Human Anatomy and Physiology

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I EEE . ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY A Anatomy—The formation of our body and the study of " iMerrelation of ils various parts is anatomy, - . ‘ Physiology—This is the study of ai in the body. . eee Our body is made of innumerable minute cells which can be seen by a microscope. It is called aunit of life as each Cell has composit activities in it, In the body due to division Of the cell many cells are created. Groups of cells of similar Properties, shape and activity are known as tissue, Sere Cell Different types of tissues make org: carry on similar activity. They grou Tissue jans: Many of the organs ip together to form a system. In our body there are 9 systems, 5 sense organs, 9 endocrine glands. : Systems Digestive system Blood circulatory system. Lymphatic system Respiratory System Skeletal system Muscular. system . Nervous system Urinary: system Reproductive. system: aN egasene 2 Natural Health 2 Vana” ‘Scanned with CamScanner OMONAARHON > gon = Sense Organs Eyes Ears Nose Tongue Skin Endocrine glands or Ductless glands Pituitary Gland ; Thyroid Gland Parathyroid Glands Thymus Gland Adrenal Glands Islets of Langerhans in the Pancreas Spleen . . Pineal Gland Gonads or Sex Glands—Testes and Ovaries. (i) DIGESTIVE SYsTem Digestive system is attributed to the work of ingestion of food _and its digestion and absorption, thereafter assimilation in the blood, excretion indigested and unprocessed food productsin the form of waste product from the anus. a “The main constituent of digestive system is the alimentary canai which is almost ten metres long. Ithas the following parts— (1) Mouth (2) Pharynx (3) Oesophagus (4) Stomach (5) Small Intestine (6) Large Intestine (7) Rectum (8) Anal Canal Apart from théAlimentary canalthere are some organs which help in digestion— Salivary Glands Pancreas ~ Liver Gall-Bladder fo Peristaltic: movements—These ate Movements like lasloy Ww moving symphony, which make the food move forward ‘inthe system.) (1) Mouth—tt has three main parts connected with digestion. B ’(a) Tongue—Thisis the main organ which accepts taste. This helps in chewing, swall lowing and talking. (b) Teeth—These are for eating, chewing and grinding our food, 7 at (¢) Salivary glands—These are three pairs. The Secretion of these glands is called spit or saliva which Natural Health & Yoga : 193 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Salivary Glands Pharynx Oesophagus. ss Stomach Liver Duodenum " Pancreas, . GalkBladder ° PS Small Intestine Large Intestine Large Intestine lleocaecal Valve Appendix 7 Rectum Anus Digestive System 194 Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned with CamScanner converts starch in the food to soluable maltage, Saliva works as an alkaline medium only. Saliva makes food more soft and easy to swallow. It keeps the mouth and tongue clean and the tissues in the mouth soft. (2) Pharynx—tt is a 12 cm tube which transfers food from the mouth to the food pipe. From this alone air also goes through the nose to larynx. (3);Oseophagus—This is a tube connected also with pharynx and opens up down, in the stomach. Through this food reaches the stomach. (4) Stomach—This is like a temporary store for food. In the: mucus:membrance of (valls of the stomach are gastric glands-which secrete gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid. This makes the food acidic, collected in the stomach and -minute-organisms4in the food-die. Gastric glands secrete three types of enzymes. . «4 Pepsinogen—tn the presence of hydrochloric acid this converts into pepsin. Pepsin converts protein into peptone. Peptone is made of amino acid and is easily soluble. _fi-Rennin—This enzyme converts milk into curd. This convert soluble protein caseinogen into casein, which is an insoluble milk protein. Thus separated casein can be reacted upon by pepsin. ~ (ii) Gastric Lipase—This enzyme dissolves fats and starts hydrolysis in them. : Here digestion of protein begins, from here the food is pushed into the small intestine through the duodenal opening. It.takes two-three hours for the the-food ancl push it ouf in case of carbohydrates. Proteinous food takes moré time for the stomact atty foo S More time for the stomach to clear. Fath food takes maximum timé Tor the to get cleared off, =e tort — o-LThis.ea ube ton a tube from the st , to the large intestine, five to’ Sever> stomach ei ine, | ven metres long, surrounded by the large intestine in the navel Tegion) Its first partis like a horse cord which is about 25 cm, long suvrounds the Pancreas from all sides, is called duodenum. In the middle of Natural Health & Yoga tac ‘Scanned wih CamScanner the duodenum open up common bile duct and pancreatic duct, After reaching in the small intestine the food gets : mixed with pancreatic juices, bile created by the liver { stored in gall bladder and intestinal juices secreted by intestinal walls. i There are three types of enzymes in the pancreatic juices, _() Amylase—This digests carbohydrates, which are converted into maltgse., gang - (i) Toppainttretatt sts proteins, so that they are converted in to amino acid¢This is present in the form of Trypsinogen and when combined with Enterokinase (present in intestinal juices) is converted into trypsin, (ili) Lipase—This digest fats, which are converted into fatty Acid and glycerols. The acidic food received from stomach to Duodenum gets mixed with pancreatic juice and bile and becomes alkaline. i oliver Bile does not have digestive enzymes_But by this the fats are emulsified in the small intestines so that pancreatic enzyme lipase can react over it properly. Intestinal juices have the following enzymes which complete the digestion of all food parts— 21 Enterokinase—This activates inactive trypsinogen present in pancreatic juices and converts into Trypsin. This digests proteins. _¥ Erepsin—This converts protein into Amino acid. Sucrase, lactase and maltase—digest carbohydrates and convert it into glucose, fructose, galactose and dextrose. (6) Large intestine—The last part of small intestine ileum disappears in the large intestine. Here lleocaecal valve is placed which takes the food from small intestine to the large intestine but does not come back to the small intestine from the large intestine. Large intestine which teach fo rectum Natural Health & Yoga” 196 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner and_anal canal is almost _1..5 metre long and much broader than the small intestine. The large intestine does not have the digestion and assimilatidm process in it. The large intestine gets food, which is waste part, andis in the form of fluid. While moving through the large intestine the water out of this fluid gets absorbed which leads to solidifia faeces. The mucos membrance in the large intestinal wall its mucous to make faeces greasy, to cause mobility . (7) Rectum—When rectum gets filled with faeces then the urge to defecate arises. (8) Anal Canal—From this feaces is defecated. (9) Pancreas—This is a 12-15 cm. long gland which is situated behind the stomach and extended from duodenum to the spleen. Functions of the Pancreas— (1) It is an_exocrine gland, which secretes pancreatic juices to digest the food. 7 res “@) In -the-pancréas ‘there_is-a_group-of.cells scattered around-called Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. They are endocrine glands \ which secretes insulin hormone. “~~ (10) Liver—Liver is one of the largest organ in the body. itis present in the uppermost part of the abdominal cavity on the right side below the diaphragm. It is largely protected by - the gibs.and diaphragm) Itis a metabolically active organ and largest biochemical factory in the body. It carries out most of the intermediate metabolic activities. Functions of Liver AAT It secretes the bile about 800-1000 ml. per day. ert synthesizes glycogen from the glucose derived from the carbohydrate food. Glycogen is stored temporarily . ~ in the liver and converted back into glucose when needed by the body. (8) Itseparates the Amino Group (NH ,) from Amino Acid Natural Health & Yoga 197 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner derived from protein food-and-converts them into ammonia which is then converted into urea. Urea is removed and excreted in the urine through kidneys. (4) It stores the fat and utilises when needed. (5) It stores the iron and vitamin B,, (which are necessary for the formation of RBCs). (6) It also stores the Vitamin. A,.D and K. a |t-synthesizes plasma proteins (albumin and globulifi). De pdireeg (8)_Italso synthesizes prothrombin andfibrinogen which are néGessary for blood clotting. It synthesizes . heparin’ which is the natural anticoagulant. (1.0)-Itis the main organ to Produce heat in the body. (14) f inactivates toxic metabolies, ott Pau ‘synthesizes blood also in intra-uterin development 343) It disintegrates the breakdown Products of haemoglobin (bilirubin and biliverdin) into the bile which are eliminated in faeces. (14/11 synthesizes cholesterol as well as lipoproteins for the transport of fat to other body tissues. ; (18) Gall Bladder—Gall Bladder is a pear shaped bag like organ which is situated undar the liver. It measures 8-10 cm. in length and holding capacity is about 60-100 mi, Functions of Gall Bladder—Galll Bladder stores bile and also concentraies it. Bile is a liquid secreted by the liver cells. Main function of the bile is to emulsify the fats and to help in their digestion. DIGAWe Or arnee Ore Oxide un plu 40 nore precurclien Holl — ol A wall wirrik hie erat we ee ' gp ovacd leer ayrwd Qc dnd. Alidabere fa edie Se engl ey gt wet let hae yk " SF fogetont Wats fio ov Biel (BS ‘Scanned with ComScanner re donee ak Cindnta aD pe Concha llve wwerte) ee frodueeat , (2) BLOOD CIRCULATORY SYSTEM “This consists of the heart, blood vessels and blood. Heart works Tik8 a pump, whose, pumping motion makes blood flow into arteries which carfy it through out the body to each cell and comes back to the heart, flowing through veins. Thus the blood circulates. _ - Heart—This part is empty, rpus6lar, spongy, shaped like a fist, placed beind the sterrium bone, between the two lungs, slightly to the lefl sidé‘in a triangular tilt The wail of the heart has three layers, the outer. layer is called pericardium, the middle layer is called myocadiurn and the inner layer is called endocardium, ~~ There are four chamber in the heart. On the right the right atrium and right ventricle are there, the left Atrium and the left ventricle are on the left side. Between the right atrium and right ventricle is the tricuspid valve and between the left atrium and ventricle is the mitral valve. Between the heart and the pulmonary artery and between the heart and also there are valves. These valves prevent the reverse flow of blood. Functioning of Heart—The-heartsystoles. and.diastoles almost-72-times if-a minute: This process of. ‘contraction ant relaxatior’ Sends impure blood received from various parts of ‘the body through two big veins called superior vena cava and inferior vena cava in the right atrium. From here the blood goes through tricuspid valve to right ventricle, then from here through pulmonary arteries it goes to the lungs. From the lungs pure blood goes through pulmonary veins to the left atrium. From here through the mitral valves taken to the left ventricle. From here the with its braches, and sub-branches, circulates the blood t6 all various parts of the body, Blood Vessels—These are of two types. Arteries and Veins. Arteries—They take blood from the heart. Their walls are much thicker than the wails of the veins, They have pure blood in them, which reaches all the parts of the body and its cells through aorta, arteries, arterioles and capillaries. Natural Health & Yoga 199 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Aona | we Right Pulmonary Artery. ulmonary Artery Pulmonary re Pulmonary Veirts \ Lefl Atrium Superior Vena Cava—~ Mitral Valve Right Atrium Tricuspid Valve Right Ventricle Left Ventricle Aortic Valve Inferior Vena cava’ Pulmonary Valve Heart Lung's Venap Cavag|{ PA] ‘4 Nal Aorta Heart Veins | Venules myo blodlenye Yea * > big 6 OY, vei Len vers If Capillaries york Cane prookty blockaye 5 Blood Circulation “- hn 200 wadasslec a Sen OM, 2 Ord ence Only pulmonary arteries have impure blood taken to the lungs for purification. 1 Veins—-They bring impure blood from cells of different parts through capillaries, venules, veins and venae cavae to the heart. Only pulmonary vein takes pure blood from the lungs to the heart. Blood—Blood from the arteries is red and blood from veins is violet. In an ordinary adult there is almost 5-6 litre of blood. 