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ACTS 4:36-37 / 1-12-20 / P.M.


A. His first appearance in scripture was when he generously gave money to meet the needs of
the early church—Acts 4:37.

B. We do not hear about him again until Saul or Paul was saved where he vouched for the
validity of Paul’s conversion—Acts 9:26-27.

1. Later the Jerusalem church sent Barnabas to Antioch to investigate stories that many
Greeks or Gentiles were being saved—Acts 11:19-23.

2. Barnabas enlisted the help of Paul in the church at Antioch—Acts 11:25-26.

3. The church at Antioch sent he and Paul to Judea to take an offering to help persecuted
Christians there—Acts 11:29-30.

4. When they returned to Antioch, they brought Mark, Barnabas’ nephew with them—Acts

5. The church at Antioch commissioned Barnabas and Paul to go on the first missionary
journey--Acts 12:2-3.

6. Later the church at Antioch sent Barnabas and Paul to Jerusalem to settle the question
of whether Gentiles had to be circumcised before they could be saved—Acts 15:1-2;19-

7. Barnabas and Paul split up because of a dispute of whether to take Mark on their
second missionary journey—Acts 15:36-40.

8. Barnabas is never heard of again except for a reference Paul made to him—I Cor. 9:6.

C. His strengths.

1. He had the gift of encouragement (Acts 4:36).

2. He had a generous spirit (Acts 4:37).

3. He was an apostle—Acts 14:14.

4. He was a good man, full of the H.S. and faith—Acts 11:24.

5. He was doctrinally sound or correct in his teaching (Acts 11:25-26).

6. He was trustworthy in that the church at Jerusalem sent him to Antioch as their

D. His weaknesses.

1. He may have allowed his emotions to affect his defense of Mark.

2. He was influenced by Peter’s hypocrisy of not eating with Gentiles—Galatians 2:13.


1. Encouraging others can bring out their best.

2. Peer pressure can lead us astray.

3. Be willing to stand up for others.

4. It’s better to teach ten people to work than to do the work of ten people.

5. Be willing to admit when you are wrong.

6. Generosity is a sign of godliness.

7. Be willing to play “second fiddle” is that is God’s plan.

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