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What is UHRS and How to Make Money With UHRS |

A Complete Guide

March 15, 2021 / By sudhir sheoran / Leave a Comment

How would you feel if a search engine returns irrelevant results for your
search query? I am sure you won’t like it. What if I tell you that you can
make money by helping a search engine in decision making process like
which result is relevant and which is not? In this article, we will talk about
UHRS, a crowsourcing platform where you can complete simple small
tasks and earn a lot of money. For an example, you will be given 2 links
along with a search query. You just have to judge which link is more
suitable to the query and you get paid for your judgement. UHRS can be a
great way to make some extra money working from home.

I will try to answer following questions about UHRS  in this article –

 What is UHRS?
 How to get access to UHRS?
 What kind of work UHRS offers?
 How to Work on UHRS and make money?
 How much money one can earn on UHRS?
 How to withdraw earnings from UHRS?
 How to get most out of UHRS?
 UHRS terminology

What is UHRS?
UHRS, Universal Human Relevance System is a crowdsourcing platform
by Microsoft used for data labeling with the help of millions of people
around the world it calls ‘Judges’. Judges/workers can work from home and
get paid for doing simple tasks such as text annotation, image annotation,
data collection, search relevance tasks and much more. Basically UHRS
provides human intelligence to train AI applications/tools, products and
machine learning models.
How to Sign Up/Access UHRS?
UHRS has partnered with different vendors/websites to hire
workers/judges. These companies act as a door between you and UHRS.
You can only access UHRS through one of such door. All the money you
make in a week completing tasks on UHRS is transferred to website you
used to enter UHRS through. This way these websites handles
billing/invoices and payment for UHRS.

List of websites to access UHRS and how to join UHRS through them

Clickworker – Registered users on Clickworker can access UHRS jobs. To
get access to UHRS jobs on Clickworker, follow these steps –
 Join Clickworker and log into your account.
 On dashboard you will see a banner about UHRS saying Qualify for
UHRS. Or you can check a job listing about UHRS under available
jobs tab. A link will lead you to the UHRS But before you can get your
UHRS account, you must complete assessments UHRS I and UHRS
II  available in assessment section in your Clickworker account.
 You will also need to create a Live ID. Clickworker guides you
through the whole process. Remember the access remains valid for 8
hours. You are required to visit UHRS through Clickworker again.
Your UHRS earning will be transferred to Clickworker account at the end of
every week. Clickworker will automatically send the money through the
payout option you have chosen after holding the UHRS earning for a

Datamime – Powered by Tech Mahindra, Datamime is relatively new but

allows instant access to UHRS. Let’s see what you need to do –
 Sign up for Datamime and provide them your Outlook ID when they
ask you about secondary email address during sign up process.
 Log into your Datamime account and go to My Apps. There should be
a link of UHRS login page. Click on it.
 Login UHRS with outlook ID you have given during the registration
process. That’s it.
Appen – Appen is one of the biggest and best crowdsourcing website
which offers UHRS access to its users. Here is how –
 Join appen(connect) and login.
 Go to all projects and Find a project that requires Microsoft live ID.
Apply for the project. You will receive an email after few days
containing all the information about how to get your own UHRS
Appen will automatically generate invoices for the work you do on UHRS
weekly and payout via PayPal or Payoneer.

How to Make Extra Money Everything Month Working With Appen

OneForma – Another microjobs site to gain access to UHRS. Let’s see
how –
 Sign up for Oneforma account and login.
 Click on internet judging under jobs tab. Apply for job requires
window live ID.
 You will receive a mail asking for your live id. Submit your live id. You
will get another email with instruction about how to gain access to
UHRS. – Possibly the slowest way to get access the UHRS. Log into
your teamwork account and find out if there is a job about search engine
evaluation. Apply for it. They will email you if there is a position.
Also Read :

 Best Microjobs Websites to Make Money Online

 Best Survey Sites in India to Make Money from Home
 How to Start Your Own Blog and Turn Passion into Profit
Remember you don’t have to apply for UHRS with all the sites I mentioned
above. Try one first. Get some experience and then you can try another. In-
fact I will advise you to have only one UHRS account.

What Kind of Work/tasks UHRS Offers?

UHRS mainly offers tasks which deal with web pages for helping a search
engine presenting best results to user for a query.

