Cấu trúc too..to - VÕ DUY NGỌC

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TOO… TO: Quá… đến nỗi không thể

1.Định nghĩa,cấu trúc

 Cấu trúc “Too… to” dùng để chỉ điều gì đó quá khả năng hoặc quá mức cần
thiết. Câu có cấu trúc này luôn mang nghĩa phủ định.
 Công thức too to có 2 vị trí trong câu khác nhau, phụ thuộc vào loại từ tiếng Anh
đứng phía sau nó. Dưới đây là 2 dạng của cấu trúc too to khi đi với trạng từ hoặc
tính từ:
Đối với tính từ Đối với trạng từ


+ TO V + TO V

Ví dụ: The shoes are too small for me to wear Ví dụ: The teacher talks too fast for
-She is too young to drive that car. students to understand
-He’s too fat to be a model. -Mouse runs too quickly for cat
to keep up.
-The man drove too fast for
police to pursue

2. Một số lưu ý khi sử dụng cấu trúc Too…to

 Nếu trước tính từ, trạng từ có các trạng từ như too, so, very, quite,
extremely… thì khi chuyển sang cấu trúc Too … to phải bỏ những
trạng từ đó đi.

Ví dụ:
The coffee was very hot. I couldn’t drink it.
⟹ The coffee was too hot for me to drink.

Nếu chủ ngữ 2 câu giống nhau thì lược bỏ phần for Sb.
Ví dụ:
He is so weak. He can’t run.
⟹ He is too weak to run.
 Nếu chủ ngữ câu đầu giống với tân ngữ câu sau thì phải bỏ tân
ngữ câu sau khi chuyển sang cấu trúc Too…to
Ví dụ:
The tea was too hot. I couldn’t drink it.
⟹ The tea was too hot for me to drink. ĐÚNG
The tea was too hot for me to drink it. SAI

Lưu ý:

Chúng ta có thể Enough để thay thế cho too to với ý nghĩa tương đương.
Hai cấu trúc này thường được dùng để viết lại câu, nối 2 câu lại với nhau,
hay biến đổi những thành phần cần thiết để chuyển câu dùng với Too
thành câu dùng với từ.

Ví dụ:
 The piano is very heavy. Nobody can lift it.
 The piano is too heavy (for us) to lift.
 The piano is not light enough to lift.

I.Sử dụng cấu trúc too to và enough to.

1. He wasn’t heavy ______ Become a navy soldier.

2. I’m _____busy _____ eat with you tonight.
3. The Shirt isn’t good _____.
4. He’s not patient ______ be a doctor.
5. It’s 1 pm. It’s _____ late _____ the museum.
6. He couldn’t run fast _____ catch the bus.
7. It’s nice _____ go outside.
8. We have ______ seats for all people here.
9. She’s _____ busy _____ come up to our party tonight.
10. We haven’t _____ people _____ form four groups.
11. Anna is _____ young _____ drive a car.
12. There is _____ flour _____ make thirty loads of bread.
13. we were _____ far away _____ turn around.
14. The cellar was _____ dark for him _____ see.
15. The tea is _____ cold for me _____ drink.
II.Sử dụng Too hoặc Enough để hoàn thành câu:
1. (tall) He wasn’t ………….. to become a flight attendant.
2. (busy) I’m afraid I’m …………. to talk you now.
3. (good) The paper isn’t …………..
4. (patience) I haven’t got …………. to be a teacher.
5. (late) It’s 10 pm. It’s …………. to the cinema.
6. (enough) She couldn’t run …………. to catch the bus.
7. (warm) It’s not …………. to go out.
8. (chairs) We don’t have …………. for all students here.
9. (busy) She’s …………. trying to come up in our party tonight.
10. (people) We have …………. to form three groups.
11. (young) Jim is …………. to drive motorcycle.
12. No more workouts. That’s …………. for today.
13. (flour) There isn’t …………. to make fifty loads of bread.
14. (far away) We were …………. to heard what he was saying.
15. (dark) The forest is …………. that he can’t see anything.
16. (English) He doesn’t know …………. to talk to foreigner.
17. (food and drink) There was …………. for about twenty people.
18. (hot) The tea is …………. for me to drink.
19. (big) Is this box …………. for all those things?
20. (shy) I’m …………. to talk to him.

IV.Viết lại câu với too…to

1. The bag was very heavy. She couldn't carry it.

2. He is very old. He can't run.
3. She is very young. She can't go to school.
4. Tom is very short. He can't play volleyball.
5. It's very late. We can't go to the movies.
6. The question was very hard. We couldn't answer it.
7. The TV program is very exciting. The children won't miss it.
8. You're very young. You can't drive that car.
9. She was tired. She didn't go anywhere.
10. These shoes are very small. I can't wear them

III.Viết lại câu theo Enough và too…to

1. He is too old to wear this colored shirt.

2. She is too weak to carry this box.
3. This pen is too expensive for me to buy.
4. Bill was too stupid to understand what I had said.
5. This bag is too heavy for her to carry.
6. The test was too difficult for them to do.
7. I'm too poor to help you with the money.
8. This book is too dull to read.
9. The room is too dark for us to study.
10. The shelf is too high for her to reach.
1The water is very cold. The children can not swim.

2You are very young. You can not get marrid.

3 .The bag is very heavy. I can't carry it


4.. It rains very heavily. We can't go out.


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