55 to 60% of the blood is fluid called plasma, 40% to 45% 7s the solid Part of blood cells. Plasma is constituted with 91% water and rest of its is protein, minerad salts, neutrients, waste material, hormones, anti-bodies, enzymes, pigments, gas etc. Blood -Cells— a ~Réd Blood Cells (Corpuscle) (RBC)—These are the Major constituents in blood. In a healthy_person they are 40-50-1ac-per-eubie-mm. their cytoplasm-has haemoglobin which_makes-the-blood red-colouréd: {ron is its main component. Red blood cells carry oxygen all over the body. Haemoglobin count is generally 11-16 gm. per 100 mi. blood among men and 11-14 gm. per 100 mi. blood among women, {te Blood Cells (Corpuscle) (WBC)—These are the viaa in the three types of cells, but is less in number. In a healthy person 5000-8000 cells are there Per cubic ml. They which changes their shape. By phagocytosis it swallows_geriis“and carbonic particles and destroys them. These are of the following types— Neurotrophils 60-70% Bosophils 0-1% Eosinophils 3-4% Lymphocytes 25-30% Platelets or Thrombocytes—They are of irregular shape and very minute cells foundIn_blood——They are found from Bienen we = ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Aorta Pulmonary Vein | Pulmonary Vein Lung Inferior Venia Cava Blood Circulatory System 202 Natural Health & Yoga seann Se 4,5 lac. to. 6:5 lacs per cubic mm . With the-cooperation:of coagulation they helpir-stopping.ble@ding. Functions of Blood—To take oxygen from the lungs to each cell in the various parts of the body and to take carbon dyoxide from each cell and bring back to the lungs from where it goes out through exhalation. It takes digested food to each cell in the various parts of the body. Through antibodies it protects the body against disease. It regulates the temperature. Normally it is 98.6°F. Blood carries the hormones produced by endocrine glands. Blood collects waste material from various parts‘of the body and sends it to the kidneys and other excretory organs. Bloéd Group—Whenever blood transfusion is to be done then it is essential that the blood group of the patient and donor should tally. (ABO)—Human blood can: be divided into four categories A, BABY pnd ©, Vine 8 geek The patients and donors “blood group y Should be the * same{Only.a person of O blood group can donate blood to ery other blood group} That is why he is called universal donor. Similarly a patient_of AB blood group can take blood from any one with any blood group. That is why he is called universal recipient. Rh Group—there are two groups, RH positive (Ri) and RH negative (RH-). __Bulge—The pulse indicates the cardial output of the ~ heart. The pi is equal to heart beat. To feel the pulse wrist is the right place as here ihe rediarartery is present on the surface. When during fever the temperature increases by 1° f over 98.6°f, then the pulse rate géts pushed up by 10. In an adult generally pulse rate should 72 (72 per minute minute. Bl Pressure—The pressure of blood on blood vessels’is called blood pressure. Natural Health & Yoga 203 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 1 Then bleed bnew ee i ° eek heh good Oy gu A ’ é No prearre wid & ahead bl 4 } Systolic ‘Blood Pressure=When the heart contracts while pumping blood, at that point the maximum pressure created means systolic Blood Pressuer. This is normally 120. Diastolic Blood Pressure—When the heart diastole then the lowest pressure is cal 2d Diastolic Blood pressure, This is normally 80. ters 85" “1 Blood Analysis Test Normal Result Disease _sagar(F) 80-120mg/100m! More —_Diabetes gar PP 140 mg/100ml More Diabetes g fie Acid 2-6mg/100ml More Arthritis ! Urea 15-45 mg/100m! More Kidney disorder Creatinine 0.5-1.4mg% More Kidney disorder Calcium 9-11 mg/100mI More Parathyroid disorder RBC 4-5 Million/mm? Less Anaemia Haemoglobin 11-46gn/100m! Less Anaemia (Male) Foes 11-14. gm/100ml Less Anaemia . (Female) Platelates 4.5-5.5 lacimm? Less Clotting System Decreases TLC (WBC) 5000-10000/mm? Less Malaria, Measles More Infection DLC (A) Neurotrophil 60-70% More Infection (B) Bosophils 0.1% More = Allergy (C)Eosinophil 34% More = Allergy * , (d) Lymphocytes 25-30% More TB. (Tuberculosis) (e) Monocytes 5-10% More Infection i ESR ! Male 1-10mm/isthr. — More —_ Infection \ Female “348mm/isthr ” More -” Infection 204 Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner > Clotting Time upto 10 minutes = More ~—_ Bleeding Disorder » prothombinTime 1:3 More — Jaundice Bilirubin 1.0 mg/100 m. More Jaundice Total Cholestrol - 130to0 200 mg/dl More HDLCholestrol 30-65 mg/dl Less | Heart Attack LDL Cholestro! 50-120mg/dl More possibility VLDL Cholestrol 12-35 mg/dl More] increases Triglycerides 60-160 mg/d! More Bek nam O Varn 205, Scanned with CamScanner Tend (3) LYMPHATIC SYSTEM —~ LYMPHATIC S Lymphatic System is like Blood Circulatory system and is greatly interconnected with Blood Circulatory systern. This includes lymphs, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, lymph tissues, spleen and thymus gland. Lymph—This is a colourless fluid which has blood plasma and lymphocytes in it. Protein is.less in quantity in them. Tissues full of waste matter, give away some of it’s liquid to blood cells and the left over is taken by lymphatic which create lympbh- Lymphatic Capillaries—Small lymphatic capillaries join together to make big lymphatic vessel which opens up in the regional lymph node and in the end it opens up in two big tubes Thoracic Duct and Right Lymphatic Duct which puts lymphs in the Subclavian Vein. Lymph Nodes—These are 1-25 mm in shape. Generally they remain regulated in groups. They are found mainly in the neck, armpit, elbow, chest, between stomach and leg joint and in the joints of legs-and behind knees. Lymphatic Tissues—Apart from Lymphatic nodes following lymphatic tissues are found. (1) Tonsils (2) Thymus (3) Spleen (4) Vermi form Appendix (5) Peyer's patches in intestine. Functions of lymphatic system—tt maintains normalcy of fluids in the body. It takes out waste from tissues and takes it to blood. Lymphocytes are created in lymph nodes. Lymph nodes work as a filter, to remove outer harmful agents and germs. Lymphocytes destroy germs causing diseases. Once the infection sets in body lymphocytes are * cfeated which protect the body from that infecton in future. 