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Sensory Sensitivity and Food Selectivity in Children with Autism Spectrum


Article  in  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders · February 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s10803-017-3340-9


56 1,141

6 authors, including:

Linda Bandini Aviva Must

University of Massachusetts Medical School Tufts University


Sharon Cermak Carol Curtin

University of Southern California University of Massachusetts Medical School


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Food Selectivity and Sensory Sensitivity in

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

discussed. The need for an interdisciplinary approach to

ABSTRACT managing atypical eating patterns in children with au-
Autism spectrum disorders comprise a complex set of tism spectrum disorders is highlighted.
related developmental disorders that are characterized J Am Diet Assoc. 2010;110:238-246.
by impairments in communication, social interaction, and
repetitive behaviors. Impairments in sensory processing
are also extremely common. The prevalence of autism

arly childhood is a period when children experience
spectrum disorders is increasing and is currently esti- new foods, tastes, and textures. Parents of toddlers
mated to affect 1 in 150 children. Autism spectrum dis- and young children often describe their children as
orders are considered to be a major health and educa- “picky eaters” who refuse to try or eat a variety of foods.
tional problem, affecting many areas of daily living, Although picky eating is not uncommon among young
including eating. Children with autism spectrum disor- children who are typically developing, pickiness in chil-
ders are often described as picky or selective eaters. This dren with autism spectrum disorders may be even more
article provides a comprehensive narrative review of the restrictive and may extend beyond the early childhood
empirical literature over the last 25 years on food selec- period (1-3).
tivity and nutritional adequacy in children with autism Autism spectrum disorders are life-long neurodevelop-
spectrum disorders. The possible contributions of sensory mental disorders characterized by impairments in three
factors, such as sensory sensitivity, to food selectivity are domains of functioning: social behavior; communication
abilities; and restricted, repetitive, or stereotyped pat-
terns of behavior. Autism spectrum disorders currently
S. A. Cermak is a professor in the Division of Science affect 1 in 150 children in the United States (4), a prev-
and Occupational Therapy, University of Southern Cali- alence that has quadrupled in the last 20 years. The
fornia, Los Angeles; at the time of the writing of this ar- implications of this rise in prevalence is on the scale of an
ticle, she was the director of Occupational Therapy Train- epidemic, but as yet no definitive cause has been deter-
ing at the UMMS-Shriver Center Leadership Education mined, and the efficacy of specific interventions are not
in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Program, yet clear. Parents of children with autism spectrum dis-
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Waltham, orders report many challenges with children’s daily ac-
MA. C. Curtin is a research assistant professor in Fam- tivities, behavior, and communication. Parents also fre-
ily Medicine and Community Health at the University of quently express concern related to meal times.
Massachusetts Medical School—E. K. Shriver Center, Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
Waltham, MA. L. G. Bandini is an associate professor of often report that their children are highly selective eat-
pediatrics, University of Massachusetts Medical ers, with very restricted repertoires of food acceptance,
School—E. K. Shriver Center, Waltham, MA, and clini- which can be limited to as few as five foods. Management
cal professor, Department of Health Sciences, Boston of food selectivity and concerns about dietary adequacy
University, Boston, MA. have been found to be major reasons for referral of chil-
Address correspondence to: Sharon A. Cermak, EdD, dren for nutrition services (5). Picky eating, also referred
Division of Science and Occupational Therapy, Univer- to as food selectivity, is a considerable problem because it
sity of Southern California, 1540 Alcazar St, Los Ange- can be associated with inadequate nutrition as a result of
les, CA 90033. E-mail: the restricted diet (6-12).
Manuscript accepted: July 28, 2009. Despite considerable anecdotal evidence and case re-
Copyright © 2010 by the American Dietetic ports to support that food selectivity is a substantial
Association. problem in children with autism spectrum disorders, only
0002-8223/10/11002-0006$36.00/0 a few empirical studies have compared food intake and
doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2009.10.032 eating patterns of children with autism spectrum disor-

