelliousness, and the
effects of special physical, emotional, or
economic problems d. School Setting
3. Consists of legislature, executive, and
judiciary by which organizational policies are e. Implementation plan

4. Run by private individuals or groups, usually f. Evaluation

as a means of enterprise for profit, and is not
controlled by the State.
g. Planning
h. Assessment
5. The link between assessment and
intervention It allows the worker with the
participation of the client, state his/her i. Referral
problems to give solutions.

6. Analysis and interpretation to reach an

understanding of the client. j. Transfer
7. It can be done in two levels: (1) on the level of
direct practice with the clients: and (2) on the
level of program implementation.
8. Transfer-process by which a client is referred
by his or her social work to another worker.
9. the act of directing a client to another
worker/agency because the service that the
client needs is beyond the present agency
workers competence
10. Includes, series of activities that the client and
worker will undertake following an agreement.


Directions: Identify what methods and tools are being referred to in the following items below:


Directions: Identify what methods and tools is being referred in the following items below:
____ 1. The method employed in which the current passes experiences must be relieved in the therapeutic
atmosphere in order to bring irrationalities clearly into the surface and they can be recognized from the
safety of the treatment situation to the real life
____ 2. A method involves a critical inquiry and the scientific testing of the validity of social work
organizations, function, and methods in order to verify, generalized, extend social work knowledge and skill.
____ 3. Management of social agencies that is oriented to aid people more efficiently. This can be
categorized into: planning, organizing staffing, directing, coordination, reporting and budgeting
____ 4. An organized effort with the aim of securing social progress and solving mass social problems by
influencing legislation or the administration of social services.
____ 5. A process by which community identifies the needs or objectives: rank these needs: finds the
internal or external resources: takes actions and develops cooperative and collaborative attitudes and
practices in the community.
____ 6. A casework technique -directed toward increasing the egos ability to see external realities more
clearly to understand the client’s own feeling and behavior.
____ 7. Demonstrated through caseworker’s acceptance, confidence and interest in the client to freely
express their feelings and thoughts.
____ 8. A helping processes that consist of a variety of activities that may include the giving of material
assistance, referrals to another community facilities and rendering emotional and psychological support.
____ 9. Environmental Modification-the steps taken by caseworker to change the environment of the clients
favor through the direct action of the worker
____ 10. A process and methods through which group life is affected by a worker who consciously guides
the interaction process toward the accomplishment of goals.

1.Social Work Research 6.Social Action/Social Reform

2. Social Casework 7. Social Group
3. Psychological support 8. Community Organization
4. Clarification 9. Environmental Modification
5. Social Work Research 10. Insight Development

Directions: Complete the sentence below according to what you had learned from the lesson
Write your reflective thoughts on a separate sheet of paper.

I learned that ...

My realization is ...


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