Types of work UHRS offers – 

 Image Annotation – Like classifying images, object detection,
semantic segmentation, image detection, boundary recognition etc
 Search Relevance –  Identifying query-result, relevance events,
entity classification etc.
 Text Annotation – Sentiment analysis like Identifying sentiment of a
social media post, document classification, intent of query etc.
 Speech Transcription – Converting audio/conversation into text,
relevance tasks etc.
 Video Annotation – Video relevance for a given search query,
detection of objects in a video, video tracking etc.
 Other Tasks – Data collections jobs, data validation tasks, surveys,
Information moderation/correction
Hope you have get an idea what you are supposed to do as a judge on

UHRS Terminology
UHRS uses some words which you may find confusing when you login for
the first time. So Let’s understand UHRS terminology –

Judges – If you are completing tasks at UHRS to get paid, you are the
Judge. The millions of people who help UHRS labeling data are called
Marketplace – Marketplace is UHRS dashboard where you can see
various categories or kind of jobs such as search relevance, image
annotation, video annotation etc. You will see a number with each category
in marketplace which tells how many HIT Apps in respective category are
available to work on.
HIT Apps – Hit Apps are like projects. A Hit App contains tasks and all the
necessary information a judge needs to know like number of tasks/hits
available, earning per hit, time a hit takes to be completed, guidelines,
preview etc.
HITs – Hit App contains tasks which are called hits. A task in UHRS is
called HIT. No. Of available hits in a HIT App are updated in every 15
Report – A report of all the work you have done in various HIT Apps.
Judgement Total – No. Of total tasks/HITs you have done in various HIT
Apps does not matter valid or incorrect.
Judging Hours – No. Of hours you worked
Spam Accuracy – At first you might think spam accuracy has something to
do with no. Of valid judgement you have made out of total judgement.
When you are doing actual hits, HIT App throws testing hits to check if you
are following guidelines or not while working. Spam accuracy is derived out
your score in testing HITs. If your spam accuracy is low, you can be
disabled temporarily or permanently from doing HITs on a HIT App.
Incentive Earning – Some HIT Apps gives bonus for best judgments.
Such bonus will be displayed in reports under incentive earning.
Earning Levels – Some HIT Apps pay according to levels. Like for first few
HITs you get lower pay and then higher when you enter a new level.

How to Work on UHRS and Make Money?

Login to UHRS – When you login UHRS, you see various categories
according to nature of HIT Apps they contains. For an example, Text
Annotation app is likely to have tasks where you will be asked something
about a text like sentiment of a tweet etc. There will be a number on right
bottom of each category box that tells how many HIT Apps are available to
work on in that category. Click on a category that you find matching your
You will see all the HIT Apps and you can get an idea about nature of
tasks/HITs by reading title and description of HIT App. On right bottom of
every HIT App you will see one of following 3 options –

 Train – Some HIT Apps may require training. You are required to
train yourself  by doing sample HITs before you encounter real HITs.
When you complete a training HIT, HIT App will show a message
whether your judgement was right or wrong with logical explanation.
 Qualify – After completion of training, you are required to pass
qualification test by judging HITs they already know answers of. There
will be a certain number of qualification attempts varies with HIT Apps.
Obviously you are supposed to score good in Qualification Test.
Reading guidelines and instructions really helps here.

 Start – If you see this button, you no longer require training or pass
qualification and are ready to judge. However I will advise you to read
guidelines before you start judging.

Start Judging – Start attempting tasks you are qualified for. Initially after a
few judgements, you should go to report section to check how good you
are going and spam accuracy is above the required. Each HIT App has its
own rules. Some HIT Apps will disable you as soon as your spam accuracy
goes below 85% while some may you allow you to continue even if it’s as
low as 60%. Don’t rush through tasks. Take your time and try to be a good
judge. Your reputation may bring you more tasks. HIT Apps and tasks are
updated in every 15 minutes. So keep refreshing after every few minutes if
you don’t see available tasks.
To avoid temporarily or permanent suspension from using a HIT App,
always perform tasks you are really good at. Pay attention to guidelines.
Better find other tasks relevant to your skills if you see too many red alerts
during training even after reading guidelines thoroughly.

Get Paid – All that you earn doing small tasks during a week will be sent to
website you have joined UHRS through which you can withdraw using one
of available payout option.

How Much Money You Can Make on UHRS?

It depends upon a lot of factors like your skills, availability of hits/tasks at
your location etc. I have done tasks that earned me $20 per hour and then I
have participated in tasks that only made $3 per hour. You can expect a
pay rate of $3 to $25 per hour. Earning per HIT depends upon difficulty
level of HIT, skills required and time it takes to be completed.

How to Withdraw Your Earning From UHRS?

As you know you can only access UHRS from one of their partner website.
So partner website will handle invoices and payment for you. All the money
you earn on UHRS will get transferred to partner website you used to login
UHRS through at the end of every week. Now it depends on payment
policy of partner website how and when you receive your money in your
bank account. For an example if you are working on UHRS through
Clickworker, your UHRS earning will take 28 days to become payable.
Clickworker will automatically process the payment if your balance is above
their minimum payout threshold. On the other hand if you have gained
access to UHRS via Appen, you can get weekly payout via PayPal or other
payout option you have opted for. So when and how you get UHRS earning
depends upon how you accessed UHRS.

Tips to Get Most Out of UHRS?