238 Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION © 2010 by the American Dietetic Association
ders to those of typically developing children or other Food Selectivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
clinical populations. Furthermore, food selectivity has not Studies examining food selectivity in children with au-
been operationally defined in a consistent manner and tism spectrum disorders included those with an autism
has been used to refer to picky eating, frequent food spectrum disorder group only, those with a typically de-
refusals, limited repertoires of foods, excessive intake of a veloping comparison group, and those with a comparison
few foods, and selective intake of certain food categories, group of children with other special needs. In the United
such as carbohydrates. In this narrative literature re- Kingdom, Cornish (6) examined the diets and weight
view, studies that have examined the phenomenon of food status of 17 children with autism spectrum disorders,
selectivity and nutritional intake in children with autism ages 3 to 10 years, and found that 10 of the 17 children
spectrum disorders are reviewed. Numerous anecdotal (59%) ate fewer than 20 different foods. In a survey sent
reports and autobiographies of individuals with autism to parents of 43 children and adolescents with autism
spectrum disorders suggest that sensory factors, such spectrum disorders 4 to 26 years about dental treatment,
as smell, texture, color, and temperature, can contrib- oral hygiene behavior, and nutrition, including food pref-
ute to food selectivity. Thus, we have included in our erences and eating patterns, Klein and Nowak (13) found
review the literature on sensory sensitivity in children that 53% of the participants were reported to be reluctant
with autism and explore how this may be an important to try new foods. Williams and colleagues (12) surveyed
dimension in understanding food selectivity. This arti- 100 parents of children with autism spectrum disorders
cle concludes with a discussion of the need to under- ages 22 months to 10 years; 67% of the parents reported
stand food selectivity in this population and the impor- that their child was a “picky eater,” despite the fact that
nearly three quarters (73%) reported that their child had
tance of an interdisciplinary approach in addressing
a good appetite for foods that they liked. This suggests
the needs of children who demonstrate substantial food
that picky eating is not associated with a lack of appetite.
The authors reported that the factors parents felt influ-
enced food selectivity were texture (69%), appearance
(58%), taste (45%), smell (36%), and temperature (22%).
METHODS The most frequently reported eating and oral behavior
The search used the electronic databases of Medline, problems were reluctance to try new foods (69%), resis-
Cinahl, PsychInfo, and Web of Science to locate pertinent tance to taking medicine (62%), eating too few foods
literature published in English in the last 25 years. In the (60%), mouthing objects (56%), and rituals surrounding
food selectivity and nutrient intake sections, search term eating (46%). Similarly, in a qualitative analysis of par-
combinations included a population term (eg, autism, au- ent reports of 100 children with autism spectrum disor-
tism spectrum disorder, Asperger, pervasive developmen- ders (79 children with autism, 21 with Asperger syn-
tal disorder) and a food-related term (eg, food, feeding, drome) ages 2 to 16 years, Whiteley and colleagues (14)
mealtime, selectivity, picky, eating, nutrient, nutrition). In found that 83% of parents reported that their child ate a
the sensory processing section, the population term was restricted repertoire of foods as their core diet. Physical
combined with a sensory term (eg, sensory, reactivity, texture or consistency of food was often cited as the un-
response, tactile, oral, gustatory, olfactory). Reference derlying factor in the choice of foods, although character-
lists of the articles obtained were manually searched for istics of food such as brand, product name, or packaging/
additional references. Studies with empirical data were wrapping, were also reported as determining factors.
included; single-subject intervention studies designed to Although these studies indicate that a high percentage of
modify eating behavior were not included, nor were case children with autism are selective eaters, lack of a com-
studies. A limited number of research studies on food parison group makes it difficult to tell whether these
selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders characteristics were more prevalent in children with au-
were identified. This included 12 articles, five without a tism spectrum disorders than in a sample of children
comparison group, four with a typical comparison group typically developing.
(two used the same sample), and three with a special Raiten and Massaro (10) published one of the first
studies designed to compare the dietary intakes of chil-
needs comparison group. An even more limited number of
dren with autism spectrum disorders and typically devel-
studies on nutritional status/diet adequacy in children
oping children. In their study of 40 children with autism
with autism spectrum disorders were identified; three
spectrum disorders and 34 typically developing children,
studies were identified that did not include a comparison the authors found that children with autism spectrum
group, and four studies included a control group with disorders were more likely to adhere to the same foods
typically developing peers. Of these studies, three exam- and to show more food preferences than their typically
ined both food selectivity and nutritional adequacy. Al- developing peers. However, no statistical analyses were
most all studies were based on food records, question- reported to indicate whether these differences were sig-
naires, or interviews involving parent report. Only one nificant.
study observed actual food intake in which the type of In a more recent and larger scale study, Schreck and
food was manipulated. Because of the small number of colleagues (15) compared food selectivity in 138 children
studies, all were included in the review. (See Tables 1 and with autism spectrum disorders and 298 typically devel-
2 for a summary of studies.) Parent and client reports oping controls, ages 7.0 to 9.5 years. Parents completed a
using books, Web sites, and contacts with individuals food preference inventory developed by the authors to
with autism were also examined to provide anecdotal assess the extent to which children ate a variety of foods.
reports to illustrate points. Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders re-