206 Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner De bona tow ohat Collar, prugkdictrrrg leph fae fine then Youte “F mn EP are eo aan 7 Win olutoriftakeon fe Cheon the / Peyer's Nodes Lymph Vessels peopietecte othe Lymphatic System tanec on Ouhori plone Are of i (4) RESPIRATORY SYSTEM The Process of inhaling oxygen from air and exhaling carbon dioxide as waste matter is called respiration. The passage through which this process takes place is called the respiratory system. In the respiratory system the following parts are included— Nose Larynx ’ Trachea Both side bronchus « Bronchioles Lungs Pleurae Inter costal Muscles (Muscles between Ribs) Diaphragm In the respiratory path there is a mucous membrane which has mucous flowing in it on which dust particles and germs inhaled get stuck. Breathing in is called inspiration and breathing out is called expiration. In inspiration oxygen receivedin the air inhaled, reaches the blood cells and crosses its walls and gets into the blood capillaries and carbon dioxide crosses the walls of blood cells and reaches the lungs, from here it is exhaled out through expiration. Respiratory system throws out other voilant dispossable fluids and evaporated water from the body. In the process of respiration contraction of inter costal muscle and diaphragm works as a pump. : 208 Natural Health & Yoga a ‘Scanned with CemScanner * Bronchioles Pleurae Respiratory System Natural Health & Yoga etn Larynx Thyroid Gland Trachea Left Lung Left Bronchus Bronchioles Diaphragm 209 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner (5) SKELETAL SYSTEM Bones and joints make the human skeleton. Skeleton gives a definite shape and suppoft to the body. It provides surface for joining muscles tendons, ligaments etc. It protects the soft parts in. the body, Bone. ini les red blood cells) In the bone almost 97% 01. body's calcium and phospherous .is-storad.... In the skeleton there are some flexible bones which are called cartilage. They becomes stiff due to calcification, Various bones together makes the following parts of the skeleton— . (1) Skull (2) Vertebral column (3) Thoracic cage (4) Shoulder girdle and upper limbs. (5) Pelvic girdle and lower limbs. (1) Skull— Bones of skulls are in two parts, cranium and face. . Cranium—consists of 8 bo! together with fixed joints called Sutures. 1 Frontal Bone Parietal Bones © Occipital Bone Temporal Bones Sphenoid Bone Ethmoid Bone Face—consists of 14 bones. Zygomatic bones (cheek bones) Maxilla Bones (Upper Jaw bones) Mandible bone (Lower Jaw bone) Lacrimal Bones Nasal Bones Bone in the nose called Vomer Bone Natural Health & Yoga nes which are connected =< pypon 2 2 1 2 2 1 210 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner eT ee ES 4 y 7 2 Palatine Bones 2 Turbinae Bones Apart from these there is one bone at the base of the tongue like a horses cord called Hyoid Bone and six other bones for hearing called Auditory Ossicles which contribute in making the skull. If these are also included in the skeleton then there are a total of 213 bones. Suture Parietal Bone Frontal Bone ‘Suture Nasal Bone —¢/ Temporal Bone Zygomatic Bone Maxilla Occipital Bone * Teeth - Mandible Skull (2) Vertebral column—This is a flexible structure of 33 bones called the spinal cord or vertebral column. The bone of vertebral colum are called Vertebrae. These are as follows. Cervical Vertebrae—These are vertebrae of the neck. They are 7 in number. Thoracic Vertebrae—These are below the neck at the back of the chest, they are 12 in number. Lumbar Vertebrae—These are lumbar Vertebrae which make the lumbar region under thoracic Vertebrae. They are 5 in number. Sacral Vertebrae—These 5 Vertebraes, are below the Lumber Vertebrae which join with the youthful person and make a sacrum. : Natural Health & Yoga 211 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Coccygeal Vertebrae—They are the lowest 4 Vertebrae . Ofthe vertebral column which join the youthful person to make a coccyx. Functions of vertebral column— __ (1) All the vertebral together make the vertebral canal which has the spinal cord present therein and this vertebral canal protects it. (2) This keeps the skull erect. (3) The vertebrae column makes the axis for the body and bears the body’s weight. With this the ribs, shoulder girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle and lower limb are connected. (4) Presence of cartilage in the vertebrae make the vertebral column flexible which does not permit too much damage while running or jumping. (5) Various spinal nerves comes out between the vertebrae which go to different parts of the body. ‘Tithe vertebrae the presence of cartilages bring about flexiblity which enables the body to bend in the front and back, move to the right and left, and perform other movements. Women, men and children must keep their spine straight while sitting, getting up, walking and sleeping to be healthy as this saves from many diseases. Those who keep their spine bent, ageing fast. As long as the spinal cord remain erect and flexible the person remain young and healthy. While meditating, if the spinal cord is erect then concentration is better. Body Vertebral Foramen Transverse Process: Spinous Process Vertebra Natural Health & Yoga Scanned with CamScanner Het. Face ext = BO yer) ebree - a pies exe > 24 bre- by cheney hese eee < Ucérvical Vertebrae (7) = Thoracic Vertebrae (12) Lumbar Vertebrae () — Sacral Vertebrae 6) SACRUM coceyx Coccygeal Vertebrae , @) Vertebral Column Natural Health & Yoga 213 It students would keep their spinal cord erect while studying, then they will be able to memorise faster. To keep the spinal cord flexible exercises and yogic exercises be done. (3) Thoracic Cage—This consists of a chest bone called sternum and 24 tibs, _ The upper seven pairs of-ribs are visibly connected with the chest bone i.e., sternum and the eighth, ninth and tenth pair of ribs is connected invisibly. Eleventh and twelth pair are not connected. (4) Shoulder girdle and upper limbs Shoulder girdle is constituted of the following bones— 2 Clavicle 2 Scapula Upper Limbs—Both upper limbs have 30 bones each 1 Humerus - bone in the upper arm. 1 Radius . 