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Matric Number : 2020840536
Faculty / Group : AP2293B

Speech Title : The Importance of Saving Money

Organisational Pattern : Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Visual Aid : PowerPoint Slides
General Purpose : To persuade
Specific Purpose : To persuade my audience to save money
Central Idea : There a lot of importance of saving money that could help us
in the future.


I. Let’s look at this picture. I am pretty sure that you guys must be ever heard about this
quote. What can you imagine from this one?
A. This is a really sad truth.
B. Financial awareness and literation are the issues that happened among
C. Saving is an essential for a better wealth management, but most of Malaysians
are not at their best on this front.
II. I have done some research about this topic that based on the article The Stars (Sad
truth about financial standing), and the result is quite shocked.
A. More than 90% Malaysia peoples in rural household have zero saving
B. While in urban household, 86% facing the same thing.
III. So, why we need to change our mind set to increase our literacy about saving money?
A. Saving money is an unspent value that put aside from the main income of a
1. Saving money is important as it could save us in the future
2. Money can buy love.
3. Nowadays, most of the people either man or woman are looking for
their life partner with financial stable for a good marriage and life
IV. So, everyone, today I would like to persuade all of you to save money because it has a
lot of importance and benefits for ourself

(Transition: Now, let’s start with the importance of saving money)


I. Well, everyone, let me tell you why we need to save money.

A. Saving money for the use during emergency
1. We cannot predict our future. Sometimes, inevitable event or incident
could happen to us.
2. So, it is very important to have saving in order to dealing with the
emergency situation.
a. A survey conducted by Bank Negara found out that over 75% of
Malaysians having problem in raise RM1000 during emergency
b. As the solutions, they tend to cut down on spending, loans from
family or friends and depend on credit lines.
c. The emergency event might be unexpected repair on car, medical
bills, or losing job. The saving could be the funding or temporary
tie up dependant before found new job.
B. Another importance of saving money is preparation for our retirement
1. From the first day of your job, you must already practice long term
financial planning including preparing for your retirement later.
a. The sooner we start saving for retirement, the less we will have
to save in the future. In the moment before retirement, we
already ready for it with the sufficient saving for after working
2. A survey from Bank Negara showed, only 40% Malaysians are
consider prepared for their retirement saving.
a. We must realise that on our retirement day, we would not receive
any monthly salary, bonus and allowance anymore.
b. Without sufficient retirement saving, we will definitely need to
face many problems after that.

(Transition: The difficult things about saving money is to get started. So, there are some
practical tips and ways to save money.)

II. There are several ways to save money.

A. Cancel and terminate any media subscriptions and memberships
1. If you are subscribers to Netflix, Viu, Iflix, Spotify,HBO or Prime
Video, it is great moments to terminate and only remain the most
regular use only.
2. If you want to keep subscribe, change to family account or sharing
a. Monthly subscriptions on sharing accounts will be cheaper and
will save your money.
b. Lots of streaming apps such as Netflix offers sharing
c. With that way, you still got your leisure entertainment and it
also worth for your money
B. Record your expenses
1. Start with figure out on how much you spend on daily, weekly and
a. Track your kind and types of expenses.
b. As examples, expenses for groceries, transportation,
entertainment, internet and so on.
c. Trace the accuracy and tally of the expenses with account
statements and money left in your wallet
2. From the previous expenses, set up the budget and where you can cut
the cost for the next month
a. Set the limit of expenses of certain items
b. As example, only eat at fast food restaurant twice a month
rather than three times on the previous month.

(Transition: So, imagine if you do not save money. What will happen?)

III. Well, let me tell you the danger and consequences of not saving money for your
A. You would not be able to reward yourself, even your family and partner.
1. You cannot bring your family to holiday due to insufficient budget
2. Spend your holiday expenses with credit card just will burden yourself
B. Lack of Self-Discipline
1. Saving habit will improve your overall self-discipline on expending
2. When you lack of self-discipline, you will be affected by impulsive
spending and resulted bad financial life.


I. As a conclusion, “Money is not everything but everything needs money”

II. Train ourself to be more disciplined in saving habits
III. In order to prepare a good financial and wealth management plan, there is no luck,
magic or shortcuts.
IV. Education and good financial literacy are the key to improve our knowledge,
ability and skills in managing finance.
V. Start saving now for a better life and future.

Bank of America. (2020). 8 simple ways to save money. Retrieved from Bank of America:
Buchenau, Z. (2018). The Dangers Of Not Saving Money. Retrieved from Be The Budget:
Caldwell, M. (2020, June). the balanace. Retrieved from Top 7 Reasons to Save Your
ramsey, d. (2020, September 3). How to Save Money: 20 Simple Tips. Retrieved from
SHAH, S. Z. (2018, September 12). Sad truth about financial standing. Retrieved from The

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