February 2010 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 239

Table 1. Summary of research on food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders
Author(s), year Participants Age (y) Method

Ahearn and colleagues, Autism and PDD-NOSc (n⫽30) 3-14 Laboratory-based

2001 (20)
Cornish, 1998 (6) ASDa (n⫽17) 3.6-9.9 3-day dietary recall; food frequency checklist
No comparison group
Dominick and colleagues, ASD (n⫽67) 4-14 Parent interview
2007 (19) Language-impaired (n⫽39)
Field and colleagues, ASD (n⫽26) 1 mo-12 y Retrospective chart review
2003 (17) DDb (n⫽225)
Klein and Nowak, 1999 ASD (n⫽43) 4-26 Parent survey
(13) No comparison group
Raiten and Massaro, ASD (n⫽40) ASD: 10.6⫾4.3d 7-day food record;
1986 (10) Typically developing (n⫽34) Typical: 8.8⫾4.8d Questionnaire to measure parental attitudes,
beliefs, and knowledge of nutrition
Schmitt and colleagues, ASD (n⫽20) 7-10 Parent questionnaire;
2008 (11) Typically developing (n⫽18) 3-day food record
Schreck and colleagues, ASD (n⫽138) 7-9.5 Food Preference Inventory;
2004 (15) Typically developing (n⫽298) Children’s Eating Behavior Inventory
Schreck and Williams, ASD (n⫽138) 4.4-12.6 Food Preference Inventory;
2006 (16) Children’s Eating Behavior Inventory
Whiteley and colleagues, ASD (n⫽100) 2.3-16.2 Parent report
2000 (14) No comparison group
Williams and colleagues, ASD (n⫽100) 1.8-10 Parent survey
2000 (12) No comparison group
Williams and colleagues, ASD (n⫽64) 2-12.4 Parent report;
2005 (18) DD (n⫽45) Food frequency questionnaire; 3-day food
Typically developing (n⫽69) record
ASD⫽autism spectrum disorders.
DD⫽developmental disability.
PPD-NOS⫽pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.
Mean⫾standard deviation.

ported that their children refused considerably more dren with autism spectrum disorders ate fewer types of
foods and had a less varied diet than did parents of foods than did other members of their family. However,
children without autism spectrum disorders. In addition, food preference (as defined by the number of different foods
the children with autism spectrum disorders were re- eaten) was also found to be related to the family’s food
ported to eat fewer foods within each food group category; preferences. In this study, as in the other studies described
in general, children with autism spectrum disorders ate here, food selectivity remained broadly defined, and food
about half the number of foods in each food group except texture was not defined.
starches, where they ate about two thirds the number of In a study to examine eating behaviors and nutrient
foods as typically developing children. Children with au- intakes of children with autism spectrum disorders,
tism spectrum disorders also were considerably more Schmitt and colleagues (11) asked the parents of 20 boys
likely to accept only low-texture foods, such as those that with autism spectrum disorders and 18 typically devel-
had been puréed. The authors concluded that children oping boys ages 7 to 10 years to complete a questionnaire
with autism spectrum disorders had a substantially on eating behaviors and food preferences and a 3-day food
greater degree of food selectivity than typically develop- record. Boys with autism spectrum disorders ate a con-
ing children. Using the same data set in a subsequent siderably smaller variety of foods than controls (17⫾6 vs
analysis, Schreck and colleagues (16) reported that most 22⫾6 during a 3-day period) and more often made their
of the restricted food intake in children with autism food choices based on texture than did the boys in the
spectrum disorders could be attributed to food presenta- control group. Seventy percent of children with autism
tion, such as different food items touching on a plate or chose their food based on texture, compared to 11% of
specific utensil requirements. Across all food groups, chil- children without autism. In addition, parents of boys with

240 February 2010 Volume 110 Number 2

Table 2. Summary of research examining nutritional adequacy of dietary intake in children with autism spectrum disorders
Author(s), year Participants Age (y) Method