 I have worked on UHRS and based on my experience, Here are few
advises for you to maximize your earnings on UHRS –
Stay Logged in and keep refreshing every couple of minutes. It is
important to work on HIT Apps as soon as it goes live because there will be
many other judges working on same HIT App and HITs disappear fast.
Judge as many as HITs as you can before you are run out of HITs or all
HITs get leased out.
Read Judgement instructions carefully – Reading lengthy guidelines
may seem boring and unnecessary but trust me, it not only helps you
qualifying for more HIT Apps but also saves you a lot of time over long run.
Some HIT Apps during qualification phase ask to judge same HITs given
as examples in guidelines. In such a case it becomes very easy to qualify.
Focus on accuracy and quality rather than speed – Do not rush through
HITs. Take your time. Inspect well before you judge because you never
know if you are judging a real HIT or a spam HIT. Judging spam HITs
incorrectly will lead your spam accuracy going below requirements and
getting you disabled by HIT App eventually. On the other hand, some HIT
Apps give bonus for quality judging. Once I did 25 HITs and got bonus for 7
HITs which was more than what I earned doing those HITs. If you want to
stay in the game for longer, make sure you are spending enough time on
reading guidelines and have a passion for quality and accuracy.
Don’t Get Disabled on HIT Apps – A Hit App is like stream of money.
New HITs keep coming regularly in an HIT app. So you always have
chance to earn money regularly until you get disabled permanently from the
HIT App. When you don’t pay attention to instructions and keep doing HITs
incorrectly, you get disabled temporarily. Consider this a serious warning.
You only get 2 such chances before you get disabled permanently from
doing HITs on a HIT app and thus ending up losing a stream of money
Work on Laptop/PC instead of Mobile Phone – Laptop makes research
and multitasking easy. You can open a lot of tabs for research and read
instructions properly.
Multiple UHRS Accounts – As you already know, you need to sign up for
a company/contractor to get access to UHRS. Some companies don’t mind
if you are already accessing UHRS through another company. So you can
have multiple UHRS accounts. I will advise you to use different
browsers/devices for using different UHRS accounts.  There are chances
that you will have different HIT Apps in different UHRS accounts based on
your profile information you mentioned while signing up for UHRS partner

This was all for this post. Hope you found it useful.

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Tips to increase your uhrs earnings [updated]

Table Of Contents
 Understanding Work Availability in UHRS
 Tip 1: Stay logged in for an extended amount of time
 Tip 2: Cover more time by partnering with a friend
 Tip 3: Avoid disqualification while working on a HitApp
 Tip 4: Check from anywhere using Mobile
 Tip 5: Pass the Qualification, even if no Hits are available.
 Tip 6: It’s natural to get banned from Hitapps
 Tip 7: Work through multiple Contractors

I have written at length about how UHRS is a great earning opportunity; And

how you can easily earn more than 100$ every month by doing simple rating tasks
on it. But an average person might experience difficulty when trying to do this.
This is because it is not easy to find work on the UHRS platform.

I have usually noticed a pattern of work coming in batches. A particular type of

task (known as HitApp) might be available for a few hours. HitApps are available
until the available hits are finished. Depending upon the time of the day, it can
last for anywhere between a few hours to just several minutes.

It is important to have a good strategy to work on these HitApps as soon as they

are available; and to avoid getting kicked out of a HitApp due to spamming. Below
I share some tips on how to make the most out of Clickworker UHRS. Note that I
won’t be able to share any screenshots, but these tips can help you increase your
UHRS earnings considerably.

understanding work availability in uhrs

In UHRS, work (or rather, HitApps) comes in batches. A particular HitApp might
have a batch of 1000 Hits (For example), and you are paid a certain amount for
every hit that you complete. The HitApp will disappear when all the hits have been
completed. Sounds pretty simple?
Now, there are different HitApps available for different regions. So while your
friends in other countries might be seeing several HitApps, you might not see any
at all. Now if we factor in our country’s population, we can easily assume that
there might be hundreds (if not thousands) of people online at any given time,
ready to work on any task as soon as it is available.

This creates a certain level of competition to find and finish the HitApps. Thus,
you need to increase your availability on the platform to get the maximum results
out of it. Below I share some tips that I personally apply to make the most out of

tip 1: stay logged in for an extended amount of time

As I discussed earlier, work can come and disappear within minutes. So, it is
necessary that you are logged into the UHRS dashboard for an extended amount of
time. Once you log into UHRS via Clickworker, you are granted access for 8 hours
on the platform. You need to repeat the process after that. If you stay inactive, you
get signed out of UHRS. To avoid this, you can use an Autorefresher.

1. Log in to the UHRS dashboard. You will most likely be greeted with no
available HitApps.
2. The HitApps list refreshes every 15 minutes (approximately). So while
working on your PC, you can refresh the list every 20-30 minutes. This
3. Stay logged in for at least 2-3 hours (if not more), and keep refreshing every
20-30 minutes.
4. Get on with it as soon as you see any available HitApp.

