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Personal Summary
Here is my background and relevance in Engineering, My
background education is Diploma Degree of Petroleum Engineering. I
I have a good attitude, be able to adapt, great team-work, high
integrity, dicipline , responsible, profesional, able to work under
pressure, strong loyality for a company and I have strong willingness
to learn more which could enhanced and expand my skill to meet
your company expectation or goals.

Contact Detail Work Experience

Tender Specialist & Operational
Mobile: PT Sumber Data Persada| December 2020 - Present
- Manage activities related to Procurement and Tender Process incl.
administrative, technical and commercial proposal.
- Familiar with Standar Bid Document & PTK 007
Email: - Manage budgeting calculation, negotiation and communication for client. Handle Operational project like representative, invoicing materials
Material Man Mud Services
Dart Energy Muralim PTE.Ltd (SDP Mudservices ) | February 2021 -
Jalan Gadog, Sukamaju, Kec.
Megamendung, Bogor West Java, May 2021
- Prepared inventory list for items and check all the Mud Material
Indonesia, 16770
- Follow up with material coordinator to receive the material in time. To attend
cargo in time for receiving & sending client material as well as our material with
proper cargo manifest

Languages -Managing Rig Inventory and maintain required stock levels and records
Laboratory Assistant of Geology At Oil and Gas Academy Balongan
Spoken Balongan Oil and Gas Academy | February 2018 - January 2019
- Familiar with analyzing igneus rocks, sedementary rocks and metamorph rocks
- Able to interprate compass useliness
- Created all of the practican schedule
Fluent English - Having a good coordinate with the lecturer
School Attended
Training & Balongan Oil And Gas Academy
Diploma Degree of Petroleum Engineering
Courses Petroleum Engineering major graduated at 2020 with GPA 3.32 / 4.00
- KMI event delegates become safety induction at Hotel Salak
EP 2021

7 Senior High School Bogor

FLUID (MUD101) ENERKA 2021 Scholar | 3rd Year High School Student
- Science major expertise senior high scool graduated at 2017
- Delegation Of Bogor high school music art competition 2016 At 6 Senior High
School Bogor
- 3rd Winner Music art competition at YPHB Festival 2016
- Vice President of the Art 7 Senior High School Bogor

- The ability in petroleum engineering (Drilling Engineering, Fluid Mechanics,
Reservoir Mechanics, Formation Evaluation, Well Control, Geology
Interpretation, Field Management, Production Engineering).

- Responsibility to handling Drilling fluids Operational on site, ensure that

Drilling Fluids System are correctly formulated and meet specification at all
time, Maintenance Drilling Fluids properties as per specs, Check inventory
Materials, provite Daily Mud Report and Final Report

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