Cornish, 1998 (6) ASD (n⫽17) 3.6-9.9 3-day dietary recall; food frequency checklist
No comparison group
Herndon and colleagues, ASD (n⫽46) 2.5-8 3-day food record
2009 (8) Typically developing (n⫽31)
Ho and Eaves, 1997 (21) ASD (n⫽54) 13.3c 3-day food record
No comparison group
Levy and colleagues, ASD (n⫽52) 3-8 3-day food record
2007 (22) No comparison group
Lockner and colleagues, ASD (n⫽20) 3-5 3-day food record
2008 (9) Typically developing (n⫽20)
Raiten and Massaro, ASDa (n⫽40) ASD: 10.6⫾4.3b 7-day food record
1986 (10) Typically developing (n⫽34) Typical: 8.8⫾4.8b Questionnaire on attitudes and beliefs about
nutritional knowledge
Schmitt and colleagues, ASD (n⫽20) 7-10 Questionnaire
2008 (11) Typically developing (n⫽18) 3-day food record
ASD⫽autism spectrum disorder.
Mean⫾standard deviation.
Mean age.

autism spectrum disorders reported having greater diffi- data by food group and did not appear to assess the
culty getting their child to eat. Boys with autism spec- numbers of different foods independent of food group that
trum disorders also had a particular aversion to mushy the child ate. Furthermore, all the children studied were
food. However, the authors did not provide any specific referred for selective eating; therefore, it cannot be deter-
information on how they categorized food to determine mined whether picky eating is more common in children
variety or how they defined mushy foods because the with autism spectrum disorders.
sensory characteristics of “mushy” food are not clear. In Using a parent interview, Dominick and colleagues (19)
addition, there were no diagnostic criteria for autism; it studied the prevalence of atypical behavior, including
was determined by parental report. atypical eating behavior, in 67 children with autism spec-
Several studies have compared food selectivity in chil- trum disorders and 39 children with a history of language
dren with autism spectrum disorders to that of children disorders, ages 4 to 14 years. Atypical eating behavior
in other clinical populations. In a retrospective chart was defined as food refusal, selectivity, or unusual behav-
review of 349 children ages 1 month to 12 years referred iors or rituals associated with mealtimes. In the sample of
for a feeding evaluation (225 had developmental disabil- children with autism spectrum disorders, more than
ities, 26 had autism spectrum disorders), Field and col- three quarters showed atypical eating behavior, com-
leagues (17) found that the prevalence of food selectivity pared with only 16% of the children with a history of
by type of food was considerably higher for children with language disorders. Sixty-three percent of the children
autism spectrum disorders than the other children in the with autism spectrum disorders were reported to eat a
study. However, information was obtained from a chart restricted range of foods. More than 30% of parents of
review based on interdisciplinary team evaluations and children with autism spectrum disorders reported that
medical records, but no specific information was provided their child showed a preference for food based on tex-
on how assessments were made. tures. Problems were reported to have begun in the first
In another study on food selectivity in children with year of life, with almost all the children demonstrating
autism spectrum disorders and other developmental dis- these behaviors before age 3 years. At the time of the
abilities, Williams and colleagues (18) conducted a review study, 88% of children continued to have atypical eating
of 178 children with and without developmental disabil- problems, indicative of a persistent problem.
ities, ages 2 to 12 years, referred to a feeding program for Whereas the studies reported above all were based on
selective eating. The sample included three groups: typ- parent report, Ahearn and colleagues (20) conducted a
ically developing (n⫽69), autism spectrum disorders laboratory-based observational study of food acceptance
(n⫽64), and other special needs (n⫽45). The evaluation in 30 children, ages 3 to 14 years, with autism or perva-
incorporated a food frequency questionnaire that asked sive developmental disorder not otherwise specified. Chil-
parents to report how many foods their child had eaten dren were seen for six separate sessions during which
and also included a 3-day food record. The authors did not time their acceptance of 12 foods from four different cat-
find differences between groups in the types or variety of egories of food (ie, fruit, vegetable, starch, or protein) was
foods consumed. However, the authors categorized their assessed. Each session consisted of six consecutive pre-