The main idea behind this is to stay active on the platform for as long as possible;
ensuring you don’t miss out on any potential work. I remember once when I was
able to start work on a HitApp early on, and by the time it finished I had already
made more than 80$. Turns out that the qualification process for it was difficult.
This allowed me to work on it for an extended amount of time. By the time more
people qualified for it and started working on it, I had already worked on it for 3

Had I been unavailable for those 3 hours, I would not have earned such a
significant amount. So increasing your availability is the first tip. Now what will
you do while you are online for such a long time, you ask? I like to work on my
website while I am online on UHRS and Usertesting looking for work. Both these
websites follow a “first-come, first-serve” model of providing tasks. This way, I
ensure that I am available for any given task while working on my website.

You can be watching movies or Youtube, browsing Facebook or Instagram, all

with UHRS open in the background. Just be mindful to keep refreshing the page
every 15-30 minutes and keep checking for new tasks. You don’t even need to be
actively working on the computer, just make sure you keep refreshing the page. It
is not as hard as it might sound and will help you earn considerably more amount
of money.

tip 2: cover more time by partnering with a friend

As optimistic as the first tip might sound, you won’t be able to cover more than 5-6
hours of availability, at best. Maybe more on some lazy weekends, but let’s not
shoot for the moon here. And the HitApps availability is very random in

There was a period of around 10 days when I was not able to find any work in
Clickworker. This was after being active for 4-5 hours daily. I became very
disappointed when I came to know that the tasks were coming in at 11:30 pm
(Indian Standard Time). Unfortunately, I was retiring to bed early during that
particular period of time. If only I was aware of this, I would have been available
at that point in time; which brings us to tip #2.

1. Partner up with a friend or two, and divide the time when you will be
logged into the UHRS platform.
2. Create a WhatsApp group, and simply send a ping on the group whenever
work is available.
3. Change the notification tone of that group to be as distracting as possible;
so that you are always notified of available work.

Obviously, it’s a long shot from having 24-hour availability on the platform; but
you can ensure that you will get notified of new tasks over a much wider range of
time. You and your friends can divide this chore depending upon your availability
and commitments.
tip 3: avoid disqualification while working on a hitapp
You see a HitApp with thousands of available hits, and are delighted at the
prospect of the potential earnings. You begin working right away, hearing the
dollars rolling in your bank account with every click until…A message appears
informing you that you have kicked out of the task.

This is a real bummer, as not only did you waste hours refreshing the page looking
for work; you were also not able to reap any of the benefit of your work and
patience. So how do you avoid getting kicked out of a HitApp?

1. Never rush through any hit, even if it looks easy. All HitApps have a certain
amount of time that you need to wait in-between each judgment, which ensures
that you have carefully inspected the hit.

Rushing through hits might feel lucrative, especially if the hits are easy to judge.
But there is an internal check which will simply kick you out for doing this.

Sometimes, you will be allowed to work on it again the next day. But sometimes
you will be permanently banned from that particular task.
2. Carefully read the guidelines and make sure you judge all the hits after
inspecting them patiently. There are random “Spam Hits” in between the regular
hits. Judging them incorrectly for a repeated amount of time can disqualify you
from the task. Upon judging them, you will be shown a dialog box telling you the
correct answer and its reason.
3. Be even more aware, as there are certain “hidden spam hits” that you will
be presented with from time to time. They won’t show you a dialog box with the
correct answer unlike the one described above. But it will keep decreasing your
judgment score. Once your score goes below 0.70, you will be disqualified from
the HitApp till the next day.

I struggled a lot with these types of hits. I would get kicked out of the task, and
would not have any idea as to why it happened. I was left wondering as to what
went wrong with my judgments.

So, the main take-away from this tip is to work on your tasks patiently and
honestly. Don’t get greedy and work mindlessly on your HitApps. Always be
patient and honest with your work, even if it takes a little more time than usual. It
will ensure that you end up working more than the other clickworkers, since many
of them will get disqualified along the way.

I remember working on a particular HitApp, from which I would always get

disqualified after working for 15-20 minutes. I was always left wondering as to
what mistake I made. After I began working more mindfully on it, I was able to
work for 2 hours straight, without being disqualified. Turns out that working
honestly and mindfully does have it’s benefits. This is a classic example of the
slow and steady wins the race.

tip 4: check from anywhere using mobile

If you own an Android or iOS smartphone, then you can even login to UHRS using
your mobile. This helps you to quickly check for available Hitapps by quickly
glancing on your smartphone. Don’t forget to refresh. 

This counters the impracticality of checking for new Hitapps constantly on your

You can even work on some of the Hitapps using your smartphone, though it is not
recommended. It will allow you to literally work from anywhere, or even while
commuting or getting bored at your office. But some Hitapps do not work properly
on mobile, and most of the contractors advise against working on them from a
mobile device. 

So it is best to stick to a desktop for longer work sprints. Also, using a larger
screen and proper keyboard/mouse setup is the most efficient way to work on it,
which will allow you to earn much more $ per hour from UHRS.

tip 5: pass the qualification, even if no hits are available.

