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Question # 1:

Define each of the following concepts, and develop operational definitions (measures) for
the defined concepts
a) a workaholic
A workaholic is a person who prefers doing work over everything and it is very difficult to
detach him or distract him from work.
Operational Definitions (Measures)
We can measure the workaholic nature of a person by following operational definitions
 How many hours do you work daily?
 Is your work interfering with your personal life?
 How often do you go on vacations?
 What do you prefer going to work or going to a social gathering?
 Do you spend time your time working even after the office hours are finished?
b) Costs
Cost is the amount spends by a company to produce something. The cost includes producing the
product, delivering it to the target audience and selling them to the customers.
Operational Definitions (Measures)
 How much money have you spent on the previous activity?

c) market share
Total sales that are produced by a company in an industry are the market share of that respective
company. As the market share increases the profit margin of that company also increases.
Operational Definitions (Measures)
 What are your company’s annual sales?
 What are the sales of the overall industry?
 What are the total revenues that your company has generated in the previous quarter?
 How much customers demand your product?
Question # 5:
Develop a conceptual model for the following case.
Once given, bounces are extraordinarily hard to take away without undermining employee
morale. The adverse effects of these cuts far outweigh the anticipated savings in Rupees.
Research has shown that when the reason behind the cuts is explained to employees,
morale does not drop.
Research problem

The problem in the above given situation is that if the company cuts the bonuses of employees
then the morale of employees will ultimately drop and their productivity and satisfaction level

Cut in Employee
Bonuses Morale

behind Cut
If company cuts the bonuses of employees then there is a drop in employee morale but if the
company tells the reason behind the bonus cut then their morale will not drop.

Independent Variable

Cut in bonuses is an independent variable

Dependent Variable

Employee Morale is a dependent variable


Reason behind the cut is a moderator variable that is affecting the relationship of dependent and
independent variables.

Question # 4:

For what type of problem and under what circumstances would you find the following data
gathering techniques most appropriate
a) Likert scale
Likert scale is normally used in quantitative research in which we have to find the quantity of the
variables. Likert scale can be used when researcher has to find the latent variables and when
there is a cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
For Example:
 If we have to find the extent to which respondents are using social media.
 If we have to check how much non-monetary benefits are affecting the satisfaction level
of employees.
b) Questionnaire
Questionnaire is a method of collecting data that consists of standardized questions that are used
to gather data on one or more than one topic.
Questionnaire surveys are used in those problems about which the respondents feel free to
discuss and have ample amount of knowledge.
For Example:
 If researcher wants to find out about the employees practices in an organization then
questionnaire can be used
 If researcher wants to talk about the consumer behavior or attitude towards a specific
product then questionnaire can be used.
c) Observation
Observation is a data collection method in which researcher collects data by observing the
phenomenon under consideration. He observes how, when and why it occurs.
Observation can be used in health sciences and in those situations when the respondents are not
willing to share their personal experiences with the researcher.
For Example:
 It can be used to evaluate the employee performance. The employer observes the
employee performance and then he can mark his annual performance report.
 If researcher has to find out about the customer preference while shopping FMCG
products he can use observation method. He can just go to the mart and observe the
customers that what brand’s product they are mostly buying and what is the main reason
behind this and what are the possible factors that are hindering the purchase of other
brand’s products.
d) Interview
Interviews are normally used by researchers in qualitative research in which they have to explore
a concept and derive a theory from the gathered data.
They are used in the researches in which researchers need an in-depth analysis of a concept
under consideration.
For example:
 Initially the researchers in Covid-19 Pandemic can use interviews to find out about the
symptoms of this virus and how they feel while infected by Corona Virus. Interviews are
useful because they have to find the in-depth insights and a comprehensive data on this
Question # 4:
Construct a short questionnaire that could be administered in class on the following listed
a) Reasons for selecting teaching as a profession
 For how long are you teaching in this school?
 Why do you select teaching as a profession?
 Do you enjoy teaching students?
 Did you choose teaching profession by your own will or there was no other choice?
 Do you think teaching is meaningful?
b) Methods of dealing with school discipline
 How does your school deals with discipline?
 What are the reviews of teachers on the disciplinary measures?
 Do students and teachers comply with the school discipline measures?
 Did the teachers and students receive punishment when they violate the discipline of
school? And what are the possible punishments?
c) Political interest and activities
 Do you have interest in politics?
 What do you think will be the political future in Pakistan?
 Compare the current government with the previous ones and give your opinion that
which government is benefitting the people of Pakistan?
 What are your views about the political activities like jalsa and long march?

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