February 2010 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 241

sentations of each of four food items, one from each cat- portion of children with autism spectrum disorders was
egory. One of the four foods was offered in a pureed form. below the EAR for vitamin A.
Food acceptance was determined and categorized as low, In contrast, Cornish (6) reported inadequate nutrient
moderate, or high, depending upon the number of bites of intakes in children with autism based on a 3-day dietary
food the child took. Food selectivity was classified as recall and a food frequency checklist. Nine of 17 children
overselective, moderately selective, or mildly selective, with autism (53%) had intakes that were below the rec-
based on bites accepted within a food group. There was ommended intake for one or more nutrients. There was
also an additional category for texture selectivity. Seven- an inverse relationship between variety and nutritional
teen of the children were categorized as having low food adequacy; as the daily variety decreased, the number of
acceptance, and 17 were categorized as being selective for nutrient intakes that fell below the recommended
either food type or texture. The authors reported that the amount increased. Intake of protein, vitamin A, thiamin,
findings were significant based on a ␹2 analysis. These vitamin B-12, folic acid, sodium, potassium, magnesium,
findings support the hypothesis that food selectivity is phosphorous, and copper were determined to be adequate
high in children with autism spectrum disorders. The for all children. Inadequate intakes of iron, vitamin D,
authors point out that food was offered as bites rather vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin, and zinc were found in one
than servings, which may have altered acceptance. In or more children. The majority of children did not con-
addition, four children refused all foods presented during sume adequate amounts of fruit and vegetables, but 94%
the assessment; however, these children were reported to of the children ate foods on a daily basis that the authors
accept at least two of the food items at other times. It was considered to be in the “fatty” and “sugary” food groups.
suggested that this discrepancy may have been the result Two other studies collected 3-day food records in groups
of a new environment with unfamiliar staff and an un- of children with autism spectrum disorders. Ho and
usual feeding procedure. Eaves (21) reported low calcium intake in their sample;
The studies described here indicate that food selectivity however, limited conclusions can be drawn from their
is a significant problem for many children with autism data because the overall number of children for whom
spectrum disorders. However, the lack of a clear defini- calcium intake was inadequate was not reported. Infor-
tion of food selectivity, the small numbers of children in mation was also lacking on the intake of other micronu-
most of the studies, and the lack of a control group make trients. Levy and colleagues (22) only reported on the
it difficult to draw conclusions regarding the magnitude macronutrient content of children’s diets which was
and impact of the problem. found to be adequate in almost all the children. A sub-
stantial number of children also had a high protein in-
take. They provided no information on the micronutrient
Food Selectivity and Nutritional Adequacy content of the diets.
Restricted intakes of food can lead to nutritional insuffi- In a recent study to examine nutritional intake be-
ciency if the types and variety of foods remain restricted. tween children with autism spectrum disorders and typ-
This makes food selectivity a potential health risk. How- ically developing children, Herndon and colleagues (8)
ever, despite the widespread concern over food selectivity used a 3-day food record and found that a large number of
in children with autism spectrum disorders, only a few both children with autism spectrum disorders and typi-
studies have actually assessed the nutritional adequacy cally developing children consumed less than the recom-
of these children’s diets and they have revealed mixed mended dietary intakes for several nutrients, including
findings. Two of the studies that reported a high degree of calcium, iron, vitamins D and E, and fiber. Children with
food selectivity in children with autism also assessed the autism spectrum disorders were also found to have
nutrient adequacy of the children’s diet. Raiten and Mas- higher intakes of vitamins B-6 and E and lower intakes of
saro (10) analyzed a 7-day diet record for 40 children with calcium than typically developing children. When the
autism spectrum disorder and 34 typically developing analysis excluded children on gluten-free/casein-free di-
children. They also assessed caregivers’ perceptions of ets, these differences were no longer significant, except
their children’s eating habits and clustered these into the for higher vitamin B-6 intake in the children with autism
categories of sameness, specific eating behaviors, and spectrum disorders.
specific food preferences. Despite the fact that there were In summary, results of studies of nutrient intake of
higher numbers of children with autism spectrum disor- children with autism spectrum disorders have produced
ders in each cluster, they found no difference in the ade- conflicting results, with different studies indicating that
quacy of the nutrient intakes between the two groups. the nutrient intakes of children with autism are below,
However, overall adequacy of the diet based on nutrient above, or the same as children without autism spectrum
needs was not provided. disorders. Several studies have compared the intakes of
In a small study, Schmitt and colleagues (11) compared children with autism spectrum disorders to dietary stan-
the nutrient intake of 20 boys with autism and 18 con- dards, but they did not include a control group, so it was
trols 7 to 10 years of age using a 3-day food diary. There not possible to consider what was unique to autism spec-
was no difference in nutrient intake between the two trum disorder. Even more importantly, most studies did
groups, although as noted earlier, the eating behaviors not compare children with autism spectrum disorders
differed among the boys with autism spectrum disorders with and without food selectivity, so it was not possible to
and the controls. In another small study of children ages determine whether food selectivity placed children at
3 to 5 years with and without autism spectrum disorders, risk.
Lockner and colleagues (9) found that most children met Various factors, such as changing definitions of autism
the EARs for selected nutrients. However, a greater pro- spectrum disorders and parental dietary restrictions,