Some Hitapps allow you to clear the training and qualification exam, even if there
are no Hits available. Try clearing their qualification, so that you can quickly begin
working on them the next time Hits are reloaded onto the app.

tip 6: it’s natural to get banned from hitapps

Don’t lose hope. A lot of people get kicked out for no fault of theirs. The most
plausible reason for this is simply that the thought process of the client does not
match with yours. Just make sure you are respecting the “time per hit” rule of the
Hitapp, ie, not judging too fast.

The Hitapp will disappear for a while and will be available again after 8-24 hours.
Try again. Go through the guidelines again if you need to. If you get kicked out 3
times, you will be banned from the Hitapp, which kind of sucks. But simply
move on and work on something else. 

Getting banned from Hitapps does not affect your account in any way. Don’t
worry, you won’t get banned from UHRS for getting kicked from Hitapps. Infact,
if the client resets the Hitapp (maybe changes the guidelines, interface, etc.), you
will be able to qualify for it again.

tip 7: work through multiple contractors

You can access UHRS simultaneously (using different browsers/incognito) if
you are approved to work on UHRS through multiple sites. They don’t mind as
the job sets given to their contactors are different.

By gaining access through multiple sites, you can increase the work available to
you. And since all UHRS projects pay between 5-15$/hour (more if you are from a
economically stronger nation), you can increase your earnings working more

Check out the different ways to gain UHRS access.


←More payment proofs from Usertesting→Microworkers TTV – A micro-

tasking site that pays for completing simple tasks
50 replies on “tips to increase your uhrs earnings [updated]”

Sunaryo Sunsays:


thanks man. it helps me a alot.

i just join the uhrs recently, and i was wondering how could i got banned for the
things i do not know.
apparently the task just too easy so i hit the submit button to fast..



yes, you need to wait a certain time between HITS. The duration varies for



Thanks for your tips. Thats why I got spam rate lower than I expected and didnt
know why. Btw, is the amount transferred to clickworker account final amount that
will be paid to you? Will it get deducted for some reasons? Thank you



The amount that got transferred to your Clickworker is the final amount, though
Paypal will deduct a small amount of “service fee” while transferring the amount
to your bank account.


what is spam lower rate i want to understand….?




Your spam rate is the number of correct judgements/number of spam hits. It should
ideally be above 0.7. If it gets below 0.7 you might get kicked out of the Hitapp.
Spam hits are hits designed to check whether you are judging correctly.



I got banned from uhrs beacuse i joing best description hitapp and i got 70% spam
rate and i think it is not bad … can i ask cw to unbanned me!



You probably got banned from that particular Hitapp, not from UHRS. Infact, you
can get kicked upto 3 times after which the Hitapp becomes inaccessible to you.



I also realised that a lot of hitapps are hidden in the category bar. It is never “all
categories” selected only a certain one.


Yes, it’s in the new UI of UHRS.
If you get the option, you can switch to the old UI to see all the Hitapps at once.



Sir I completed my qualification test for some HIT apps, but their status is
pending. I’m not sure if I have passed the test or not. What to do,



If you pass the test then you are instantly given access to that Hitapp.



How do you change the UI to the old one?




I don’t think you can do that anymore.




How to remember the guidelines each time you login. Some guidelines have only
small changes between hitapps that affect judgement. My spam rate accuracy goes
below 50 but not banned . Will it affect anyway my payment/ continue working in


The Guidelines are available for you anytime you login, you also have the option
to download them to your device.
For spam rate, check your “My Reports” section. If it shows “In Production” as the
status, then you will be paid the amount listed there.



which is best time to work on uhrs? when are new hitapps uploaded in the uhrs
according to your experience. could you please share that information.



The best time to work on UHRS would be during night hours (such as after 10pm
to 6am) if your schedule can allow that, as it is the most inactive time in UHRS.
Also, several Hitapps follow a pattern when there hits are reloaded. For eg, a
Hitapp might get new hits everyday at around 2pm for several days, so make note
of it and be ready.
This helps when you are working with a group, and you guys can share this
information with each other (as mentioned in one of the tip)



What time zone is this please so I can convert to my time here?



That was according to IST.
Mostly, work comes according to US office time (so 9-5 office hours in US is
when you can usually expect Hitapps to roll in)



Do you have any ideas to answer correctly to the questions and maintain spam
accuracy of over 85%? Please help me! Im between 50 to 70%. I want someone to



Their is no single advice that would work on all Hitapps. But try to read guidelines
thoroughly and go through the training hits. The training hits have explanations for
right and wrong answers so you can get a better idea of your mistakes.



Thanks man! now I know where I have been going wrong




You’re welcome Jayne




thank you for the tips! really helpful




You’re welcome 



Hey dude..Can i work on UHRS from different vendors at a time with different
Will there be any problem with th IP address???



Except for Clickworker, none of the other contractors have any issue with working
on multiple contractors simultaneously. There won’t be any problem with IP but I
suggest you use different browsers for different contractors.

