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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer sciences that

emphasizes the development of intelligence machines, thinking and
working like humans

With Artificial Intelligence (AI), retailers can create data models to derive
insights and in-turn build prescriptive or predictive decision engines. This
can help retailers with things like demand forecasting allowing them to
make better data-driven decisions
Robotic Automation has found its way into many different
areas in manufacturing. Robots perform tasks like welding,
assembly, shipping, handling raw materials, and product
packing. More and more manufacturers are leveraging
robotic automation for a wider number of applications
● Speed of checkout,

Saving of floor space,
Reduction of stolen merchandise,
● Ability to track consumer path in store,
● Infrastructure integration,
● Ability to send personalized messages to
● Obstructed images (Ex. someone
wearing a scarf, sunglasses, or
● Cost savings for check out employees,
● Encourages account sign-up,
● High volume of processing and
● Facial data collected on the account
could be used in other, and
● Having consumers adopt this
● Ability to identify emotions (Ex.
technique, and
frustration, confusion, or happiness)
● Setup time for accounts.
● Resistance from employees
AI and Robotics in Retail Today
● Massive price cuts of up to 43%.
● Likely mid-term strategy to automate cashiers and “checking out’ at
Whole Foods stores.
● Should lead to reduced store congestion and checkout lines,
increased average customer flow rate, increased sales, and increased
brand value as one of the leading corporate tech leaders.
● May result in major layoffs, illustrating some of the possible economic
consequences of wide scale-use of efficiency-boosting technologies in
operations management.
● Review different AI technologies being implemented in retail space.
● What they are, how they work, and how they compare to mainstream
information systems practices.
● Financial benefits, as well as wider economic and ethical concerns
associated with excessive automation in retail.
About The Theory
● Drawing customer attention: Because retail robots are a new innovation, customers are curious to
see them in action. In our opinion this counts as more of a “toy” benefit, which may help to increase
adoption and hype, but won’t be enough to make retail robots an industry standard at businesses like
McDonnalds, Lowes, Wal-Mart, etc.
● Improving use of storage space: In the warehouse robots permit the use of narrower aisles, and on
the shop floor, they allow use of vertical space which is out of reach for human sales personnel.
● Keeping track of inventory: Robots can quickly locate items that have been misplaced, so that sales
are not lost.
● Guiding customers on premises: From airports to hotels to warehouses and beyond, customers will
always need help finding the product or location they’re headed to. This task requires little in terms of
robot agility or dexterity, and seems like a viable near-term application in and out of the retail
● Retrieving products for customers: Robots can quickly access goods that are store behind glass so
the customer does not have to wait for a free member of staff (i.e. Best Buy’s Chloe robot)
Potential Threats
Business model is to remove as
many humans from all facets of
production and service as
possible. Just as Walmart's
big-box model destroyed small
businesses when it spread across
Technological unemployment the country,Automation model, if
and safety in human-robot widely adopted, potentially poses
interactions remain important a huge threat to service and retail
topics for the consideration of
both businesses and
Everything has pros and cons so does Automation and AI while it is
Venus has a
great for big retailers but it poses a threat to present human
beautiful name
workforce and their employment
Mars is a very
It is important for manufacturers to add and include AI and Robotics
cold place
in manufacturing to achieve faster, agile and lean operations and not
replace completely the human factor of workforce.
Jupiter is the
85% biggest planet
Collaboration is more profitable than Replacement

Mercury is the
50% closest planet
Real Life Examples

1. Marty 4.Tally 7. Amazon Go C D

2 . Chloe 5, Smartsight 8. Domino’s

Robotic Unit

6. IBM Watson
3. Alphabot:
Cognitive 9. AGV: Flipkart
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