242 February 2010 Volume 110 Number 2

such as gluten-free/casein-free diets, can influence cur- showing both under- and overresponsivity. Baranek and
rent findings such that it is not clear if differences be- colleagues (32) reported similar findings in a sample of
tween children with autism spectrum disorders are a children ages 2 to 7 years with autism spectrum disor-
result of parental dietary restrictions or to food selectiv- ders, although the prevalence was somewhat lower (63%
ity. Determining nutritional risk of this population is underresponsiveness, 56% overresponsiveness, and 38%
essential to developing strategies to maximize health. both overresponsiveness and underresponsiveness). In a
Similarly, examining data for individual children is crit- recent meta-analysis, Ben-Sasson and colleagues (33) re-
ical given the high variability within this population. viewed results from 14 studies (of 97 potential studies
identified), 13 of which included a comparison group of
Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sensory Sensitivity, and Food typically developing children and four of which included a
Selectivity comparison group of children with developmental disabil-
Various factors can contribute to food selectivity and a ities. The meta-analysis found substantial between-group
number of explanations have been proposed (14). One of (autism spectrum disorder:comparison) differences. Mean
these factors relates to sensory sensitivity (also referred effect sizes across studies was high and significant, with the
to as sensory defensiveness or sensory overresponsivity). majority of 42 individual effect sizes Cohen’s d⬎.81, in-
Ayres (23) first described sensory defensiveness in the dicating that children with autism spectrum disorders
tactile domain (tactile defensiveness) in some children were much more likely to have sensory processing chal-
with learning and behavioral disorders. She described lenges than children without autism spectrum disorders.
tactile defensiveness as an overreaction to certain expe- Overall, research indicates that sensory issues are ex-
riences of touch, often resulting in an observable aversion tremely common in children with autism spectrum disor-
or negative behavioral response to certain tactile stimuli ders. In fact, some researchers have argued that atypical
that most people would find innocuous. For example, sensory processing should be one of the diagnostic criteria
children who show tactile defensiveness often have diffi- of autism spectrum disorders (26,34). Sensory issues are
culty being cuddled and pull away from touch. It is pos- seen in very young children, seem to persist, and are seen
sible that early tactile sensitivity may contribute to some across a range of severity of autism spectrum disorders.
of the sensory feeding issues, such as difficulty with food
textures, seen in children with autism spectrum disor- Effects of Sensory Sensitivity on Eating
ders. Many researchers as well as individuals with autism
Early descriptive research identified the problem of spectrum disorders have suggested that there is a link
tactile defensiveness in children with autism spectrum between the sensory processing problems that a person
disorders, although they did not use that terminology. experiences and difficulties managing daily life (25,35-37).
Ornitz and Ritvo (24) described behaviors in children Eating is one of the areas of daily life activities that may be
with autism spectrum disorders that were characterized negatively affected by sensory aversions (1,3,12,29,38,39).
by the inability to tolerate certain tactile materials, such Oral defensiveness, which may be a component of tactile
as woolen blankets or clothes that came in contact with defensiveness, is defined as an avoidance of certain textures
their skin. In his initial description of children with As- of food and avoidance of activities using the mouth, such as
perger syndrome, Hans Asperger (1944, cited in [25]) also toothbrushing. Tactile defensiveness and oral defensiveness
described the sensory over- and undersensitivities in this may be part of a larger problem in modulating sensory
population. Numerous individuals with autism spectrum input, which can take different forms. Oral overresponsive-
disorders and their families have identified atypical pro- ness (defensiveness) may result in difficulty with food tex-
cessing of sensory information (26). Recent research has tures and, therefore, food selectivity. Oral underresponsive-
reported a high prevalence of sensory processing disor- ness, in which the child does not appear to adequately
ders in children across the autism spectrum and at vari- perceive sensations, may result in the child overstuffing his
ous ages. For example, Leekam and colleagues (27) re- or her mouth. Oral-seeking behavior may result in the child
ported that in a sample of 200 children with autism putting everything in his or her mouth for the purposes of
spectrum disorders, ⬎90% had sensory abnormalities oral stimulation. Such concerns can be seen in multiple
and sensory symptoms and that these occurred in multi- sensory modalities, such as hearing, vision, taste, smell, and
ple domains. In particular, the proximal domains of touch touch. Of particular interest in this article is sensory over-
and smell/taste distinguished autism and nonautism responsivity, which can result in a child being a “picky” or
groups. Dunn and colleagues (28) examined the differ- selective eater.
ences between children with Asperger syndrome and typ- Smith and colleagues (40) studied children ages 3 to 10
ically developing children and found differences on al- years with and without tactile defensiveness who did not
most all (96%) of the items on the Sensory Profile (29), a have autism. Using the Sensory Profile (29), the authors
parent questionnaire that assesses children’s responses reported that children who showed tactile defensiveness
to every day sensory activities. Rogers and colleagues (30) had significant differences in eating habits and food
reported that both children with autism spectrum disor- choices as compared to children who scored in the normal
ders and children with Fragile X syndrome had more range. The children with tactile defensiveness were re-
sensory sensitivity symptoms than children with other ported to have a fair to poor appetite, hesitated to eat
developmental disabilities or typically developing chil- unfamiliar foods, did not eat at other people’s houses, and
dren. Ben-Sasson and colleagues (31) examined young refused certain foods because of smell and temperature.
children and found that toddlers with autism spectrum They also were resistant to eating vegetables, with over-
disorders showed high frequency of underresponsivity all vegetable consumption being half that of children
(89%) and overresponsivity (75%), with 67% of the group without tactile defensiveness. Children with tactile de-