Darshana Dinkar Chaudharisays:


I always face the issue of “no more hits available” even though i see there are so
many available hits. Is there any solution for this issue?



That happens with everyone. The number of hits available updates in 20 minutes,
so chances are the hits dried within that period.



Sir on which date of the month will UHRS payment will be made by quadrant



QR payments are a tricky thing right now. They are late on their payments and
might take up to 2 months for the payment to come to your account. I suggest you
constantly be in touch with their support to get a clearer idea on your payment.



Hello, currently I’m using one email to work with two different contractors – and lionbridge, I’m yet to receive my pay, would I get a payment
from just one contractor since it’s the same UHRS account I use for both (the same
mail address was what these contractors registered me with) or will I get two
payments from these two contractors?



If you are using the same outlook email address, then I have no idea as this is not
If you are using the same email address for registration on the contractors, then you
will receive 2 separate payments from both of them.


Is it still possible to access UHRS from multiple contractors? I’m afraid I’ll get
banned. I just signed up in Oneforma and saw they also have access to UHRS.



Yes, you can access UHRS from multiple contractors, except for Clickworker.
Oneforma allows you to work with multiple contractors.

Vitalis Ifohsays:


Thanks for all these information. Please I already registered UHRS with
clickworker but will like to access UHRS from other vendors, how do I remove my
UHRS registration from clickworker and will it pay more to do so and work with
UHRS from multiple other vendors. Thanks



The Hitapp situation varies from country to country. Quadrant Resource has almost
the same amount of Hitapps in India, but QR belongs to an Indian company as
For European countries, Clickworker works better. But such questions are best
answered by a community. I suggest you ask this to people on reddit or other

Lekha Csays:

Thank you for the tips. Recently joined UHRS from Lionbridge. Just wanted to
ask, should I use the same credentials (Name, email) to join UHRS from
Clickworker and other platforms? Or should I use different credentials?



You can use the same credentials but will need a different outlook email. Also,
Clickworker does not allow you to work with other UHRS platforms, so you
should skip that one.

Arindam Ghosalsays:


Dear Sir, thank you for your excellent tips and suggestions. I am a newbie on the
UHRS platform (Datamime). Is it possible to work simultaneously with Datamime
and Quadrantresource with different browsers (single PC) and the same bank
account details? Is there any chance to get permanently banned if I do so?
Thanks in advance



Hi Arindam,
Thanks for your kind words. Yes, you can work simultaneously with both. Only
Clickworker does not allow it’s UHRS workers to work with other contractors.



What about pending in hit apps.Is they qualify again



Sorry cannot understand you.


Vitalis Ifohsays:


I am from Nigeria and as you may know Nigeria has a very bad economy. And so I
depend fully on online micro jobs.
Please can I get the list of all UHRS contractors(vendors) that has not just Paypal
as a payment option and also opened to Nigerian taskers too.



If UHRS jobs are available to you from any one platform, then most probably all
the other platforms will accept you as well. Read this article for all the different

ziya khansays:


please any one can explain me how to work on lionbridge. I cant understand
anything, help me out.



Hey Ziya,
There are many ways to work on Lionbridge and it can get confusing. Check out
our Lionbridge guide for help regarding Lionbridge:



Hi sir I recently qualified for uhrs but I am not getting enough jobs.
I got to know from my friend that he get 30 + jobs on the same day of
He is leaving in same city

Did I do something wrong or how can I get more jobs




Different profiles have access to different jobs (especially in the beginning). Just
try to be active more and qualify for new Hitapps. With time, you will get access to
more Hitapps.


MAY 22, 2021

UHRS Made Simple – A Step-by-Step

Do you know you can earn money by helping search engines search
better? In this article, We will discuss about UHRS – A platform
developed by Microsoft to improve Bing Search Engine. This is going to
be the most comprehensive guide on UHRS you would have ever come
across. I have earned more than $6000 from it in the last 12 months and
I will guide you through each and every single process that will help you
earn better.

How To Get Access To UHRS?

UHRS is owned by Microsoft and it doesn’t provide direct access to it’s
platform. The only way to get access is through different vendors or third
parties. I am listing out all the vendors that are currently providing
access to UHRS.

1. Clickworker
2. Teemwork
3. Oneforma
4. Quadrant Resources
5. Datamime
You can create account on any of these sites and get access to UHRS.
Now people often ask me which one is the best vendor to start working
with. The list that I have provided above is already ranked as per my
priority. To rank the 5 sites, I took 2 factors into consideration:

1. Work Availability – Number of hitapps available in the platform

2. Payment System – Smoothness of the payment process

Live ID And How to Create it?

Live ID is going to be required to access UHRS platform. To create it,
You can simply go to and create a free account. Vendors like
Clickworker and Quadrant Resources will give you a specific email ID
that you need to create. While for the others, you can create any random
live id. After creation, You will be required to link it with the vendor after
which you will be able to access UHRS platform.
Link to UHRS
UHRS Platform Guide
UHRS Platform is basically divided into 2 sections.

