Self - Learning Module - 2: Global Site For It Studies, Inc

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3rd Floor Rosario Uy Bldg., San Jose Street, Goa, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2020 - 2021

Self – Learning Module - 2

Name:____________________________________________ Rating: _______________

Course & Year level: ________________________________ Date: ________________

Self – Learning Module, Second Semester


I am a Globalista – a student of Global Site for I.T. Studies, Inc., a conscientious, adept
performer, achievers, competently pursuing my mission in life.


Explain and apply the fundamental elements of effective conflict resolution processes
and use to reduce group conflicts and divisions, foster agreement, and promote future


Describe and explain the new abilities they have developed as the result of self-initiated
learning experience and projects through analyzation and understanding every topic in the


How to learn from this module:

1. Before working on this self-learning module, make sure you have a notebook, pen or
pencil and learning materials with you.

2. Read carefully the instructions given. Don’t hurry. Always review your answers.

3. If you are told to go and do something, do not hesitate to do so.

4. Accomplish tasks and complete worksheet seriously and correctly.

5. Submit outputs on or before the deadline at the agreed drop area like Barangay Hall or to
the assigned Barangay Official in your Barangay.

6. Guidance, support & encouragement of the parent/guardian are highly encouraged.

7. Enjoy learning.

Self – Learning Module, Second Semester
Lesson Analyze the Forms and Functions of Social

Social organization is defined as the system of relationships between persons

and among groups with regard to the division of activity and functional mutual obligations
within society. The family serves as an important universal social institution. It is the basic
unit of social organization that is essential part of human society. There are several kinds of
families: nuclear (consist of parents and children), extended (nuclear family with
relatives), and reconstituted families (spouses and children from previous marriage).
It is the basis of kinship- a system of social organization which is based on recognized family
ties. Kinship ties is based on descent can be Matrilineal (female line), Patrilineal
Kinship (male line), and Bilineal kinship (both female and male lines).
-Kinship is of three types: Consanguineous kinship that is also known as a
kinship by blood, affinal kinship which is also known as kinship by marriage, and the
kinship by ritual. Affinal kinship, on the other hand refers to the bond that is formed
through marriage. It can be monogamous or polygamous. Monogamy means that a
person is married to one person only. Polygamy, on the other hand, means that a person
has more than one spouse at a time.
-Kinship plays a huge role in the kind of society that we are living today. Its
influences affect our politics and economy. One example would be the existence of the
political dynasties .A dynasty refers to a succession of rulers from the same family or
lineage. Political organizations follow certain guidelines or regulations to ensure that
political processes are going smoothly.
-Authority – is the concept of right to issue and, using coercive power to enforce a
-Legitimacy – originated from the Latin word “legitimare”, meaning to declare,
lawful”. According to Weber, it is the basis of every system of authority, a willingness to
obey, and a belief by virtue of which persons exercising authority are lent prestige”
-Weber’s Theory of Authority is classified into three types:
Traditional Authority-is legitimated by sanctity of tradition or custom
Charismatic Authority-is authority made legitimate by a leader with a mission
and vision that inspires others.
Legal-Rational Authority-refers to a form of leadership made legitimate by legal
rationality. It legitimacy derived from the power of the content of law.

Self – Learning Module, Second Semester
Instructions: The details pertaining to cultural, social and political institutions are given
below. Identify what is asked by completing the statement. Choices are cited below right
after the sentences.

How Society is Organized?

Lesson Groups within Society

1 Trace kinship ties and social networks

'No Man is an Island'

No man is an island entire of itself;

every man is a piece of the continent,
a part of the main;…

(Excerpts from Devotions upon Emergent

Occasions, a 1624 prose work by
English poet John Donne)

“No man is an island”. We are part of a

whole being. We cannot live independently at
all times. We cannot always function by
ourselves alone. We need other peoples’ help
because of our limitations. We are not self-sufficient, we rely on each other. Every one lives
for one another.

In the midst of a great pandemic from the covid-19, most everyone has been isolated
from others, told not to go to work or work from home or to stay at home. We are far from
each other physically but not socially. Though we may not be able to see our loved ones
often because of this pandemic, but still we communicate to them through different
technologies and of course, social media.

Self – Learning Module, Second Semester
As humans, we tend to create connections; we tend to create groups from the people
around us. We are capable of establishing groups by way of our different relationships with
other people such as family, friends, neighbours, classmates, workmates and other
individuals whom we share common identity and interests. Our relationships with other
people caused us to survive. We develop ourselves through social interactions. The society
around us helps us grow to a better individual. The person and society are inseparable. One
cannot exist without the other. It is a two-way relationship that binds both the person and
the society for growth – with this, social groups are formed.

