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Limpet Coil Design

Design of Limpet Coil as per PD 5500, 3.11.4

Description Notation Value Unit Remark
Shell Data
Cylinder Inside Diameter D 2200 mm
Cylinder Thickness e 30 mm
Cylinder Internal Design Pressure P 0 MPa
Design Temperature for Internal Pressure 260 °C
Cylinder Material SA-240 316
Cylinder Allowable Stress, Design Temp f 124.6 MPa
Cylinder Corrosion Allowance CA(Int.) 0 mm
Cylinder Outer Corrosion Allowance CA(Ext.) 0 mm
Limpet Data
Formed Inside Radius of Limpet Coil r 44.5 mm
Coil Minimum Thickness ec 4 mm
Coil Design Pressure pc 1 MPa
shell Design Pressure (Coil pressure + FV) pc 1.101 MPa
Coil Design Temperature 260 °C
Coil Material Name SA-240 304
Coil Design Stress, Design Temperature fc 102 MPa
Coil Corrosion Allowance caj 0 mm
Span of the Coils L 240 mm

Limpet Coil Analysis for Internal Pressure per PD 5500, 3.11.4

Minimum Coil thickness due to Limpet coil pressure, 3.11.3-6:

= pc * rc / ( 0.75 * fc ) + caj 0.582 mm
Provided thk of limet coil 4.000 mm
Limpet coil provided thk is greater than required thk, Hence safe
Minimum Cylinder thickness due to Limpet coil pressure, 3.11.3-7 [ec]:
Total no. of turns = 18Nos. Considering limpet as stiffener as per 3.11.4 note-1
Dividing coil into 6 groups(18Nos. Turn/6 group = 3 nos. limpet in each length).
Length of each group = 360mm
Le=Ln(effective length of shell )= Span of coils + one pitch of coil = 240mm + 120 mm =
l=Le=effective length of shell 360 mm
= lX sqrt( pc/(3f) ) + CA(Int.) + CA(Ext.) 19.538 mm
Provided thk of shell 30.000 mm
Shell provided thk is greater than required thk, Hence safe

Note : Limpet coil is designed considering internal design pressure as 1 Mpa and Shell is designed
considering 1.101 Mpa external pressure (i.e. 1Mpa limpet coil pressure + FV in shell).

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