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Scleroderma or systemic sclerosis is a multisystemic disease, pertaining to the

category of collagenosis; it is manifested by a pathological proliferation of the collagen cells
in the body, which together with other extracellular proteins - are deposited in excess in
teguments and tissues.

These processes will lead to

fibrosis of the teguments, of the blood
vessels, of the gastro-intestinal tract, of
the heart, of the lungs and of the kidneys.
There are also rheumatic manifestations,
such as inflammation of the organs of the
locomotor and cardio-vascular apparatus,
accompanied by articular pains.

Scleroderma was classified into:

localized and generalized scleroderma,
depending on how deeply the tegument
and the internal organs are affected.

In the localized forms, the fibrosis process involves only the tegument, the muscles
and the tissues in their close proximity. It does not affect the internal organs, but the skin loses
its integrity in time and the lesions become permanent. There can be distinguished to clinical
subforms of the localized scleroderma:

 morphea, manifested by spare dermatoses on the fingers, on the arms, on the forearms
and lower limbs. Skin loses its elasticity, it grows pigmented; it becomes hardened and

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

 linear scleroderma is localized in one of the lower limbs; is a strap of linear hardened
hyperpigmented tegument In children, the sclerodermic process may arrest even the
growth of the bone in the affected limb

In the generalized forms, scleroderma starts by an inflammatory process, followed by

the induration of the tegumentary tissue on the limbs, trunk and face. Tissue fibrosis also
affects the esophagus, the intestines, the lungs, the heart and the kidneys. The pathological
alterations of the cardio-vascular system pose the risk of hypertension and cerebral vascular
accident. The patients with generalized or systemic scleroderma show the symptoms of
the CREST syndrome:

 calcinosis;

 tegumentary indurations;

 telangiectasis;

 rheumatic symptoms: arthritis;

 myopathia;

 esophageal disorders: disorders in the muscle functions, and disorders of the

esophageal tube, burning in the esophagus and in the chest;

 pulmonary fibrosis;

 congestive cardiac insuficiency;

 renal dysfunctions;

 Raynaud syndrome symptoms: spasms in the capillaries that vascularise the fingers
and the toes, the nose, the tongue and the ears; the areas inadequately vascularized
change their color into blue, white and then into red when they are exposed to very
low or very high temperatures, or when the patient undergoes very powerful emotions.

Causes and treatment

The pathological process of collagen proliferation is caused by a dysfunction in the

production of this protein. The production of collagen is done with the participation of the
thesaurus organs, except the heart, namely the liver, the lungs, the pancreas, the spleen and
the kidneys. The disorders in collagen production occur when the areas carrying out these
functions in the respective organs become non functional or work at low capacity, as a result
of a poor innervation and of a vascularisation too rich but with a low oxygen supply.

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

Therefore, treatment of scleroderma
involves a complex approach, because all the
thesaurus organs must be treated
simultaneously in order to break the vicious
circle of the disease. As an area in each organ
is regenerated, a symptom disappears,
similarly to the domino effect, until all the
manifestations are completely eliminated.
When the thesaurus organs restore their
function within optimum parameters and the
collagen production is normalized, the disease
is considered to be cured.




Acupuncture is a complex system of Five thousands years ago, a medical system

diagnosing, treatment and prevention of with undeniable results and efficiency
diseases. It holds a special place among developed in Tibet. The methods and
traditional therapies. Many theories try to techniques of the therapists of the age brought
explain the mechanisms by which a major contribution to the therapy system;
acupuncture helps the human body they differentiated from the traditional
regenerate and heal itself, in a miraculous methods of other cultures by certain particular
way in most of the cases. However, there is features.
no connection between its principles of
action and the anatomical structure of the In the Tibetan therapeutical practices, they
body or that of the nervous, circulatory or insert the needles in the palms in order to treat
lymphatic systems. the disorders and to restore the balance of the
body. Beside that, the Tibetans use one more
method with similar effects: the fingers are
brought together and sounds are made in a
certain rhythm that restores the energy of the
body primarily.

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

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