Social group may be defined as a group of individuals who often act with each
other on the premise of shared expectations regarding behaviour and who share a common


Primary group is a typical small social group whose members share close,
personal, intimate, and face to face association and cooperation and have strong emotional
ties. The members have a feeling of togetherness and belongingness, and sympathetic with
one another. Examples include families, friendship groups, play groups, peers, neighbours,
Secondary group can be small or large who do not interact much; mostly
impersonal; interactions among members are casual and usually short-term; typically found
at work and school. Examples include the group for a school project, members of the
committee, superior-subordinate, seller-buyer, etc.

Reference group. They serve as model of standards; we use them as patterns to

guide behaviours and attitudes. Examples include peer groups, senior schoolmates, actors
and actresses, etc.

Reference group may be classified as in-group or out-group.

In-group is a social group to which an individual identifies and which give him/her
a sense of belongingness, solidarity, camaraderie, the feeling of togetherness, and protective
attitude toward the other members. The members know each other intimately and loyal to
each other. They share common activities, goals, and background. Examples are
membership of a church organization, sports club.

Out-group is a social group that an individual does not identify with; viewed as
outsiders of the in-group. Any member of the in-group has a feeling of strangeness,
avoidance, antagonism, etc. towards the members of the out-group. Example could be a
sports team opponent.

Self – Learning Module, Second Semester
Networks (link or connection) are defined as sets of informal and formal social ties
that link people to each other. Social network is a sociological concept for a group of
interdependent individuals and the relationships between them. It is formed by the
presence of social linkage for some personal, economic, religious, or political reasons. The
social actors within a network might be people, families, organizations, corporations, states,
or a mixture of individuals and groups.


 Social group may be defined as a group of individuals who often act with each other
on the premise of shared expectations regarding behaviour and who share a way of
common identity.
 Primary group is a typical small social group whose members share close, personal,
intimate, and face to face association and cooperation and have strong emotional
 Secondary group can be small or large who do not interact much; mostly impersonal;
interactions among members are casual and usually short-term; typically found at
work and school.
 Reference group is a group to which we associate ourselves. They serve as model of
standards; we use them as patterns to guide behaviours and attitudes. Reference
group may be classified as in-group or out-group.
 In-group is a social group to which an individual identifies and which give him/her a
sense of belongingness, solidarity, camaraderie, the feeling of togetherness, and
protective attitude toward the other members.
 Out-group is a social group that an individual does not identify; viewed as outsiders
of the in-group.
 Networks (link or connection) are defined as sets of informal and formal social ties
that link people to each other.

Self – Learning Module, Second Semester

1. Find a place in your home where you can study well.

2. Have a chair and table. Make sure you have the materials you need like paper,
pen, pencil, etc.
3. Read carefully and understand the lesson. Then, you can start answering the

Activity 1. Multiple Choice Test.

Instruction: Read and analyze each statement below and carefully choose the letter that best
describe the statement. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It can be defined as a group of individuals who often act with each other on the
premise of shared expectations regarding behaviour and who share common
a. social aggregate c. social categories
b. social group d. society

2. This group can be large or small; common interests bind the members together more
than their relationship.
a. primary group c. tertiary group
b. secondary group d. reference group

3. This is a group to which we compare ourselves.

a. social group c. secondary group
b. social aggregate d. reference group

4. A social group to which an individual feels he belongs.

a. secondary group c. in-group
b. out-group d. primary group

5. A social group that an individual does not identify with.

a. reference group c. primary group
b. network d. out-group

Self – Learning Module, Second Semester
Activity 2. Identification.
Instruction: Identify the different social groups under Column A whether it belongs to
primary group, secondary group, or reference group. Write your answers under Column B.

No. Column A Column B

1. schoolmates
2. favorite basketball team
3. childhood playmates
4. celebrities
5. doctor-patient
6. family
7. research group
8. heroes
9. husband and wife
10. siblings

Activity 3. Essay Test.

Instruction: Justify and discuss each question based on how do you understand the lesson.
Write your answers on the space provided.

1. Read the statement below and share your experience.

We are caught unaware of the great pandemic covid-19. It has made huge impact to
all aspects of our being. In this time of uncertainty, we are able to witness many faces of
helping hands especially in the social media. True compassion for humanity is the essence of
it all. How about you?
Together with the help of your family, friends, neighbours, your community perhaps,
what significant act of true compassion did you do to help? Please share your experience.
Self – Learning Module, Second Semester

2. My Top Model
Identify one reference group that has influenced your attitude or behaviour, and
explain why it had this influence on you.

3. Discuss the phase “Traces kinship ties and social networks”



I hereby pledge that I took this tasks with all honesty and integrity.
______________________________ ____________________________
Student’s Signature over Printed Name Parent’s Signature over Printed Name

Self – Learning Module, Second Semester
Key to Correction

Activity 1

1. B
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. B

Activity 2

1. secondary group 6. primary group

2. reference group 7. secondary group
3. primary group 8. Reference group
4. reference group 9. primary group
5. secondary group 10. primary group

Activity 3. Essay Test.

Note: The checker will analyze and read each answers of the student. The rate will
be from 1 – 5 each questions based on how they discuss and justify their answer.

Self – Learning Module, Second Semester

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