1 Ulna 8 Carpal Bones—Bones in the wrist 5 Meta Carpal Bones—Bones of the palm. 14 Phalanges—Three in each finger and two in thumb. (5) Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limbs Pelvic girdle—There are two innominate bones or hip bones, which are connected in the front. Lower Limbs—Both the lower limbs have 30 bones each. 4 Femur Bone—Thigh bone 1 Tibia Bone ] Leg bones 1 Fibula Bone 1 Patella Bone or knee cap 7 Tarsal Bones—Ankle bones 5 Meta Tarsal Bones—Bones in the sole 14 Phalanges—Three in each foot finger and two in the thumb. ] Bones of the fore arm Natural He 214 lealth & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner = Skull Radius Vertebral Column Hip Bone Uina ee sae AR Carpals " Carpals — Phalanges ‘Patella (Knee Cap) Femur Fibula Tibia Tarsals Meta Tarsals Phalanges Skeletal System Natural Health & Yoga 215 Articulatory System— The Meeting point of two or more then two bones is known as the joint. All the joints grouped together are called the articulatory system, ; Joints are made of bones, cartilage, ligaments, fibrous tissues and synovial membrane. Joints are of three types— __ (1) Fibrous Joints—These joints have a thin membrane which is a fibrous tissue between the bones, joining them. These joints are called immovable or fixed as the joints of cranium. (2) Cartilaginous joints—There is a cushion between the head of two bones which keeps them connected. Such joints are slightly movable like intervertebral joints. (3) Synovial joints—Bones are connected by a thin membrane called synovial membrane. This is a thin greasy membrane and secretés a sticky oily fluid, which keeps the joints oily and there is free movement of the joints. For instane shoulder joints, elbow, hip, knee, hands, feet and finger joints. Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner “ (6) MUSCULAR SYSTEM The whole structure of this body is covered with muscles which is collectively known as the muscular system. Muscles are tissues which have contraction to facilitate movement. They give the body shape and beauty. They protect different parts of the body. They keep the joints at the right place. They provide movement in the body. Voluntary or skeletal muscles—Such muscles are connected with bones and be contracted or expanded as desired, leading to movement in their connected parts. These muscles are found in the neck, shoulder, hands, chest, back, hip and feet etc. Involuntary or visceral muscle—These can not be contracted or expanded whenever desired. They are * connected within solid internal parts like the lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys etc. or walls of the empty organs like stomach and the intestines they are in the skin and wall of blood vessels. Cardiac Muscle—This is found in the wall of the heart. Our discretion has no control over it. This is a unique muscle which works without rest continuously for 24 hours, contracting and diastoling for the whole life span. Note—To keep muscles strong and young the muscles must be. made to work. If muscles are inactive then gradually toxins jet collected and take the shape of a ee RE t oe Leng A eh Won Se Age ton wc Aatieal Uaalth 2 Vana 217 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner CeALOn ff A oat 2 Uf oe gahaling _{D-NERVOUS(SYsTEM | —ifthe whole body, the activity of its various parts is regulated and coordinated b y the nervous system. Nerve cells are the base of this syste 2 b M. In these cells there are fibres which bring and Carry impulses. Ther 'y put together make the nerve. Nerves are of thrae types, Sensory or Afferent Netves—These car; impulses to the brain. vinpubes Motor or Efferent Nerves—These bri ings impulses from the brain. Mixed Nerves—These cany impulses on both direction, Nervous system has three parts— (1) Central nervous-system—This includes the brain and spinal cord, They remain protected by meninges and are surrounded by cerebro spinal fluid or CSF, which Pressurises all around the brain and the spinal cord equally and also works as a Cushioned shock absorber between the brain and the cranium bones. It gives nourishment to the brain and spine and takes out the waste product from them. Braim— Brain controls the whole body. Following are its main parts (i) Cerebrum—This is the frontal and the biggest part of the brain. It recieves all sensory impulses (sense of see, hear, smell, taste, touch) for their appreciation and interpretation. This is the centre of intelligence and knowledge and makes the capacity of thinking and understanding, memory, responsibility and morality in the body. Here emotions like anger, love, hatred, fear, sorrow and iness are borne. . np Its right side controls the left side of the body and left side controls the right side of the body. ; - (ii) Cerebellum—This is the back portion of the brain. This establishes coordination in the Movement of muscles. maintains the body's posture and equillibrium. : (i) Mid Brain—This is under the cerebellum. It takes 219 Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner care of balance of the body and has very important reflex centres for seeing and hearing. (iv) Pons Varolli—This is placed under the mid brain. This is mainly made of nervous cells which connect ihe two parts of the cerebellum. (v) Medulla Oblongata—It starts at pons varolli and merged in the spinal cord. Ithas the cardiac centre controlling the movement and strength of the heart contractions. It has a respiratory centre which controls the speed and depth of breathing. It has a vasomotor centre which controls the diameter of blood vessels. It has reflex centres which control reflex actions like, in brigt sunshine contraction of pupil on falling of a dust particle in the eye, the action of eye immediately getting shut, on a loud noise getting startle, on touching a hot vessel immediately removing hand etc. me ie Ponsvarolti Medulla Oblongala 220 Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner I~ goes through the vertebral can. Mid brain, ponsvarolii and medula oblongata together ake the Brain stem. Binal Cord—This starts from medula oblongata and the lower end of Ist lumber vertebra which is almost 45 ciii. long in adult and which as thick as the small finger of human hand. From each vertebra of the small and big nerves come out which spread all over the organs and muscles. Spinal cord impulses from different parts of the body comes to spinal cord and then to brain. Similarly message comes from brain to spinal cord and then to the different parts to the body. -(2) Peripheral Nervous System—This includes 12 pairs of cranial nerves which come from brain and 31 pairs of spinal nerves which are connected with spinal cord. From these branches come out to reach various organs and tissues. Cranial Nerves—tin these nerves are some sensory nerves and some motor nerves and some mixed nerves. (1) Olfactory Nerves—These are sensory nerves for smeil. . (2) Optic nerves—These are sensory nerves for sight. (3) Oculomotor nerves—These are motor nerves. These supply fo most of the extemal muscles of eye and control to the upper eyelid getting lifted up, converting into the shape of lenses, contraction of the eye balls etc. (4) Trochlear nerves—These are motor nerves for the external oblique muscle of the eye. (6) Trigeminal nerves—These are mixed nerves and the biggest of camial nerves: It has three main branches— (a) Opthalmic nerves—These are sensory and supply in the eyes upper eyelids, forehed, front of the head and in ihe mucous membrane of the nose. (b) Maxillery nerves—These are sensory and supply cheeks, upper jaw, upper teeth and lower lids. (c) Mandibular neives—These are mixed and supply to lower jaw, lower teeth, pina of the ears, lower lip. and the tongue. Natural Health & Yoga . 