Cet-V - MCQ

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Subject :--CET Semester :--CH4I

Unit IV –Second Law of Thermodynamics

Sr. Question a b c d
1 2SO3(g)   2SO2(g) + O2(g) [SO2]2[O2]/ [SO2]2[O
The conventional equilibrium constant [SO2]2/[SO3] [SO3] 2
[SO2] [O2]/ 2]

expression (Kc) for the system as [SO3]2

described by the above equation is:
2 For a reversible reaction the concentration remains the None of
of the reactants are doubled, then the increases same decreases the
equilibrium constant above
3 In forward In
system in direction system in not backwar
Le Chatelier Principle is applicable to equilibrium only equilibrium d
4 allow the Prevents the None of
allow the
equilibrium equilibrium the
The role of a catalyst in a reversible equilibrium to
to be above
reaction is to be achieved
5 What will be the effect on the equilibrium decreases Cannot
constant on increasing temperature, if the be
reaction neither absorbs heat nor releases Increases predicte
heat? d.

6 At equilibrium, a 1.0 liter container was 0.15 mol/L 0.023

found to contain 0.20 moles of A, 0.20 mol/L
moles of B, 0.40 moles of C and 0.40
mole of D. If 0.10 moles of A and 0.10
moles of B are added to this system, what 0.23 mol/L 0.34 mol/L
will be the new equilibrium concentration
of A?

A(g) + B(g)   C(g) + D(g)

7 Calculate ΔG 0  for the water gas reaction  - 2867 28673
CO(g) + H2O(g) ⇌ CO2 (g) + H2(g). 3 J/mol
20673 J/mol 8673 J/mol
Kp for this reaction at  298K is 1.06 x 105 J/mol

8 It changes
For a specific reaction, which of the
with changes
following statements can be made about
in the
K, the equilibrium constant?
9 For total stability all of the
10 Only Neither the None of
backward forward nor the
When the system A + B   C + D is at forward
reaction the reverse above
equilibrium reaction
takes place reaction has
takes place
11 H S
Gibbs free energy per mole for a pure Q
substance is equal to the
12 As the temperature is lowered towards the >0 None of
absolute zero, the value of the the
<0 Zero above

quantity   approaches
13 For exothermic reaction increase in increases Remains None of
Decreases the
temperature, the value of K constant
14 At equilibrium condition, the chemical μ° - RT ln f μ° + RT
potential of a material in different phases
in contact with each other is equal. The
chemical potential for a real gas (μ) is μ° + RT ln f μ° +  ln f
given by(where, μ = standard chemical
potential at unit fugacity (f° = 1 atm.) and
the gas behaves ideally.)

15 Chemical potential (an intensive property) 2 3

of a substance is a force that drives the
chemical system to equilibrium and is
equal to its partial molar properties. The
ratio of chemical potential to free energy 0 1
of a pure substance at constant
temperature and pressure is

16 For a multicomponent system, the term Partial molar Vapor

chemical potential is equivalent to the Kinetic free energy Partial potential
energy pressure

17 For an ideal gas, the chemical potential is

given by
T dlnP R dlnP dlnP RT dlnP

18 For the gaseous phase chemical reaction,

C2H4(g) + H2O(g)   C2H5OH(g), the
equilibrium conversion does not depend none of these
on the
19 For the reversible exothermic reaction, Both (b)
N2 + 3H2   2NH3, increase of pressure and (c).

20 Free energy changes for two reaction

mechanism 'X' and 'Y are respectively - 15 faster Than Y
and - 5 units. It implies that X is

21 Gibbs free energy at constant pressure maximum None of

and temperature under equilibrium these
conditions is minimum 0

22 Heat of formation of an element in its negative None of

standard state is positive 0 the

23 In case of the decomposition of Diminish the Increases the Doesnot None of

hydroiodic acid (2HI   H2 + I2), degree of degree of affect degree the
addition of H2 (at equilibrium condition) dissociation dissociation of above
will of HI. of HI. dissociation

24 In the ammonia synthesis reaction, N2 + high Both low High

low pressure. temperature temperat
3H2   2NH3 + 22.4 kcal, the ure and
temperature and high
formation of NH3 will be favoured by low
25 not affect the affect the None of
In the reaction, H2 +I2   2HI, addition May be or
equilibrium equilibrium the
of an inert gas will may not be
conditions conditions above
26 In which of the following reaction
equilibria, the value of equilibrium N2O4   2N
constant Kp will be more than is Kc ? O2

27 Maxwell's relation corresponding to the

identity, dH = dS = Vdp + ∑μi dni is

28 Specific __________ does not change Entropy None of

during a phase change (e.g. sublimation, Gibbs free the
melting, vaporisation etc.) energy above

29 The ammonia synthesis reaction irreversible Heterog

represented by N2 + 3H2   2NH3 ; ΔH endothermic exothermic eneous
= - 22.4 kcal, is

30 The change in Gibbs freee energy for positive negative zero None of
vaporisation of a pure substance is the
31 The chemical potential for a pure Greater than None of
substance is __________ its partial molal Less than equal to the
free energy. above
32 The equation relating E, P, V and T which thermodyna Clausius
is true for all substanes under all mic equation -
conditions is given Vandaar of state. Clapryo
Waals Ideal gas n
by  .This equation is
called the

33 The free energy change for a chemical RT lnK -RT lnK

reaction is given by (where, K = -HRT lnK -RT 
equilibrium constant)

34 the chemical None of

the chemical
potential of the
potential of
each above
The necessary and sufficient condition for component
equilibrium between two phases is should be
should be
different in
same in the
the two
two phases.
35 Chemical
potentials of a
The necessary condition for phase given
equilibrium in a multiphase system of N component
components is that the should be
equal in all
36 The quantitative effect of temperature on Mollier Maxwell Vant-Hoff Clausius
chemical equilibrium is given by the equation equation equation. equation
37 The ratio of equilibrium constants Del H / R Del H/R Del H/R Del H/R
(Kp2/Kp1) at two different temperatures is ( 1/T1-1/T2) ( 1/T1-1/T2) ( 1/T1-1/T2) ( 1/T1-
given by 1/T2)
38 The unit of equilibrium constant of a none of
chemical reaction is the same as that of these
39 Two substances are in equilibrium in a decreases 0
reversible chemical reaction. If the
concentration of each substance is increases same
doubled, then the value of the equilibrium
constant will be
40 When a system in equilibrium is Henrys law Raoults law .Amagats law Le-
subjected to a change in temperature, Chatelie
pressure or concentration, the equilibrium r
is displaced in a direction which tends to principle
undo the effect of the change. This is
called the
41 When liquid and vapor phase of multi- May be None of
Different in
component system are in equilibrium (at a different or same in both the
both the
given temperature and pressure), then same in both the phases above
chemical potential of each component is the phases
42 When liquid and vapor phases of one May be None of
Different in
component system are in equilibrium (at a different or same in both the
both the
given temperature and pressure), the same in both the phases above
molar free energy is the phases
43 Which of the following equations is dE = Tds+-  dE = Td
obtained on combining 1st and 2nd law of dE = Tds=-  PdV dE = Tds/ Pd s - PdV
thermodynamics, for a system of constant PdV V
44 For endothermic reaction increase in increases Remains None of
Decreases the
temperature, the value of K constant
For exothermic reaction decrease in increases Remains None of
Decreases the
temperature, the value of K constant
For endothermic reaction decrease in increases Remains None of
Decreases the
temperature, the value of K constant

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