February 2010 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 243

fensiveness also were reported to gag and/or bite their Implications for Practice
inner lips and cheeks. Furthermore, these children showed Evidence to date suggests that food selectivity is a fre-
more limited selection of foods and had a pronounced aver- quently occurring problem in children with autism spec-
sion toward textures, smells, and temperatures of food trum disorders and that their unusual eating patterns
compared to children who did not show tactile defensive- may be a significant stressor for their families (1,44).
ness. This study suggested that food selectivity is not a Some literature suggests that the diets of children with
unique characteristic of autism per se, but may reflect autism spectrum disorders are nutritionally inadequate,
sensory defensiveness. although these findings are mixed. Moreover, research
It has been suggested that sensory sensitivity may lead indicates that sensory sensitivity is frequently seen in
children with autism spectrum disorders to restrict their children with autism spectrum disorders and may ex-
intake to food of preferred, tolerable, and manageable plain their difficulty with food textures, smells, and
textures (1,3,12,17,20). In the studies described here, the tastes and may contribute to development of food selec-
texture of foods was consistently identified as a related tivity. Greater insight into the factors that give rise to
aspect of food acceptance, suggesting that sensory sensi- eating difficulties is important because it allows for the
tivity may be a contributing factor to food selectivity. design of more focused interventions.
Attwood (25) pointed out that the resistance to eating Feeding problems are complex and often multifactorial.
certain types of food may relate to texture or smell. For Complex problems are often best addressed using an in-
example, olfactory overresponsivity may result in a per- terdisciplinary approach. In the case of children with
autism spectrum disorders who are displaying highly se-
son becoming highly uncomfortable in the school cafete-
lective eating patterns, interventions might be devised
ria, being bothered by the smells of other children’s foods.
using the input of a registered dietitian (RD), an occupa-
In describing the effects of food textures, Stephen Shore tional therapist, and a behavioral psychologist. Children
(41), an adult with high-functioning autism, wrote: with food selectivity are often first referred to an RD for
Canned asparagus was intolerable due to its slimy tex- help with eating and nutrition. Parents are often con-
ture, and I didn’t eat tomatoes for a year after a cherry cerned that their child is not eating a nutritionally ade-
tomato had burst in my mouth while I was eating it. The quate diet. Because sensory issues are so common in
sensory stimulation of having that small piece of fruit children with autism spectrum disorders and may influ-
explode in my mouth was too much to bear and I was not ence feeding and family meal times, it is important for
going to take any chances of that happening again. (p. 44) RDs to talk with families about children’s responses to
Carrots in a green salad and celery in tuna fish salad different types of sensory input, particularly tactile/tex-
are still intolerable to me because of the contrast in tex- ture, gustatory, and olfactory input. If it appears that
ture between carrots or celery and salad or tuna fish is too sensory issues are a concern, the child can be referred to
great. However, I enjoy eating celery and baby carrots by an occupational therapist for an evaluation of sensory
themselves. (p. 44)
processing. The occupational therapist will typically in-
Such narrative descriptions are supported by the pa- terview the parent and can administer a parent question-
rental reports described previously in this article (12,14). naire, such as The Sensory Profile (29), which includes a
In addition to the relation between food selectivity and section on oral sensitivity.
sensory sensitivity, it is also possible that the meal-time If sensory sensitivity contributes to the child’s food
behavior problems frequently seen in children with au- selectivity, this can be targeted by multiple approaches.