1. Marketplace
2. Report
We will discuss about both of them and will provide every single detail
about the Platform.

Marketplace is the part of UHRS Platform where you will be able to see
the tasks availability and a various other information about each task.
Below is a screenshot of how the marketplace looks like. It is the first
screen you will see when you login to UHRS

Once you are here, go to All section as shown in the above screenshot
and change the view to List as It is easier to track things than the Grid
Now Let’s start discussing about each and every term present in the
UHRS Marketplace.

Hitapps, Hits, Earn, Completion Time

1. Hitapps : These are the various kind of jobs/tasks present in
UHRS. Each hitapp is different than the other and has a different set
of rules to do it. From my experience, I can tell one thing that if you do
UHRS for around 4-5 months you will be familiar to all kind of hitapps
that usually comes.Presenting below a screenshot which we will refer
through out this section.

I have
covered the hitapp names in the screenshot as it is against the UHRS
2. Hits: These are the tasks that you do in a hitapp. Think of hits as
questions/queries that you have to solve and get paid. Each hit will
earn you some money. In the above screenshot, the top hitapp
contains approximately 89.7k hits which shows the work availability
for the hitapp. In simpler terms, there are around 89.7k queries that
are currently available to be solved in the hitapp.
3. Earn: This is the amount that you will earn for doing a single hit in
the hitapp. So for the hitapp present at the second which is having
2.5k hits has a earning potential of $0.012/hit. That is equivalent of
$30 in total.
4. Completion Time: This is the average time that you should take to
complete one hit. This is something you should follow in order to not
get a speed ban which we will talk later in the coming sections.
Preview, Train, Guidelines
1. Preview: The wifi like icon shown in the above image is the
Preview section. Before you can do the paid tasks, you can practice
the hitapp using preview and understand how the hitapp works. It will
provide you questions similar to that in the Paid tasks and is very
helpful to get a practical overview of the task. This is not mandatory
and can be optionally done only for practice.
2. Training: The next icon to preview is Training. It is similar to
Preview. The only difference between Preview and Training is that in
most of the hitapps Training is a mandatory field before you will be
able to start doing the Paid Tasks. It is also for practice and will help
you understanding the task.
3. Guidelines: The last icon in the image refers to Guidelines. You
can download guidelines for every hitapp using this section. They are
a set of rules and methods that you should follow to judge/solve a
hit(query) in the hitapp. Guidelines will give you the theory knowledge
while the training and preview will give you practical examples of the
Note: Personally, I like to start a new hitapp with Training and Preview
and if I don’t understand it while doing Training, only then I go and read
the guidelines.
Qualify, Start, Pending

1. Qualify: For doing paid tasks in any hitapp, you will have to go
through a qualification process. As per my experience, I have seen
the hitapps generally require 70%-80% score in Qualification to pass
it. Each hitapp will provide you a certain number of chances to
qualify. If you fail in all the chances then you won’t be getting
another chance to pass it. So it’s very important to do the
Qualification carefully. Below is a sample instruction to qualification

In the above screenshot you can see there are 3 qualification

attempts and in each attempt you will get 15 Hits. And as per the note
above the usual percentage to pass qualification is 70-80 which
means you will be required to do around 12 Hits correctly out of the
15 available Hits in qualification to pass it. Qualification is a one time
process which means if you qualify on a hitapp once you won’t be
required to pass again if the same hitapp comes in future.Small
Trick: While doing the qualification if you are unsure about a
hit(query) you can refresh the page to see a new hit. In this way you
can only do the hits you are sure about and pass the exam.
2. Start: This is the button which will take you to the Paid tasks.
Qualify button automatically converts into Start once you successfully
pass the exam.
3. Pending: Some hitapps show the action button as Pending after
you give the qualification test which can be seen from the above
screenshot. Only a few hitapps have this issue and I will recommend
you to ignore those hitapps and focus on the others.
This ends the Marketplace section. I hope you understood it well. We will
now talk about Report and the other important topics.

Report is a very important part of UHRS as it will show you your
performance across various hitapps that you have done. You will be able
to improve your earnings by checking your reports regularly. Below is a
screenshot which we will refer throughout this section:

Judgement Total, Judging Hours,

1. Judgement Total: This shows the total number of hits that you
have done for that particular hitapp. The more hits you do the more
you earn.
2. Judging Hours: This shows the total amount of time you have
spent to perform the tasks.
3. Judgement/Hour (Speed): This shows your speed with which you
have done the hits. You must follow the completion time which we
discussed in the above section to avoid getting speed bans. We will
talk about speed bans in the coming section.
Potential , Incentive and Total Earnings
1. Potential Earnings: This shows the amount of money that you
have earned by doing the hits.
2. Incentive Earnings: Some hitapps will contain bonus. If you earn
any bonus from a hitapp it will show up under Incentive Earnings.
3. Total Earnings: This is the sum of Potential Earnings and
Incentive Earnings. This is the amount that you will be getting paid
from UHRS.
For a better understanding, you can check out our video on UHRS –
Complete Guide.
Note: The video is in English
Spam Accuracy
This is the most important part in the report section. This tells you how is
your performance in a hitapp and if you need to improve it. To
understand Spam Accuracy better, we will have to understand the
various kind of hits present in a hitapp.