221 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner x S@ are molor nerves, which clus Muscles of eye balls. (7) Faciat Nerves—These ay i fe Mixed, Their sensor lls Perceive taste and moto Ws, stoop 'sory cel the face, Motor colls, supply Posiures muscles of (8) Auiditory nerves(Vestibulo ch och] - are sensory and are in two parts... ™ "eer nerve) They (i) Vestibu lar nerves—These are a c it equilibrun ‘Oncerned with * (i) Cochlear nerves—These are . conc heating érned for (9) Glosso pharyngeal nerves—Th sensory cells concerned with taste buds of back portion of the tongue,’ tonsils and pharynx. The motor cells are concerned with the pharynx muscles and the Secretary tissues of Parotid gland. (10)Vagas nerves—T| Medulla Oblongata, then th and abdomen. As compare Se are mixed. Their hey are mixed, They begin at the rough the neck, goes to the chest ed to other cranial nerves itis more 'y Cells receive the Perceptions of ea, heart, oesophagus, stomach, bite duct, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, urinary tracts and the inner layer of blood vessels and take them to the brain and the motor Cells give directions to the Oily muscles and secretary muscles of these organs. (11)Accessory nerves—These are motor nerves and starts from Medulla Oblongata and the Upper portion of the spinal cord. One part of it serves to larynx and Pharynx and . other part to the muscles of the neck, (12) Hypo glossel nerves—They are motor nerves which supply to the muscles of the tongue. Spinal merves—From the spinal cord 31 pairs of nerves come 0 ey ate named after the vertebrae they are connected with— - tulle OL athe aeliniteds 8 pairs cervical " a { and | 12 pairs thoracic ans } te fracr 5 pairs lumbar i’ Natural Health & Yoga 223 pharynx, larynx, trach intestines, gall bladder, ‘Scanned with CamScanner —\ Cervical Plexus ‘Branchial Plexus Thoracic Nerves 2-12 which do not from plexuses Vertebral Column Coccygeal Plexus Spinal Nerves and Plexus 204 Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned with CemScanner 5 pairs sacral 1 pair coccygeal Spinal cord is upto the end of first lumbar verlebrae. Thus and lumber nerves, sacra\ Coccygeal, nerves come out in a group at the end of the spinal nerves from their vertebrae. Spinal nerves are mixed. They get divided into two parts after coming out from the intervertebral foramina (1) Posterior primary ramus—They supply to the muscles of the back and skin. (2) Anterior primary ramus—They unite in groups, out of which five Nervous plexuses are formed. The frontal branches of thoracic nerves do not form a plexus. Thoracic nerves supply to the chest, muscles of both sides of chest and skin. Five plexuses are as follows :- (a) Cervical plexus—This is formed by the frontal branches of the first four cervical nerves. The branches coming out from here supply to the neck muscles and skin, one of its branches called the Phrenic Nerve supply to the diaphragm. (b) Brachial plexus—This is formed by frontal branches of the last four cervical nerves and the first thoracic nerve. The branches coming out from here supply to few neck muscles, chest muscles, skin and arms. (c) Lumbar plexus—tis formed by the frontal branches of the first three Lumbar nerves and a part of the Branches of the fourth lumbar. Coming out from here supply to the frontal part of thighs and skin. (d) Sacral plexus—This is formed of fourth (one part) and fifth Lumber nerve and first three nerves of the Sacral nerves with the frontal part of a branch of the fourth one. Many of the branches coming out here have main branch called sciatic nerve which goes to the feet via back of the thigh . Branches coming out of the sacral plexus supply to the rear muscles of the thigh, skin and legs, Natural Health & Yoga 225 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner i “Law YG bone) Bi bho no p EPs His ee RIS Tpamnalcs cnondh Blt! logge abi 4 ; ae (e) Coceygeal plexius—This is formed by a part of thé fourth sacral nerve the fifth sacral nerve and coccygeal nerve. This is a small plexus and supply to the skin of the cocoyx LAH region, muscles of the rectum, urinary bladder, genitals ani their muscles. pyelabs Bhan Micha (ayy ‘hed « (3) Autonomic hervéus system- This system deal mainly With~involuntary or-au lomatic nervous control of Va viscera. It is also cailed involuntary nervous system. Autonomic nervous system has many ganglion also. The autonomic nervous system is dividéd functionally into two following parts :~ . () Sympathethic nervous system or thoracco-lumbar out flow— ing-process of this is vast and spread out and faces emergencies instantly, sympathetic narves come out from the 1st thoracic vertebra or T1 to 2nd Lumbar vertabra or L2. (ii) Parasympathetic fous system or craniosacral out flow—Their working process is divided and faces prolonged emergencies. In this system there are four pairs (third, seventh , ninth and tenth) of cranial nerves, which have been described already and sacral spinal nerves are there supplying to the large intestines, rectum, urinary bladder and genitals. é Note—Most of the body organs have sympathetic and Parasympethetic nerves. They work contrary to each other.Sympathetic nerves accelerate the activity and parasynthetic nerves slow it down. Thus, two mutually opposing effects cause the balance in either becoming very active, or in a state of becoming extremely relaxing, wwe enolate Tluakecn pitthy ey Olan 9 buypa rehonnses 7] ratty ond, . f hans Llu peat, ayn ‘Scanned with CamScanner (8) URINARY Last waste Products at the end of the tood metabolism enter the blood and from bloog they reach the excretory Organs which eject them out from the body. Kidney, skin, lungs, are ®xcretory organs and kidney is the main excretory Crgan among them that is why urinary system is the main excretory system, Urinary system includes the following main-four organs— a Kidneys—they are two in number, Its main job is to Strain blood and after straining it, reabsorbs useful products like glucose, amino acid and the remaining waste products, harmful products and water etc. is to be Converted into urine. Ureter—They are also two in number. Through them - urine reaches the urinary bladder from the kidneys. Right Kidney — Left Kidney ~ Inferior Vena Cava: Aorta Ureter Ureter — Urinary Bladder --————_vreetra Urinary System Urinary bladder—This is one in number. Here urine. gets collected temporarily. Urethra—The urethra is a narrow canal which leads from the bladder to the exterior. 