tism spectrum disorders can reflect problems with sen- Occupational therapists can help parents understand
sory sensitivity. Leekam and colleagues (27) suggested that the child’s seemingly uncooperative behavior and
that particular sensory inputs can cause behavior prob- limited food repertoire may actually be the result of sen-
lems in individuals with autism spectrum disorders who sory sensitivities that can cause great discomfort, and
are unable to describe their distress. Of importance is the that the child’s food refusals may reflect an attempt to
finding that sensory-based feeding issues create in- cope or compensate for this discomfort (38,41). The RD
creased stress and negatively affect family meal times can identify whether nutritional intake is adequate and
and quality of life (1,42-44). Fiese and Schwartz (45) can work with parents and occupational therapists to
identify alternative foods or alternative food preparation
emphasized the importance of meal times because it is
strategies to yield different sensory characteristics that
the primary daily activity that families share as a group
will provide adequate intake of nutrients. Nutritional
and highlighted the importance of a positive family cli-
assessment is essential to the rest of the team members’
mate during meal times. Child behavior problems during understanding of how urgent the problem is and what
meal times increase family stress and are disruptive to interventions are needed. The initial assessment should
the family climate. include anthropometric measures (ie, height and weight)
In summary, research and clinical observations indi- and comparison to age- and sex-associated reference data
cate that food selectivity is a major problem in children to see how well the child is growing. Considerable variation
with autism spectrum disorders. One of the consistent in growth from established reference norms may be related
themes in the food selectivity literature relates to food to nutritional inadequacy. The degree of under- or over-
textures. It is possible that sensory sensitivity experi- nutrition should be categorized and monitored.
enced by many children with autism spectrum disorders Use of food records and/or 24-hour diet recalls can help
may contribute to their difficulty with food texture and provide information on the total intake profile to guide
resultant food selectivity. Further research is needed to determination of at-risk nutrients (eg, calories, micro-,
inform appropriate interventions. and macronutrients). Nutrition support may be needed in

244 February 2010 Volume 110 Number 2

the form of vitamin and mineral supplementation. This clude carefully characterized participants so that the
may be especially true when the child is a selective eater phenomenon of food selectivity across the spectrum of
and is on a specific diet, such as a gluten-free, casein-free autistic disorders can be understood.
diet. The RD can also suggest ways to enrich the diet so
that every bite contributes to nutritional adequacy in the STATEMENT OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST:
child’s diet. While working on increasing the acceptable No potential conflict of interest was reported by the au-
foods, nutrition counseling is critical. thors.
Programs and strategies also can be developed to re- FUNDING/SUPPORT: This study was supported in
duce the child’s sensory defensiveness (43). For example, part by a grant from the National Institutes of Health
occupational therapy using a sensory integration ap- (NIH), National Institute of Health and Child Devel-
proach can provide activities that incorporate deep touch opment (NIH grants R21 HD048989 and HRSA 2
pressure and proprioception, which have been reported to T73MC00056).
decrease sensory defensiveness (46,47). The therapist can ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We gratefully acknowledge
also develop social stories (48), sensory stories (49,50), Melissa Maslin for assistance with the preparation of this
mealtime stories (51), or written charts (1) to help pre- manuscript.
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246 February 2010 Volume 110 Number 2

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