Capsule Proposal Template: Working Title

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Capsule Proposal Template

Working Title



This study is important to the learners for them to achieve a higher level of mastery. It also

provides an avenue for them to enjoy while learning through the use of active play and modern

technology. Environmental awareness among learners will also be focused. It also helps the teacher to

impart learning the easier and most convenient way. The classroom will be livelier and learners will be

more active participants of learning. School administrators and other teachers may adopt the

innovative project to be applied in other learning areas.

Literature Review
From the above concerns, the researcher becomes interested in applying innovative

strategies in teaching science through the Project ACTION (Using Active play to Concretize ideas and

Technology-based Instruction in Overcoming difficulties with focus on Nature awareness) to

accelerate the science proficiency level of grade 7 learners.

Originally, active plays are intended for pre-school children for them to use their high energies

in exploring their abilities (Clark, 2014). Sattelmair and Ratey (2015) concluded that there is abundant

evidence that regular physical activity benefits the brains and bodies of school-aged children. Howie

and Pat (2016) also reported that the overall findings continue to be positive; as physical activity (PA)

increases, cognitive function and academic achievement generally increase. However, as observed by

the researcher, even high school learners are also very energetic; they love to play and explore. With

this observed characteristics, lessons with active play may boost their academic performance too.

Putting together active play and technology-based instruction in one supplementary teaching

material (STM) is perceived to accelerate performance and let learners explore nature and be

concerned on its preservation.

Research Problem
Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the proficiency levels of control and experimental group of learners in science

based on the second quarter pre-test and post test scores?

2. Is there a significant difference in the proficiency level of the control group and

experimental group in the pretest and posttest?

3. What are the general observations towards learning shown by control group of learners

before and after second quarter and the experimental group before and after employing Project


4. Is there a significant difference in the general observations towards learning shown by

control and experimental group of learners before and after employing Project ACTION?

5. What supplementary active play activities and technology-based instructions can be done

to improve science learning and to promote nature awareness?


DESIGN: This study is an experimental research which aims to propose solutions to the

current problems through the use of collected data that enables the researcher to describe

the situation and to apply an innovation to solve the observed problem.

ETHICAL CONSIDERATION: In the conduct of the study, ethical standards in writing a research

were observed. Then that the Data will be gathered handle with confidentiality. All necessary

measures will undertake to ensure the protection of human subjects. The researcher will

take full accountability in all actions related in the conduct and outcome of the study.

Problem, objective and design matrix/data gathering plan

Questions Data Gathering Method Expected Output

1.How to observe the Formal observation/ draft a Conceptualized the
learner’s behavior proposal for the observation proposal
towards learning?
2. How to determine the Give pre-test and post-test Identify and interpret the
proficiency level of level of proficiency of
learners? learners

Expected Output
The proficiency levels of the control and experimental groups will be based on their

performance in the pre-test and the post test. The 50-item pre-test will be given before

the second quarter and the post-test will be given after the second quarter. The test

content are based from the standards for the second quarter in Grade 7 science of the K to

12 curriculum.

The summary of performances will be based on the computed means and standard

deviation from the means.

Utilization Plan
After careful analysis of results, the researcher will publish the findings and provide

authorities with the feedbacks. The supplementary teaching material used will be shared to

Grade 7 teachers and continue developing the material for future use. Facebook will be used

in promoting enjoyable learning among learners and encourage other teachers and learners

to contribute and support ACTION for ALL Facebook Page.

Time Frame October 2021-December 2021s

Budget P 5,000.00

Proponent/s and Institutional partners : Proponent: Teacher Partners: Students

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