227 Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Female urethra is short and transmits usine only. Male urethra is long and transmits semen and urine. oe: Composition of urine—In Urine 95% is water, remaining 5% is solid stuff which is mixed in water. Out of the 5% solid product 2% is urea and 3% is carbonic (uric acid, amonia, criatinone, protein or albumin etc.) and acarbonic (sodium chloride or salt, potassium chloride, calcium phosphate, sulphate and oxejeeate etc.) Urine Analysis Urine Analysis Test Normal Result Disease Physical “ Colour LightYellow Red Kidney Disease Black Destruction of RBC : Transparency Clear Opaque Infection” Specific Gravity 1020 Less Kidney Problem PH 74 Less infection Chemical Albumin Nil - Present Kidney Problem Sugar Nil Present Diabetes Urobilinogen Negligible Present Jaundice Ketone Nil Present HighSugar - Blood Nil Present Stone infection in kidney Microscopic . PusCells ' O0-2/HPF More Kidney Infection Casts Nil Present Kidney Infection - Crystals Calcium/ ‘Present Possibility of stone Phosphate Increases Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner ENDOCRINE GLANDS (DUCTLESs GLaNDs) Any organ or structure capab i ions i called ee jan ors apable of making secrations is Exocrine Glands—in this type of glands there are ducts, t igh which the secretion reaches the appropriate part, like salivary glands, sweat glands, liver afid pancreas ete. Endocrine Glands—this type of glands are ductless, the secretion of these is called hormones and pass direclly into me blood stream and is distributed to relatively remote sites throughout the body. These are created in a very-small quantity and@ach hormone has.a definite purpose. Bah their Production less or excess than normal are harmful for health. ne On Ina human body there are 9 types of endocrine glands. - (1) Pituitary Gland—This is the main endocrine gland. Itis like a pea in shape, brown in colour placed at the base of the brain. Its has in front the anterior lobe and at the back posterior lobe. throu Anferior Lobe—This produces the following main hormones. (i) Growtt’ Hormone (GH)—This is essential for the growth of body. Its deficiency hinders growth and the person remains dwarf. Its excess causes too much height. (ii) Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)—This controls the activity of the adrenal glands in the production of cortisol from the cortex of the gland. Deficiency of this hormone is rare, and if it ever happens then the efficiency of adrenal gland is reduced. If itis excessive then abnormal hair growth is caused. "Among women hair grows on abnormal spots, raises blood pressure, skin gets thinned and internal bleeding causes blue spots on the skin. / (iii) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Tr SH)—This hormone regulates the growthaind working of thyroid gland. If there is 243 Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner NE eer coc t | Uelieleicy of hig hormone then Hypothyroidism is caused, Whe body berumes weal, il is difficull to bear cold, the skin gel diled and halt start falling, mental retardation sets in, WUsclee and jolnis pain, one becomes hard of hearing, Anarene ls Ge ual bleeding increases among es Hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland Increases [11 size and eye balls protrude out. : (iv) Gonadottophic Hormones or Sex Harmones ° (QHSH)—Among male and females following two sex promoting hormones are created. (a) Folllele Stimulating Hormones (FSH)—This hormone control the growth and maturity of ovarian follicles among women and th men control the seminiferous tubules which generate sperm. (b) Lutelnizing Hormone (LH)—This regulates progesterone hormones in ovaries and testosterone hormones In Tostes, (v) Prolactin or Lactogenic Hormones—This develops breast along with oestrogen and progesterone hormones. during pregnancy it promotes lactation. After the delivery the breasts are directly effected by it. Posterior Lobe--This produces the following main hormones, 4 (a) Antidiuretic Hormone ADH or Vasopressin—This control reabsoplion of water in the kidneys, so that a regulated quantity of urine is excreted. If there is deficiency of this hormone then urination is excessive and blood pressure gets low. Ils oxcess causes less urination and high blood pressure. (b) Oxytocin Hormone—Among women its ‘activity is restricted lo breasts and ulerus. Among men its activity is unknown. This compresses the Myoepithelial cells of women’s breasts loading to immediate excretion of milk outside. Italso compresses Myometrium muscle of uterus to make.the- dolivery easy, (2) Thytold Gland—This is situated in the lower part of neck and front of trachea. Its both lobes are spread out on both the sido of trachea. Triiodothyronine T3 and thyroxine T4 add Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih CamScanner agit Islets of “fe Langerhang(“wenhs? ) i fons) in Pancreas ee Spleen 7 Aton Pleen i bbeod,-1 Urtin oP Ovary ™ 9 Vcore Endocrine Glands Natural Health & Yoga 245 hormones are excreted which regulates metabolism, and controls the development & growth of tissues, specially tissues of the nervous system. For the creation of these hormones iodine is required which is available in food and water. The deficiency of these hormones cause Hypothyroidism which reduces the metabolic rate. It increases weight, the temperature of the body fall below normal, cold is intolerable, the skin gets dried, hair start falling, pulse rate gets low and among women it.causes irregularity of menstrual cycle. Excess of these hormones cause Hyperthyroidism which increases the metabolic rate. The temperature of the body rises above