Types Of Hits
We are only going to talk about the various types of hits present in the
Paid Hits which will come after qualifying a hitapp.

1. Task Hits: These are the hits whose answer is not known to UHRS
and you among with various workers will solve the hits to give UHRS
the answers. Now here comes a problem, if UHRS will give all the hits
as Task hits then people can easily spam(give any answer they want
even without reading the query). Spamming will decrease the quality
of work that UHRS is looking for and hence it has come up with a
solution to it with 2 kinds of hits which are inserted among the Task
Hits randomly.
2. Spam Hits: These are the hits whose answer is already known to
UHRS and it will be used to assess your quality of work. Now UHRS
will not tell you if the hit is a spam hit or not. It will just look similar to a
Task hit and is almost impossible to differentiate a Spam hit from a
Task hit.
3. RTA Hits: This is similar to spam hit as the answer to this hit is
also known to UHRS but this will not be used to assess your quality of
work rather it will just provide you information if you are doing the hits
correctly or not. Also you will be able to identify a RTA Hit from the
other hits as it will give you a alert after you complete the hit. The
alert looks similar to an alert you get while doing a hit in Training
section. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Finding Spam Accuracy

Now that you have understood the various kind of hits, let us understand
what spam accuracy is by one example.
Suppose you did 100 hits in a hitapp among which 10 hits were spam
hits and were randomly placed between the Task hits. Out of the 10
Spam Hits you did 5 hits correctly then your spam accuracy will be 50%.
It doesn’t matter if you do the Task Hits correctly or not. The only thing
matters is doing those few Spam Hits correctly.
The formula for Spam Accuracy is :
Spam Accuracy = Number Of Spam Hits Done Correctly/Total
Number Of Spam Hits Done
So if by anyway you know what are the Spam hits in a hitapp then you
will be able to ace the hitapp with 100% accuracy and probably you will
earn a lot of money. 👌

You should always maintain a good spam accuracy so as to not get a

ban. We will talk about various kind of bans in the next section.

Type Of Bans In UHRS

There are 2 types of bans in UHRS.

1. Spam Ban: This happens when your spam accuracy goes below a
set threshold. For every Hitapp there is a threshold already set by
UHRS which is unknown to us. So people usually ask me What is a
good Spam Accuracy? The answer to it is simple, there is no exact
spam accuracy which is good as for every hitapp the spam accuracy
is different. But if you can keep your spam accuracy at 90% and
above, there is a very little chance that you will get banned. One way
to know the threshold is by getting a ban  as it will tell you at what
spam accuracy you got banned. But I will not recommend doing so 😂
2. Speed Ban: This happens when you try to do the hits at a much
faster rate than the desired speed limit. Like the spam ban which had
a threshold for spam accuracy, every hitapp also has a speed
limit/threshold. If you go above that threshold you will get a speed
ban. You must follow the average completion time which is mentioned
for every hitapp in Marketplace to avoid a speed ban.
Ban Timeline
Temporary Ban: Each hitapp will temporarily ban you before banning
you permanently. The temporary bans will be like a warning and if you
get it you will usually have a message “Based on your recent work, we
have noticed that the quality is not in line with Task owner’s
expectations and guidelines.” While in Temporary Ban, you still get a
chance to work on the hitapp again. The Temporary Ban usually lifts in
24 hours, more specifically at 12:00 AM (PST).  So after this you can
again start working on the hitapp.
Permanent Ban: After 2 temporary bans, the 3rd ban will lead to a
Permanent Ban and in this case it will disable your access to the hitapp
forever. It will come with a message “You have been disabled“. This is
something you should avoid at any cost.
To avoid Permanent Ban, you must understand how the Ban Timeline

For every hitapp, the Ban status resets every 7 days. Let us understand
it with an example:

If you are temporarily banned today a hidden timer will start for 7
days from the exact time of your ban. Within these 7 days if you get
2 more bans then you will be permanently banned but if you don’t
do the hitapp for 7 days after the 1st ban then the timer will end and
the system will forget that you had a ban before.
You can take advantage of this method by stopping to work on a hitapp
for 7 days on which you have a temporary ban. This will make sure you
don’t have a permanent ban at all.

PA AC and TA AC Hitapps
The Ban Timeline doesn’t apply for a small number of hitapps ending
with PA AC and TA AC. These are the hitapps which will ban you in your
first ban without giving you a warning. So you should be more careful
while doing these hitapps.

Note: The UHRS Portal refreshes every 15-20mins which means it

doesn’t show all the information in real time. 
Hope you liked the article. if you found value through it and want to
check out some other Earning Options do check our other articles. 😊

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