normal, pulse rate gets fast, weight loss is caused, increases agitation in the nervous system which makes the figures tremble, palpitation is there. If this continues fora long time goitre is formed in which thyroid gland expands. The neck appears to be swollen and eyes tend to pop out. (8) Parathyroid Glands—These are four small glands, They are enabedded on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland, two lying on each side. One is on the upper side and the other on the lower side. Thus the upper two glands are called superior and the lower two are called Inferior. Here paratharmone hormone-PTH is created. This hormone increases absorption of calcium and phosphorous in the small intestines. This also increases reabsorbtion of calcium and phosphorous from the bones. It maintains the levels of calcium normal in blood and increases excretion of phosphorous in urine. This.increases lactation in both the lactative glands of women. Its deficiency causes deficiency of calcium in blood. This results in painful muscular spasms. Its excess increases calcium in blood because of which calcium get deposited in the kidney and hence lead to stone formation. Bones become soft and brittle due to decalcificaton. 248 Natural Health & Yoga ‘Scanned wih ComScanner (4) Thymus Gtand—this is placed at the dividing point Of trachea, There are two lobes in il. There are innumerable lymphocytes in the thymus gland. It is mainly active in childhood. By the time of Puberty it is fully developed. Thereafter this gland shrinks instantly. Its main role is to create antibodies and maintain i ity i of puberty, thymus gl mature in childhood, (5) Adrenal or Suprarenal Glands—These are in the lumbar region adjoining the upper corner of the kidneys. It has two paris— 1. Adrenal Cortex—Many hormones are Created here which are Collectively called corticasteroids, Their deficiency causes anaemia, low blood pressure, stomach upset, loss of appetite, loss of weight, weakness and skin pigmentation, Their excess causes-bones becoming brittle specially the spinal cord, woman do not get menses, men become impotent abnormal growth of hair, diabetes, high blood Pressure, deficiency of Potassium in the blood leading to numbness in the body, sensation as if Worms are crawling or needle’s pricking and too much urination at night etc. Women get mustache and beard, These hormones can bi categories— (a) Glucocorticoids—They Control the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fat. They put an end to allergic reactions, they are anti inflammatory. : (b) Mineralocorticoids—The\ of minerals. If increases reabso: tubules. (c) Sex Steroid—This influence sexu: reproduction. 2, Adrenal Medulla—t is important to Protect the body from getting infections frora outsi ide. Its deficiency lowers the blood pressure, causes hypoglycaemia. Its. excess causes @ divided in three main y regulate the metabolism rption of sodium in the renal al development and Natural Health & Yoga 247 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner high blood pressure, headache, too much sweating, increased Palpitation and creates hyperglycaemia in the body. (6) Islets of Langerhans in the Pancreas—Panicreas gland has a duct. Digestive juices are created and through fl thie pancreatic duct reach the duodenum. In the pancreas | there is a group of cells scattered around called Islets of Langerhans. They are endocrine glands. They secrete Glucagon, Insulin etc. hormones. In their deficiency diabetes is caused. Their excess causes hypoglycaemia. (7) Spleen—This gland is close to the stomach. It is purple coloured. It is mostly made of Lymph tissues. This creates white blood cells, excretes old obsolete blood cells, Protects the body against germs. (8) Pineal Glarid or Pineal Body—This is a small round brown coloured gland, situated in the brain whose utility is not known exactly. This gland gets trophied after puberty. (9)Séx Glands or Gonads—Ovaries are almond shapéd glands light brown in colour on both the sides of the uterus. In them Oestrogen and Progesterone hormones are created. They regulate monthly menstrual cycle, growth of breast glands, bring about changes in the uterus to facilitate teproduction. Testes are in both the scrotums of men. In these Androgen hormone is produced. This regulates production of semen, development of sexual organs, bring about hoarseness in voice on puberty, growth of beard, mustache and hair on the chest and hardness of the chest and they make the body capabl capable i aa sles sey activity. “Seas q © wren Wien a foe open 2” ty \aakanne itunstony ig imp pee I gern by wr) Od Atete Oper (Dewi an the ye p> > breathing OTE ern) . ot Fg ln on ny ede Ua kB ‘Scanned wih CamScanner METABOLISM tis defined as biochemical changes in the body in order fo maintain its vital functions. Itis classified intu following two parts. 1. anabolism 2. catabolism ~ (1) Anabolism—This is a constructive process which leads to building up of fresh tissues from the nutritive materials of food. This helps in repair and growth of body. (2) Catabolism—tt is the breaking down of substances taken into cell to produce energy and waste products. Catabolism is a destructive process. Note— Normally a balance remains in anabolism _ and catabolism. Health is affected when this balance is upset. During growth or recovery from illness anabolism is predominent. During starvation or illness catabolism predominates. Energy—For normal activity of the body energy is received by oxidation of the nourishing elements present in body cells. carbohydrates and fats are sources of energy. Protein leads to growth and repair of body. Calorie—It is a measurement of energy created in the body in terms of heat units. One calorie is tiat much quantity of heat which is necessary in 1 litre water to raise the temperature by 1°C. Everyday a hard working labour needs almost 3500 calories, a person who remains sitting while working needs 2500 calories, while resting 1500 calories are needed. Infants and growing children need more calories than adults. These above stated calories are estimated. Actually a person needs calories in accordance with his weight, age, gender, profession, climate, health etc, Metabolism of 1 gram carbohydrates gives 4 calories. Metabolism of 1 gram protein gives 4 calories. Metabolism of 1 gram fat gives 9 calories, Natural Health & Yoga ‘ 249 ‘Scanned with CemScanner

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